JewishGen Press Publications


Director – Joel Alpert

JewishGen Press (formerly the Yizkor-Books-in-Print Project) is now the publishing division of, and provides a venue for the publication of books pertaining to Jewish genealogy, history, culture, and heritage.


About the JewishGen Yizkor Book Project:

Yizkor Books (Memorial Books) were traditionally written to memorialize the names of departed family and martyrs during holiday services in the synagogue (a practice that still exists in many synagogues today).

Over the centuries, as a result of countless persecutions and horrific atrocities committed against the Jews, Yizkor Books (Sefer Zikaron in Hebrew) were expanded to include more historical information, such as biographical sketches of famous personalities and descriptions of daily town life.

Following the Holocaust, the idea of remembrance and learning took on an urgent and crucial importance. Survivors of the Holocaust sought out other surviving residents of their former towns to memorialize and document the names and way of life of those who were ruthlessly murdered by the Nazis. These remembrances were documented in Yizkor Books, hundreds of which were published in the first decades after the Holocaust.

Most of these books were published privately, or through landsmanshaftn (social organizations comprised of members originating from the same European town or region) that still existed, and were often distributed free of charge. Sadly, the languages used to document these crucial histories and links to our past, Yiddish and Hebrew, are no longer commonly understood by a significant percentage of Jews today. As a result, JewishGen has undertaken the sacred responsibility of translating these books into English so that the culture and way of life of these communities will be preserved and transmitted to future generations.

In 1986, a group of farsighted JewishGenners started a project to pool their efforts together in groups based upon their ancestors from each town and donate money to get the Yizkor books of their ancestral towns translated into English. As the translated material became available, it was made accessible for free at Hardcover copies can be purchased below.

It is our hope that the translation of these books into English (and other languages) will assist the countless Jewish family researchers who are so desperately seeking to forge a connection with their heritage.

Director of JewishGen Yizkor Book Project: Lance Ackerfeld
Director of JewishGen Press: Joel Alpert
Editorial Board Manager: Jessica Feinstein
Publications Manager: Susan Rosin


JewishGen Press Publications:
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Yizkor Books

Antopol, Belarus 
Shards of Memory: Messages from the Lost Shtetl of Antopol, Belarus

Edited by Alicia Esther Goldberg
Translated by Nathan Snyder
Published by JewishGen
470 pages, 8.5” by 11”, hard cover, including all photos and other images

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $39.00

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Augustów, Poland 
Memorial Book of the Community of Augustow and Vicinity

Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 576 pages with original photographs.
Original Book Edited by: Y. Aleksandroni
Project Coordinator: Jeanette Garretty Reinhard
Hebrew Translator, Translation Project Editor, and Indexing: Rabbi Molly Karp
Yiddish Translators: Daniel Kennedy and Oliver Elkus
Reproduction of Photographs: Jonah Karp Hurst
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper

Click here to the corrected Index as of 8/23/21. Book owners of the first edition published before 8/23/21, can print it out and place into your Augustow Yizkor Book.

Available from for $40.00

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Bełchatów, Poland
Belchatow Yizkor Book

Original Yizkor Book Published by
The Central Federation of Polish Jews in Argentina together with the Belchatow
Society in Argentina, Brazil, and South America, Buenos Aires, 1951
Translation Project Coordinator: Roni Seibel Liebowitz
Editors: Mark Tarkov and Abraham Mittleberg
Layout: Donni Magid
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz, Impulse Graphics, LLC
Name Indexing: Bena Shklyanoy
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 486 pages with all original illustrations and photographs.

Available from for $41.00

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Bender, Moldova 
Yizkor Book of Our Birth Place: Bendery

Translation of Kehilat Bendery; Sefer Zikaron
In the Original Yizkor Book
Yiddish and Hebrew Sections Edited by M. Tamari
English Section Editor: Dina Ginton
Originally published by Bendery Societies in Israel and the United States 1975 (H, Y, E, 488 pages)
Editor of the English Translation: Gloria (Schwartzman) Green
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 714 pages with all illustrations of the original Yizkor book.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $47.00

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Biała Podlaska, Poland 
Book of Biala Podlaska

Translation of Sefer Biala Podlaska
Editor of Original Yizkor Book: M. J. Feigenbaum
Project Coordinator: Max Wald
Cover Design: Irv Osterer
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Name Indexing: Stefanie Holzman
8.5” x 11” hard cover 730 pages with original photographs

Available from for $46.00

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Biłgoraj, Poland
Destruction of Bilgoraj

Translation of Khurban Bilgoraj
Editor of Original Yizkor Book:  A. Kronenberg
Project Coordinator: Moe Milstein
Emerita Coordinator: Rae Meltzer
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz
Reproduction of Photographs: Sondra Ettlinger
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 270 pages with original photographs

Available from for $33.00

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Bilhorod-Dnistrovs'kyy, Ukraine 
Akkerman and the Towns of its District; Memorial Book

Translation of Akkerman ve-ayarot ha-mehoz; sefer edut ve-zikaron
Original book edited by: Nisan Amitai Stambul
Published by Society of Emigrants from Akkerman and Vicinity In Tel Aviv, 1983
Translators: Ala Gamulka, Yocheved Klausner, Sara Mages
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Rachel Levitan
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 556 pages with original photographs.

Available from for $39.00

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Bolekhiv, Ukraine
Memorial Book of Bolekhov

Translation of Sefer ha-zikaron le-kedoshei Bolechow
Original Yizkor Book Edited by: Y. Eshel
Published by the Association of Former Residents of Bolechow in Israel, 1957
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 252 pages

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $36.00

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Brańsk, Poland
Bransk, Book of Memories

Translation of Bransk, sefer hazikaron
Editors: Alter Trus and Julius Cohen, Brainsker Relief Committee of New York,
Originally published in New York 1948 (Yiddish 440 pages)
Project Coordinator: Rubin Roy Cobb
Translations: Rubin Roy Cobb, Mindle Crystal Gross
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 476 pages with all illustrations.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Click here to view recent corrections and additions to the book.

Available from for $41.00

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Brest, Belarus
Brest-Litovsk - Volume II
Encyclopedia of the Jewish Diaspora

Translation of Brisk de-Lita: Encycolpedia Shel Galuyot
Original Yiddish Volume Edited by Elieser Steinman Published in Jerusalem, 1958
498 pages, 8.5" by 11", hard cover, including all photos and other images

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $40.00

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Briceni, Moldova 
Memorial Book of Brichany, Moldova:
Its Jewry in the First Half of Our Century

Translation of Britshan: Britsheni ha-yehudit be-mahatsitha-mea ha-aharona
Original Yizkor Book edited by Yaakov Amizur
Written by Former residents of Brichany
Published in Tel Aviv 1964, in Hebrew with 296 pages
Translation Project Coordinator: Roberta Jaffer

Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 366 pages with all illustrations.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $39.00

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Brody, Ukraine
An Eternal Light: Brody, in Memoriam

Translation of Ner Tamid: Yizkor leBrody
Original Yizkor Book Editor-in-chief: Aviv Meltzer
Organization of former Brody Residents in Israel
Published in Jerusalem, Israel, 1994
Translation Project Coordinator: Moshe Kutten
Translation Project Coordinator Emerita: Marjorie Stamm Rosenfeld
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz, Impulse Graphics LLC
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”,
712 pages with all illustrations of the original Yizkor book

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $46.00

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Brzeziny, Poland
Brzezin Memorial Book

Original Book Edited by A. Alperin and N. Summer
Translated from the Yiddish by Renee Miller
English Edition Coordinated and Edited by Fay Vogel Bussgang
Published by JewishGen
464 pages with all images

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $41.00

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Buchach, Ukraine
Memorial (Yizkor) Book of the Jewish Community of Buczacz, Galicia

Original written in Hebrew
Edited by Yisrael Cohen
Published in Tel Aviv, 1956
Book Layout: Thomas Weiss
Translation Project Coordinator: Norbert Porile z”l
360 pages, 8.5” by 11”, hard cover, including all photos and other images

Available from for $38.00

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Burshtyn, Ukraine 
Book of Bursztyn

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: S. Kanc
Project Coordinator: Rivka Chaya Schiller
Cover Design: Irv Osterer
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
8.5”x11” 256 Pages, Hardcover with original photographs

Available from for $33.00

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Chełm, Poland
Commemoration Book Chelm

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: M. Bakalczuk
Project Coordinator: Leah Z. Davidson
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Reproduction of Photographs: Sondra Ettlinger
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 628 pages with original photographs

Available from for $42.00

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Chişinău, Moldova
The Jews of Kishinev

Original Yizkor Book by Yitzchak Koren in Hebrew - 264 pages
Printed in Tel Aviv, Avoka Publishing, 5710 (1950)
Translation Project Coordinator: Yefim Kogan
Translated from the Hebrew by Sheli Fain
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz, Impulse Graphics, LLC.
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”,
266 pages with all original illustrations and photographs.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $36.00

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Chorzele, Poland
Memorial Book of the Community of Chorzel

Editors: L. Losh, Association of Former Residents of Chorzele Published in Tel Aviv, 1967
Translation Project Coordinator: Susan Kittner Huntting
Translated by Jerrold Landau and Miriam Leberstein
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 328 pages

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $36.00

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Ciechanow, Poland
Memorial (Yizkor) Book for the Jewish Community of Ciechanow

Original written in Hebrew and Yiddish
Edited by A. Wolf Yassini, Tel Aviv 1962
Translated into English by Miriam Dashkin Beckerman
Project Coordinator, Stan Zeidenberg
518 pages, 8.5” by 11”, hard cover, including all photos and other images

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $41.00

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Cieszanów, Poland
The Cieszanow Memorial Book

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: Dr. David Ravid (Shmukler)
Translated by: Jacob Solomon Berger
Cover Design: Irv Osterer
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Name Indexing: Stefanie Holzman
Photo Extraction: Sondra Ettlinger
8.5”x11”, 280 pages, hardcover with many original photographs

Available from for $34.00

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Częstochowa, Poland
The Destruction of Częstochowa

Original Book Edited by S. Waga
Translated from the Yiddish by Gloria Berkenstat Freund
English Edition Coordinated and Edited by Gloria Berkenstat Freund
Published by JewishGen

Available from for $31.00

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Resistance and Death in the Czenstochower Ghetto

Original Yizkor Book Editor: Liber Brener
Published in Poland in Yiddish before 1952
By The Jewish Historical Institute of Poland
Translated by Gloria Berkenstat Freund
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 248 pages, with all original illustrations

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $37.00

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The Jews of Czestochowa  

Original Book Edited by Dr. Raphael Mahler
Published by the United Czestochower Relief Committee and Ladies Auxiliary, NY 1947
Project Coordinator and Translator: Gloria Berkenstat Freund
Layout: Donni Magid and Janice Sellers
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 824 pages with all original illustrations and photographs.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $44.00

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Czyżew-Osada, Poland 
Sefer Zikaron Czyzewo
The Scroll of Life and Destruction

Published in Tel Aviv 1961
Editors of the original Yizkor Book: Shimon Kanc
Project Coordinator: Jennifer L. Mohr
Layout: Donni Magid
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz, Impulse Graphics
Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 618 pages with original photographs.

Available from for $40.00

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Dębica, Poland
The Book of Dembitz

Translation of Sefer Dembitz
Original Yizkor Book Edited by: D. Leibl
Published by Association of Former Residents of Debica
in Tel Aviv, 1960 (Hebrew and Yiddish, 204 pages)
Translation Project Coordinators: Marc Seidenfeld and Aviva Weintraub
Hard Cover, 11" by 8.5", 400 pages with all illustration

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $37.00

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Dieveniškės, Lithuania 
Devenishki Book: Memorial for a Village

Translation of Sefer Divenishok; yad vashem le-ayara yehudit
Original Yizkor Book Published by
Divenishok Societies of Israel and the United States: 1977 Israel
Original Yizkor Book Editor: David Shtokfish
Translation Coordinator and Editor: Adam Cherson
Translation Layout, Cover Design, and Indexing: Adam Cherson
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 660 pages with all original illustrations and photographs

Available from for $41.00

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Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Yekaterinoslav-Dnepropetrovsk Memorial Book

Translation of Sefer Yekaterinoslav-Dnepropetrovsk
Original written in Hebrew
Edited by Zvi Harkavi and Yaakov Goldburt
Published by Yekaterinoslav-Dnepropetrovsk Society
Jerusalem-Tel Aviv 1973
Translators: Yocheved Klausner & Sara Mages
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 284 pages

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $38.00

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Dokshytsy, Belarus 
Dokshitz-Parafianov Memorial (Yizkor) Book

Translation of Sefer Dokshitz-Parafianov
Original Hebrew and Yiddish Yizkor Book
Editor: David Stockfish Published in Tel Aviv, 1970
Translation Editors: Joel Alpert and Aaron Ginsburg
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 450 pages with all illustrations of the original Yizkor book,
plus a new appendix of significant materials collected after the publication of the original book.

Available from for $38.00

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

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Drahichyn, Belarus
Drohitchin Memorial (Yizkor) Book 500 years of Jewish Life 

Translation of Drohitchin – finf hundert yor yidish lebn
Original Edited by: Dov Warshawsky, Book Committee Drohiczyn
Originally Published in Yiddish in Chicago, 1958
Translation Project Coordinator, Glen Strauss
Editor, Print Edition: Florence Schumacher
736 pages, 8.5” by 11”, hard cover, including all photos and other images and new lists of residents compiled recently

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $47.00

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Drohobych, Ukraine & Boryslav, Ukraine
Memorial book of Drohobycz, Borysław and Surroundings  

Translation of Sefer zikaron le-Drohobycz, Boryslaw ve-ha-seviva
Editor of Original Yizkor Book: Dr. N. M. Gelber
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz, Impulse Graphics
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Name Indexing: Stefanie Holzman
8.5”x11” 316 Pages, Hardcover with original photographs.

Available from for $35.00

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Dubăsari, Moldova
Dubossary Memorial Book

Translation Project Coordinator: Sarah Faerman
Originally Published in Tel-Aviv, 1965 in Yiddish and Hebrew
Edited by: Y. Rubin
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 334 pages with all illustrations and photos
374 pages

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $36.00

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Dubno, Ukraine
Dubno: Memorial Book

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: Y. Adini
Project Coordinator: Anna Grinzweig Jacobsson
Editors of Translation: Anna Grinzweig Jacobsson and Shirley Ginzburg
Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Reproduction of Photographs: Allen Ginzburg
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 692 pages with original photographs

Available from for $44.00

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Dusetos, Lithuania 
There Was A Shtetl In Lithuania:
Dusiat Reflected In Reminiscences

Compiled by Sara Weiss-Slep
Edited and produced by Hedva Scop and Olga Zabludoff
Cover Design: Rachel Klein/Klein Design Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”,
960 pages with all illustrations of the original Yizkor book

Available from for $50.00

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Działoszyce, Poland
Yizkor Book of the Jewish Community in Dzialoszyce and Surroundings

Original book Published by the Dzialoszyce Society in Israel
Translation edited and annotated by Fay and Julian Bussgang
English Edition Published by JewishGen
374 pages

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $37.00

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Dzyatlava, Belarus
A Memorial to the Jewish Community of Zhetl

Editor of Original Yizkor Book:  Baruch Kaplinski
Project Coordinator: Sam Bayer
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Reproduction of Photographs: Sondra Ettlinger
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 688 pages with original photographs

Available from for $50.00

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Edineţ, Moldova 
Yad l'Yedinitz; memorial book for the Jewish community of Yedintzi, Bessarabia

Editors of Original Yizkor Book: Mordechai Reicher and Yosef Magen-Shitz
Project Coordinator: Allan Ira Bass
Emeritus Coordinator: Eric Schwartzman
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Reproduction of photographs: Sondra Ettlinger and Stefanie Holzman
8.5” x 11”, 778 pages hard cover with original photographs

Available from for $47.00

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Eišiškes, Lithuania 
Ejszyszki, its History and Destruction

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: Sh. Barkeli
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz, Impulse Graphics
Project Coordinator: Judy Baston
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
6”x9” 186 pages, hardcover with original photos

Available from for $30.00

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Gąbin, Poland 
Gombin: The Life and Destruction of a Jewish Town in Poland

Translation of Gombin: Dos Lebn un Umkum fun a Yiddish Shtetl in Poylin
Original Yizkor Book Edited by: A. Shulman
Published in New York, 1969
Translation Project Coordinators: Leon Zamosc, Ada Holtzman z”l
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Jan Fine
Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 450 pages with original photographs.

Available from for $36.00

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Memorial Book of 13 Shtetls of Galicia

The Jewish Communities of Dziedzilow, Winniki, Barszczowice, Pidelisek, Pidbaritz, Kukizov, Old Jarczow,
Pekalowice, Kamenopole, Nowy Jarczow, Kamionka Strumilowa, Kulikow in the Ukraine and Osijek in Croatia

Written by William Leibner
Edited by Ingrid Rockberger
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”,
234 pages of recently collected material

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $32.00

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Gol'shany, Belarus
The Life and Destruction of Olshan

Translation of Lebn un umkum fun Olshan
Original Yizkor Book Written and Edited by: Former Residents of Olshan in Israel (Irgun Yotzey Olshan)
Published in Tel Aviv, 1965 (Hebrew, Yiddish and English)
This English Version was Translated and Edited by Jack Leibman Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 336 pages with all illustrations

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $36.00

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Golub-Dobrzyń, Poland
Memorial Book of the Communities Dobrzyn-Gollob, Poland

Original book Ayarati; sefer zikaron le-ayarot Dobrzynń-Golub
Editors: M. Harpaz and Editorial Committee: Y. Rosenwax, A. Dor and H. Lord
Published by the Association of Former Residents of Dobrzynń- Golub
Published in Tel Aviv, 1969
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Layout: Donni Magid
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 664 pages with all original illustrations and photographs.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $44.00

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Goniądz, Poland
Memorial Book of Goniadz Poland

Translation of Sefer Yizkor Goniadz
Originally in Yiddish, Hebrew and English
Edited by Moshe Shlomo Ben-Meir (I. Treshansky) Published in Tel-Aviv, 1960
Translation Project Coordinator: Suzanne Scheraga Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 548 pages with all illustrations

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $42.00

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Gostynin, Poland
Book of Gostynin, Poland

Translation of Pinkas Gostynin
Translation Project Coordinator: Jessie Weistrop Klein
Primary Translators: Pamela Russ and Yocheved Klausner
Original was edited by. J. M. Biderman
Pubished in Tel Aviv and New York
By the Gostynin Memorial Book Committee in 1960
(440 pages, Yiddish)

Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 438 pages with all illustrations of the original Yizkor book.
Cover design by Rachel Kolokoff Hopper

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $40.00

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Grajewo, Poland
Grayewo Memorial (Yizkor) Book

Translation of Grayeve yisker-bukh (Grayewo Memorial Book)
Editor: Dr. George Gorin, New York
Originally Published by: United Grayever Relief Committee, 1950
In Yiddish and English, 311 pages
Translation Project Coordinators: Evelyn Fine and Shelly Levin
358 pages, 8.5” by 11”, hard cover, including all photos and other images.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

  • Hardcover version – Available from for $36.00
  • Student Edition (paperback) Available from for $29.00
  • E-book Available on Amazon for around $6.99

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Hlybokaye, Belarus 
The Destruction of Glubokie

Edited by: M. and Z. Rajak,
Former residents' association in Argentina
Published in Buenos Aires, 1956
Project Coordinators: Anita Frishman Gabbay
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff-Hoper
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 462 pages with original photographs

Available from for $37.00

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Horodenka, Ukraine
Yizkor (Memorial) Book of Horodenka, Ukraine 

Original Yizkor Book Edited by: Shimon Meltzer
Published in Yiddish and Hebrew in Tel Aviv, 1963
Translation Project Coordinator, Mark Heckman
558 pages, 8.5” by 11”, hard cover, including all photos and other images

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $42.00

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Hrubieszów, Poland 
Memorial Book of Hrubieshov 

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: B. Kaplinsky
Project Coordinators: Susan and Shawn Dilles
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff-Hopper
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Reproduction of photographs: Shawn Dilles
8.5” x 11” hard cover 876 pages with original photographs

Available from for $49.00

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Jarosław, Poland
Jaroslaw Book: a Memorial to Our Town…

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: Yitzhak Alperowitz
Project Coordinator: Susan Rosin
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind and Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz
Reproduction of Photographs: Sondra Ettlinger
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 268 pages with original photographs

Available from for $31.00

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Jasło, Poland
Yizkor (Memorial) Book of the Jewish Community of Jaslo, Poland

Original written in Hebrew
Edited by Moshe Nathan Even Chaim (Rapaport), Tel Aviv 1953
Translated into English by William Leibner and edited by Phyllis Kramer
316 pages, 8.5” by 11”, hard cover, including all photos and other images

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $38.00

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Jonava, Lithuania 
Jonava On the Banks of the Vylia; In memory of the destroyed Jewish community of Jonava, Lithuania

Original Yizkor Book Edited by: Shimon Noy,
Published in1972 in Tel Aviv,
by the Jonava Society, (Yiddish and English)
Translation Project Coordinator: Susan M. Goldsmith
Translator: Jerrold Landau
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”,
836 pages with all illustrations of the original Yizkor Book.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $49.00

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Jurbarkas (Yurburg), Lithuania
Memorial Book for the Jewish Community of Yurburg, Lithuania

Original in Hebrew Edited by Zevulun Poran
Published in Tel Aviv, 1991
Translation coordinated by Joel Alpert
Hardcover 800 pages, containing over 200 illustrations

Available from for $48.00

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Kalisz, Poland 
The Kalish Book

Originally published by the Israel-American Book Committee; Tel Aviv 1968
Project Coordinator: Judy Wolkovitch
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff-Hoper
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 444 pages with original photographs

Available from for $37.00

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Kamyanyets, Belarus
Memorial Book of Kamenets, Litovsk, Zastavye, and Colonies

Editor of Original Yizkor Book:  Prof. Shmuel Eisendstadt and Mordechai Gelbart
Project Coordinator and Translator: Allen Flusberg
Emerita Coordinator: Jenni Buch
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz
Reproduction of Photographs: Sondra Ettlinger
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 450 pages with original photographs

Available from for $38.00

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Karelichy, Belarus 
Korelitz: The Life and Destruction of a Jewish Community

Editor of the original Yizkor Book: Michael Walzer-Fass
(568 pages, in Hebrew, Yiddish and English)
Translation Project Coordinators: Ann Belinsky and Merle Horwitz (emerita)
Cover Design: Nili Goldman
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 568 pages with all illustrations of the original
Yizkor book plus fifteen new appendices of recently collected material

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $42.00

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Kielce, Poland 
Book of Kielce 
History of the Community of Kielce
From Its Founding Until Its Destruction

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: Pinchas Cytron
Project Coordinator: Warren Blatt
Cover Design: Irv Osterer
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Name Indexing: Stefanie Holzman
Book Summary: Bruce Drake
8.5”x11” 350 Pages, Hardcover with original photographs

Available from for $36.00

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Kłobuck, Poland
The Book of Klobucko; In Memory of a Martyred Community

Translation Project Coordinators: Allan D. Mantel and Ruth Wilnai (emerita)

Originally Published in Yiddish in Tel Aviv, 1960
Editor: A. Wolff Jasny
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 398 pages with all illustrations and photos.
Published by JewishGen

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Available from for $37.00

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Kolomyya, Ukraine 
Memorial Book of Kolomey 

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: Shlomo Bickel
Project Coordinators: Claire Hisler Shefftz z”l and Dr. Ben Nachman
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Reproduction of Photographs: Sondra Ettlinger
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 342 pages with original photographs

Available from for $35.00

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Kobryn, Belarus 
Book of Kobrin – The Scroll of Life and Destruction 

Original Yizkor Book Edited by: Betzalel Shwartz, Israel Chaim Bil(e)tzki Published in Tel Aviv 1951
Editors of the original Yizkor Book: Betzalel Shwartz
Israel Chaim Bil(e)tzki
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind

Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 446 pages with original photographs.

Available from for $36.00

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Korczyna, Poland
Korczyna Memorial Book 

Project Coordinator and Translator: William Leibner
Editor: Phyllis Kramer
Original Yiddish Book edited by Morris Zucker and Isaac Wasserstrom
New York, 1967
310 pages, 8.5” by 11”, hard cover, including all photos and other images and new lists of residents compiled recently

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Available from for $35.00

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Kovel, Ukraine
Kowel; Testimony and Memorial Book of Our Destroyed Community 

Editor of Original Yizkor Book:  Eliezer Leoni-Zopperfin
Project Coordinator: Bruce Drake
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz
Reproduction of Photographs: Sondra Ettlinger
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 376 pages with original photographs

Available from for $36.00

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Kozienice, Poland
Memorial Book of Kozienice 

Original Yizkor Book Edited by: Baruch Kaplinski, Zelig Berman, Mordekhai Donnerstein, Ratze Wasserman,
Tzvi Madanes, Levi Mandel, Elimelekh Feigenbaum, Leibel Fishstein, David Kestenberg
Original Yiddish and Hebrew Edition Published in Tel Aviv, Israel in 1969
Original English Edition Published in New York, 1985
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 880 pages with all illustrations.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $50.00

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Krasnobród, Poland
Krasnobrod; a Memorial to the Jewish Community

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: M. Kushnir
Project Coordinator: Moses Milstein
Formatting and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Reproduction of Photographs: Sondra Ettlinger
Cover Design: Irv Osterer
Hard Cover 8.5” x 11”, 328 pages with original photographs

Available from for $35.00

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Kremenets, Ukraine
Memorial Book of Kremenets

Original Yizkor Book Edited by: Abraham Samuel Stein
Originally published in Hebrew and Yiddish
Translation Project Coordinator: Dr. Ronald D. Doctor
English Translation Editors: Dr. Ronald D. Doctor and Ellen F. Garshick
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff-Hopper
Name Indexing: Bena Shklyanoy
Details: Hard Cover, 8.5" by 11", 564 pages with original photographs.

Available from for $39.00

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Krosno, Poland
Krosno by the Wislok River
Memorial Book of Jewish Community of Krosno, Poland

Coordinator: William Leibner
Editors - Jane W. Aronson and Toby Bird z”l
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 524 pages

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from or $42.00

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Krynki, Poland 
Memorial Book of Krynki

Original Yizkor Book Edited by: D. Rabin
Project Coordinator: Michael Palmer
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Reproduction of Photographs: Sondra Ettlinger
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 428 pages with original photographs

Available from for $37.00

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Kurenets, Belarus 
The Scroll of Kurzeniac

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: Aharon Meirovitch
Written by Aharon and other former residents of Kurzeniec in Israel and in the USA
Project Coordinator: Eilat Gordin-Levitan
Cover Design: Irv Osterer
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Name Indexing: Stefanie Holzman
8.5” x 11” hard cover 512 pages with original photographs

Available from for $40.00

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Kuty, Ukraine 
Kittever Memorial Book

By: Eisig Husen
Translated from Yiddish by Stanley Scheindlin, D. Sc.
Project Coordinator: Melina Kuflik McCauley
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Name Indexing: Stefanie Holzman
8.5”x11”, 208 pages, hard cover with original photographs

Available from for $32.00

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Lyubcha & Delyatichi, Belarus 
Yizkor (Memorial) Book of Lyubcha and Delyatichi

Originally in Yiddish and Hebrew
Published in Haifa, Israel, 1971
Translation Project Coordinator: Ann Belinsky
442 pages, 8.5” by 11”, hard cover, including all photos and other images

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Available from for $40.00

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Miechów, Poland
Miechov Memorial Book, Charsznica and Ksiaz 

Original Book Editors: N. Blumenthal, A. Ben-Azar (Broshy)
Published by the Former Residents of Miechov, Charsznica and Ksiaz
Tel Aviv 1971 (Hebrew and Yiddish)
Translation Project Coordinator: William D. Cherny
Translators: Selwyn Rose and Gloria Berkenstat Freund
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz, Impulse Graphics LLC
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 496 pages with all original illustrations and photographs.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $37.00

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Maków Mazowiecki, Poland 
Memorial Book of the Community of Maków-Mazowiecki 

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: J. Brat
Project Coordinator: Anita Frishman Gabbay
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Photo Extraction: Sondra Ettlinger
8.5” x 11” hard cover 420 pages with original photographs

Available from for $38.00

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Mizoch, Ukraine 
Memorial Book of Mizocz 

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: A. Ben-Oni
Project Coordinator: Laurence Broun
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz
Layout and Formatting: Jonathan Wind
Name Indexing: Stefanie Holzman and Bella Hass Weinberg
8.5”x11” Hardcover, 368 pages with original photos

Available from for $36.00

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Mlyniv & Muravytsi, Ukraine 
Mlynov-Muravica Memorial Book

Original Yizkor Book Edited by: J. Sigelman
Project Coordinator: Howard I. Schwartz, PhD
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 572 pages with original photographs

Available from for $40.00

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Molchad, Belarus
Memorial Book of the Molchad (Maytchet) Jewish Community

Translation of Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Meytshet
Hard Cover, 11" by 8.5," 722 pages with all illustrations and photos.
Translation Project Coordinator: Myrna Siegel

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Available from for $46.00

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Narach (Kobylnik), Belarus 
Memorial Book of Kobylnik

Translation of Sefer Kobylnik
Original Yizkor Book Edited by Yitzhak Siegelman
Published in Haifa, 1967 in Hebrew and Yiddish
By Committee of Former Residents of Kobylnik in Israel
Translation Project Coordinator: Anita Frishman Gabbay
Cover Design: Jan Fine
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”,
394 pages with all original illustrations and photographs

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $39.00

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Navahrudak, Belarus
Memorial (Yizkor) Book of the Jewish Community of Novogrudok, Poland

Editors of the original Yizkor Book: Eliezer Yerushalm and David Cohen
Translations: Oskar Delatycki z”l and Aviva Kamil
Project coordinator: Oskar Delatycki z”l
Editor of this publication: Rabbi Helen Cohn
Hard cover, 784 pages, with full illustrations and photos from the original book
ISBN: 978-1-939561-03-9

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Available from for $49.00

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Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki
Memorial Book of Nowy-Dwor

Original Book Edited by Aryeh Shamri and Dov Berish First
Published by the Former Residents of Nowy-Dwor in Israel,
USA, Argentina, Uruguay, and France Tel Aviv, 1965
(575 pages, in Hebrew, Yiddish and English)

11” by 8.5”, 928 pages
with all illustrations of the original Yizkor book
Translation Project Coordinator: Debra Michlewitz
Cover design by Nili Goldman

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Available from for $52.00

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Nowy Żmigród, Poland
Memorial Book of Nowy Zmigrod - Galicia, Poland

Compiled by William Leibner
Edited by Jane Waldman Aronson
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 332 pages

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Available from for $35.00

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Orhei, Moldova
Orheyev Alive and Destroyed; Memorial Book of the Jewish Community of Orhei, Moldova

Original in Hebrew Edited by Y. Spivak
Published in Tel Aviv, 1959
Translation coordinated by Terry Lasky
520 pages with all images in hard cover

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Available from for $40.00

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Ostrów Mazowiecka, Poland
Memorial (Yizkor) Book of the Jewish Community of Ostrow Mazowiecka, Poland

Original written in Hebrew and Yiddish
The Hebrew section editor: Aba Gordin
The Yiddish section editor: M. Gelbart
892 pages, 6.69" by 9.61", hard cover, including all photos and other images

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Available from for $50.00

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Yizkor Book of Ostrow Mazowiecka, Poland #2

Translator and Editor: Gary S. Schiff, Ph.D.
Translation Project Coordinator: Michael Richman
Original Book Written and Edited by: Yehuda Leib Levin
Published in Hebrew in Jerusalem-Tel Aviv 1965/1966
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 392 pages with all illustrations.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $39.00

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Ozerna, Ukraine
Memorial book of Jezierna

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: Y. Sigelman
Project Coordinators: Suri Edell-Greenberg and Talila Charap-Friedman
Reproduction of Photographs: Maury Greenberg
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz, Impulse Graphics
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Name indexing: Stefanie Holzman
8.5” x 11” hard cover with original photographs

Available from for $32.00

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Pidhaytsi, Ukraine
The Memorial (Yizkor) Book of Podhajce, Ukraine

Originally written in Yiddish
Edited by Me'ir Shimon Geshouri
Translated into English by Jerrold Landau
540 pages, 8.5” by 11”, hard cover, including all photos and other images

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Available from for $42.00

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Przedecz, Poland 
Memorial Book to the Holocaust Victims of the City of Pshaytsh

Editors of Original Yizkor Book: Moshe Bilavsky, Reuven Yamnik, and Moshe Mokotov
Project Coordinator: Roberta Paula Books
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz, Impulse Graphics
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
8.5” x 11” hard cover 320 pages with original photographs

Available from for $35.00

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Radom, Poland
The Book of Radom
The Story of a Jewish Community in Poland Destroyed by the Nazis

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: Y. Perlow; [English section]: Alfred Lipson
Project Coordinator: Anita Frishman Gabbay
Formatting and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Reproduction of Photographs: Stefanie Holzman
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Hard Cover 8.5” x 11”, 914 pages with original photographs

Available from for $50.00

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Radyvyliv, Ukraine
Memorial Book of Radzivilov

Originally in Hebrew and Yiddish Edited by Ya'acov Adini
(546 pages, in Hebrew, Yiddish and English)
Translated by Elizabeth Kessin Berman, Danielle Charak, Judith Fixler, Tina Lunson,
Ros Romem, Rivka Schiller, Mary Jane Shubow, and Yaacov David Shulman
Translation edited by Ellen Garshick
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz, Impulse Graphics LLC

Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”,
546 pages with all illustrations of the original Yizkor Book

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $35.00

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Radzyń Podlaski, Poland
Radzyn Memorial Book (Poland)

Originally in Yiddish, Hebrew and English
Originally Published by
The Radzyn (Podlaski) Immigrants Association in Israel, Tel Aviv, 1957

Translators: Nachman Goldwasser, Temy Goldwasser and Yaakov Goldwasser
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 350 pages with all illustrations.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $41.00

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Rafalivka, Ukraine 
Memorial book for the towns of
Old Rafalowka, New Rafalowka, Olizarka, Zoludzk and vicinity

Edited by: Pinhas and Malkah Hagin
Published in Tel Aviv, 1996
Project Coordinator: Mark J. Schwartz
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hoper
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 488 pages with original photographs and illustrations

Available from for $38.00

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Ratno, Ukraine
Ratno Yizkor Book
The Story of the Destroyed Jewish Community
Dedicated To the Memory of a Vanished Jewish Town In Ukraine

Original Yizkor Book Published by
The Former Residents of Ratno In Israel Tel-Aviv 1983
Translation Project Coordinator: Lynne Siegel
Editors: Nachman Tamir
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz
Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”,
590 pages with all original illustrations and photographs

Available from for $41.00

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Rietavas, Lithuania
Memorial Book of the Ritavas Community
A Tribute to the Memory of our Town

Original Book Edited by Alter Levite
Edited by Dr. Dina Porat and Roni Stauber,
Published in 2000 in Cape Town, South Africa,
By The Kaplan-Kushlick Foundation
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Layout: Donni Magid
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”,
284 pages with all original illustrations and photographs.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $34.00

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Rivne, Ukraine 
Rowno, a Memorial to the Jewish Community of Rowno, Volyn

Original Yizkor Book Edited by: A. Avitachi
Published by the Former Residents of Rowno in Israel
Published in Israel, 1956
Project Coordinator and Book Editor: Ann Glickman Goldberg
Layout: Doni Magid
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Translators: Naomi Gal, Sidney Gelb, and Meir Razy
Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 1022 pages with all original illustrations and photographs.

Available from for $57.00

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Rokiškis, Lithuania 
Memorial Book of Rokiskis
A Tribute to the Memory of our Town

Original Yizkor Book Edited by: M. Bakalczuk-Felin,
Originally Published in Johannesburg, 1952 (Yiddish 626 pages)
Translation Project Coordinators: Tim Baker assisted by David Sandler
Additional Material: Phil and Aldona Shapiro Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 866 pages with all illustrations.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $50.00

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Rokytne, Ukraine
Rokitno-Wolyn and Surroundings; Memorial Book and Testimony (Ukraine)

Original Yizkor Book Edited by: Eliezer Leoni
Published in Tel Aviv, by Former Residents of Rokitno in Israel, 1967 (Hebrew and Yiddish)
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 730 pages

Available from for $44.00

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Roman, Romania
The Jewish Community of Roman

by Pincu Pascal
Published by Editura Hasefer, Bucuress¸ti, Romania, 2001
Translations by Sorin Goldenberg, Avishalom (Avi) Klammer, Emil Lax, Rony Shaham & Monica Talmor
Editing and additional translations by Yocheved Klausner
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 180 pages

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Available from for $30.00

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  Bacău, Romania
Iaşi, Romania
Podu Iloaiei, Romania
Trilogy of Three Romanian Jewish Communities: Bacau, Iasi and Podu Iloaiei

By I. Kara

(Itsik Cara Schwartz 1906 - 2001)
Original Books Published in Romanian
by Hasefer Publishing House, Bucharest
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 480 pages with all illustrations
and extra recent photographs cover, including all photos and other images

Available from for $41.00

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Rozhnyativ, Ukraine
Rozniatow Memorial Book

Original written in Hebrew, Yiddish and English
Edited by Shimon Kanc
Published in Tel Aviv, 1974
Translation Project Coordinator and Book Layout: Thomas Weiss
Translated into English by Jerrold Landau
512 pages, 8.5" by 11", hard cover, including all photos and other images

Available from for $42.00

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Ruzhany, Belarus
Rozana: a Memorial to the Ruzhinoy Jewish Community

Original written in Hebrew and Yiddish
Collected and Edited by Mayer Sokolowsky
Supplementary chapters in Yiddish by Joseph Abramovitsch
Translated from the Hebrew and Yiddish by Jerrold Landau
Co-Editors, Edie Taylor and Brian Zakem
458 pages, 6.69" by 9.61”, hard cover, including all photos and other images
Published in November 2014

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Available from for $39.00

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Serock, Poland
The Memorial Book of Serock

Translation of Sefer Serotsk – The Memorial Book of Serock (Serock, Poland)
Original Memorial Book in Yiddish and Hebrew Published in Tel Aviv, 1971
Edited by: Mordechai Gelbart
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 576 pages.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $41.00

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Siedlce, Poland
The Jews in Siedlce – 1850–1945

Translation of Żydzi w Siedlcach 1850-1945
By Edward Kop”wka
Hard Cover, 9.6” by 6.7”, 450 pages

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Available from for $40.00

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Siedlce, Poland
On the Ruins of My Home; The Destruction of Siedlce

Editor of Original Yizkor Book:  Melech Fainzilber
Project Coordinator: David Aron Mink
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Reproduction of Photographs: Sondra Ettlinger
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 190 pages with original photographs

Available from for $31.00

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Siedlce, Poland
Memorial Book of the Community of Siedlce

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: A.Wolf Yassni (Jasny)
Project Coordinator: David Aron Mink
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Reproduction of Photographs: Sondra Ettlinger
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Hard Cover, 8.5” x 11”, 484 pages with original photographs

Available from for $39.00

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Sierpc, Poland
The Community of Sierpc - Memorial Book

Translation of Kehilat Sierpc; Sefer Zikaron
Editor: E. Talmi (Wloka)
Originally in Yiddish and Hebrew
Editors of the Translation: Dorothy Lipsky and Sandra Krisch
Translators: Jerrold Landau (Yiddish) and Alex Weingarten (Hebrew)
Published in Tel Aviv, 1959 Hard Cover, 11" by 8.5", 868 pages

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Available from for $50.00

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Skala-Podilska, Ukraine
Skala on the River Zbrucz

Translation of Sefer Skala
Original Memorial Book in Yiddish and Hebrew Published in Tel Aviv, 1971
Edited by: Mordechai Gelbart
Editors: Max Mermelstein and Tony Hausner
Published in 2009
Hard Cover with 417 pages,
With all images from the original Yizkor book plus new ones

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Skalat, Ukraine 
Book of Skalat

The Skalat Memorial Book is comprised of three separate items:

  1. Skalat A Memorial Anthology for a Community Destroyed in the Holocaust (Ukraine)
    Translation of: Skalat: Kovets Zikaron LeKehila ShHarva BaShoah
    Edited by: Chaim Bronshtain
    Published in Tel Aviv, 1971
    Project Coordinator: Janet R. Perlmutter Schwartz
    Translator: Neil H. Tannebaum
    Editor: Henry Jorisch
  2. Death of a Shtetl (Skalat, Ukraine)
    By: Abraham Weissbrod
    Translation of: Es shtarbt a shtetl; megiles Skalat
    Edited by: J. Kaplan
    Published (in Yiddish) by the Central Historical Commission of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the American Zone of Germany, Munich, 1948
    Project Coordinator: Kathryn M. Wallach
    Translations arranged by: Joseph Kofler, Lusia Milch
    English Text and Additional Testimonies of Witnesses
    Edited by Lusia Milch U.S.A., 1995
  3. Skalat Memorial Scroll in the Hall of Names at Yad Vashem (Ukraine)
    Prepared by the Organization of the Former Residents of Skalat and the Surroundings in Israel and the Diaspora May 1961 (7 Sivan 5721)

Available from for $36.00

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Smarhon, Belarus  
Smorgonie, District Vilna; Memorial Book and Testimony

Editors: Abba Gordin and Honoch Levin
Association of Emigrants of Smorgon in Israel and USA
Published in Tel Aviv, 1965
Translation Project Coordinator: Marc D. Hodies
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz, Impulse Graphics LLC
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5,” 780 pages with all original illustrations and photographs.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $43.00

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Sochaczew, Poland 
Memorial Book of Sochaczew

Edited by: A. Sh. Sztejn, G. Wejszman
Published in Jerusalem, 1962
Project Coordinator: Jan Meisels Allen
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff-Hoper
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 670 pages with original photographs.

Available from for $42.00

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Staszów, Poland
Staszów Memorial Book

Original Yizkor Book Edited by: Elchanan Erlich
Originally published in Hebrew and Yiddish, with some articles in English,
By the Organization of Staszowites in Israel
With the Assistance of Staszowite Organizations in the Diaspora
Tel-Aviv 1962

English edition edited by: Jean-Pierre Stroweis, Leonard Levin, and Dobrochna Fire
Cover Design: Rachel Freeman-Levin
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 878 pages with original photographs.

Available from for $46.00

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Stavyshche, Ukraine 

Translation of Stavisht
Editor of Original Yizkor Book: Aharon Weissman
Project Coordinator: Vivian M. Linderman
Cover Design: Irv Osterer
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Name Indexing: Stefanie Holzman
Translated by: Ida Cohen Selavan
7” x 10” hard cover 122 pages with original photographs

Available from for $30.00

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Stawiski, Poland
Stawiski Memorial Book (Poland)

Translation of Stawiski; sefer yizkor
Original Yizkor Book edited by: I. Rubin
Published by Stavisk Society, 1973
Translation Project Coordinator: Jan Meisels Allen
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 406 pages with all illustrations and photos

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $37.00

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Stryj, Ukraine
Book of Stryj

Translation of Sefer Stryj
The Original Yizkor Book: Edited by N. Kudish, Tel Aviv
Published by the Former Residents of Stryj in Israel, 1962
Translated by Susan Rosin, Yocheved Klausner, Israel Pickholtz,
Ganit Eiron, Daniella Heller, and Susannah Juni
Cover Design: Nili Goldman
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 742 pages
with all illustrations of the original Yizkor book.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $47.00

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Strzyżów, Poland 
The Book of Strzyzow and Vicinity

Original Yizkor Book Edited by: Itzhok Berglass and Shlomo Yahalomi-Diamond
Project Coordinator: Phyllis Kramer z”l
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Reproduction of Photographs: Stefanie Holtzman
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 530 pages with original photographs

Available from for $39.00

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Suwałki, Poland 
Memorial Book of Suwalk

Original Yizkor Book Published by
The Suvalk and Vicinity Relief Committee of New York, 1961
Editor: Berl Kagan, New York
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 880 pages with all original illustrations and photographs.

Available from for $46.00

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Švenčionys, Lithuania 

Memorial Book of the Sventzian Region
Part I - Life, Part II - Shoah

Original Yizkor Book
Published by the Former Residents of Sventzian in Israel
Published in Tel Aviv, 1965
Editor: Shimon Kantz

Translation Project Coordinator: Anita Gabbay
Layout: Donni Magid
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz
Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Part I: Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 930 pages with all original illustrations and photographs.
Part II: Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 1076 pages with all original illustrations and photographs.

Part I: Available from for $43.00

Part II: Available from for $46.00

The set of both volumes (Part I and Part II) is available at a reduced price from for $80.00

Part I - More book details and where to order
Part II - More book details and where to order

Svir, Belarus
Our Townlet Swir 

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: Dr. Chanoch Swironi (Drutz)
Cover Design: Irv Osterer
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Name Indexing: Stefanie Holzman
Translation Project Coordinator: Lee Harrison z”l
Book Summary: Bruce Drake
8.5”x11” Hardcover, 210 pages with original photos

Available from for $32.00

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Svislach, Belarus
The Community of Swislocz, Grodno District 

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: H. Rabin
Project Coordinator: William K. Rosenbloom z”l
Editing of the translated material: Toby Bird z”l
Cover Design: Irv Osterer
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Photo Extraction: Sondra Ettlinger
Book Summary: Bruce Drake
7”x10” 182 pages, Hardcover with original photographs

Available from for $32.00

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Szczebrzeszyn, Poland
Memorial Book of Shebreshin

Original Yizkor Book Edited by: Dov Shuval
Association of Former Inhabitants of Shebreshin in Israel and the Diaspora Published in Haifa, 1984
Translation Project Coordinator: Anita Frishman Gabbay
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Jan R. Fine
Name Indexing: Bena Shklyanoy
Details: Hard Cover, 8.5" by 11" 542 pages with original photographs.

Available from for $38.00

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Tarnogród, Poland
Book of Tarnogrod; in Memory of the Destroyed Jewish Community

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: S. Kanc
Project Coordinator: Tom Merolla
Cover Design: Irv Osterer
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Name Indexing: Stefanie Holzman
8.5” x 11” hard cover 460 pages with original photographs

Available from for $39.00

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Tarnów, Poland
Tarnow; The Life and Destruction of a Jewish City, Volume II

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: Dr. Avraham Chomet
Project Coordinator: Jill Leibman
Project Coordinator Emerita: Ann Drillich
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Name Indexing: Stefanie Holzman
Reproduction of photographs: Stefanie Holzman
8.5”x11” 480 Pages, Hardcover with original photographs

Available from for $39.00

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Telekhany, Belarus

Edited by: Sh. Sokoler, Published in Los Angeles, 1963
Translated by David Goldman
Translations donated by Ray Stone and Rita Krakower Margolis
Project Coordinator, Ray Stone
218 pages, 8.5” by 11”, hard cover, including all photos and other images

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $32.00

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Ternopil, Ukraine
Tarnopol Volume

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: Dr. Ph. Korngruen
Project Coordinator and Translator: Moshe Kutten
Cover Design: Irv Osterer
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Name Indexing: Stefanie Holzman
8.5”x11” 358 Pages, Hardcover with original photographs

Available from for $35.00

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Tovste, Ukraine
Memorial Book of Tluste

Original Yizkor Book edited by: Gavriel Lindenberg
Published in Tel Aviv, 1965
By the Tluste Association of Former Residents in Israel and the United States
Translator: Sara Mages
Editor: Douglas Hykle
Layout: Donni Magid
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 586 pages with all original illustrations and photographs.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $39.00

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Turka, Ukraine
Memorial Book of the Community of Turka on the Stryj and Vicinity

Translation of Sefer Sikaron le-Kehilat Turka al Nehar Stryj ve-ha-Seviva
Edited by:Yitzhak Siegelman and Association of Former Residents of Turka (Stryj) in Israel
Published in Israel, 1966, (Hebrew and Yiddish)
Translated by Jerrold Landau
Project Coordinator, Mary Violette Seeman
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 452 pages

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $41.00

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Turobin, Poland  
Memorial Book of the Jewish Community of Turobin, Poland

Translation of Sefer Turobin: Pinkas Zikaron
Editors: S. Geshuri
Published by the Association of Former Residents of Turobin in Tel Aviv, 1967
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Layout: Donni Magid
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 558 pages
with all original illustrations and photographs.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $43.00

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Tyszowce, Poland  
Pinkas Tishevits

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: Y. Zipper
Project Coordinator: Moses Milstein
Yiddish Translations: Moses Milstein
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Name Indexing: Stefanie Holzman
8.5”x11” 246 pages, hard cover with original photos

Available from for $33.00

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Ustilug, Ukraine 
The Growth and Destruction of the Community of Uscilug

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: Aryeh Avinadav
Project Coordinator: Mitch Fahrer
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Reproduction of Photographs: Sondra Ettlinger
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 312 pages with original photographs

Available from for $33.00

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Vishnevets, Ukraine  
Memorial Book of Vishnevets

Published by Organization of Vishnevets Immigrants
Tel Aviv, 1970
Editor: Chayim Rabin
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz
Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 438 pages with original illustrations and photographs.

Available from for $36.00

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Voranava, Belarus  
Voronova: Memorial Book to the Martyrs of Voronova

Original Yizkor Book Published by Voronova Societies of Israel and the United States: 1971 Israel
Translation Project Coordinator and Editor: Adam Cherson
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz
Layout and Name Indexing: Adam Cherson
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 528 pages with all original illustrations and photographs.

Available from for $39.00

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Wierzbnik, Poland  
Wierzbnik, Poland

Wierzbnik-Starachowitz; a memorial book
Original Yizkor Book Edited by: Mark Schutzman
Wierzbnik-Starachowitz Societies in Israel and the Diaspora,
Published in Tel Aviv, 1973
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz
Name Indexing: Bena Shklyanoy
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 676 pages with illustrations and photographs.

Available from for $41.00

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Wołomin, Poland 
Volomin; a Memorial to the Jewish Community of Volomin

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: Shimon Kanc
Project Coordinator: Brian Snyder
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Reproduction of Photographs: Sondra Ettlinger
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 334 pages with original photographs

Available from for $35.00

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Wysokie Mazowieckie, Poland  
Wysokie-Mazowieckie; Memorial Book

Original Book Edited by: I. Rubin – Wysokie-Mazowieckie Society
Published in Tel-Aviv, 1975
Project Coordinators: Sandy Levin, Ada Holtzman z”l
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 228 pages with original photographs

Available from for $31.00

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Wyszków, Poland  
Wyszków Memorial Book

Original Yizkor Book edited by: D. Shtokfish
Published in Tel Aviv in 1964
By the Wyszk”w Association of Former Residents in Israel and Abroad (Hebrew and Yiddish, 351 pages).
Translation Project Coordinator: Howard B. Orenstein
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz, Impulse Graphics LLC
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5,”,784 pages with all original illustrations and photographs.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $43.00

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Yampol, Ukraine
Yampol Memorial Book

186 pages with Illustrations.

  • Hardcover version – Available from for $31.00
  • Student Edition (paperback) – Available from for $26.00
  • E-book – Available on Amazon for around $6.99

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

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Zabolotiv, Ukraine
A City and the Dead; Zablotow Alive and Destroyed - Memorial Book of Zabolotov

Translation of Ir u-metim; Zablotow ha-melea ve-ha-hareva
Original Yizkor Book Edited by Former Residents of Zablotow in Israel and the USA
Published in Tel-Aviv Israel, 1949
Translation Project Coordinator: Ronald B. Schechter
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 168 pages with all illustrations.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $31.00

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Zabrze, Poland 
Zabrze (Hindenburg) Yizkor Book

By William Leibner
Edited by Phyllis Oster and Tammy Forstater Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 270 pages with all illustrations.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $34.00

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Żarki, Poland
Żarki Jewish Community Memorial Book

Translation of Ḳehilat Z'arḳi: ayarah be-ḥayeha uvi-khilyonah
Original Book Edited by: Yitzhak Lador
Project Coordinator: Andrew Rajcher
Book Translated by: Dave Horowitz-Larochette
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 282 pages with original photographs.

Available from for $32.00

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Zbarazh, Ukraine
The Zbaraz Memorial Book

Original Yizkor Book Editor: Moshe Sommerstein
Published in Tel Aviv 1983
Primary Translator: Yaacov David Shulman
Layout: Donni Magid
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 168 pages, with all original illustrations.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $33.00

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Zgierz, Poland
The Book of Zgierz- An Eternal Memorial for a Jewish Community in Poland

Original Book Edited by David Shtockfish, Sh Kanc, Z. Fisher
Translated by Jerrold Landau
English Edition Coordinated and Edited by Jerrold Jacobs
Published by JewishGen
784 pages

If you plan to order the Zgierz Yizkor book, please click here to download and print the INDEX for the book and then insert into the back of your book when you receive it.

Available from for $44.00

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The Book of Zgierz, Volume II 

Editors of original book: David Shtockfish (Sztokfisz), Sh Kanc, Z. Fisher
Project Coordinator: Jerrold Jacobs
Translated by: Jerrold Landau
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Layout: Jonathan Wind
8.5”x11” hard cover 226 pages with original photos

Available from for $32.00

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Zinkiv, Ukraine 
Zinkov Memorial Book

Translation of Pinkas Zinkov: Gedenkbukh
Edited by: Shmuel Aizenshtadt
Published in Tel-Aviv and New-York 1966
Project Coordinators: Susan and Shawn Dilles
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff-Hoper
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 276 pages with original photographs.

Available from for $32.00

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Zolochiv, Ukraine 
The City of Zloczow

Translation of Sefer kehilat Zloczow
Editor of Original Yizkor Book: Baruch Karu (Krupnik)
Project Coordinator: Moshe Kutten
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Hebrew Translations: Moshe Kutten
Photo Extraction: Stefanie Holzman
8.5” x 11” hard cover, 426 pages with original photographs

Available from for $38.00

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Żychlin, Poland 
Zychlin Memorial Book

Translation of Sefer Zychlin
Editor of Original Yizkor Book: Ami Shamir
Project Coordinators: Leon Zamosc, David Goren and Lori Sandoval
Cover Design: Jan R. Fine
Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Hard Cover 8.5” x 11”, 334 pages with original photographs

Available from for $36.00

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A Jewish Life Under the Tsars
The Autobiography of Chaim Aronson 1825-1888

Author: Chaim Aronson
Translator: Dr. Norman Marsden
Cover and Book Design: Nina Schwartz, Impulse Graphics
Research for current printing: Nina Schwartz
6” x 9”, 410 pages, Hardcover

Available from for $33.00

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And That Was the Last Time I Saw My Family
A Memoir in Essays

Author: Ina Teich
Editor: Judith Teich
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
5.83”x8.26”, 132 pages hardcover with photographs

Available from for $29.00

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Krynki, Poland 
Krynki in Ruins

Author of the Yiddish Book: A. Soifer
Translated by: Beate Schützmann-Krebs
Extraction of the English translation: Donni Magid
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Reproduction of Photographs: Sondra Ettlinger
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 230 pages with original photographs

Available from for $32.00

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As It Happened Yesterday 

Author: Yosl Cohen
Project Coordinator: Susan Kingsley Pasquariella
Translated by: Beate Schützmann-Krebs
Cover Design: Nina Schwartz, Impulse Graphics
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Original Book Cover and Drawings by Note Kozlovski
6” x 9”, 332 pages hard cover

Available from for $32.00

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Blood Stained Feathers
The story of a Shoah survivor
By Mordechai Lustig
from Nowy Sącz, Poland

Translated and Edited by William Leibner
Additional Editing by Toby Bird z”l
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 414 pages with all illustrations.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $40.00

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Other sources: Nowy Sącz, Poland

Deliverance – The Diary of Michael Maik

In Memory of the Destroyed Jewish Community of Sokoly, Poland
Translated from the Hebrew by Laia Ben-Dov
Edited by Avigdor Ben-Dov
Hard Cover, 9“ by 9“,
276 pages with all original illustrations and photographs.

Available from for $35.00

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Other sources: Sokoły, Poland

Destruction of Bialystok 

Author: Srolke Kot
Project Coordinator: Susan Kingsley Pasquariella
Translated by: Beate Schützmann-Krebs
Cover Design: Irv Osterer
Layout: Jonathan Wind
6”x9” hard cover 118 pages

Available from for $25.00

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A Memoir

By: Daniel Charney
Translated by: Michael Skakun
Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Jan R. Fine
Hard Cover, 6” x 9” 272 pages

Available from for $31.00

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Flight to Survival

[a companion to the Czestochowa book]
Wloclawek - Warszawa Czestochowa...Eretz-Yisrael
1939 to 1945 A Personal Narrative
By Peninah Cypkewicz-Rosin
Editor: Nancy Lefkowitz
Published by JewishGen
200 pages

Available from for $30.00

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Other sources: Częstochowa, Poland

God's Sabbatical Years
The Story of Alan Weiler

By Peter Harris
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 234 pages with illustrations.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $32.00

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I Am a Tear of Joy and Sorrow

The book is based on Masha Wolfsthal's story as told to Nava Gibori
Writing and editing: Nava Gibori
English Translation: Yotam Wolfsthal
Design and production: Nurit Pagi
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Hard Cover, 6.69” x 9.61”, 190 pages with original photographs

Available from or $31.00

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Memoirs of a Woman From Bialystok

Author: Rachel Anna Kositza
Project Coordinator: Susan Kingsley Pasquariella
Translated by: Beate Schützmann-Krebs
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Layout: Jonathan Wind
6”x9” hard cover 202 pages

Available from for $30.00

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My Journey to Freedom: Kybartai to Haifa

By Josef Rosin z”l

A true story of resourcefulness, courage, cleverness, and love

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $35.00

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My Three Successful Escapes

By: Antonín Moťovič
Translated from Czech by: George Jiři Grosman
Hard Cover, 5.83” x 8.27” 272 pages with original photographs

Available from for $31.00

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My Thoughts Were on America:
The Immigration of Isadore Flaschner

6”x9” Softcover 66 pages
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper

Available from for $19.00

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The Maple Tree Behind The Barbed Wire
(A Story of Survival from the Czestochowa Ghetto)

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $36.00

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Other sources: Częstochowa, Poland

The Will to Tell

Memoirs of a Gombiner Survivor

Author: Yitzhak Weizman
Translator: Dikla Yeffet-Weizman
Editor: Leon Zamosc
Cover Design: Jan R. Fine
6.14” x 9.21” hard cover, 150 pages

Available from for $28.00

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Other sources: Gąbin, Poland

Testimonies of Tragedy and Resistance in the Minsk Ghetto
1941 - 1943

Author: Leonid Tsyrinskiy and Anna Machiz
Translated by: Nick Trapp BA (Hons)
Edited by: Richard Baker, BA (Hons), MBA, FeRSA, CiMgt and Debra Brunner, BA (Hons), AUH, FRSA.
Layout: The Together Plan
Index: Jonathan Wind (JewishGen)
Cover Design: The Together Plan
164 pages 6.024”x9.252”, soft cover

Available from for $20.00

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Other sources: Minsk, Belarus

To Tell Our Stories: Holocaust Survivors of Southern Arizona

Translations by Richard Fenwick and Raisa Moroz
Published by Jewish Family and Children's Services of Southern Arizona in 2015
Original book edited by Raisa Moroz and Richard Fenwick

List Price: Available on Amazon for $18

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We Remember Lest the World Forget

Produced by Memories of the Minsk Ghetto
Minsk Charitable Public Organisation - GILF

Translated by
Michael Hornsby Ph.D., D.Litt.
Rostyslav Kanibolotskyi M.Sc.
Iuliia Kuznetsova B.A.
Edited by Hilda Bronstein Ph.D. and Bett Demby

Hard Cover, 10” by 7”,
268 pages with all images from of the original book

The original book in Russian was published by MINSK I.P. LOGVINOV PUBLISHERS 2012
Editors of the Russian version were: Maya Krapina, Tamara Kurdadze, Yakov Murakhovskiy, Frieda Reizman and Vladimir Trachtenberg.

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $33.00

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Other sources: Minsk, Belarus

What Savta Told Me… 

Written by Daniela Livni

Available from for $39.00

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Research and Holocaust

An American Tale 
The Real Moskovitch Family Journey
From Russia to America 1850–1950 and Beyond

By: Howard I. Schwartz, PhD

Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Layout: Howard Schwartz
8.5”x11”, 206 pages with many photographs

Available from for $32.00

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A Tribute to Maier
The Power of a Promise to Survive
and the Burden of a Survivor's Remorse

Author: Leah Sherry

536 pages 8.5”x11” Hard cover, with many color photos
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper

Available from for $52.00

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Belzec - Stepping Stone to Genocide

Written by Robin O'Neil
Takes the reader step by step into the background
of the “Final Solution” and gives eyewitness testimony
as the mass graves were located and recorded.

Available from for $37.00

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Brichah or בריחה
(Hebrew for Escape or Flight)

By William Leibner
Edited by Phyllis Oster
Hard Cover, 11" by 8.5", 286 pages with all illustrations

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $35.00

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Broken Memories
Remains from the Jewish cemetery in Kutno
Kutno, Poland

Project Coordinator: Yosef Kutner
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 180 pages

Available from for $30.00

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Other sources: Kutno, Poland

Destruction of Jewish Kovno 
Kaunas, Lithuania

Editor of Original Book: Joseph Gar
Translator and Project Coordinator: Ettie Zilber
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Layout: Jonathan Wind
8.5” x 11” Hardcover 272 pages with original photos

Available from for $33.00

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Other sources: Kaunas, Lithuania

Jewish Farmers in Russian Fields 
Kherson Region, Ukraine

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: Tzvi Livneh-Lieberman
Project Coordinator and Translator: Moshe Kutten
Cover Design: Irv Osterer
Layout: Jonathan Wind
8.5”x11” Hardcover, 432 pages with original photos

Available from for $38.00

Click here to view the table of contents.

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Jews of Kaiserstrasse
The Jews who lived on Mainz's Park Avenue

By Michael Stowell Phillips
Hardcover, 7” by 10#148;, 162 pages with many illustrations and documentary photos

Available from for $23.00

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Other sources: Mainz, Germany

Sources of Information for Jewish Genealogy and History

Written by Geoffrey Weisgard
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Hard and Soft Covers, 6.14” by 9.21”, 208 pages

Available from in a hard cover for $30.00
Available from in a soft cover for $25.00

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Other sources: Kraków, Poland

The Jewish Community and Women

Five Centuries of Change

Author: Geoffrey M. Weisgard
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
6.14”x9.21”, 246 pages available in hardcover and paperback

Available from in a hard cover for $31.00
Available from in a soft cover for $26.00

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Other sources: Kraków, Poland

Lotty's Bench: The Persecution of the Jews of Amsterdam Remembered

Written by Gerben Post

This is the perfect guide book for anyone visiting Amsterdam who wants to understand what happened to the Jews of Amsterdam during the Shoah. Highly recommended by Joel Alpert, Coordinator of the JewishGen Press project. This book is based upon tours that Gerben gives.

List Price: Available on Amazon for around $29.95

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Pan Kapitan of Jordanow

Complied by William Leibner
Edited by Erica S. Goldman-Brodie
Cover Design by Rachel Kolokoff Hopper Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 210 pages

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $32.00

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Pure Soldiers Or Sinister Legion
The Ukrainian 14th Waffen-SS Division

Written by Sol Littman
Book by the Canadian investigative reporter Sol Littman.
Paperback, 9” by 6”, 266 pages with all illustrations and photos.

Available from for $26.00

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Preserving Our Litvak Heritage – Volume I (A History of 31 Jewish Communities in Lithuania)

Written by Josef Rosin z”l
Edited by Joel Alpert
Published by JewishGen
736 pages

Available from for $40.00

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Preserving Our Litvak Heritage - Volume II (A History of 21 Jewish Communities in Lithuania)

Written by Josef Rosin z”l
Edited by Don Loon and Joel Alpert
Published by JewishGen
332 pages

Available from for $32.00

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Protecting Our Litvak Heritage (A History of 50 Jewish Communities in Lithuania)

Written by Josef Rosin z”l
Introduction by Profesor Dov Levin z”l
488 pages, 6.1 x 1 x 9.2 Inches

Available from for $36.00

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Remembering Dvinsk
Part 1. Dvinsk, The Rise and Decline of a Town
Original in Yiddish by Yudel Flior
Translated by Bernard Sachs
Part 2. In Memory of the Community of Dvinsk
Original in Hebrew – Edited by Tamar Amarant
Translated by Amy Samin
Part 3. Appendix of Images
Collected and edited by Eilat Gordin Levitan

Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 320 pages with all illustrations.

Available from for $35.00

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

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Other sources: Daugavpils, Latvia

The 51st Brigade

The History of the Jewish Partisan Group from the Slonim Ghetto
By Sarah Shner-Nishmit
Translated into English by Judith Levi
Originally published in Hebrew by
The Ghetto Fighters Museum Publication - The Israel Ministry of Defence
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 400 pages

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $37.00

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Other sources: Slonim, Belarus

The Demb Family Journey from Mlynov to Baltimore

Written by Howard I. Schwartz, PhD
254 pages, hard cover
Cover design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind

Available from for $32.00

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The Interconnected Jewish Families Of Ottawa, Canada 

Author: Jerrold Landau
Cover Design: Irv Osterer
Formatting: Jonathan Wind
266 pages 8.5”x11” Hard cover, including many photos

Available from for $32.00

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The Jews of Galicia: 
A Genealogy Handbook

Author: Suzan Wynne
Cover Design: Irv Osterer
324 pages, 6”x9” soft cover with photographs and maps

Available from for $23.00

Click here to view the table of contents.

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The Mahler Family

Written by Robin O'Neil
Hardback or paperback, 6 x 1.9 x 9 ”, 828 pages

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The Real Oskar Schindler and his List

Written by Robin O'Neil
Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Available as Hard Cover OR  Paperback, 6.69” by 9.61”, 308 pages with original photographs 

Available from in a hard cover for $31.00
Available from in a soft cover for $26.00

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The Unlikely Hero of Sobrance
by William Leibner and Larry Price
Edited by Ingrid Rockberger
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 210 pages with illustrations

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.

Available from for $32.00

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Other sources: Sobrance, Slovakia

The Westreich Family Tree 
Putting the Puzzle Pieces Together Using Traditional and Genetic Genealogy

Editor: Allan H. Westreich, Ph.D.
Cover Design: Irv Osterer.
232 pages 8.5”x11” Hard cover, Color

Available from for $38.00

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Town of Bar:
Jewish Pages Through The Prism Of Time

Original Book in Ukrainian:
K 92 M. B. Kupershteyn
Vinnytsia: LLC “Nilan-LTD”, 2019 - 344 pages.
Book proofreader: A. M. Krentsina
The original publication was carried out with the financial support
of the Charity Fund “Christians for Israel-Ukraine”

Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 292 pages with original photographs.
Author and original cover design by: M. B. Kupershteyn
Bar Kehila Leader: Stefani Elkort Twyford
Cover Design: Rachael Kolokoff Hopper
Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind

Available from for $31.00

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Other sources: Bar, Ukraine

War Criminal on Trial

Written by Sol Littman
This reprint of the timeless 1983 book by the Canadian investigative reporter Sol Littman.
Paperback, 9” by 6”, 260 pages with all illustrations and photos.

Available from for $26.00

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What Kind of Past - The Story of a Balkan Sephardic Family

Written by Joe Youcha
232 pages, soft cover
Cover design: Irv Osterer

Available from for $24.00

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Those Who Remained
By Zsuzsa F. Várkonyi

Available from in a hard cover for $25.00

Available from in a soft cover for $19.00

Available from in a soft cover in Hebrew for $19.00

More book details and where to order

What's in a Name 
A Young Person's Jewish Genealogy Workbook

Authors: Stephen M. Cohen and Caryn Alter
Layout and cover design: Stephen M. Cohen and Caryn Alter
8.5”x11”, 154 pages

Available from for $25.00

More book details and where to order


JewishGen Press Submission Criteria

Submissions to JewishGen Press (except for Yizkor Books) must meet the following criteria to be considered for publication:

The work is non-fiction, written in English, with a published length of at least 50 pages and no more than 100,000 words. (Shorter works may be considered for inclusion in an anthology format along with the works of other authors.)

  1. The work concerns issues of Jewish genealogy, history, culture, or heritage; focusing on people, places, and events of the past.
  2. The work embodies the quality of writing and research required by the JewishGen Press.
  3. The work is the original work of the author.
  4. The author is the legal owner of or has all rights in and to the work.
  5. The work does not violate or infringe on any copyright or other personal property rights of any third parties.
  6. The work has been edited prior to submission, by the author and/or by a professional editor retained at the author's expense, for coherence, grammar, spelling, and typographical errors.
  7. The work has not been published elsewhere, self-published, accepted for publication elsewhere, and is not pending acceptance or being considered for publication elsewhere. An exception for a previously published work may be made at the discretion of the Editorial Board if the work is no longer available for purchase and the Board deems its publication to be an exceptionally valuable contribution to the Jewish and non-Jewish communities.
  8. Note - JewishGen Press does not publish primary source material unless it is integrated into an accompanying text (e.g., collections of letters without text describing the context in which they were written will not be considered.)

Questions?  Please direct any questions to:



The JewishGen Press project is indeed an extremely important project.
  Professor David Patterson
Hillel Feinberg Chair in Holocaust Studies Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies University of Texas at Dallas
* * *
Upon finding out that the Ohrei Yizkor Book was published and available, one researcher wrote:
I have been waiting 33 years since I first came across that book in the New York Public Library and was unable to read it because I couldn't understand Yiddish. Thanks. Will purchase it.
* * *
In a world in which fewer and fewer people speak and read Yiddish, and where many Jews outside of Israel do not read Hebrew fluently, the translation of these Yizkor books into English is a very important project. These books were frequently the first publications about a given community or a number of contiguous communities, and if for no other reason than that, they are of great significance. Although most are not works of traditional scholarship, they do contain extremely valuable information about the history of Jewish communities and their destruction, recollections and vignettes about daily life and the people who lived in those communities, and frequently lists of those who were murdered during the Shoah. Making them accessible to a wider public is important today and undoubtedly will remain important in the future. I am very pleased that the JewishGen Press Project of JewishGen has donated these books to our library collection and I am quite certain that our readers will find them to be of much use. For our part we hope to preserve them for future generations. 
  Dr. Robert Rozett
Director of the Libraries, Yad Vashem 
* * *
I have the original book in Yiddish and Hebrew but always wanted a copy of the English translation, which I haven't been able to find until now so thank you! I've ordered the book and have notified the rest of my family in the States about it.
  Lois Gordon, MS MPH
Assistant Director
Hadassah Center for Clinical Quality & Safety
* * *
JewishGen's Yizkor Book translations are an invaluable resource for readers who cannot read the original languages, and a welcome supplement to the Yiddish Book Center's facsimile reprints of Yizkor Books from the New York Public Library's collection. Yasher koyekh!
  Catherine Madsen
Yiddish Book Center
* * *
The Ciechanow Yizkor book is so precious to our family. My mother, Leah “Lonia” Kirshenbaum Mosak is a Ciechanower who survived Auschwitz Birkenau; she is now 91 years old. She will not let go of the book and reads from it every day.
  Doris Lazarus
* * *
Although the Holocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Family Campus has just about every memorial book in the original language, we are very pleased to be able to add the English translations being offered by Jewishgen.  Our English-only speaking Library users are thrilled to be able to read about their families' hometowns and possibly trace their relatives without the help of a translator.  We have every Yizkor Book in Print Project title published so far and look forward to adding more as they become available.  They are of the highest quality and enhance our collection immeasurably.  Thank you, Jewishgen!
  Feiga Weiss
Holocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Family Campus Library Archive
Farmington Hills, Michigan
* * *
As someone who has lost ancestors and family in the Holocaust, I can truly say that the Turka Yizkor book will allow my siblings and me to make the connection and pass it on to our children so we can preserve their memory.
  Ed Nagler,
Panama City, FL
* * *
This review is from: Yizkor (Memorial) Book of Horodenka, Ukraine - Translation of Sefer Horodenka (Hardcover) This history of my family's home 'shtetl' contains information that was never discussed by my grandparents living here in the United States. I highly recommend this Yizkor book to everyone who has searched for information on Horodenka--and I know there are several perhaps cousins? engaged in the hunt on the Jewish Genealogy website. I'm so happy to see the translation from the original Yiddish (and German) that makes this important and valuable information accessible to everyone. Thanks for the hard work and care that went into making this Yizkor Book of Horodenka possible.
  S. Ulanoff
* * *
Although I have already had a digital glimpse inside this book, I am again very surprised at how vividly the reading material is presented!  The large, easy-to-read font, outlines and paragraphs lighten up such sad and harrowing reading material; you don't want to put the book down. I would never have thought what a big difference it makes to have something you've only read digitally now in book form in your hand. By the way, the book feels good and I like the high quality paper.
  Beate Schützmann-Krebs
Translator and Coordinator of “Krinki In Ruins”.


Misc. Information

How we print the books:

The project uses the “Print on Demand” model, which utilizes the latest technology for being able to print even single books on demand and ship to individual buyers, without requiring runs of hundreds of books. Hence here is no minimum requirement of number of books to be ordered, nor is there a storage problem, nor an unsold books problem. It is ideal for our situation with a limited specalized audience. Book interiors are in black and white, whereas the covers are in color and often are replicas of the covers of the original Hebrew and Yiddish Yizkor Books or contain some artwork from the books or displays a significant historic photo.


Message to Coordinators of Yizkor Books for Prospective Printing:

We print only fully translated books for which we have permission from the copyright holder of the original Yiddish or Hebrew book to print the translation. If you are interested in getting your book in the queue for processing to be printed and published, first you must make sure that the Yizkor Book Project either already has that permission to publish or that you can get it - for clarifications on these issues, please contact Lance Ackerfeld . Desirable, but not necessary are higher resolution scans (300 dpi or preferably 600 dpi) of the images from the book than were used for the on-line version (72 dpi). When you have satisfied these requirements, then please contact Joel Alpert, Project Coordinator.


Looking for Volunteers:

In order to accomplish this task, we are looking for talented people who are willing to volunteer to make this effort happen. Below we list the people and talents we are looking for. We want to create a team of several people with each of the talents. We would assign one of each of the volunteer categories below to a book, with the exception of the Document Coordinator, Cover Editor and Publicity Specialist - one or two each for the whole project. We list the tasks with the highest needs at the top. If you can help, we'd appreciate your efforts in the task.


Book Coordinators:

Most likely the project coordinator of the Yizkor book website for that community. If necessary, obtain permissions necessary to publish the book from the organization or person holding the copyright on the original Hebrew/Yiddish Yizkor book. Create a new Preface and Acknowledgements, Credits etc. appropriate to the publishing of the book in English.


Image Processors:

We need volunteers who can process the PDF files (600 dpi resolution) to extract the images of the photos and maps and illustrations to create individual JPEG files so that they can then be inserted into the text of the books in the proper place. Volunteers will need to have the Photoshop or similar software to accomplish the task. This will enable us to produce high quality images for the books.


Layout Editors:

Take files from the Yizkor Book website and copy into MS WORD files for each book chapter. Not necessary to proof read the material. We are printing the books as they appear on the Yizkor Books Project pages. Format the files according to a template supplied changing headings, image captions, etc into a standard format. Imbed the images from the Image Coordinator in the proper place in the text. Edit the material so that the layout has images in a place near the reference to the image. Re-editing and proof reading of material not expected.


Cover Editors for the whole project:

Create the cover using Photo Shop of some other software likely using a scan of the original Yizkor Book cover and modifying it by inserting English, laying it out on a provided template; or possibly creating a totally new cover. One or several people to do this for the whole project.


Publicity Specialist for the whole project:

Deal with publicity for books. Send out announcements to all researchers signed up for each community covered in the book to be published. Develop list of libraries, university libraries with Judaic collections, Holocaust Memorials, temple libraries, etc. that would likely be interested in purchasing copies of the “JewishGen Press.” Send off periodic announcements to these institutions about new Yizkor books now available. One person or several people to do this for the whole project.

If you feel that you are able to take on one of these tasks, please contact the “JewishGen Press” Coordinator – Joel Alpert


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Updated 13 Oct 2024 by LA