Wysokie-Mazowieckie; Memorial Book
(Wysokie Mazowieckie, Poland)


Translation of
Wysokie-Mazowieckie; sefer zikaron

Published by the JewishGen Press

Original Book Edited by: I. Rubin – Wysokie-Mazowieckie Society
Published in Tel-Aviv, 1975
Project Coordinators: Sandy Levin, Ada Holtzman z”l
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 228 pages with original photographs

Available from for $31.00



The earliest mentions of Jews residing in Wysokie Mazowieckie date back to 1719.

In 1765, the community in Wysokie Mazowieckie was described as an independent kehilla with its own rabbi and gabbai.

Jews made a living as store keepers and artisans.

In the 1920s and the 1930s, there were many active Jewish organizations in the town, including Poalei Zion, Tseirei Zion, Mizrachi, Tarbut, HaShomer HaLeumi, HaNoar HaTsioni, Betar, “Maccabi” Sports Society and others. Wysokie also boasted various charitable institutions: Hachnasat Kala, Hachnasat Orchim, Bikur Cholim. A small hospital was established in the 1930s.

Before World War II, 2,500 Jews lived in Wysokie Mazowieckie, constituting 50% of the total population.

The town was first occupied by the Germans on September 10, 1939. Following the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, the town was taken over by the Red Army on September 27, 1939.

Breaking the pact, the town was occupied again by the Germans on June 24, 1941. A ghetto was established shortly after and local Jews as well as Jews from the neighboring villages were forced to move there.

The process of liquidating the ghetto started on November 2, 1942 and residents were transported to Treblinka and Auschwitz-Birkenau. The last group of Jews was deported in mid-November to the temporary camp in Zambrów, from where they were taken to Auschwitz in January 1943.

May this Yizkor Book serve as a memorial to all the victims of the Shoah from Wysokie-Mazowieckie and the neighboring communities.


Wysokie-Mazowieckie is located at 52°55' N 22°31' E and 79 miles NE of Warszawa.

Alternate names for the town are: Wysokie Mazowieckie [Pol], Visoka-Mazovietzk [Yid], Visoki [Yid], Mazowieck [Pol, before 1866], Vysokie-Mazovietzkie [Rus], Visoke Mazovyetsk


Nearby Jewish Communities:

Jabłonka 11 km WNW Wizna 33 km NNW
Sokoły 14 km ENE Tykocin 36 km NNE
Wyszonki Kościelne 18 km SSE Śniadowo 37 km WNW
Czyżew-Osada 19 km SW Sterdyń 40 km SSW
Zambrów 19 km WNW Choroszcz 41 km NE
Rutki 21 km NNW Piątnica 41 km NW
Łapy 25 km ENE Kosewo 41 km W
Andrzejewo 25 km WSW Łomża 41 km NW
Gać 26 km NW Małkinia Górna 42 km SW
Zawady 27 km NNE Kosów Lacki 43 km SW
Ciechanowiec 28 km S Jedwabne 43 km NNW
Szumowo 29 km W Ostrów Mazowiecka 43 km WSW
Suraż 29 km E Prostyń 45 km SW
Brańsk 30 km SE Boćki 47 km SE
Nur 31 km SSW Trzcianne 48 km NNE
Zaręby Kościelne 32 km SW Białystok 49 km ENE

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