JewishGen education

Basic 6: Cite Your Sources

Basic 6 presents the proper way to cite your sources so that those you share your research with, now or in the future, can replicate your research. A citation takes the "hearsay" aspects of documentation to fact-based. Mark Howells writes in "A Cite for Sore Eyes "As the detectives of our family histories, we have accepted a responsibility in our research which goes beyond merely finding our ancestors. Besides the finding, there is the recording of what we have found out about our forefathers. It is within the recording portion of our efforts that we have a serious responsibility."

Tuition for this class is $36. The fee will be waived if you qualify for JewishGen's Value Added Services, having made a $100 donation to JewishGen’s General Fund within the past 12 months. You are then welcome to enroll at no additional charge (the system will recognize you and will not ask for a credit card; if it doesn't, please email the instructor).

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