Cemeteries Projects
There are 84 Jewish Cemeteries or town cemeteries where Jews are buried in Bessarabia/Moldova region as of June 2024. Some of them are pretty large with thousands and thousand of graves, others are very small. A few of the cemeteries were maintained properly, but most of them are in bad condition of disrepair, including overgrown trees and bushes. In many cemeteries, there is no access to some of the tombstones. Most of the cemeteries are without a caretaker. A number of cemeteries disappeared already, and were replaced by buildings, potato fields, roads. There is only 1 remaining standing tombstone at Dumbroveny Jewish Cemetery! We could not find Jewish Cemetery in Strasheny, where were about 150 tombstones only 50 years ago, and did not find Jewish cemeteries in Tarakliya, Gershunovka, ...
There are a number of DESTROYED Jewish cemeteries, and for some of them we have a list of people who were buried there. You can see such cemeteries below too. Example: Kaushany Old Cemetery and Kaushany New Cemetery.
We should hurry, because in 20-40 years, there maybe not be much of the cemeteries to find and visit.
If you would like to get a whole list of people buried in a cemetery - for donation of $100 to Bessarabia-Moldova Cemetery Project, we will send you the entire list. If you find your relatives buried there, we will also send you photos if available.
Email us after you donate.
We also starting restoration, clearing, and cleaning projects for some of the cemeteries. One such project is on the way for Brichany cemetery and soon we will work also in Ataki, Lipkany, Gancheshti, and more. We need your help to lead, organize such projects, donate money and translate writings. Please contact Yefim Kogan (yefimk@verizon.net) if you want to participate.
Total: 73 records
Note: the table is sortable by clicking on the column header