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Cemeteries Collections

Geographic AreaCollection NameTime frameTypeLocationView
GeneralBessarabian Jewish Cemeteries Photo Gallery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Compilation of photographs of Bessarabian Jewish Cemeteries.
Akkerman (Town)Akkerman Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Aleksandreny (Town)Aleksandreni Town Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photographs of gravestones on the Jewish Section of the Town Cemetery
Artsiz (Town)Artcyz Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Baymakliya (Town)Baimaclia Jewish CemeteryCemetery is almost destroyed, not known time frameCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photographs and index of the gravestones
Beltsy (Town)Beltsy Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Bendery (Town)Bendery Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photographs of the gravestones (2013)
Bolgrad (Town)Bolgrad Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Brichany (Town)Briceni Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Brichany (Town)Brichany Cemetery List 1940-1990CemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Completed by Claire Stuart. Total of 286 records are available at Bessarabia SIG and shortly be available at JOWBR/JewishGen.
Brichevo (Town)Bricheva Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Chadyr-Lunga (Town)Chadyr-Lunga Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Chimishliya (Town)Chimishliya Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Chinisheutsy (Town)Chinisheutsi Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Comrat (Town)Comrat Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Dombroveny (Town)Dombroveni Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Dubossary (Town)Dubossary Jewish Cemetery, New Section19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Dubossary (Town)Dubossary Jewish Cemetery, Old Section19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Edintsy (Town)Edintsy Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Faleshty (Town)Falesti New Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Faleshty (Town)Falesti Old Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Floreshty (Town)Floresti Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Ganchesty (Town)Hincesti Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Grigoriopol (Town)Grigoriopol Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Izmail (Town)Ismail Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Kagul (Town)Cahul Jewish Cemetery 19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Kamenka (Town)Camenca Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Kapreshty (Town)Capresti Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Kaushany (Town)Kaushany New Jewish Cemetery20 centuryCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Kaushany (Town)Kaushany Old Jewish Cemetery16-20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Kaushany (Town)CemeteriesJOWBR
Kiliya (Town)Kiliya Jewish Cemetery 19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Bessarabia (Province)Bessarabia Jewish Cemeteries18 and 21 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Collection of photographs of gravestones on Bessarabian Jewish Cemeteries (see sub-collections) and index of all burials
Kishinev (Town)Kishinev Doyna Cemetery (St. Lazar) 19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Kishinev (Town)Kishinev Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Klishkivtsi (Town)Klishkivtsi New Jewish CemeteryCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Klishkivtsi (Town)Klishkivtsi Old Jewish CemeteryCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Leovo (Town)Leovo Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Lipkany (Town)Lipkani Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Lipkany (Town)Lipkani Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photographs of the gravestones
Lipkany (Town)Lipkany Cemetery List1940-1992CemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Transliteration of the cemetery list.

Completed by Michael Glazer, UK. Total of 118 records are available at JOWBR.
Lyublin (Town)Lyublin Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Markuleshty (Town)Marculesti Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Nisporeny (Town)Nisporeni Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Novoselitsa (Town)Novoselitsa Jewish CemeteryCemeteriesJOWBR
Photographed, and now a Bessarabia SIG is working on indexing
Rashkov (Town)Rashkov Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Reni (Town)Reni Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Rezina (Town)Rezina New Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Rezina (Town)Rezina Old Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photographs of the gravestones
Romanovka (Town)Romanovka Jewish Cemetery, Old section19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Romanovka (Town)Basarabeasca Jewish Cemetery (New Section)19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Rybnitsy (Town)Rybnitsa New Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Rybnitsy (Town)Rybnitsa Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
San Paulo (Town)Vila Mariana cemeteryCemeteriesJOWBR
Sarata (Town)Sarata Town Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photographs of gravestones on the Jewish Section of the Town Cemetery
Skulyany (Town)Sculeni Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Soroki (Town)Soroca New Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Soroki (Town)Soroca Old Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Strasheny (Town)Straseni Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Tatarbunary (Town)Tatarbunary Jewish CemeteryCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Teleneshty (Town)Teleneshty New Jewish CemeteryEnd of 19th to 20th cemeteryCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photographing and indexing done
Teleneshty (Town)Teleneshty Old Jewish Cemetery19th centuryCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photographing and indexing done
Tiraspol (Town)Tiraspol Dalnee Cemetery 19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Tiraspol (Town)Tiraspol Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Tuzora (Town)Kalarash Jewish CemeteryCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Ungeny (Town)Ungheni Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones
Vad-Rashkov (Town)Vad-Rashkov Jewish Cemetery19 and 20 centuriesCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery unknown gravestones
Valya-luy-Vlad (Town)Valea-lui-Vlad Jewish CemeteryCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Cemetery is almost destroyed.  There are 44 images of what used to be graves remaining, but only for 3 of them we were able to read names.
There are also a number of fragments.
Volintiri (Town)Volontirovka Jewish CemeteryCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Cemetery is almost destroyed.  There are only 4 graves remaining with only one grave with inscription.  There are also a number of fragments.
Zguritsa (Town)Zguritsa Jewish CemeteryBeginning to the middle of 20 centuryCemeteriesBessarabia SIG Website
Photograph of the cemetery gravestones

Total: 70 records

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