Collection: League to Assist Palestine Workers, Belozirka

Collection Name:League to Assist Palestine Workers, Belozirka
Geographic Area:Belozirka (Town)
Type:Community Records
Time frame:1933-1935
Description:Names of management committee and members of the League for the Assistance of those working in Palestine, Belozerka Branch, 1933-1935. Includes addresses, birth years, birth towns, and names of parents of management committee members. It includes the following pages: pp 4, 8, 10, 12a, 12b, 13, 17-18, 20-23.

12 page extract in Polish. Central Archives Catalog No. HM 2-9246.9. Kremenets District Research Group (KDRG) Document No. 131. Translated by Alex Sharon.

The document has 52 different personal names. A name index has been added to the translation.

Names and towns are also indexed in the searchable Concordance of Personal Names and Town Names, a master index of all information collected by the Kremenets District Research Group.

Document created by Kremenets District Governor’s Office Security Department. CAHJP obtained the document from Ternopil State Archives (GATO), Fond 2 Opis 1 Delo 10.

Main Collection:This is a subcollection of the CAHJP Documents collection
Availability:Collection is available online

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