Collection: Vital Records Images-Jewish Births, Marriages, Deaths, Divorces in Olshana

Collection Name:Vital Records Images-Jewish Births, Marriages, Deaths, Divorces in Olshana
Geographic Area:Olshana (Town)
Type:Vital Records: Mixed (B, M, D, D)
Time frame:1890-1912
Description:Jewish Records of births, marriages, divorces and deaths from the Jewish community of Olshana. The records are from FHL microfilm numbers 2289320 (Items 2-3), 2068071 (item 5), 2083438 (item 4) and 2087050 (item 4). The text is in Russian and Hebrew.

Olshana birth, marriage and death records in 1997 films 2083438 and 2087050 were refilmed in 2289320 in 2001

Microfilm 2289320

  • Item 2 [additional microfilm] Fond 931, opis 1, delo 413: Births 1890-1891, 1893-1894, 1897-1898, 1900-1901 - Marriages, Births 1902 - Marriages 1903-1904 - Births 1905-1906 - Marriages, Births 1909 - Births 1911 - - Marriages, births 1910 - 1912 Marriages, 1911
  • Item 3 [additional microfilm] fond 931, opis 1, delo 520 births 1895, 1903, 1912 (p. 1-64) - Deaths 1903 (p. 65-78)

Microfilm 2068071

  • Item 5 - fond 931, оpus 1, delo. 192 births 1876-1881, 1884, 1886-1888

Microfilm 2083438

    • Item 4 - fond 931, оpus 1, delo. 413 births 1890-1891, 1893-1894, 1897-1898, 1900-1901
    • marriages, births 1902
    • marriages 1903-1904
    • births 1905-1906
    • marriages, birth 1909
    • births 1911
    • marriages, births 1910
    • marriages 1912, 1911

Microfilm 2087050

  • item 4 fond 931, оpus 1, delo 520
    • births 1895, 1903, 1912 (pages 1-64)
    • deaths 1903 (pages 65-78)

The FHL catalog entry for the microfilms is: Records of births, marriages, and deaths from the Jewish community in Ol′shana, Zvenigorodka, Kiev, Russia; later known as Vil′shana, Horodyshche, Cherkasy, Ukraine. Text in Russian and Hebrew.
Translation is pending. Ukraine SIG's Coordinator has the image files.

Availability:Collection not available online

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