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congregations throughout the British Isles and Gibraltar, both past and present. NOTE: We are not the official website of this congregation,
the address of which appears below.

The facade of former Adelaide Road Synagogue in September 2014 © David Shulman 2014
Congregation Data
Name |
Dublin Hebrew Congregation (DHC)(i)
Current Status: |
In a gradual process that took place between 1999 and 2004, the
DHC merged with the independent
Terenure Hebrew Congregation
In January 1999, general meetings of both congregations agreed on a
and later that year the DHC closed its Adelaide Road synagogue and
moved its services to THC's synagogue in Rathfarnham Road.(iii)
On 15
December 2004 the formal merger between the two congregations was completed
when both congregations simultaneously approved the merger agreement.(iv) The new merged congregation assumed the name
Dublin Hebrew Congregation(v) and holds its services at
the Terenure Synagogue.
In order to avoid potential confusion, activities of the merged
congregation (in light of its name) will generally be dealt with on
this page, although such congregation is
also the successor to the THC. |
Current Address: |
32a Rathfarnham Road, Terenure, Dublin
D6W VE89.
(in use by DHC from 1999)
For the history of the Terenure synagogue, see Terenure Hebrew Congregation. |
Former Addresses: |
36/7 Adelaide Road, Dublin
(1892 to 1999)
was the first purpose-built synagogue in Ireland and was built in
Eastern Romanesque style, with seating capacity of 300 in the main body, and for
another 150 in the galleries(viii)
(architect Dublin-based
John Joseph O'Callaghan(ix)).
The site was chosen as it was within easy walking distance of the South Circular Road,(x) which had
become the area in which most of Dublin's Jews were then concentrated.
It cost over £5,000 to build and was funded by donations from British Jews, including the Rothschilds family,
and from Jews and non-Jews throughout Ireland, and a £3,000 mortgage.(xi) The
synagogue was opened and consecrated by the new Chief Rabbi Dr.
Hermann Adler on 4 December 1892.(xii)
The synagogue became known as the
"English shul",(xv)
differentiating it from the small congregations around Clanbrassil Street
and Portobello, established in the 1880's and 1890's, primarily by
recent immigrants from Lithuania and Poland. In 1915 a mikveh and baths
were erected at the synagogue and in 1925 the building was materially enlarged, to provide school facilities for Jewish children.(xvi)
As a result of the movement of the Jewish population to Dublin's suburbs,
the synagogue was closed in 1999 and services were thereafter held at
the synagogue in Terenure.(xvii)
Shortly following closure, the synagogue
building was
sold, for some £6 million,(xviii)
and demolished, apart from its
front façade, and replaced by either a block of flats(xix)
or offices(xx).
it was intended that the
proceeds of sale would be used to to redevelop the Terenure synagogue
site, with the construction a new synagogue, community centre and
Ultimately, the Terenure site was not redeveloped and only the mikveh was
12 Mary's Abbey, (off Chapel Street) Dublin
(1836 to 1892)(xxv)
These premises were formerly a chapel of a small Presbyterian group known as the Seceders or Non-Burghers, a sect of the Kirk of Scotland,
who later went on to join similar groups in forming the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in Ireland.(xxvi)
Mary's Abbey, a short and narrow street off Capel Street, is the site of the St. Mary’s Abbey,
founded by the French Cistercians in 1147 on the site of an older Benedictine foundation
and dissolved in the Reformation of 1539.(xxvii)
The lease of the building, which had a seating capacity of 90, was purchased by the congregation from the trustees of the Seceders for £300 in 1836 but
the congregation was only able to purchase the freehold interest in 1853, for £350 from the Bank of Ireland.(xxx)
At the time of its purchase and for almost fifty years thereafter, the
Mary's Abbey Synagogue was the only synagogue in Dublin. The 1880s saw
the beginning of a major influx of Jews from the Russian Empire escaping
persecution triggered by the assasination of Tsar Alexander II, many of
whom settled in the poorer areas around Clanbrassil Street and
Portobello, some two miles from the synagogue. These newcomers,
primarily from Lithuania, were generally far more strictly observant
than members of the existing somewhat assimilated Mary's Abbey
congregation, which held services only on a Saturday morning.
Furthermore, Mary's Abbey was also too small for the needs of the
growing community and the largely Yiddish-speaking newcomers found its
services too formal, stern, middle class and unwelcoming. In the 1880s
and 1890s many broke away to establish a number of their own small, more conveniently situated
congregations, more to their liking.
The last Sabbath service was conducted at
Mary’s Abbey on 3 December 1892,(xxxi)
which included a valedictory sermon by Chief Rabbi Dr. Hermann Adler,
the congregation moving to the larger Adelaide Road synagogue, situated
closer to the main Jewish residential areas.
40 Stafford Street, Dublin
(1822 to 1836)(xxxii)
In 1822, the few Jewish families in Dublin
formed a new Jewish congregation that met in the home of Joseph Wolfe
Cohen at 40 Stafford Street (now Wolfe Tone Street). In 1829, when Cohen
moved to other premises, the congregation rented the upper storey at
40 Stafford Street.(xxxiii) |
Formation: |
The congregation was founded in 1822, there
having been no Jewish congregation in Dublin since the closure of the Marlborough Green Synagogue in 1791,
due to the community almost dwindling away.
Joseph Wolfe Cohen presented the new congregation with a gift of two Torah scrolls that he and his brother,
Abraham, had rescued from sale by the creditors
of the Marlborough Green Synagogue. A third scroll was presented by Reuben Isaac Phillips.(xxxvi)
Ritual: |
Ashkenazi Orthodox. A bequest in 1854 was made
on condition that the congregation conforms "to the form and service
observed by the Great Synagogue, Duke's Place, London."(xxxvii) |
Affiliation: |
The congregation is unaffiliated although until
Irish independence in 1922, it would have been under the aegis of the
(British) Chief Rabbi. However, in 1840 the congregation proposed that it
it be considered as a branch synagogue of the Bevis Marks Synagogue
although nothing appears to have come of this proposal.(xxxviii) |
Website: |
https://www.dublinhebrew.org/ |
Ministers & Early Readers:(xlii)
(To view a
short profile of a minister or reader - hold the cursor over his name.) |
Rev Isaac Davidson
- reader and shochet from 1829 until 1844.(xliii)
Rev. Julius Sandheim
- reader and shochet from about 1839 until 1882 (not continuously).(xliv)
Rev. Jacob D. Davis
- preacher, reader and teacher from 1855 until November 1861.(xlv)
Rev. Philip Bender
- preacher and minister from 1862 until 1881.(xlvi)
Rev. Israel Leventon
- reader and shochet from about 1881 until 1899.(xlviii)
Rev. Francis L. Cohen
- minister from 1885 until 1886.(xlix)
Rev. Edwin Hyman Simeon Collins
- minister from about 1887 until about 1888.(l)
Rev. Louis Mendelsohn, BA
- minister from 1895 until about 1901.(li)
Rev. S. Alfred Adler
- minister in about 1900.(lii)
(In 1919, the congregation was one of the six congregations which combined to appoint
Rabbi Isaac Halevi Herzog
as communal rabbi of the Dublin Jewish community, prior to him being appointed Chief Rabbi of Ireland in 1922.)
Rev. Abraham Gudansky
- reader from 1901 until about 1925 and then minister until 1939.(liii)
Rabbi Theodore (Teddy) Lewis
- minister from 1944 until 1948.(liv)
From 1949 to 1982, the congregation decided to defer appointing its own
dedicated rabbi or minister and instead, during this period, relied upon
the services of the various Chief Rabbis of Ireland
(Rabbi Dr. Immanuel Jakobovits,
Rabbi Dr. Isaac Cohen
and Rabbi David Rosen),
who occupied by rotation the pulpits of the various orthodox congregations in Dublin,
as well as the community's dayan, Dayan S. Zalmon Alony).
Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis
- minister from 1982 until 1984, when he became Chief Rabbi of Ireland.(lvii)
After 1984 (except for the period in about 1995 when
Rabbi Vivian C. Silverman was acting minister(lviii))
the congregation generally relied upon the services the various
Chief Rabbis of Ireland, until
2008 (when that office was left vacant) and Dublin's Communal Rabbi
and/or Chabbad Rabbi,
Rabbi David Radomsky
(1985 to 1988)(lix)
Rabbi Zalman Lent (2003-2023).(lx)
Rabbi Zalman Lent was also
later appointed as minister of the merged Dublin
Hebrew Congregation, being the first resident rabbi to serve the
congregation since the merger.
Rabbi Yoni Wieder and
Rebbetzen Olivia Wieder - rabbinic couple from 2023 until present
(January 2025).(lxi)
Chazanim (Cantors) since 1900: |
Rev. Simon Wykansky
- reader in about 1908.(lxiv)
Rabbi Elkan Eliezer Gavron
- second reader from about 1901 until 1921.(lxv)
Rev. Morris Roith
- second reader from about 1921 until 1966.(lxvi)
Rev. Naftali (Nandor) Freilich
- chazan from about 1939 until 1949.(lxvii)
Rev. Isidore Gluck
- chazan from 1951 until 1964.(lxx)
Rev. Izak Halpert
- chazan from 1964 until 1980.(lxxi)
Cantor Alwyn Shulman
- chazan from 1991 until about 2020.(lxxii)
Lay Officers from 1896: |
Unless otherwise stated, the following data on lay officers has been extracted from Jewish Year Books,
first published in 1896/7 and which subsequent to 1956 generally ceased to provide details of lay officers other than the secretary.(lxxviii) |
1896-1901 - M. de Groop, JP
1901-1913 - Ernest W. Harris, LLD
1913-1915 - Edwin Maurice Solomons, MA JP
1915-1923 - J. Isaacs, JP
1923-1925 - L.H. Rosenthal, KC
1925-at least 1956 - Edwin M. Solomons, MA
1896-1907 - Adolph Davies
1907-1909 - Joseph Isaacs
1909-1911 - Hoseas Weiner
1911-1912 - L.J. Clein
1912-1915 - D.L. Cohen
1915-1918 - W. Nurock
1918-1920 - A. Newman, JP
1920-1925 - Philip Sayers, JP
Vice Presidents & Treasurers
1925-1927 - Philip Sayers, PC
1927-1928 - Myer Golding
1928-1934 - Michael Noyek
1934-1938 - Hoseas Weiner
1938-1940 - Lewis Levinson
1940-1945 - no data
1945-1946 - S. White
1946-at least 1956 - H. Good, LLB
1881-1899 - Rev. Israel Leventon(lxxix)
1899-1901 - Rev. Louis Mendelsohn, BA
1901-1939 - Rev. Abraham Gudansky
Hon. Secretaries
1896-1907 - John D. Rosenthal, LLB(lxxx) 1907-1913 - Edwin M. Solomons, MA JP
1913-1915 - Philip Sayers, JP
1915-1920 - I. Elyan, JP
1920-1923 - S. Stolovern
1923-1925 - J. Zlotaver
1925-1927 - Bernard Shillman
1927-1932 - A. Spiro, BA
1932-1940 - S. White
1940-1945 - no data
1945-1946 - Geo. R. Morris
1946-1956 - S. Crivon, LLB
1956-1968 - no data
1968-1975 - H.C. White, LLB
1975-1977 - M. Gordon
1978-1983 - M. Simmons
1983-1985 - D. Wine
1985-1989 - M. Gordon
1989-1997 - M. Simmons
1997-2003 - Dr. Seton Menton
Membership Data: |
General 1845 - 19 ba'allai batim and 21
seatholders (Chief
Rabbi's Questionnaire)
Number of Seatholders
- Jewish Year Books(lxxxi)
1896 |
1899 |
1900 |
1903 |
1905 |
1912 |
1938 |
1945 |
1953 |
1962 |
120 |
105 |
120 |
130 |
150 |
160 |
248 |
365 |
294 |
300 |
Cemetery Data:
Dublin Jewish Cemeteries Information on the Dublin home page.
Online Articles and Other Material relating to the
On Third Party websites
Notes & Sources
(↵ returns to text above)
Dublin Jewish Community home page
JCR-UK Ireland home page
Page created: 12 June 2006 Data significantly
expanded and notes first added: 20 November 2022
Page most recently amended: 19 January 2025
Research by David Shulman and Steven Jaffe Formatting by David Shulman
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