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ViewMate Posting VM 107008

Submitted by Edward Henry Friedel

Information Picture Question
Category: Translation - Hebrew
Approval Date: 5/8/2024 2:06 PM
Family Surname: Cantor, Kahan
Country: Poland
Town: Grajewo
Date of Image: 1930
Click the picture to enlarge

This is the Introduction page of the book Ahbad Chesed written by my second great-uncle Rabbi Jakob Kagan in 1930. It's a commentary on the Book of Ruth. I"d appreciate a complete translation of this one page. I believe in the second paragraph he mentions his deceased wife Beila.
Many thanks, Ed Friedel.

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5/9/2024 10:45 AM Translation to the second part of the page:
Memory in the book
(Quotation from the Talmud) Anyone who does not have a wife is without joy, without Torah, without a wall (of protection)
The meaning is that the woman will surround him and protect him from all sin and injustice, as they said a woman will surround a man.
After all, a man without a wife is a man without Torah, and if there is Torah with him, then she is not pure (without the wife)
It is found that whoever has a wife, his Torah is pure, and therefore the wife has a large share and right in his Torah.
And I find it a duty for my soul to pay respect, and to put a memory in the book, To the soul of the woman whom God blessed me with, and dropped me lines in pleasant(Quote from Psalms chapter 16)
From God, a wise woman, Mrs. Bila, daughter of Rabbi Binyamin, who was a Helpmate for me for 28 years
She kept my spirit and made my soul happy, by always expanding my mind, so that I could learn and renew Torah innovations. May her soul be bundled in the bundle of life, and may her memory be blessed.
And God will grant me the privilege of publishing all the books edited by me, as God's good hand is upon me,
And we will be blessed with the coming of the Redeemer soon in our day, Amen
5/9/2024 10:19 PM The first helper did an excellent job of interpreting the text, a task made more difficult due to the lack of sufficient punctuation that would have made some of the phraseology clearer.

My reading is slightly different:
A remembrance in the book.

(Yevamot, 62, 2) Anyone who does not have a wife is imbued without joy, without Torah, without a wall. This is trying to say that the woman would surround him and protect him from all sin and transgression, according to their saying, as follows: and the female will surround the man, for he who is without a wife is without Torah, and if he has a Torah with him, then it is not Torah and it [the Torah] is not pure. [In the Hebrew, this is a clever play on words, as the word here for pure is “Tehora”, almost a rhyme for “Torah”.]

It follows that one who has a wife, his Torah is [truly] Torah and it is pure [“Tehora”], and therefore the wife has a great reward in [his learning of] the Torah.

And I find a great obligation in my soul to pay respect, and to put a memorial into the book, to the soul of the woman whom G-d granted to me, and a pleasant fate befell me.

From G-d, an intelligent woman, Mrs. Bayla, daughter of Reb Binyamin, who was my helpmate for 28 years.
She always strengthened my spirit and gladdened my soul with serenity, so that I could learn and devise innovations in the Torah. May her soul be bound in the bond of life, and may her memory be blessed.
And may G-d grant me the privilege of publishing all of the books which are set out by me, as the good hand of
G-d that is upon me, and may we merit the coming of the Redeemer quickly in our day, Amen.

This is a touching tribute from a husband to his wife.

The R' in front of his father-in-law's name most likely represents the word 'Reb', an honorary title. Had he been a rabbi, it more likely would have said "haRav".

One additional comment: the word that I have translated as “intelligent” (G-d gave him an intelligent woman) can also be – and more commonly is – translated as a “barren” woman. In that case, he would be saying that this is what G-d had ordained, but nevertheless she was a perfect wife for him. (He does not mention children, although of course this does not necessarily mean that they had none).
5/10/2024 12:31 AM To the one who comments to anyone who translates
Maybe it's enough to give grades to others
And just write how you translate??

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