the former

Pontypridd Hebrew Congregation

and Jewish Community

Pontypridd, Rhondda-Cynon-Taf, South Wales




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Town of Pontypridd

Pontypridd, with a population of about 32,000, is a town situated on the river Taff at the junction with the river Rhondda in South Wales. It is situated about 21 north-west of Cardiff.

Pontypridd formed the urban district of Pontypridd in the then county of Glamorganshire. From 1974 until 1996, it was part of the district of Taff-Ely in the new county of Mid Glamorgan. Since 1996, it has formed part of the county borough of Rhondda Cynon Taf - a unitary authority (within the ceremonial, or preserved, county of Mid Glamorgan)

Pontypridd Synagogue (now private apartments)

The Pontypridd Jewish Community

The Jewish community dates back to at least the 1840s and the first Jewish congregation to the 1860s (see Some Thoughts on the Rhondda Valley Communities by Harold Pollins). It continued into the 1970s. The Jewish community was one of very few in South Wales that had its own cemetery. 

Congregation Data


Pontypridd Hebrew Congregation

also known as Pontypridd Synagogue

In 1884, for the centenary of Sir Moses Montefiore, it was resolved to name the then synagogue 'Ohel Moshe'.(iii)


The congregation was initially formed in 1867(iv) but by 1879 had dwindled to only three families and no longer held regular services - in order to obtain a minyan for the high holy days, additional worshippers were procured from neighbouring communities.(v) However, numbers seemed to gradually increase and in about 1888 the congregation was reconstituted.(vi)


Cliff Terrace, Wood Road, Treforest, Pontypridd CF37 1RF(ix)
The foundation stone was laid on 9 May 1895(x) and the synagogue, designed by a local architect, a James Lloyd of Wood Road, was consecrated on 16 October 1895 by the Chief Rabbi.(xi) The building cost was approximately £1,000 and could accommodate 200 worshippers.(xi)

Previously, from July 1867, the congregation met in a building in Treforest, Pontypridd, a school room converted into synagogue,(xii) but which, described as  "a small insufficient room", was sold in 1895 for £100.(xiii)


By 1962, services were held only on the high holy days and for specially arranged services.(xvi) By 1973, the congregation was reported as defunct,(xvii) although occasional evening services still appear to be taking place.(xviii) However, it was not until 1978 that the synagogue was sold and the congregation disbanded.(xix) The building became private apartments, but is still known locally as "The Synagogue".


Ashkenazi Orthodox


The congregation was an unaffiliated congregation under the aegis of the Chief Rabbi.

Ministers and Readers (including Visiting Ministers): (To view a short profile of a minister whose name appears in blue - hold the cursor over the name.)

Rev. Nathan Jacobs (of Cardiff) and Rev. Henry Davis Marks - officiated at the consecration of the first synagogue in 1867.(xxii)

Rev. Abraham Abelson (of Merthyr Tydfil) - officiated at a marriage ceremony in 1877.(xxiii)

Rev. Simon Marks - reader and shochet (date unknown, c.1870s).(xxiv)

Rev. H. Isaacs and Rev. Nathan Jacobs (of Cardiff) - officiated at Yom Kippur services in 1878.(xxv)

Rev. George J. Emanuel, assisted by Rev. Moses H. Hollander and Rev. Bernard Hast (all of Birmingham) - officiated at a marriage ceremony in 1881.(xxvi)

Rev. Elias Plaskowsky - resident and officiant at services in 1889/90.(xxix)

Rev. David Jacobs - minister from no earlier than 1891 until 1895.(xxx)

Rev. Abraham Rosenberg - minister from about 1895 until about 1899.(xxxi)

Rev. Maurice David Hershman - minister from about 1900 until about 1901.(xxxii)

Rev. D. Caplan - reader from 1901 until about 1902.(xxxiii)

Rev. S.D. Cohen - minister from about 1902 until unknown date.(xxxvi)

Rev. Salem Turtledove - reader in early 1900s (dates uncertain).(xxxvii)

Rev. Abraham Straub - reader in about 1911.(xxxviii)

Rev. Abraham Kraut - reader in about 1910/11.(xxxix)

Rev. Woolf Jacobs - minister from about 1911 until about 1913.(xl)

Rev. Emanuel Berry - minister from 1913 until about 1914.(xliii)

Rev. D. Hershman - minister from 1915 until about 1917.(xliv)

Rev. Abraham Warshawsky - minister from about 1917 until about 1919.(xlv)

Rev. H Bergin - minister from 1920 until about 1923.(xlvi)

Rev. Maurice Schwartz - minister from about 1924 until 1926.(xlix)

Rev. Isaac Chaitowitz (later Chait) - minister from 1926 until about 1936.(l)

Rev. Emmanuel Morris - minister from 1936 until 1945.(li)

Rev. Mendel Yare - reader and shochet from 1948 until about 1953.(lii)

Lay Officers of the Congregation:

Unless otherwise stated, all data on lay officers from 1896 has been extracted from listings in Jewish Year Books (first published 1896/7).(lvi)


at least 1873 to at least 1877
 - George Goodman(lvii)

circa 1889/90 - L.S. Abraham(lviii)

1895-1904 - Marks Freedman(lix)

1904-1905 - D. Cohen

1905-1906 - Marks Freedman

1906-1907 - D. Corkland

1907-1908 - Marks Freedman

1908-1911 - Aaron King

1911-1913 - A. Levi

1913-1917 - S. Elkan

1917-1918 - A. Corkland

circa 1920 - T. Shepherd(lx)

1921-1925 - S. Elkan

1925-1927 - H. Bernstein

1927-1928 - S. Elkan(lxiii)

1928-1931 - data contradictory

The following served as the president
during this period but dates conflict:

A. Corkland;(lxiv)

H. Bernstein;(lxv)

N.M. Nevies.(lxvi)

1931-1938 - S. Elkan(lxvii)

1938-1947 - S. Elkan (Life President)(lxx)

1947-1948 - S. Littlestone

1948-1954 - S. Elkan

1954-1955 - N.M. Nevies(lxxi)

1955-date unknown - J. Beatus(lxxii)

1974-1979 - B. Elkan


Vice Presidents

circa 1889 - G. Marks(lxxiii)

1900-1901 - H. Cohen

1901-1905 - M. Fishout

1905-1921 - no data

1921-1928 - Aaron King

1928-1932 - R. Stone

1932-1936 - S. Freedman

1936-1938 - S.Z. Cohen

1938-1947 - no data

1947-1948 - E. Cline


at least 1873 to at least 1877
 - Charles Goodman(lxxvi)

circa 1889 - L.S. Abraham(lxxvii)

circa 1901 - M. Fishout(lxxviii)

1906-1911 - J. Levy(lxxix)

1911-1913 - H. Bernstein

1913-1914 - Aaron King

1914-1917 - A. Corkland

1917-1920 - no data

1920-1925 - H. Bernstein(lxxx)

1925-1929 - R. Stone(lxxxiii)

1929-1936 - S. Freedman(lxxxiv)

1936-1940 - S.Z. Cohen

1940-1945 - no data

1945-1947 - S.Z. Cohen

1947-1948 - R. Littlestone

1948-1952 - S.Z. Cohen

1952 to at least 1956 - M. Freedman(lxxxv)

Secretaries & Hon Secretaries

circa 1889 - Rev. Elias Plaskowsky(lxxxviii)

1895-1899 - W. Diamond

1899-1900 - Mark Ticktan

1900-1901 - D. Goldberg

1901-1905 - J. Lipman(lxxxix)

1905-1908 - I. Grose

1908-1910 - Israel Miller

1910-1911 - Myer Fishout

1911-1913 - J. Fine

1913-1914 - S. Stone

1914-1917 - S. Littlestone

1917-1918 - H. Sunshine

1918-1921 - no data

1921-1925 - B. Levinson

1925-1927 - B. Emanuel

1927-1929 - M. Freedman(xc)

1929-1931 - S. Cohen(xci)

1931-1933 - S. CohenM. Freedman(xcii)

1933-1940 - M. Freedman(xciii)

1940-1945 - no data

1945-1948 - M. Freedman

1948-1961 - J. Hochberger

1961-1974 - M. Freedman

Membership Data:

Number of Seatholders - Board of Deputies Returns









Number of Seatholders - as reported by Jewish Year Books







Reports & Survey(xcvii)

1977 - 9 male (or household) members

Registration District:

Rhondda Cynon Taf, since 1 October 2002(xcviii) - Link to Register Office website


Online Articles and Other Material
relating to the Pontypridd Jewish Community


on third party websites



Pontypridd had its own Jewish cemetery:

  • Glyntaff Cemetery, Jewish Section (K), Cemetery Road, Glyntaff, Pontypridd, CF37 4BE, with a prefabricated ohel.  The earliest burials were in 1894.(xcix) Burials still occasionally carried out for former members of the now defunct congregation.

(For some additional information, also see IAJGS International Jewish Cemeteries Project - Pontypridd


Other Pontypridd Jewish Institutions & Organisations

Educational & Theological

  • Hebrew Schools - founded at the synagogue's premises as a Talmud Torah in 1895(cii) (although classes would have existed earlier)

    Number of pupils:(ciii)
























Other Institutions

  • Chevra Kadisha - this would have exited from the first burials in 1894.(civ)

  • Achavei Zion - founded 1900.(cv)

  • Order Achei Brith (Order Achei Brith and Shield of David from about 1931):

    •  L.S. Abrahamson Lodge no. 25 - founded 1904.(cvi)

    •  Sir Edward Sassoon Lodge no. 47 - founded about 1912.(cvii)

  • Board of Guardians - founded by 1905.(cviii)

  • Order Ancient Maccabæans - founded 1910.(cxi)

  • Jewish Social Club - founded by 1927.(cxii)

  • Pontypridd New Zionist Organisation - founded by 1927.(cxiii)

  • Pontypridd Ladies Society - founded by 1927.(cxiv)

  • Pontypridd JNF Commissioner - founded by 1945.(cxv)


Pontypridd Jewish Population Data





3 families

The Jewish Chronicle of 3 October 1879


80 families

The Jewish Chronicle of 1 March 1895



The Jewish Year Book 1896/7



The Jewish Year Book 1898/9



The Jewish Year Book 1900/1



The Jewish Year Book 1922



The Jewish Year Book 1945/6



The Jewish Year Book 1948



The Jewish Year Book 1951



The Jewish Year Book 1952



The Jewish Year Book 1956



The Jewish Year Book 1958



The Jewish Year Book 1959



The Jewish Year Book 1960



The Jewish Year Book 1962



The Jewish Year Book 1963



The Jewish Year Book 1964



The Jewish Year Book 1964



The Jewish Year Book 1966



The Jewish Year Book 1967


16 families*

The Jewish Year Book 1974


8 families*

The Jewish Year Book 1975


9 families*

The Jewish Year Book 1976

* including Rhodda
Click HERE to view Jewish population figures for the whole of Rhondda Cynon Taf from UK Censuses since 2001.


Notes & Sources
returns to text above)

  • (i) and (ii) Reserved.

  • (iii) The Jewish Chronicle report of 31 October 1884.

  • (iv) The Jewish Chronicle report of 31 May 1867.

  • (v) The Jewish Chronicle report of 3 October 1879.

  • (vi) The Jewish Chronicle report of 27 September 1889.

  • (vii) and (viii) Reserved.

  • (ix) The address in given in Jewish Year Books and Jewish Chronicle reports simply as Wood Street. Full address appears in Sharman Kadish's Jewish Heritage in Britain and Ireland, p. 253.

  • (x) The Jewish Chronicle report of 17 May 1895.

  • (xi) The Jewish Chronicle report of 25 October 1895.

  • (xii) The Jewish Chronicle reports of 3 May 1867 and 26 July 1867.

  • (xiii) The Jewish Chronicle report of 17 May 1895.

  • (xiv) and (xv) Reserved.

  • (xvi) The Jewish Year Book 1963.

  • (xvii) The Jewish Chronicle report of 30 November 1973.

  • (xviii) The Jewish Year Book 1975 stated that there were occasional Friday evening services.

  • (xix) The Jewish Chronicle report of 27 January 1978.

  • (xx) and (xxi) Reserved.

  • (xxii) The Jewish Chronicle report of 26 July 1867.

  • (xxiii) The Jewish Chronicle report of 5 January 1877 refers to Rev. F. Ableson, which is believed to be a typographical error.

  • (xxiv) The Jewish Chronicle obituary, 13 November 1903.

  • (xxv) The Jewish Chronicle report of 11 October 1878.

  • (xxvi) The Jewish Chronicle report of 1 July 1881.

  • (xxvii) and (xxviii) Reserved.

  • (xxix) The Jewish Chronicle report of 27 September 1889.

  • (xxx) The Jewish Chronicle profile of Rev. Jacobs of 28 August 1903 and obituary 26 January 1951.

  • (xxxi) Rev. Rosenberg was listed as minister of the congregation from the first Jewish Year Book (1896/7) through 1899/1900.

  • (xxxii) Rev. Hershman was listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1900/1 and 1901/2, although it appears that his successor served from 1901.

  • (xxxiii) The Jewish Chronicle of 30 August 1901 reported the election of Rev. Caplan as reader of the congregation. By 1903, he had been appointed to Plymouth, having served at Stroud in the interim. He is not listed in Jewish Year Books with regard to this congregation.

  • (xxxiv) and (xxxv) Reserved.

  • (xxxvi) Jewish Chronicle obituaries, 21 November and 26 December 1958.

  • (xxxvii) Although Rev. S.D. Cohen was listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1902/3 through 1911, it appears unlikely that he served until, say, 1910, as there were reports of others ministers serving, in particular towards the end of this period.

  • (xxxviii) Encyclopaedia of British Jewish Cantors, etc, by Michael Jolles, 2024, p.913.

  • (xxxix) Jewish Chronicle obituary 6 March 1931.

  • (xl) Rev. Jacobs was listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1912 and 1913,

  • (xli) and (xlii) Reserved.

  • (xliii) Rev. Berry was listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1914 and 1915,

  • (xliv) Rev. D. Hershman was listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1916 and 1917,

  • (xlv) Although Rev. A. Warshawsky was listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1918 through 1921, he had already assumed his next post by about 1919,

  • (xlvi) Although Rev. H. Bergin was listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1922 through 1924, his appointment as minister in 1920 is confirmed by The Jewish Chronicle of 2 April 1920 and he had assumed his next post by about 1923,

  • (xlvii) and (xlviii) Reserved.

  • (xlix) Although Rev. M. Schwartz was listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1926 and 1927, his successor was already in office by 1926, and, assuming continuity of identity, he had also taken up his next post by 1926. His appointment presumably was in 1924 or 1925, in response to a Jewish Chronicle advertisement of 1 March 1924, and by 2 July 1926 there was already an advertisement for a replacement.

  • (l) Rev. Chaitowitz's appointment as minister in 1926 is confirmed by The Jewish Chronicle report of 15 October 1926, although he was listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books only from 1928 through 1936.

  • (li) Rev. Morris was listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1937 through 1945/6. The Jewish Chronicle of 14 September 1945, reporting his move to Margate, stated that he had served the Pontyprid congregation for nine years.

  • (lii) Rev. Yare was listed as reader and shochet of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1949 through 1954. His appointment in 1948 was confirmed by The Jewish Chronicle report of 13 August 1948.

  • (liii) to (lv) Reserved.

  • (lvi) Where a person was first listed in a Jewish Year Book as holding a particular office, it has been assumed that his term of office commenced in the year of publication of the relevant year book and that he continued in office until the commencement of office of his successor, unless the office was shown as vacant. Initially year books corresponded to the Hebrew year, and thus ran roughly from autumn of one year - the year of publication - until autumn of the next year. From 1909, year books were published according to the Gregorian year, being published generally towards the end of the year prior to the year appearing in the title of the year book. For example, if an officer is listed in Jewish Year Books 1909 through 1914, it is assumed that he commenced office in 1908 and continued in office until 1914. However, it should be noted that this is only an assumption and, accordingly, his actual years of office may differ somewhat from those shown here. Jewish Year Books were not published during World War II subsequent to 1940. There were no Jewish Year Book listings of officers (other than secretary) subsequent to 1956.

  • (lvii) G. Goodman was referred to as president of the congregation in The Jewish Chronicle reports of 7 November 1873 and 21 September 1877.

  • (lviii) The Jewish Chronicle of 27 September 1889 reported the election of L.S. Abrahams as president of the congregation and he is still referred to as president in The Jewish Chronicle report of 6 June 1890

  • (lix) M. Freedman was referred to as president of the congregation in The Jewish Chronicle report of 17 May 1895 and was listed as president from the first Jewish Year Book (1896/7) through the 1903/4 edition.

  • (lx) There was no president listed in Jewish Year Books 1919 through 1921, however The Jewish Chronicle of 13 February 1920 reported the election of T. Shepherd as president of the congregation.

  • (lxi) and (lxii) Reserved.

  • (lxiii) S. Eklan was listed as president of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1928, his election in 1927 being confirmed by The Jewish Chronicle report of 2 December 1927.

  • (lxiv) A. Corkland was listed as president of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1929, but was not mentioned in any press report.

  • (lxv) The Jewish Chronicle of 14 December 1928 reported H. Bernstein's election as president but he listed as president of the congregation in the Jewish Year Books 1930 through 1932.

  • (lxvi) The Jewish Chronicle of 13 December 1929 reported N.M. Nevies's election as president but he not listed as president in the Jewish Year Books during the 1920s or 1930s.

  • (lxvii) S. Elkan was listed in Jewish Year Books as president from 1933 through 1938 (and as life president from 1939). The Jewish Chronicle of 9 January 1931 and subsequently, in 1933 and 1934, reported his election as president.

  • (lxviii) and (lxix) Reserved.

  • (lxx) Based upon S. Elkan's listing as life president in Jewish Year Books 1939, 1940, 1945/6 and 1947. It was not published during the war years 194-1945.

  • (lxxi) N.M. Nevies was listed as president in Jewish Year Books 1955 and 1956 (after which the year books generally ceased listing presidents of the congregation - except for 1975 through 1979). However, in September 1955 another person was elected president.

  • (lxxii) The Jewish Chronicle of 2 September 1955 reported J. Beatus's election as president.

  • (lxxiii) The Jewish Chronicle of 29 September 1889 reported G. Marks's election as vice president of the congregation.

  • (lxxiv) and (lxxv) Reserved.

  • (lxxvi) C. Goodman was referred to as president of the congregation in The Jewish Chronicle reports of 7 November 1873 and 21 September 1877.

  • (lxxvii) The Jewish Chronicle of 27 September 1889 reported the election of L.S. Abrahams as treasurer (and president) of the congregation

  • (lxxviii) The Jewish Chronicle of 13 December 1901 reported the election of Mr. Fishout as treasurer of the congregation.

  • (lxxix) J. Levy was the first person to be listed as treasurer of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book (1906/7).

  • (lxxx) There was no treasurer listed in Jewish Year Books 1918 through 1921, however The Jewish Chronicle of 13 February 1920 reported the election of Mr. Bernstein as treasurer of the congregation and he is listed as such in Jewish Year Books 1922 through 1925.

  • (lxxxi) and (lxxxii) Reserved.

  • (lxxxiii) Although Mr. Stone was listed as treasurer of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1926 through 1932, and his election as treasurer in 1927 and 1928 was confirmed by The Jewish Chronicle reports of 2 December 1927 and 14 December 1928, another person was elected as treasurer from 1929.

  • (lxxxiv) Although S. Freedman was listed as treasurer of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1933 through 1936, his election as treasurer was reported in The Jewish Chronicle reports of 13 December 1929, 9 January 1931, 20 January 1933 and 9 February 1934.

  • (lxxxv) M. Freedman was listed as treasurer of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1953 through 1956 (the last year in which treasurers were listed), and his election as treasurer in 1955 was confirmed by The Jewish Chronicle report of 2 September 1955.

  • (lxxxvi) and (lxxxvii) Reserved.

  • (lxxxviii) The Jewish Chronicle of 27 September 1889 reported the election of Rev. Plaskowsky as hon. secretary.

  • (lxxxix) J. Lipman was listed as hon. secretary of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1902/3 through 1904/5, and his election as hon. secretary in 1901 was confirmed by The Jewish Chronicle reports of 13 December 1901,

  • (xc) M. Freedman was listed as hon. secretary of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1928 through 1932. However his election as secretary was reported by The Jewish Chronicle of 2 December 1927 and 14 December 1928   but not at the election reported on 13 December 1929.

  • (xci) The Jewish Chronicle of 13 December 1929 reported the election of S. Cohen as secretary. This term of office was not listed in the Jewish Year Book.

  • (xcii) The Jewish Chronicle of 9 January 1931 reported the election of S. Cohen and M. Freedman as joint hon. secretaries. It is uncertain whether both remained in office until 1933 or just S. Cohen. This term of office was not listed in the Jewish Year Book.

  • (xciii) M. Freedman was listed as hon. secretary of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1934 through 1940 and 1945/6 through 1948. His election as secretary in 1933 and 1934 was reported by The Jewish Chronicle of 20 January 1933 and 9 February 1934 .

  • (xciv) to (xcvi) Reserved.

  • (xcvii) Reports on synagogue membership in the United Kingdom, published by the Board of Deputies of British Jews and which can be viewed on the website of the Institute of Jewish Policy Research. Click HERE for a link to the report.

  • (xcviii) Previous Registration Districts: Merthyr Tydfil from 1 July 1837 to 18 July 1863; and Pontypridd from 18 July 1863 to 1 October 2002. All records would now be held by the current office.

  • (xcix) Sharman Kadish's Jewish Heritage in Britain and Ireland, p. 253.

  • (c) and (ci) Reserved.

  • (cii) The Jewish Chronicle report of 1 March 1895.

  • (ciii) As reported in Jewish Year Books.

  • (civ) It was not, however, listed in Jewish Year Books until 1937.

  • (cv) The Jewish Chronicle report of 7 December 1900.

  • (cvi) The Jewish Chronicle report of 22 January 1904.

  • (cvii) The Jewish Chronicle report of 31 January 1913.

  • (cviii) First listed in the Jewish Year Book 1905/6.

  • (cix) and (cx) Reserved.

  • (cxi) The Jewish Chronicle reports of 21 January 1910 and 27 May 1910.

  • (cxii) First listed in the Jewish Year Book 1928.

  • (cxiii) First listed in the Jewish Year Book 1928.

  • (cxiv) First listed in the Jewish Year Book 1928.

  • (cxv) First listed in the Jewish Year Book 1945/6.

Former Jewish Communities in the county borough of Rhondda Cynon Taf home page

Jewish Congregations in the former county of Glamorganshire

Jewish Congregations in the former administrative county of Mid Glamorgan

Jewish Congregations in Wales, listed according to current unitary authorities

Jewish Communities & Congregations in Wales home page

Page created: 23 August 2005
Data significantly expanded and notes added: 28 January 2025
Page most recently amended: 4 February 2025

Research by David Shulman and Harold Pollins
Formatting by David Shulman

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