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© David Shulman 2014 |

© David Shulman 2014
Two views of the former Greenville Hall Synagogue taken in September 2014.
Congregation Data
Name |
United Hebrew Congregation, Dublin
Alternative Name |
Greenville Hall Synagogue
(initially referred to as Greenville House)(i)
Address: |
Greenville Hall, 228 South
Circular Road, Dolphin's Barn, Dublin D8.(ii)
Situated between Dolphin’s Barn and Leonard’s Corner on the South
Circular Road, Greenville House was purchased in 1913 for £625.(iii)
For some years the
upstairs rooms of the existing building were used for religious services
and until the 1916, with the opening of Greenville Hall, the downstairs
was used for social events.(iv) A community appeal for £5,000 was launched in 1914
but the project was delayed due to
World War I and it was not until 1925 that the new Greenville Hall
Synagogue was opened.(v) The synagogue
was designed by the Dublin architect,
Aubrey Vincent O'Rourke.(vi)
On 3 January 1941, the synagogue building was somewhat damaged by a German air raid.(ix) (Although the Republic of Ireland remained neutral throughout
World War II, it was nevertheless the subject of a number of German air
raids. At the insistence of the Irish Government, the Nazi government
agreed to pay reparations for the damage, although it appears that any
such reparations were paid by the German post-war government. ) |
Formation: |
A number of hebrot (small congregations) had been established primarily in the 1880s and 1890s in Dublin's South Circular Road area (around Clanbrassil Street and Portobello)
primarily by immigrants from Lithuania and Poland, who were generally more strictly observant than members of the
then existing somewhat assimilated
Jewish community. By the end of first decade of the twentieth century it
became evident that the combined facilities of these hebrot were
inadequate for the growing congregations. However, the members of these congregations had no desire to join
the Adelaide Synagogue of the mainstream
Dublin Hebrew
Accordingly on 10 October 1909, representatives of four of the hebrot
met to discuss the situation and left as founders of the Dublin United
Hebrew Congregation.(x)
A building fund was established for the building of a new synagogue. Greenville House
was purchased in 1913, services
were commenced in the existing Greenville House in 1915, but the new synagogue was
not completed until 1925.
Although it had been the intention that the hebrot would be replaced by
a new united congregation, most of the hebrot continued as independent
congregations despite the opening of the Greenville House congregation,(xi)
although many
of their members joined the new congregation. In fact only one
congregation, the Camden Street Synagogue, ceased its activities upon the opening of Greenville House
and another, Oakfield Place Synagogue, closed in about
(The Heytesbury Street Congregation had closed many years earlier.)
Closure: |
After some years of endeavoring to cope with falling
membership due to Jewish migration from the vicinity of
the South Circular Road, the synagogue finally closed its doors in 1984. Many of
its displaced members joined the
Machzikei Hadass Synagogue
(the successor congregation to the
St. Kevin's Parade Synagogue).(xiii)
From 1989, the building became premises of Mason Technology, scientific
equipment suppliers, who by a strange coincidence, realised that had
also operated from another former synagogue, Dublin's first synagogue in
Crane Lane.(xiv) |
Ritual: |
Ashkenazi Orthodox |
(To view a short profile of a minister or reader whose name appears
in blue - hold the cursor over his name.) |
Rather than appointing its own minister, almost from its founding the
congregation relied upon the spiritual leadership of
the various Chief Rabbis of Ireland
and Dublin's communal rabbis.
In 1919, the United Hebrew Congregation was one of the six congregations
which combined to appoint
Rabbi Isaac Halevi Herzog
as communal rabbi of the Dublin Jewish community, prior to him being
appointed Chief Rabbi of Ireland in 1922.(xviii)
In addition,
particularly from the 1950s, the Chief Rabbis occupied by rotation the pulpits of the
various orthodox congregations in Dublin, generally none of which had their own minister.
The only listed minister exclusive to this congregation was:
Rab David Freilich
- minister from about 1946 until about 1948(xix)
Readers: |
Rev. B. Yaffey
- reader from about 1925 until about 1938(xx)
Rev. Wolf Garbarz
- first reader from about 1931 until at least 1944(xxi)
Rev. J. Segal
- reader from 1946 until 1956(xxii)
Rev. Abraham Gittleson
- second reader (and later as first reader) from about 1948 until 1983
(though not necessarily continuously)(xxiii)
Rev. Benjamin Hass
- first reader from about 1957 until 1961(xxiv)
Lay Officers from 1896: |
Unless otherwise stated, the following data on lay officers has been extracted from Jewish Year Books,
which were not published during the war years 1941 to 1945, and which subsequent to 1956 generally ceased to provide details of lay officers other than the
In several instances the full name of an officer has been obtained from
other sources. |
1915-1916 - J. Zletover(xxix)
1916-1920 - Dr. George Selig Wigoder(xxx)
1920-1929 - Joseph Zlotover(xxix) 1929-1934 - Dr. George Selig Wigoder(xxx)
1934-1938 - no data
1938-1946 - M. Ellis, PC(xxxi)
1946-1949 - M. Jacobson
1949-at least 1956 - A. Benson, PC
1916-1918 - J. Zletover(xxix)
1918-1920 - T. Coleman
1920-1923 - William Green
1923-1925 - D. Baigel
1925-1934 - no data
1934-1939 - J. Tomkin
1939-1940 - W. Baigel
1940-1945 - no data
1945-1946 - M. Jacobson* 1946-1949 - A. Benson, PC*
1949 to at least 1956 - B. Shaw*
*The Treasurer also served as Vice President 1945-1951 |
Vice Presidents
1934-1938 - M. Ellis
1938-1939 - J. Slotover(xxix)
1939-1940 - M. Jacobson
1940-1945 - no data
1945-1951 - joined with Treasurer
Hon. Secretaries
1925-1927 - William Green
1927-1931 - A. Zolkie
1931-1936 - A. Zolkie & William Green
1936-1939 - William Green
1939-1940 - S. Seligman
1940-1945 - no data
1945-1946 - R. Segal & B. Shaw
1946-1949 - B. Shaw
1949-1950 - T. Segal
1950-1957 - S. Baigel
1957-1959 - J. Segal
1960-1962 - M. Swillman
1962-1963 - H. Woolfson
1963-1976 - J. Segal
1976-1981 - D. Levy
1981-1984 - B. Katz
Membership Data: |
Number of Member (seatholders)
Jewish Year Books(xxxii)
1939 - 198 |
1945 - 280 |
1953 - 198 |
1962 - 120 |
Other sources(xxxiii)
Cemetery Data:
Dublin Jewish Cemeteries Information on the Dublin home page.
Notes & Sources (↵ returns to text above)
Online Articles and Other Material
relating to the Congregation
On Third Party websites
Dublin Jewish Community home page
List of Synagogues
destroyed or damaged by German air raids during World War II
JCR-UK Ireland home page
Page created: 12 June 2006 Data significantly
expanded and notes first added: 13 November 2022
Page most recently amended: 12 May 2024
Research and formatting by David Shulman
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