A joint project of JGSGB and JewishGen




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Jewish Communities and Records - United Kingdom

The aim of this website is to record details of all Jewish communities and congregations that have ever existed in the United Kingdom, as well as in the Republic of Ireland and Gibraltar, in order to preserve the information for posterity, and to make this information freely available via the Internet.  Currently this website (excluding the databases) contains over 7,800 pages and over 3,000 images and covers more than 1,150 Jewish congregations, both in London and in over 250 other Jewish communities.

We need your help to expand the details of the various communities and congregations (whether Ashkenazi or Sephardi, Ultra-Orthodox, Orthodox, Masorti, Reform or Liberal), current or no longer in existence.  If you can assist by providing community or congregational information and/or genealogical data/lists, or merely correcting or completing certain details of a particular community or congregation, please click here

JCR-UK is a joint project between the Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain (JGSGB) and JewishGen. JewishGen provides the infrastructure and associated technical services and JGSGB provided the initial contents. Ongoing data and contents are provided by the research of the webmaster, the membership of JGSGB and generally by members of the public.


Pressing the link above will take you to the All-UK Database main name search page,

which holds more than 390,000 records.


Webmaster 2002-2005: John Berman
Webmaster since 2005: David Shulman

This page most recently amended: 11 August 2024
Most recent amendment to JCR-UK website: 22 October 2024

Contact JCR-UK Webmaster:

JGSGB  JewishGen

Terms and Conditions, Licenses and Restrictions for the use of this website:

This website is owned by JewishGen and the Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain. All material found herein is owned by or licensed to us. You may view, download, and print material from this site only for your own personal use. You may not post material from this site on another website without our consent. You may not transmit or distribute material from this website to others. You may not use this website or information found at this site for any commercial purpose.

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