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Romanian Occupation Definitions - English Translations

Compiled by: Paula Zieselman & Terry Lasky

The following list of occupations in the Romanian language was compiled by Paula Zieselman and Terry Lasky, with assistance from Susanna Vendel, Marcel Bratu, and Prof. Ladislau Gyemant.  This list was compiled in the course of entering the data for the Tabele Barbitalor (1942 census of Jewish males), which now resides in the JewishGen Romania Database.

Some of these are archaic or obscure terms, no longer current.  Romanian diacritics have not been used.  Please note that the Romanian terms have been entered exactly as the clerks wrote them in 1942.  They are therefore subject to any mispellings, etc., that they might have used at that time.   When the correct spelling is known it is also shown following a slash (/).

Romanian English
absolvent (abs.) graduate
acad. academy
achizitor buyer
acrobat acrobat
adjunet (ad.) / adjunct assistant
administrar (adm.) administrator
adunator gatherer, collector
af. intampl. (afaceri intimplatoare) occasional business
agent (ag.) agent, broker
agentura agency
agricultor (agric.) farmer
agronom agronomist, farmer
ajutar / ajutor assistant
ajutor assistant
alamar brass worker
alienat lunatic
alunar hazelnut dealer
ambalage / ambalajor packer
ambulant itinerant
angajat employee
anticar second hand bookseller
antreprenor contractor
apar water carrier
apreteur laundry worker
aramar copper worker
architect / arhitect architect
arendas leaseholder
argintar silversmith
arhitect architect
arhivar archivist
armator ship owner
artist artist
ascutitor sharpener
asfaltor asphalt producer
asigurare (asig.) insurance
asistent (asist.) assistant
atelier artist's studio, workshop
atelier de sat. village workshop
autodidact self-taught
autor author
autorizat authorized
avocat lawyer
bacal merchant
bacalaureat graduate
bacanist grocer
baiat (de) pravalie shopboy
baie bathhouse
banca bank
bancher banker
barbier barber, hairdresser
bastonar walking stick maker
bauturi liquor
belfer teacher (primary)
bibliotecar librarian
bijutier jeweler
binoclu binoculars, opera glasses
birjar cabman
birou agency, bureau
birtas innkeeper
bis (following a number) bis
blanar furrier
blat plasterer
boccegui / (boceagiu, boccegiu) peddler
boiangiu dyer
bolnav invalid
bomboana sweets
botagiu wine cask maker
bragagiu bulgar braga (soft drink) seller
bricicar barber
broder embroiderer
broder militar military embroiderer
brodeur embroiderer
brutar baker
bucatar cook
buccegui / (boceagiu, boccegiu) peddler
bufetier bartender
bumbacar cotton goods merchant
buretar mushroom seller
bursa stockmarket
butmar / butnar cooper
caciular cap maker
cadastru survey
cafanea / cafenea café
cafenea café
cafengiu / cafegiu coffeehouse owner
caingui de tuitun tobacco seller
calatori travel
caldarar coppersmith
caldarariu coppersmith
calfa journeyman, craftsman
camatar money-lender, usurer
camionagiu carter, drayman
camionar truck driver
cantibil / contabil bookkeeper
cantor cantor
capras goatkeeper
caramidar brickmaker
caraus carter
carbunarita (female) coal merchant
carciumar tavern-keeper, publican
carnatar sausage maker
carnetar / carnatar sausage maker
carte book, card
carton cardboard
cartonagist cardboard maker
cartonagiu cardboard maker
carucar wagoneer
carutas wagoneer, carter
casap butcher
casier cashier
casnica housewife
catifea velvet
catihet religious teacher
caufeur CFR engine driver
cazangui boiler maker
ceaprazar makes lace, ribbons, tassels for military uniforms
ceasornicar watchmaker
ceaus low level clerk, minor official
cenzor / censor censor
cepegar hatter
ceprezar beret maker
ceramicar ceramist
cereale grain
CFR / C. F. R. railroad
chelner waiter
chemist / chimist chemist
cherestea timber
cherestigiu / cherestegiu timber merchant
chimie chemistry
chimist chemist
chiosc de zaile / chiosc de ziare newsstand
chiristigiu / cherestegiu timber merchant
chirug / chirurg surgeon
chirurg surgeon
ciment cement
cimitir cemetery
cinematografist cinematographer
cioclu undertaker, grave-digger
cioplitor piatra stone cutter
ciorar / ciurar sieve maker
circiumar / carciumar tavern-keeper, publican
cirnatar / carnatar sausage maker
cismar / cizmar shoemaker
ciubotar bootmaker
ciubucciu pipe maker
ciuntu crippled
ciurar sieve maker
civila civil
civile civilian
cizmar shoemaker
coafor hairdresser
cofetar confectioner
cojocar furrier
colecta collection
colector collector
colector metali reforma reprocessed metals collector
colorist dyer
colportat / colportor peddler
Com. Ort. Tim. Community Orthodox Temple
comediant comedian
comerc (com) merchant (when alone), commercial (when with another word)
comercial commercial
comerciant merchant
comert trade, commerce
comert conf. decl. trade conference lecturer
comic. voiajar / coml. voiajor commercial traveller
comisionar messenger
comista agent
compactor bookbinder
comptabil bookkeeper
comunitate community
concesionar lessee, concessionaire
cond. fabrica factory manager
cond. intrep. director
cond. technic / cond. tehnic foreman
cond. tehnic foreman
conduc. prava shop chief
conducator (cond.) leader
confectioner ready made clothes maker, designer
conferentiar (confer) lecturer
cons. construction or consultant
cons. tehnic technical consultant
conservator museum employee
conserve canned food
consilier consultant
consiliu council
constructor builder
contabil (cont.) bookkeeper
conzor / censor censor
coproprietor / coproprietar joint owner
cordonier girdle maker
corector proofreader
corespondent correspondent
corsetier girdle maker
cositor tin
cotingar / (cotigar, cotiugar) wheelbarrow transporter
covrigar bretzel (pretzel) maker
cravatier necktie maker
crescator breeder
crismar coachman, innkeeper
crohmalagiu starch maker
croitor tailor
croitoreasa tailoress, seamstress
croitor de straie jidovesti tailor of Jewish clothes
crupar confectioner
cu with
cufar chest
cufarar chest maker
cuferar / cufarar chest maker
cupeur cutter
curatita cleaner
curelar leather strip maker
cusatorita de camasi seamstress of shirts
cutitar knifemaker
dactilograf (dact.) typist
daracitor de lina wool carder
dascal schoolmaster
de ocazie second hand
debit de tutun tobacconist, newsstand
delegat deputy
dentar dental
dentist dentist
Dep. Saci warehouse for sacks
desenator draftsman
dir. scoala school principal
director (dir.) manager
director liceu lyceum principal
director salar manager of wage-earners
distilator distiller
distrib. ziare newspaper distributor
doctor (Dr.) doctor (of)
doctorand doctoral candidate
doctylo typist
dogar cooper
drept law
dricar undertaker
droghist druggist
droguist / droghist druggist
drojdier yeast maker
dulgher carpenter
economie (econ.) economist, economy
electrician electrician
electromec electromechanic
elev student
elogar / elogiar eulogist
epistat police overseer
epitru. bis synagogue administrator
expeditor shipper
expert (exp.) specialist
expert vamal customs specialist
exploatator entrepreneur
export exporter
export oua egg exporter
extern spital non-resident medical student/ hospital assistant
fabrica factory
fabricant manufacturer
facator maker, agent
face negutatorii de producturi merchant of foodstuff
face speculation din picioare street merchant
faclar / faclier torch maker
faclier torch maker
factura (fact.) bill, invoice
faiantar faience producer
faina flour
fainare miller
falm de (falim) bankrupt
fara without; uneducated (when school related)
fara meserie without trade
fara spiculatie speculator
farmacie pharmacy
farmacist pharmacist
faur blacksmith
ferar / fierar ironmonger, blacksmith
ferastrau / ferestrau saw, sawmill
feredier bathhouse attendant
ferma farm
fier iron
fier vechi scrap iron
fierar ironmonger, blacksmith
fieronar de trasuru ironmaker for carriages
filator spinning mill operator
filatura spinning mill
filisaj screw cutter
filosofie / filozofie philosophy
filtrar vinuri wine filterer
filtrator filterer
finisaj finishing
flasnetar organ grinder
fochist stoker, fireman
fost (f.) former
fost com former merchant
fotograf photographer
franghier rope maker
freca rub, massage
fringhiar rope maker
frizer barber
fruct fruit
funct de legatie consular worker
functionar (funct.) office worker
furnizor purveyor
galanterie haberdashery
galvanizator galvanizer
gardian guard, policeman
gaterist sawmill operator
gazetar journalist
geambas horse dealer
geamciu / geamgiu glazier
geamgui glazier
geamant. suitcase
gheata boot
giambas de cai / geambas de cai horse trader
giamgiu / geamgiu glazier
giuvaergiu jeweler
gospodar householder, landlord
gradinar gardener
gramatic grammar teacher
granar granary, corn dealer
grataragiu griller
gravor engraver
grefier court clerk
gropar gravedigger
haham kosher butcher
haine clothes
hamal porter
hangiu innkeeper
harabagiu carter, wagoneer
heliografist photocopier
hotelier hotel keeper
impletitor sarma wire winder
importator importer
imprimeur printer
inapt unfit
incaltaminte footwear
incarcator loader
incasator ticket collector
inconstient unconscious
indrumator guide
industrial (ind.) industrial
industrias manufacturer
infirm crippled, disabled
ing(iner) chimist chemical engineer
ing(iner) constr. civil engineer
ing(iner) electric electrical engineer
ing(iner) electr mec electromechanical engineer
ing(iner) electroteh electrotechnical engineer
ing(iner) fizician physicist
ing(iner) ind. industrial engineer
ing(iner) mecanic mechanical engineer
ing(iner) metal metallurgist
ing(iner) mine mining engineer
ing(iner) Naval Naval engineer
ing(iner) radio radio engineer
ing(iner) silvic forestry engineer
ing(iner) textile textile engineer
inginer (ing.) engineer
inspector inspector
instalator plumber, fitter
institutor school teacher
instructor teacher
intendent (school) administrator
intermediar intermediary
invalid cripple
invatatoare school teacher (female)
invatator school teacher
jartericar garter maker
judecator judge
juridic judicial
juvaergiu jeweler
laborant laboratory assistant
lacatus locksmith
laptar milkman
leg. maturi broommaker
legator (de carti) bookbinder
lemn wood
lemnar carpenter
lemne / lemn wood
lenger / lenjerie underwear
lesie lye
liber prof. freelancer
libera self employed handyman
librar bookseller
licentiat (lic.) bachelor of
liceu lyceum
liceul lyceum (worker)
lichidator liquidator
lina / lana wool
linger / lenjerie underwear
litere / literatura literature
litograf lithographer
livada orchard
loterie lottery
lucrator laborer
lumanar / lumanarar candlemaker
lumanor / lumanarar candlemaker
lumenaror / lumanarar candlemaker
lustragiu bootblack
macelar butcher
maestru foreman
maestru dric hearse driver
magazin store
magaziner store owner
magazioner store owner
magina de tocat / masina de tocat meat grinder
magistrat magistrate
maistru / maiestru foreman
mangalagiu charcoal maker
manipulant tram driver
manusa glove
marfa merchandise
marinist boatman
maritim maritime, naval
marochine(rie) leather goods
maruntisuri small goods
masina machine
masini cusut / masina de cusut sewing machine
masinist machinist
matematician mathematician
matriter die marker
mecanic mechanic
medic physician
medic dentist dental surgeon
meditator coach, tutor
mentale mental, insane
mes si arte skilled laborer, artisan
meserias handicraftsman
meserie trade
meserii vocational (school), trade
mester master
metale metals
metalurgist metallurgist
mg. chemist chemical warehouseman
mic small
mijlocitor middleman, mediator
mijlocitor de marfa merchandise middleman
militie ofiteri military officer
minier / minar miner, mining
misit agent
moara mill
moasa midwife
mobila furniture
modelist modeller
montator fitter
monteur framer
morar miller
mosie estate
mosier landowner
muncitor worker, laborer
mungiu candlemaker
murar / morar miller
mutat displaced
muzica music
muzicant musician
ne ste carte / nu stie carte illiterate
negustor shopkeeper
negustor de maruntisuri huckster
nevoias pauper
nichelar nickel plater
nichelator nickel plater
notar notary
nu rec. no record
nu stie carte illiterate
nu, nu are, n'are no (education or profession)
ocazie occasional
oficiant government clerk
oglindor mirror maker
olar potter
om de nevoie pauper
oper. cinema cinema operator
optician optician
oriceni / orice anything
ortopedist orthopedist
ospatar waiter
otel steel
pacura fuel oil
padurar forester
padure wood
palarier hatter
palmas handicraftsman
pantafar / pantofar shoemaker
pantalonar pantsmaker
pantofar shoemaker
papetarie stationery, paper-trade
parfumier perfumer
particular (part.) private
pascar pietrar stone mason
patron employer
pazitor guard
paznic watchman
pecetar seal maker
pedagog educator
penitenciar prison
pens militar military pensioner
perceptor tax collector
perier brushmaker
pescar fisherman
petrol oil
petrolist oil merchant
pianist pianist
piata market
pictor painter
pictor de firme sign painter
pictor desenator one who makes sketches
pielar leather-trade
pietrar stoneworker
pitar bread maker
pivnicer wine cellar keeper
pivnita wine cellar
placintariul pastry shop owner
plapumar / plapomar blanket maker, quilter
plapunor / plapomar quilter
plasator usher
plasator marfe salesman
plugar ploughman
podgorie vineyard
poduri bridges
politist policeman
porcar swineherd
portar doorman, janitor
posta post office
practicant practitioner
prada plunder
prajitor cafea coffee roaster
precupet huckster, produce seller
prelim. prior
procurist proxy
prof liber freelancer
prof muzica music teacher
prof partic private tutor
prof primar primary school teacher
prof sec secondary teacher
prof univers university professor
profesoara de liceu lyceum teacher
profesor (prof.) teacher
propr. case landlord
proprietar owner
psalt religious teacher
publicist journalist
rabin rabbi
rachier brandy maker
radio techni radio technician
radiofonist radio operator
radiologie radiology
raion section
randas servant
regla regulated
rentier annuitant independent gentleman
reparatie (repar.) repair
reparator repairman
reprezentant (repr., reprez.) representative
restaurator restorer
revanzator retailer, dealer
richtuitor person who prepares leather for shoemaker
rindis / randas servant
robar robe maker
rotar wheelwright
rufar underwear maker
sacagiu water carrier
saidacar / saidecar saddlemaker
salahor day laborer
salariat wage-earner
sanita sanitary
santier constr. building site
sapgar cap maker
sapunar soapmaker
sarac beggar
sat village
satar meat chopper
scarmana card (wool), thrash
scaun chair
scoala primara primary school
scolar school boy
scortar small rug maker
scriitor writer
sculptor sculptor
sculptor modelator sculptor modeller
secrator / secretar secretary
secretar secretary
secundare secondary
sef chief
sef (de) atelier headman
sef orchestra orchestra conductor
sepcar / sapcar capmaker
seral evening
serv. servant
servitor man servant
sforar / sfoarar rope maker
si and
sifonar sodawater bottle maker
sin son of
sinagoga synagogue
slefuitor polisher
sluga servant
smukler lacemaker
sobar stove maker
socetate (soc.) / societate company
sofer chauffeur
sofeur / sofer chauffeur
somer unemployed
spalator washer
spalator chem. dry cleaner
spalator de lina washer of wool
spalator haine clothes washer
specialist (spec.) specialist
spediteur / expeditor transporter, shipper
speditor / expeditor transporter, shipper
spiculant speculator
spirt alcohol (wine)
spital (spit.) hospital
spiter pharmacist
spitular pharmacist, chemist
statisticean / statistician statistician
steclar / sticlar bottlemaker
stenograf stenographer
sticlar bottlemaker
sticlarie glassworks
stie carte literate
stiinta science
stiinte / stiinta science
stiute cantorale (institute) cantorial institute
stoler carpenter, cabinet maker
straie jidovesti tailor of Jewish clothes
strungar turner
student student
sub under (deputy)
subcolector deputy collector
subdirector deputy manager
subofiter non-commissioned officer
sudar / sudor welder
sudor galv electroplater
sufus strain / supus strain foreign subject
superior (sup.) senior
supraveghetor supervisor, overseer
supus strain foreign subject
surdomut deaf mute
tabacar tanner
taetor geamuri glazier
taetor lemne woodcutter
taljalar solemaker
tamplar carpenter
tapiter upholsterer
tarifer makes schedules or rates
teatru theater
tech. dentist dental technician
technician technician
tehnic technical
tejghetar de carne butcher
telal peddler
teolog theologian
teologie divinity, theology
tesator weaver
tesetor / tesator weaver
teslar carpenter
teslar de harabagiu wagon maker
textile (text.) textile or textile plant
textilist textile worker
theater vatav theater manager
tichare ticket taker
timplar cabinet maker
tine circima publican
tinichigiu tinsmith, tinker
tipograf printer
tiutungui / tutungui tobacconist
tobosar drummer
tocilar whetstone grinder
tolbas quiver maker
torcator spinner
traducator translator
traieste cu milostenie livelihood from charity
transport transportation
transporturi transporter
trasuru carriage
tricotaje knitwear
tricoter knitter
tunator / turnator foundry worker
turnator oglinzi caster of mirrors
turtar cake maker
tutungui / tutungiu tobacconist
ucenic apprentice
ulei oil
umbrelar umbrella maker
vagonet truck
vamal custom-house
vames customs clerk, toll collector
vanzator vendor
vanzator la piata vendor at market
var lime
vatalar cotton-wool maker
vatav manager, bailiff
vechi old
veterinar veterinarian
vezetiu / vizitiu coachman
vie vineyard
vinzator / vanzator vendor
violinist violinist
vite cattle
viztiu / vizitiu coachman
voiajor traveller
vopsele dye, paint
vopsitor dyer, painter
vulcanizator vulcanizer
zaraf money changer
zarzavagiu greengrocer
zdrenta / sdrenta rag
zetar compositer
ziar newspaper
ziarist journalist
zidar bricklayer
zilier day laborer
zis also known as (A.K.A.)
ziua day
ziuas day worker
zofer / sofer chauffeur
zugrav house painter
zuias / ziuas day worker
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