Research in Old HungaryToday when we research our Hungarian Ancestors we have to think about the history of the Country. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was dissolved in 1918 and divided into separate countries related partly to their ethnicity. After World War II, Countries and borders changed yet again. Did you have ancestors from the area that was once Hungary but now is not in present-day Hungary?
Would you like to understand the resources available for researching your Hungarian family? The research is focused on the client's personal goals which can include the historical background, naming conventions, how to use the Archives-what is online and what is not, websites and records (census, newspapers, directories, etc.). You will gain research strategies to help you search for your Hungarian family. Learn how to use major online databases for Hungarian records. Determine what resources are available for your town and surname. Format
RequirementsThis is an intermediate level series that requires a surname and town in Hungary. Application required. TuitionTuition is $150 for 3 weeks. Contact InformationFor any questions, email the instructor at |
Edmond J. Safra Plaza | 36 Battery Place | 646.494.2972 | | |