Collection: CAHJP Documents, 1835 Kremenets Fire Victims, KDRG 152

Collection Name:CAHJP Documents, 1835 Kremenets Fire Victims, KDRG 152
Geographic Area:Litin (Town)
Type:Community Records
Time frame:1835
Description:List of residents of the town of Kremenets who suffered losses as result of a fire on April 13, 1835. The document mentions the amount to be loaned to the victims during the next 10 years from the treasury.

This document actually deals with a fire in Kremenets.
In 2008, the CAHJP Catalog listed 81 items under Litin. Some of those catalog entries have been acquired by Rose Feldman, and some of the acquired documents have been translated, at least partially. The translation from Russian to English of 'List of residents of the town of Kremenets who suffered losses as result of fire on April 13, 1835' is available on the Litin KehilaLinks website ( and in the Kremenets Concordance. The website says the document lists 52 names, but only 12 are in the table and another 8 are signatures below the table.

1 page in Russian. Handwritten. Central Archives (CAHJP)Catalog No. HM 2-78967.3, Kremenets District Research Group (KDRG) Document No. 152. Translated by Alex Kopelberg for Rose Feldman of the Litin Group. Supplemental translation by Judith Springer for KDRG. A “Names Index” has been added at the end of the translation. It has 17 different personal names. The extract that we have consists of one page. It is a list of names of 5 signatories, plus 12 heads of household, the number of men and women in the household, a description of the property lost in the fire and its value, and the amount paid in compensation.

Main Collection:This is a subcollection of the CAHJP Documents collection
Availability:Collection is available online

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