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Translation of
“The Book of Lublin”

(Dos Bukh fun Lublin)


Project Leader: Jeri Ann Karlsberg
JewishGen Liason/Advisor: Lance Ackerfeld

Project Synopsis

Complete the translation of the literature from Yiddish that has not yet been translated into English, and post with images (photos, maps, etc.) as permissions allow. This material will be available to all visitors to the JewishGen website. Once completely translated, the book will also be made available in a print-on-demand edition from JewishGen.

This incredible book was originally published in Yiddish in 1952 in Paris by Former Residents of Lublin in Paris. It's a 695-page collection of material from 56 authors, many of whom share their firsthand experiences before, during, and after the Holocaust. The book offers a comprehensive history of Lublin spanning from the 17th to the 20th centuries, delving into cultural life, the Zionist Movement, health, banking, and professional institutions. It also covers the impact of World War II and the destruction of Lublin, as well as a report on Maidanek. Plus, you'll find moving testimonies of Lublin Jews about their experiences as partisans, along with a memorial section for those who lost loved ones in the town of Lublin.

Key Audiences

The primary audience for this book consists of the descendants of those who lived in Lublin and nearby areas of Poland. The book contains original source material on the history of the Jewish people in this region, making it appealing to anyone interested in this topic. Historians and authors who use first-person accounts in their writing would also find this material beneficial. The book covers a range of literary genres including personal narrative, history, and poetry, making it suitable for a wide array of audiences.

Project Importance

This book is a vibrant collection of many voices. The original authors had many reasons to write their stories, and those reasons are still significant today. They start by describing how Lublin fits into the framework of Jewish history and then go on to depict the development of Jewish life between the two world wars, covering topics such as politics, Zionism, communism, and sports.

A Table of Contents has been prepared and translated. There is a lot more content in the book that has not been translated yet, but it should be translated so that the authors' message can be preserved and made available to English speakers.

Project Description

Translation into English of the portions of the Lublin Yizkor Book that have not yet been translated. The full Table of Contents is available at

Estimated Cost

$16,000. JewishGen will be responsible for paying the translator(s), and donations to the fund will be tax-deductible for U.S. citizens.

You may donate to this translation project here: JewishGen-erosity — Yizkor Book Translations


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