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Translation of
Sefer Zikaron lel-kehilat Iwie

(In Memory of the Jewish Community of Iwie)


Project Leader: Robert B. Robbins
JewishGen Liason/Advisor: Lance Ackerfeld

Project Description

Complete the translation of the literature from Hebrew and Yiddish that has not yet been translated into English, and post with images (photos, maps, etc.) as permissions allow. This material will be available to all visitors to the JewishGen website. Once completely translated, the book will also be made available in a print on demand edition from JewishGen. This was originally published in Hebrew and Yiddish in 1968 in Tel Aviv by M. Kaganovich, Editor, Association of Former Residents of Ivie in Israel. (738 pages, Hebrew, Yiddish). The book is a collection of material from a variety of authors, many giving first-person accounts of their lives before, during, and after the Holocaust. It also includes a memorial portion by many who lost loved ones from the town of Iwie.

Key Audiences

The many descendants of those who lived in Iwie and nearby areas of Poland, current day Ukraine/Belarus, constitute the primary audience for this book. However, those interested in original source material on the history of Jewish people in this region would find many compelling stories. There are also rich folklore writings in this collection. Additionally, historians and authors who would utilize first-person accounts in their writing would benefit from this material. Due to the range of literary genres employed in this collected work, including personal narrative, history, poetry, etc., this book would benefit a wide array of audiences.

Project Importance

This book is a vibrant collection of many voices. As such, the original authors had a number of reasons to write their stories, and those reasons are still significant today. The portions that have already been translated provide history of the Jewish settlement in Ivye (, Ivye folklore, nicknames, sayings, anecdotes and idioms (, and some very compelling first person accounts of the extermination of the Jews of Ivye. (

There is far more material in the book that has not yet been translated, but that deserves translation so that the witness of the authors can be preserved and made available to English speakers.

Project Details

Translation into English of the portions of the Ivye Yizkor Book that have not yet been translated. The images of the full original text are available at Iwie (

Estimated Cost

A full translation is currently estimated to cost $10,000.

You may donate to this translation project here: JewishGen-erosity — Yizkor Book Translations


Translation began approximately 1 August 2023 by Tina Lunson, and will continue as funds become available. A donor, Dan Levin, has advised the Project Coordinator that he will personally fund the translation of the portions of pages 1-240 that have not already been translated.


Copyright © 1999-2025 by JewishGen, Inc.
Updated 28 Aug 2023 by LA