Ostrog Book;
A Memorial to the Ostrog Holy Community
(Ostroh, Ukraine)

50°20' / 26°31'

Translation of
Sefer Ostrog (Vohlin); matsevet zikaron le-kehila kedosha

Editor: Yitzhak Alperowitz; Chief Coord: Chaim Finkel

Published in Tel Aviv 1987

This is a translation of: Sefer Ostrog (Vohlin); matsevet zikaron le-kehila kedosha
(Ostrog book; a memorial to the Ostrog holy community),
Editor: Yitzhak Alperowitz; Chief Coord: Chaim Finkel, The Ostrog Society in Israel, Published: Tel Aviv 1987 (H, Y, E, P 436 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Ostroh (1987)

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner

Foreword Chaim Finkel 4
A project that has been realized [Y] Frieda Kolpanitzki-Gorin 6
A monument to the Ostrog (Ostraha) community Yitzhak Alperowitz 9
Chapter One
Jewish Ostrog and Its History
Ostrog - A Metropolis of the People of Israel Chaim Finkel 13
Ostraha, a great Jewish Center [Y] Chaim Finkel 18
Ostraha, the spiritual capital of Volhyn Ben-Zion Ch. Eylon-Baranik 35
Ostraha (a poem) [Y] Michael Grines 49
The MAHARSHA synagogue is 400 years old [Y] Dr. Zvi Kaminski 58
The Jews in Volhyn 1939-1941 [Y] Betty Eisenstein-Keshev 60
Chapter Two
Ostraha memories [Y] Prof' Yakov Tolpin 77
Ostrog's Cultural League Prof' Yakov Tolpin 85
The left-wing labor movement in Ostraha [Y] Frieda (Gorin) Kolpanitzki 89
Parties and youth movements Chaim Finkel 94
Memories From Ostrog Avigdor Kamerman 123
Chapter Three
Personalities and Figures
Rabbi Shmuel Eislisch (the MAHARSHA) 127
The Tochiner Kohen [Y] 129
Mendel Bieber Michael Grines 131
Shmuel Shrira G. A. Sade 134
Chaim Davidsohn Michael Grines 136
Leibush Bieber Z.Gerschfeld 138
Zalman Gerschfeld Ch. B. Eilon 139
Ben-Zion Ch. Eilon Chaim Finkel 144
Moshe Tolpin 148
Leib Spielberg 149
Yakov Leikechmacher 150
Zusia Shemban 150
Gedalia Gedalyevski Yitzhak Alperowitz 151
Baruch (Buzi ) Chasid Moshe Soroca 153
Dr. Herzl (Grisha) Oderman Nachum Shochet 154
Elimelech (Mini) Greinims Chaim Charbash 155
Betty Eisenstein Keshev Chaim Finkel 156
Dov (Boris) Reitzis Bella Reitzis 158
Israel Bokimer Chaim Finkel 159
The Israel Zeigersohn family Neta Shavit (bat Lea) 160
The Zeigersohn and Greinims families Dr. Mark Greinims 161
The members of the Community Council 163
The members of the Ostrog City Council 163
The leaders of the young generation and the Zionist movements 164
Teachers and Educators 164
Chapter Four
Holocaust and Bravery
Remember the Jewish Holocaust 167
Our Town is on Fire Mordechai Gevirtig 168
The Song of the Jewish Murdered People [Y] Yitzhak Katzenelsohn 169
The murdered Jewish Ostraha [Y] Aharon Waldman 172
Months in a bunker in Ostraha [Y] Sima Klipatch 192
Under the German occupation in Ostraha [Y] Shmuel Klipatch 196
The Jews in Volhyn 1941-1944 [Y] Betty Eisenstein-Keshev 200
Memories from the days of the Holocaust Tova (Gitele) Steinberg-Reuveni 238
Letter of Bluma Sterenberg 245
My visit to Ostrog during the Nazi occupation Miriam Kukil-Lapidus 248
“You Shall Not Kill!” Aharon Waldman 249
The Ostrog Jews among the partisans and in the Red Army Chaim Finkel 252
My revenge Avraham Kotel 257
Moshe Katchko z”l Chaim Finkel 266
Chapter Five
The Fallen in the Israel Wars
R'Yakov Fishel Feldenkrais z”l Yitzhak Gur-Arye 269
Baruch Lipa Steinkritzer z”l 270
Avraham Salzman z”l 271
Dov (Berl) Grines z”l Musia Soroca 272
Shalom Tzimbel Musia Soroca 273
David Fischer z”l 274
Yigal Fischman z”l Dov Fischman 275
Nachum Barak z”l 276
Israel Arbeitman z”l 277
Sender Grinberg z”l 277
Shmuel Kunin z”l Y. Blecher 278
Chaim Drob z”l 279
Avraham Gatman z”l Dalia Gilat 281
Words of the comrades of Avraham Gatman z”l Shlomo Ashkenazi 282
On the death of Avraham Gatman z”l Ruthie Mizrahi 284
The Association of Former Ostrog Residents in Israel & its activities Chaim Finkel 285
Families and individuals, former residents of Ostrog 308
Chapter Six
In Memory
Yizkor 345
David Meller Nachum (Nionya) Shochet 397
Yizkor [Y] Aharon Icht z”l 400
English Section
Ostrog - A Metropolis of the People of Israel Chaim Finkel 3
Ostrog's Cultural League Prof. Jacob Tolpin 9
The Family Eisenberg Janet Rogowsky 12
The Zeigerson and Grinims Families Dr. Mark Grinims 15


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