Collection: Memorial Book, Dubossary

Collection Name:Memorial Book, Dubossary
Geographic Area:Dubossary (Town)
Type:Yizkor Books
Time frame:1600-1962
Description:Translation from: Dubossary; Sefer Zikaron; Dubossary Memorial Book, ed. Y Rubin, Tel-Aviv, Association of Former Residents of Dubossary in Argentina and Israel, 1965 (H,Y)

Preface passage: There was the need to memorialize our dear ones who in their innocence were slaughtered, whose spilled blood cried out from every stone, from every field. There was also the need to preserve the 400 year history of Jewish Dubossar. Our task was formidable. In other countries there was the possibility of gathering documents and eye witness reports of what had occurred during the great catastrophe. Survivors who came to Israel could also bear witness to what they had lived through. However, Dubossar, within the confines of the Soviet Union was hermetically sealed in and not until the year 1962 did we hear one word about our town. Most of the Dubossarers that were now in Israel or in other countries in the world, had left Russia forty years earlier, in the 1920's. The task of reconstructing the history of the town was thus also hampered by the natural process of forgetfulness which increases with time. Luckily, 3 years ago (1962), a Dubossarer managed to escape the “iron curtain” and emigrated to Israel. This man, a high officer in the Soviet army, personally heard many first-hand accounts from Dubossar survivors and fighters at the front against the nazis. Thanks to this man, we know many details about our martyrs and fighters who died heroic deaths on the various fronts - details which appear in this book.

Location:JG YB Translations
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