Jaroslaw Book: a Memorial to Our Town…
(Jarosław, Poland)

50°01' / 22°41'

Translation of
Sefer Yaroslav: gal-'ed le-zekher 'irenu…

Edited by: Yitzhak Alperowitz

Published in Tel Aviv 1978


Project Coordinator

Susan Rosin


Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site
and to Sondra Ettlinger for extracting the pictures from the original book,
enabling their addition to the project.

This is a translation from: Sefer Yaroslav: gal-'ed le-zekher 'irenu… (Jaroslaw book: a memorial to our town...),
Editors: Yitzhak Alperowitz, Jaroslaw Society in Israel, Tel Aviv 1978 (H, Y, E 399 pages).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Jaroslaw

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/ybip/YBIP_Jaroslaw.html

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(All articles are in Hebrew, except those marked with an asterisk *, which are in Yiddish)

Foreword   12
From the Organization Jaroslaw Organization in Israel   14
Jaroslav Down the Generations
The Beginnings of Jewish Settlement in Jaroslaw Rabbi Moshe Steinberg 19
The Independent Community and its Rabbis Rabbi Moshe Steinberg 26
Chevra Kadisha in Jaroslaw Rabbi Moshe Steinberg 41
The Council of Four Lands Rabbi M. Steinberg 43
History of the Jews in Jaroslav Rabbi Moshe Steinberg 51
Jaroslav and Its History* Mundek Hebenstreit 76
The City of Jaroslav and Its History* Mundek Hebenstreit 81
Excerpt from a Polish newspaper in Jaroslav, 1946   89
Zionist Parties and Youth Movements
The beginnings of the Zionist Movements in Jaroslaw Moshe Kalchheim 93
Zionist Activities in Jaroslaw During the 1920's Asher Graf 99
“WIZO” Mrs. H. Halberstam 103
The “Mizraḥi” Movement in Jaroslaw Moishe`leh Kalchheim, Jerusalem 105
The “Mizrachi” Organization in Jaroslaw Between the Two World Wars* Shmuel Schleider 109
“Hashomer Hatza'ir” - the Zionist Youth Movement Binjamin Gevishi (Yumek Feldmaus) 112
“He-Ḥalutz Hatza'ir” Leon Fast 124
The Hebrew Youth Society “Akiva” in Jaroslaw Moshe Kalchheim 128
The “Akiva” Movement in Jaroslaw Ben-Zion Krieger 134
The “Zionist Youth” Movement in Jaroslaw Ephraim (Philip) Baumgarten 140
Betar Dov Narzisenfeld 143
Jewish Academic Youth in Jaroslaw Maximilian Meister 146
Education and Culture Institutions
The “Yad Harutzim” Hall Moshe Kalchheim 153
On the Schools I Studied in and the Teachers Dov (Barak) Fruchtman 157
The “Yavneh” School Dov (Barak) Fruchtman 161
The “Tarbut ” Library Dov (Berek) Fruchtman 163
The cheders and the Teachers Moshe Kalchheim 165
The cheders and the Teachers* Moshe Kalchheim 168
Supporters of the Military* Shmuel Schleider 173
Religious Life
The Synagogues Moshe Kalchheim 177
The Synagogues* Moshe Kalchheim 186
My Grandfather's Synagogue Moshe Meizler 198
The “Agudat Israel” [religious] Organizations Boruch Kalcheim 200
Ways of Life, Experiences, Recollections
Jews and Poles in Jaroslaw And Their Relationship in the Years 1918-1945 Mundek Hebenstreit 205
Jews and Poles in Jaroslaw And Their Relationship in the Years 1918-1945 Mundek Hebenstreit 215
The Town Wherein I was Nourished by Zionism Attorney Moshe Aridor (Weihenmayer) 227
With Jaroslav Jewry Yeshayahu Rabinowitz 230
With Jaroslaw Jewry* Yeshayahu Rabinowitz 237
Jaroslaw As I Knew It Dr. Yitzhak Schwartzbart 246
Zionist Jaroslaw Dr. Yitzhak Schwartzbart 248
Purim in Town* Moshe Kalchheim 249
Jewish Sport in Jaroslaw Mundek Hebenstreit 253
Recollections of my Town David Isman 261
The “Incident” at the Opening of the Wiata Targowa Town Market Pinhas Wintgreen 264
Music and Entertainment Erna Zilberman 265
Holocaust and Heroism
Poem on the Murdered Jewish People* Yitzhak Katzenelson 270
Our Town is Burning Mordecai Gebirtig 274
Our Exile from Jaros³aw to the Siberian Forests Moshe Katz 275
In Memoriam Alexander Silberman 280
In the Struggle against the Nazis Mundek Hebenstreit 281
From the Ghetto to the Forest Moshe Kalchheim 284
Personalities and Characters
HaRav R' Yitzchak HaLevi Steinberg z"l Moshe HaLevi Steinberg, Rabbi of Kiryat Yam 300
My Father, Dr. Yitzhak Rabinowitz Arye Rabinowitz 302
Lines to the character of the author Eisik Schealtiel Graeber   303
Steinbock Moshe'l Kalchheim, Jerusalem 303
R' Shimon Spiegel Moshe Kalchheim 304
Chelimer the Teacher Moshe Kalchheim 306
R' David Rapp, ritual slaughterer from Jaroslaw Moshe Kalchheim 307
Reb Sender Amster* Moshe Kalchheim 309
The Life and Public Service of Dr. Moshe (Maurycy) Rager Ziva Korn (Rager) 313
Aharon Gerblich Yakov Gerblich 314
Shayeh Lang Moshe Kalchheim 315
Berko Winter Moshe Kalchheim 316
Janek Kostman in “HeHalutz” Shoshana Kostman 317
Ziggy Dubshitz Moshe Kalchheim 319
Yakov Moshe Gilead-Glatt Yoel Gilead (Glatt) 320
Imek Roschwald Haya Ziegel 322
Dulek Altshuler and his Summer Camps Ziva Korn (Rager) 323
Jaroslav Townspeople Societies in Israel
The Committee of Former Residents of Jaroslaw in Tel Aviv and the Environs   325
Irgun Yotzey Jaroslaw in Haifa   329
Those We Remember   336
Yizkor   372
Preface The Editorial Board 7
Introduction The Committee of the Jaroslav 8
From the Editorial Board   12
Jaroslav: Its History and Jewish Community Yitzhak Alperowitz 14


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Susan Rosin
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 2 Dec 2021 by LA