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Jaroslav Townspeople
Societies in Israel


The Committee of Former Residents of Jaroslaw
in Tel Aviv and the Environs

Translated by Sara Mages

Until 1959 there was an Irgun Yotzey Jaroslaw[1] only in Haifa due to the fact that most of the immigrants, who came to Israel, and among them former residents of Jaroslaw, settled in Haifa and the surrounding kibbutzim. The wave of settlers among the former residents of Jaroslaw streamed to Haifa and the surrounding area, also in the first years of the existence of the State of Israel on the assumption that they could be absorbed into it with the help of Jaroslaw's people, who, in the meanwhile, managed to gain a respectable status in the institutions of the city of Haifa.

In the 1950s, with the waves of the great immigration from Poland, most of the people from Jaroslaw, who arrived in Israel, settled in Tel-Aviv and the center of the country. Then, the need was felt to establish a separate organization in Tel Aviv as well, to give our people the opportunity for organized meetings, and especially to organize annual commemorations in addition to those held in Haifa. Only a few came to them from the center of the country.

Among the founders of Irgun Yotzey Jaroslaw in Tel Aviv were: Mr. Shayeh Lang and Mr. Yakov Glatt (Gilead) who was elected chairman of the organization in Tel Aviv.


On the eve of the commemoration for the martyrs of Jaroslaw in Tel-Aviv, 1963
From right to left: Yakov (Jacob) Glatt, Rabbi Izak (Yitzchak) Steinberg, Jakter, Moshe Kalechheim, Moshe Heberstreit

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A group of Irgun Yotzey Jaroslaw at a meeting in Tel Aviv, 1977


A group of Irgun Yotzey Jaroslaw at a meeting in Tel Aviv, 1977

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The presidium of Irgun Yotzey Jaroslaw at the commemoration in Tel Aviv, 1977


A meeting of Irgun Yotzey Jaroslaw at the commemoration in Tel Aviv, 1977

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Together with them worked for the organization: Yakov (Janek) Kostman, his wife Raiska Kostman (from the Mahler family) and also Yosef Zilberman, Fani Rabinowitz, T. Kiselstein, M. Hebenstreit and Salka Heftler (Shtriks.)

Over four hundred former residents of the city participated in the first commemoration held in the winter of 1959 in Beit Sokolow, Tel Aviv.

In the following years, Moshe Kalechheim (with his immigration to Israel), Motel Faster, Jenia Leshm, Simcha Graff and Jenia Kempinski (Dreyfus), joined the organization's committee.

In 1965, after the passing of Yakov Glatt (Gilead), Moshe Kalechheim took over the management of the committee to this day.

As a first step in the activity of the Tel Aviv committee, it is worth mentioning the commemoration of the Jaroslaw community by establishing a marble plaque in the Chamber of the Holocaust on Mount Zion in Jerusalem.

The committee organized a yearly commemoration and a meeting of members, with the participation of hundreds of former residents of Jaroslaw from of Tel Aviv and the environs. HaRavYitzchak Steinberg - the unforgettable Chief Rabbi of the community of Jaroslaw, and after his passing, his son - HaRav Moshe Steinberg, Moshe Kalechheim from Jerusalem (uncle of our committee member Moshe Kalechheim), and others spoke in them. The prayers at the memorial service were conducted by Mr. Binyamin Unger - Chief Cantor of The Great Synagogue of Tel Aviv, and the cantor Yeshayahu Hess from Jaroslaw. The member of the committee, Moshe Kalechheim, always brought up, with great talent, memories of Jewish community and Zionist life, as well as lines to the characters of various activists and interesting types of our city.

In 1975, the editorial committee for the publication of Jaroslaw Yizkor Book was elected with the members: Moshe Heberstreit, Moshe Kalechheim, Dov (Berek) Fruchtman, Simcha Graff and Raiska Kostman.

The editorial board began to work in two directions: gathering the material, writing articles and raising the funds needed to finance the expenses. After much effort, the members of the editorial board were able to raise the first large sums, which made it possible to publish the Jaroslaw Book. Simultaneously, with the raising of the financial means, the members invested no less effort in gathering the material by contacting the townspeople and encouraging them to write everything they know about the Jewish life in our city.

After two years of intensive activity by all members of the editorial board, and with the help of the book editor, Mr. Yitzhak Alperowitz, the Jaroslaw Book is presented to you.

Translator's Footnote

  1. Irgun Yotzey Jaroslaw - the organization of former residents of Jaroslaw. Return

[Page 329]

Irgun Yotzey Jaroslaw in Haifa

Translated by Sara Mages

Irgun Yotzey Jaroslaw was founded in 1949 in Haifa, the only representative of former residents of Jaroslaw in the entire country. The founding conference was held in “Maccabi Hall” on Herzl Street. Over seven hundred former residents of Jaroslaw, from all over the country, came by personal invitations sent to them at the initiative of Aharon Greblich z”l. At the same conference the organization's first committee was elected with the members: Aharon Greblich z”l - as chairman, and the members Kluberg, Gretzinfeld, Yehusua Graf of blessed memory, and may they live long the members Palant, Königsberg, Zilberman, Mrs. Schwarz and Moshe Katz.

The goals of the organization were among others:

  1. Conducting annual commemorations in memory of the martyrs of Jaroslaw and the environs.
  2. Publication of a Yizkor Book.
  3. Providing financial assistance to Jaroslaw's immigrants in granting loans in cash and also in bank guarantees for obtaining the loans. Financial assistance to the needy, the elderly and any other assistance to alleviate the difficulties of their absorption, such as: finding a job for them, housing assistance, etc.

A commemoration for the martyrs of Jaroslaw in Haifa
From right to left: A. Zilberman, Z. Katz, HaRav Moshe Steinberg, the cantor Yosef Narcisenfeld, Moshe Hebenstreit

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It is worth noting that the vast majority of loan recipients from our city have met their obligations and repaid their debts.

Until recent years, the commemorations were held yearly with the participation of HaRav Dr. Moshe Steinberg, the chief rabbi of Kiryat Yam (son of HaRav Yitzchak HaLevi z”l, the last rabbi of the community of Jaroslaw and, after his immigration to Israel, the Head of Netanya Rabbinical Court, who excited the participates of the commemorations in his speeches full of content and rich memories of Jaroslaw).

Over time, with the settlement of the immigrants all over the country, the former residents of Jaroslaw living Tel Aviv and the environs, decided to establish another committee in Tel Aviv, to facilitate the participation of the people living in Tel Aviv and its surroundings in the annual commemorations of the community of Jaroslaw and other activities.

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Commemoration evening for the martyrs of Jaroslaw in Haifa, 1966


Commemoration evening for the martyrs of Jaroslaw


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