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[Page 37]

An Israeli Hero – I




Yitzhak Isaac Stremer, the grandson of Yitzhak Isaac Stremer from Cieszanow – Zokov. Fell on the altar of the State of Israel on 18 Tishri 5727, in the destruction of the “Eilat.[1]” May God avenge his blood.



An Israeli Hero – II




Binyomin Lempel, ז”ל, the son of Mordechai and Dwora from Lazow beside Cieszanow, who fell in the Sinai Campaign on the 26 day of Adar II 5717 (1957). His final resting place is in Kiryat Shaul.



The Rapaport Family – The Kohanim




From right to left: R' Joseph Rapaport, ז”ל, a scion of Cieszanow – during the war years he was in a labor camp in Siberia, working at forced labor, became run down, and fell sick from many physical and emotional agonies, and after a short while – after he returned from the Red Hell, he passed away in Paris.

His wife, sits opposite him, a righteous aristocratic woman, and at her side – their son. Both were killed at Auschwitz.

Beside R' Joseph, ז”ל, is seated their only daughter Shoshana-Rosa, may she have a long life, who lives in Paris and is known for her good deeds.

R' Joseph's permanent residence was in the city of Krakow, a city that in the past was a ‘Mother of Israel,’ and he was among the most important citizens there.


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R' Baruch Aryeh Kalechman ז”ל




An ardent Hasid, a scholar, a scion of an aristocratic family, esteemed by one and all.


The Goetz Sisters




Faiga and Rachel Goetz, the wife of Yaakov Goetz, were exterminated in Antwerp during the years of the Shoah. Faiga was the daughter, and Rachel the bride of R' Abraham Goetz ז”ל, a Torah Scribe from Cieszanow.



R' Joseph Tanenbaum ז”ל




In the perspective of years gone by, things appear to us in memory that are different perhaps from how they actually happened. Despite this, I wish to present several lines appropriate to the picture of R' Joseph.

The man was dedicated to his town with his heart and soul, and community matters kept him occupied day and night, and the issues of Cieszanow were at the forefront of his concerns. He served as the head of the community in the years before the Second World War, up to its outbreak.

At his death in 1942, he was only 53 years old. Several months before he died, his wife Dwora died, as well as his oldest daughter Adela, and her only son, David.



Two Righteous Women

Who saves even one single soul, it is as if he saved an entire world (Sanhedrin 37)


Reizl Shmukler, ע”ה (right) Chaya Weber ע”ה (left)


Reizl Shmukler, ע”ה distributed her money to charity and for good deeds. In the labor camps in Russia, during the war years, she helped the weak and sick with all she had, and thanks to her help with money and food, many survived.

Mrs. Weber was the daughter of R' Pinchas Mendl Tanenbaum ע”ה, and died on 25 Shevat 5722.


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R' Abraham Ber Starkman, his wife and grandchildren ע”ה




[Shown are] R' Abraham Ber Starkman with his wife and their two grandchildren, Sabina and Shlomo, the children of their son, R' Chaim Starkman, נ”י.

This family was one of the most important and visible – because of their good deeds – in our town.

Grandfather and grandmother, and both grandchildren were killed by the German murderers. God – take revenge for their innocent blood that was spilled.

May their souls be bound up in the bond of life under the wings of [God's] holy spirit.


The Najman Family




The Najman Family was known for its nobility and the breadth of its heart. They were traditionalist, who observed the lesser mitzvot as well as the more important ones, ardent Hasidim, and followers of the Chief Rabbi R' Yekhezkiel Schraga, ז”ל, the last Rabbi before the Holocaust. May God avenge their blood.

May their souls be bound up in the bond of life, so they can stand to be judged at the End of Days.




The gravestone of a woman who was born in Cieszanow, who passed away in the Holy Land: Frieda daughter of Yehuda Buchholz, peace be upon her.


R' Moshe Lempel and Family




R' Moshe Lempel ז”ל, his wife and their children – All exterminated in Belzec – May God avenge their blood.


R' Yerucham Fishl Zeuerman




R' Yerucham Fishl Zeuerman ז”ל, killed by the Germans, may God avenge his blood.

[Page 40]

R' Simcha Schweber ז”ל




This perspicacious and understanding Jew earned his place with his entertainment during festivals in the house of the Old Chief Rabbi ז”ל of Cieszanow, of whom the deceased was an ardent follower.

Murdered by the Nazis, ימ”ש.

His son Eliezer, ע”ה fell in battle against the German Satan in the year 1942.

God will avenge their blood, and may their memory be for a blessing.


R' Mordechai Schrieber & his wife, ז”ל




R' Mordechai Schrieber ע”ה died in the Holy Land in 5726, and his wife Faiga died in 5722. Very dear and quiet people, they went in the way of the Torah and tradition.

The late Faiga was recognized as a person of exceptional spiritual qualities. On every Friday, or on the eve of a Festival, she would gather foodstuffs and distribute it to the needy of the city.

May Their Memory Be for a Blessing.

[Page 41]

The Schneider Family


From right to left: Reizl Schneider, her son, Mordechai, R' Yukel Schneider, ז”ל
Standing: R' Joseph Schneider נ”י, and the youngest in the family, Zvi


A Repentant

Mr. Joseph Schneider, the son of R' Yukel Schneider ז”ל, writes to me from Brazil, and beseeches me to reveal his ‘transgression’ in the Yizkor Book, and his error in believing the false Red world leaders, in whom he – and his comrades believed the way a pious Jew believes in the Messiah, without them, meaning only the Reds will bring salvation to all of humanity and among them the hapless Jewish people.

His emotional articulation, filled with heartache, cry out from his soul and from every written line, from every word, and from every letter.

His disappointment is so enormous, and his heart is so embittered against the Communist leaders of the world – to the point of bursting. and foremost, his bitter cry is directed against the Polish bandits whom he recollects even to this day, their irrational, murderous assault against the defenseless youth in Cieszanow, to whom the letter writer belonged, and who – as he writes, felt – in school, in the street, on the job, and at every turn, their feral incitement and their cry of ‘Zydy do Palestina’ ‘Parszywy Zyd’ etc.[2]

After decades of being in the so-called free land of Brazil, and after so many years of believing in the Red doctrine of that bandit and murderer Stalin, ימ”ש, he concluded that there was not any great difference when it came to Jews – between Hitler's brown [shirt] murderers and Stalin's Red anti-Semites, both ideologies are built on Jew-hatred, evil, abandonment and neglect of personal freedom, and careerism at the expense of all humanity.

Our friend, Joseph Schneider portrays his younger years in Cieszanow and comes to the conclusion that the children of the balebatim were correct, who recognized that Poland , Germany, Russia, was not the place for the hapless Jewish people, and even not Brazil, where the writer lives now, allegedly – in peace, but only in the Land of Israel – only in the State of Israel, can a Jew live out his life proudly, as a Jew and a human being, not to be insulted by anyone – as a Jew, and not to have to put up with all manner of abuse from such primitive and murderous bandits such as the German Nazis, Polish pigs, or Ukrainian beasts.


Translator's footnotes:
  1. In October 1967, the Israeli destroyer and flagship Elat was sunk by a missile fired from an Egyptian ship docked in Port Said; Israel retaliated with the destruction of Egyptian oil refineries at Suez. Return
  2. These were epithets, commonly hurled by anti-Semitic Poles at Jews. These two translate as ‘Jews to Palestine,’ and ‘Mangy Jews.’ Return


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