News Archive

 01/10/2024  Ukraine RD Uploads More than 2,043,776 Records!

During the 18 months of our project, we have uploaded a total of more than 2 Million Ukraine records to the JewishGen website. See January details below.

More Great Reviews from Researchers
It’s so gratifying to hear positive news from researchers of our site. Here are just a few:

•“Thank you for the update! I'm finding lots of new records for my family, yay! :-) “
•“...records like this one, including my great great grandfather’s are astonishing!”
•“I'm absolutely delighted with all the records from Ukraine that are going online, since half my ancestors are from Ukraine.”
•“For the first time in 23 years of research I have finally found a vital record for someone in my great-aunt's family (her brother). I have made a $100 donation. Keep up the great work!”

January 2024 Uploads
We are in the process of loading more than 104,000 records from hundreds of towns -- Yampol, Mikolaev, Kamyanets-Podolsky, Fastov, Malin, Lutsk, Gaysin, Odessa, Vinnitsa -- and many many from Kyiv guberniya! These records encompass census, birth, marriage, deaths, and divorce data. They will be available in a few days. We will announce on the JewishGen Discussion List when they are ready to search.

Thank you! Great Response to Offer for Donations of $100+: Still Open
We want to express our appreciation for donors contributing $100; we are prioritizing the transcription of records from your specific towns or areas. To facilitate this process, please send an email to with your town information after making your donation here, to Ukraine Documents Acquisition and Translation Project.

Thank you! Thank you!
We extend our gratitude to all who have generously donated over the past months to support this project. Your dedication to JewishGen's ongoing efforts to transcribe all available records is greatly valued.

 12/15/2023  December Report: Ukraine Uploads More than 146,000 Records

Great Reviews from Researchers

It’s so gratifying to hear positive news from researchers of our site. Here are just a few:
“I was excited to find some new records in the new release of Ukrainian Jewish records this month. “
“I look forward to exploring the new records every month and I appreciate all your efforts in this great project.”
“I want to thank you and JewishGen for so much help I've gotten through the info and especially the records I found on the site.”
“After I saw your note this morning, I searched the Ukraine site again, by town, by birthdate, by surname -- and saved lots of new PDFs! There was so much more than I've found before! And that's why I sent in my $100 payment!”

December Uploads

We uploaded 146,197 records from hundreds of towns, including Korostishev, Ladyzhinka, Yelisavetgrad, Germanovka, Talnoe, Yampol, Kharkov, Levkov, Chudnov and many more! These records encompass census, birth, marriage, deaths, and divorce data. For details about these documents and the towns they cover, please click on this link to see the spreadsheet of this month's records.

Special Contribution

Again, we thank volunteers Igor Lekhtman and Michael Ishal for their work and generous contribution of the Zhitomir area marriage record translation, which is uploaded this month.

New Offer for Donations of $100+ Still Open

While we have a substantial number of records awaiting transcription, we want to express our appreciation for donors contributing $100 or more by prioritizing the transcription of records from your specific towns or areas. To facilitate this process, please send an email to with your town information after making your donation to Ukraine Documents Acquisition and Translation Project.

 09/15/2023  Gary Pokrassa wins 1st Annual Ukraine Research Division Volunteer Award

At the IAJGS Jewish Genealogy conference in London this past summer, we were excited to present the first annual Ukraine Research Division award to Gary Pokrassa for his leadership upoading and preserving all the relevant files from Alex Krakovsky's Wiki. We are so grateful to

Gary and his team for all they are doing to further our collection and translation of Jewish records for JewishGen. Mazel tov Gary!

 09/01/2023  2023 IAJGS Conference Recap

Many of you had the opportunity to attend Ukraine-related presentations.
At the Ukraine luncheon, Anna Royzner and Alex Denysenko each
spoke about life in Ukraine during this war and the conditions of the archives. Many thanks to them for their illuminating discussion.

At the Annual Ukraine RD Meeting, we provided an update on the RD transcription program, which yields 100,000 to 150,000 records per month, as well as how the program obviates the need for separate town translation projects and for separate fund raising projects.

 02/24/2023  Ukraine Research Division Uploads 101,139 revision list (census) records to JewishGen in February!

Total records uploaded since September 2022 is 506,763.

Using our new translation team, we have made a commitment to translate 100,000+ records each month. We expect to reach our goal of ONE MILLION new records uploaded by summer 2023.

Search for your families on Each record now has a link to the page of the original document where you will find your ancestor's listing. You may find additional information about your ancestor in the original record.

We are able to do this work, thanks to donations from several generous contributors. But, we have thousands of additional documents
to transcribe. So that we can continue at this exciting pace, please consider helping us by donating at:

Navigate to:Ukraine Documents Acquisition and Translation Project and generously donate there.

Many thanks to all of our wonderful volunteers and donors,
Phyllis Berenson
Director, Ukraine Research Division

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