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[Page 198]

Let Us Remember


Victims of the slaughter in Vysotsk
and the surrounding area

Surname First name(s) Page
ABELSON the rov, Yehoshua and his wife Vitl 198
ABELSON the rov, Avram-Yoel, his wife Chana and their three children 198
ABELSON Sheynke and her husband the rov Menahem Eliezer from Plotnitze and their three children 198
ABELSON Yehezkeel and his wife Ita 198
AYZNBERG Yossef and his wife Chana 198
URMAN Chaya-Etl, Feybl, Blume, Moshe, Ephraim, Chana 198
BAHARAL Yosef, his wife Chaya and their five children 198
BERMAN Freydl, her daughters Feygl and Sonya and her son Zelig 198
BIGON Itzhok and his wife Tamar 198
BOROVYK Basil, her son Natnael and her daughters Rifke and Yehudit 198
BOROVYK Chava and her son Yekhiel 198
BOROVYK Yekhiel, his wife Chava and their daughters Dina, Lifshe and Khasya 198
BOROVYK Chaya Dvusya 198
BOROVYK Yona, his wife Chava and their daughter Chana 198
BOROVYK Rakhel and her daughter Sara-Tama 198
BOROVYK Yekhiel 198
BEYGL Dovid, his wife Feya and their children Menas and Zelda 198
BEYZMAN Sheyndl and her two daughters 198
BAUM Tzvi, Rifke, Moyshe and Eliezer 198
BICHIK Asher, his wife Sonya and their children 198
GELMAN Itzhok-Dovid, and his wife Malka 198
GELMAN Feybl, his wife Beylke, their daughters Shoshana and Esther and their son Sander 198
GOLDBERG Itzhok, his wife Ita and their daughter Shoshana 198
GOLDMAN Avram, his wife Sara Minke and their son Israel 198
GOLDSHTEYN Chaya, her daughter Esther and her son Shleyme 198
GOTTLIEB Aaron and his daughters Miriam and Nekhama 198
GUTMAN Asher, his wife Rakhel, their daughter Feygl and their son Itzhok [see note 451, p. 211] 198
GENDZL Itzhok and his wife Esther 198
GENDZL Khayke (from Dombrovitze) 198
DURCHYN Arie, his wife Tzipa and their son Dovid 198
DRIZON Chaya (from Horodnya) 198
VAKS Nisn, his wife Chava and their son Arie 198
VAKS Yakov, his wife Genya and their two children 198
VAKS Zeev, his wife Sara-Perl and their sons Eliahu, Tzvi and Borukh and their daughters Frumke, Miriam, 198
VAKS Hershl, his wife Susil and their two children 198
VAKS Frumke 198
VAKS Nisn, his wife Yentl, their daughter Henya and her family and their son Yako 198
VAKS Henya and her husband Moyshe and their two children 198
VASSERMAN Nakhman and his wife Rakhel 198
VASSERSHTEYN Zeyvl, his wife Pesya Rakhel Tzufrik (from Shadlitz) 198
VERKL Berl, his wife Sara (daughter of Shleyme Kolodny) and their son Gedalia 198
VIDDER Myshe, his wife Rakhel and their children Hersh-Leyb, Betzalel and Yako 198
VINNIK Shmuel and his wife Breyndl 198
VINNIK Zeydl 198
VINNIK Yosef, his wife Rifke and their children Shmuel, Tzirl and Henya 198
VINNIK Aaron, his wife and their four children 198
ZOLYAR Aaron, his wife Sara and their son Yehuda 199
ZOLYAR Berl and his daughter Chaya and Esther 199
KHAZNCHUK Chava and her son Aaron 199
KHAZNCHUK Aaron, his wife Tzipora, their son Chaim and his two daughters 199
KHOVER Mordekhai, his wife Chaya and their children Chasya, Zalman, Dvoyre and Sheyndl 199
KHOVER Mordekhai, his wife and their two children 199
KHOVER Khina and her son Yehuda-Nakhman 199
KHOVER Reuven, his wife Miriam and their children Nisn, Dovid and Nishke 199
KHOVER MORDEKHAI his wife and their two children 199
KHOVER Simkha (murdered in Sarny) 199
KHAYAT Asher 199
KHARPAK Isroel (from Sarny), his wife Chaya, (daughter of Shlomo Kolodny) and their daughter Pnina 199
TKACH Borukh, his wife Chaya and their children Yona and Gitl 199
TREGER Berl and his wife Sara 199
TREGER Sheyne-Hodl 199
TREGER Moyshe and his wife Chana 199
TREGER Shmuel and his wife Tzipora 199
TREGER Yehezkeel, his wife and their two children 199
TESHNUTA Mikhael, Sara and Moyshe (from Rokytne) 199
TURKNITZ Pessach, Chaya, Kheshke, Noakh, Meir, Chaim Aaron (from Tuman) 199
YODLMAN Mordekhai and his wife Esther 199
YAKHNYUK Itzhok, his wife Teybl and their children Feybl, Eydl and Nisn 199
KATZ Moyshe, his wife Basil and their daughter Sara-Miriam 199
KATZ Dovid and his wife Tzipora 199
KATZ Shprintze and her son Ephraim 199
KATZ Shleyme, his wife Chaya and their two children 199
LOPATA Arie, his wife Malka, their sons Zalman and Moyshe and their daughter 199
LOPATA Meir, his wife Rakhel, their son Natnael and their two daughters 199
LOPATA Yakov (son of Eliezer), his wife Chaya and their children Eliezer and Malka 199
LOPATA Nakhum, his wife Feygl and their children Zalman, Ben-Tzion, Rivka and Tzvi 199
LOPATA Moyshe, his wife Golda, their son Aaron and their daughter 199
LOPATA Feyge-Mirl 199
LOPATA Arie 199
LOPATA Berl and his son Itzhok and … and his daughter Nishke 199
LOPATA Yosef, his wife and their four children 199
LOPATA Mendl, his wife Feya and their children Nisn, Shmuel and Bat Sheva (from Litinitz) 199
LOPATA Yakov (son of Zalman), his wife Rakhel and their children Shulamit, Sheyndl, Zalman and Yehuda (from 199
LOPATA Zalman, his wife Tzipora and their children Gitl and Aaron 199
LOPATYN Liebe and her son Yoske 199
LOPATYN Zeydl and his wife Dvoyre (from Luninetz) 199
LOPATYN Ayzik and his wife Gitl (from Rovne) 199
LOPATYN Ita, her husband Yosef Sapir and their son Nisn (from Lodz [?ód?]) 199
LOPATYN Susil (from Dombrovitze) 199
LIEBERMAN Leybush, his wife and their children Sara-Pesl and Hershl 199
LIEBERMAN Asnat Golda, her husband and their children (from Rovne) 199
LIEBERMAN Natan and his wife Lea 199
LIEBERMAN Arie-Tzvi and his wife Menukha (from Tuman) 199
LIEBERMAN Chaim Asher (from Zhidin) 199
LAPINSKY Chaim, his wife and their three children 199
LAPINSKY Asher and his wife Golda Rakhel 199
LAPINSKY Chaya and her husband 199
LAKHMANCHUK Chaya Sara 199
LAKHMANCHUK Moyshe Aaron and his wife Reyzl 199
LAKHMANCHUK Betzalel and his wife Yakir 200
LAKHMANCHUK Aaron and his wife Sara 200
LAKHMANCHUK Hershl, his wife Rakhel and their children Sara and Peretz 200
LYKHTNFELD LOPATYN Chana and her daughters Chava and Beylke 200
LYKHTNFELD Gronya and Yokheved (from Luninetz) 200
LIN Malka, her husband Tudras and their son Yossef 200
MAYZL Beynush and his son Asher and his daughter 200
MAYZL Hadassa and her husband Pinkhas and their two children Mentl, Yehudit 200
NAFKHAN Yosef Leyb, his wife Freydl, their daughter Tirtza and their son Israel 200
NAFKHAN Gershon, his wife Chaya, their son Isroel and their daughter Rakhel 200
NAFKHAN Asher, his wife Golda and their daughter 200
NAFKHAN Israel-Chaim and his wife Reyzl 200
SUSNIK Chaim, his wife Chaya and their two daughters 200
PERL Nakhman, his wife Malka and their children Sander, Itzhok and Rifke 200
PERL Chava and her children 200
PETRUKH Hershl, his wife Dvoyre and their children Tzipora and Aaron 200
PETRUKH Berl 200
FRANKL Aaron, his wife and their two children 200
FELDLAYT Yehoshua and his wife Dvoyre 200
FELDLAYT Miriam and her daughters Rifke, Ferdit and … 200
FELDLAYT Etil, her husband and her children (from Dombrovitze) 200
FELDMAN Dvoyre 200
FELDMAN Miriam and her daughters Freydl, Brakha, Zelda and Breyndl 200
FELDMAN Asher, his wife and their children (from Varshe [Warsaw]) 200
FELDMAN Hershl, his wife and their two children 200
FELDMAN Yakov, his wife Pesl and their daughter Yakha 200
PERLMAN Dobrushka 200
FIKMAN Yosef, his wife Susil and their son 200
FISHMAN Sara, her husband Zelig and their children: Merl, Lea, Nakhman and Itzl (from Dombrovitze) 200
FISHMAN Markl 200
PIVOVUZ Esther and her daughter Chaya-Yentl 200
PIVOVUZ Feybl, his wife Mushke, their son Shleymele and their daughter Bila 200
PIVOVUZ Yerakhmiel (from Rovne) 200
PERLSHTEYN Isasskhar and his wife Gitl 200
PERLSHTEYN Pessach, his wife Rivka and their three sons and daughters 200
FIALKOV Anshl, his daughters Teybl and Feygl and his son Aaron-Shmuel 200
FURMAN Itzhok, his wife Esther and their children Freydl (from Vilne [Vilnius]), Lea and Motl 200
FURMAN Sara and her two daughters 200
FURMAN Feygl and Arie and their son Aaron-Zee 200
FELDSHTEYN Pessach, his wife Rivka, their three sons and their daughter 200
TZUPERIK Aaron, his wife Tama, their son Yikhiel Bar and their daughter Menukha 200
TZIRKL Shleyme and his wife Malka 200
TZIRKL Sara, her husband and her son 200
CHICHIK Gushe, her son Israel and her daughter Rakhel (from Horodnya) 200
KORTACH Leyb, his wife Rivka and their daughter Chaya 200
KORTACH Nekhama and her daughter Tzipora 200
KOLTUN Shimon, his wife Freydl and their three sons: Yoshe, Pessach and Aaron-Shmuel (from Stolin) 200
KOLODNY Shleyme and his wife Pesya 200
KOLODNY Perl 200
KOLODNY Gershon, his wife Dina and their son Hershl 200
KERSIN SHNAYDER Shifra (from Dombrovitze) 200
KAVIAR Meir-Hersh and his wife Beyla-Rakhel 200
KAVIAR Mikhael, Rifke, Fanya, Elka 201
KAVIAR Eliezer, his wife Beyla and their two children 201
KAVIAR Moyshe, his wife Itka and their two children 201
KIKHL Khinke (from Stolin) 201
KAFTAN Sender, his wife Freydl and their sons Boaz and Nison 201
KATZKE Dovl and her children: Aaron, Mikhael David and Itzl (from Dombrovitze) 201
RAYKHMAN Yakov, his wife Sara and their daughters Golda and Chaya-Mirl 201
REZNIK Beyle-Gitl 201
REZNIK Chaim, his wife and their five children 201
REZNIK Khanchik, her husband, her son Itzhok and her daughter Nishke (from Stolin) 201
REZNIK Chava, her husband and her children (from Varshe [Warsaw]) 201
REZNIK Reyzl, her husband and her son (from Pinsk) 201
RYZHY Yikhiel, his wife Itka and their children 201
ROYAN Hershl, his wife Sara and their three children 201
RIKHOTSKY Berl, his wife and his three children 201
RIKHOTSKY Itzhok, his wife Reyzl and their two children 201
ROTNBERG Yehuda, his wife Khinke and their children Yikhiel, Mordekhai, Avram and Reyzl 201
SHUSTER Shmuel, his wife Lea and their daughter Tzipora 201
SHUSTER Shlomo, his wife Breyndl and their two children 201
SHUSTER Sara-Mirl and her daughter Lea 201
SHUSTER Aaron, his wife Menukha and there two children 201
SHUSTER Feybush and his two sons 201
SHEYNBEYN Hershl 201
SHEYNBEYN Chaim, his wife Rakhel and their daughters Mindl, Chana, Miriam and Rifke 201
SHTOPER Aaron, his wife Gitl and their son Yehuda 201
SHTOPER Dovid and his wife Elke and their daughters Batya and Rifke 201
SHTOPER Nisn 201
SHTOPER Khasil (from Luninetz) 201
SHTOPER Moyshe, his wife Shprintze and their three children 201
SHTOPER Betzalel, his wife Rivka, their son Arie and their daughter 201
SHTOPER Riva-Malka and her daughter Dvusya 201
SHTOPER Dovid (son of Shlomo) and his son Avramele 201
SHNAYDER Moshe, his wife Zlatke and their two children 201
SHNAYDER Hersh-Bar, his wife Hodl and their three children 201
SHNAYDER Mordekhai, his wife Feygl, their daughters Risya and Esther and their sons 201
SHNAYDER Benyamin, his wife Rifke and their son Borukh 201
SHNAYDER Yona and his children Dovid and Itzl (from Pinsk) 201
SHNAYDER Aaron, his wife Meril and their daughter Tzipora 201
SHNAYDER Moyshe and his children Merl, Ephraim and Itztl (from Dombrovitze) 201
SHAMASH Zisl, her daughters Sima and Malka and her son Leybl 201
SHEYNMAN Khikl, his wife Esther, their two daughters and their son 201
SHEYNMAN Khaykl, his wife Beyla and their three children 201
SHEYNMAN Hershl, his wife Gnesya and their daughter Gitl 201
SHEYNMAN Aaron, his wife Chava and their four children 201
SHLYAPEK Yosef, his wife Reykhl and their two children 201
SHER Itzhok, his wife Dvoyre and their children Chaim-Aaron, Yona, Rifke and Freydl 201
SHER Benyamin 201
SHER Berl, his wife, their two daughters and their son Chaim 201
SHABSHI Freydl and her son Itzhok 201
SHVATZ Mendl, his wife Leakhe and their daughter Shulamit 201
TZARPICHNYK Yosef, his wife Etl and their sons Asher-Aaron and Itzhok 201

[Page 202]

Residents of Ozery
who perished in the slaughter in Vysotsk

Surname First name(s)
LYKHTNFELD Yehuda and Freydl and their children Khasl and Yakov (murdered in the forests after he had run away)
VINYAR Nakhum and his wife Rosa and her children Chaim and Hanchik
VINYAR Mirka and her two children Chaya-Sara and Tzvi
VINYAR Aaron and his two daughters
KRISTL Avram (the husband of Manya Likhtnfeld) and her daughter Beyla
KAGAN Moyshe, his wife Esther and their five children
KAGAN Rakhel and her son Boaz
GOYKRAKH Yosef and his wife Zelda and their daughter
PREKLASKY Hasl, Frumme
GENZL Peretz and his two daughters and his son
SHAPIRA Mordekhai, his wife Chaya and their three daughters
SHAPIRA Esther (the wife of Shmuel who was murdered after the war in the forests)
ADLER Zeev, his wife Golda, their son Yosef and their daughter Khasl (they were murdered after the war in
MOTORIN Dunya and her three sons
GEMPL Miriam and her three daughters


By the mass grave, 1945
From right to left: Avram Lifshitz (from Byala), Isaak Kaftan, Feybl Pivovuz and Itzhok Lykhtnfeld (from Ozery) in Red Army uniforms


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