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Translation of
Pinkas Teleneshty
Edited by: Aryeh Horshi, Alter Hertzovski
Published by the Organization of Teleneshty Emigres of Israel
in Tel Aviv 5742 - 1982
Project Coordinator
Joyce Field zl
Donated translations
Joyce Field, Irving Schoenberg, John Youkilis & Victor Youkilis
This is a translation from: Pinkas Teleneshty (Yizkor Book of the Jews of Teleneshty of Bessarabia),
JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of
the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Translated by Jerrold Landau
Map of Teleneshty (Map Legend) | 2-3 |
Editorial Committee (Photo Captions) | 4 |
Words of Thanks | 5-6 |
Donations from Teleneshty natives in the Diaspora | 7-10 |
Foreword (Yiddish text, "The Unfortunate Martyrs!") | 11-12 |
Teleneshty -- its beginnings, etc. | 13 |
The founding of the town | 14-15 |
Bessarabia under Turkish-Moldavian rule (until 1812) | 16 |
The presence of Jews in the area of Bessarabia | 17-18 |
The business of the Jewish settlers | 19 |
A map of Bessarabia and its Jewish settlement in 1817 | 20 |
Bessarabia under Czarist rule (19th century) | 21 |
The beginnings of the Jewish settlement | 22-23 |
A map of Bessarabia produced by the Joint (1922) | 24 |
A general map of Bessarabia | 25 |
The first residents | 26-28 |
The first census | 29-31 |
Teleneshty (from the Bessarabia Encyclopedia,1908-1913) | 31 |
A map of the Jewish population from 1858-1897 | 34 |
The occupations of the Jewish residents after 1812 | 35-36 |
Ploughing in an agricultural settlement | 37 |
Crisis and Immigration (1812-1900) | 37-39 |
The end of Czarist Rule (1917) and annexation to Romania | |
The economy after the annexation to Romania (1918-1940) | |
1) Wine business, The Coopers | 44-46 |
2) Grain business | 47 |
3) Raising of Sheep | 48-49 |
4) Light industry | 50-52 |
5) Small scale business | 53-55 |
6) Artisans | 56-59 |
"The loan and saving fund" of the town |
60-62 |
Bibliography | 63 |
Teleneshty in the 17-18 centuries A. Ben Moshe | 64-66 |
My Shtetl as it was Rudolf Youkilis | 67-70 |
The city in its blossoming and its destruction Hertzl H. | 71-74 |
My town Teleneshty Avraham Feldman | 75-76 |
My town -- I'll never forget you.. Aryeh Kuperov | 77-79 |
Antisemitism in the shtetl Alie Soroker | 80-81 |
Mi Shtetl (a song) Avraham Feldman | 82-83 |
Picture: water carries in the town | 84 |
I remember you (a song) Hersh Shinder | 85 |
The Jewish Bank in Telenesht Aryeh Kuperov | 86-89 |
A profile of Nachum Roitman Aryeh Kuperov | 90-91 |
My town Teleneshty Aryeh Kuperov | 92-93 |
Bessarabia under Romanian rule Aryeh Kuperov | 94-95 |
The lives of Jews in the villages Aryeh Kuperov | 96 |
The first Zionists in the town H. Alter | 98 |
The beginnings of the Zionist youth movements H. Alter | 99-100 |
"Young Zion" H. Alter | 101-102 |
"Gordonia" "Boslia" "Hatechia" H. Alter | 103 |
Photos of youth and pioneers H. Alter | 104-105 |
"Poale Zion - Dror" H. Alter | 106-107 |
Photos of "Poale Zion - Dror" H. Alter | 108 |
"Hechalutz" H. Alter | 109-110 |
Photos | 111-114 |
"Gordonia" - "Hechalutz" Sh. Youkilis C. Hochman | 115-116 |
Tzipora Etzioni (Pekel) Mordechai Rishfi | 117-118 |
Friends who we cannot forget A. H. | 119-121 |
"Keren Hayesod" / "Keren Kayemet" | |
Zionism in Teleneshty Simcha Sheiber | 128-129 |
This is how I made Aliya to Israel | |
Fruma Hertzovski | 130-132 |
My Shtetl Telenesht Yankel Rabin | 133-134 |
How I made Aliya to the Land Shmuel Kleiman | 135-136 |
"The Left" of the town A. H. | 137-138 |
The three Teleneshty natives who crossed the Dneister Y. Peles | 139-141 |
(Shmuel Wallach, Chana Finkelman, Buka Rabin) | |
The young "Upstarts" Avraham Feldman | 142-144 |
Alter Hertzovski | 145-148 |
Photos | 149-152 |
Writers and poets (biographies) H. Alter | 153-159 |
S. Ben Zion, Eliezer David Rosental, Zalman | |
Rosental, Mordechai Finkelman, Moshe Pinchevski, | |
Nachum Gutman | |
S. Ben Zion (autobiography) S. Ben Zion | 160-163 |
Our men of stature A. H. | 164-166 |
Dr. Buma Fisher, Dr. Chaim Warana, the lawyer | |
Mota Eidelstein, the lawyer D. Rafaelovitch, | |
the lawyer D. Kleine, the lawyer Y. Trulevitz, | |
dentist A. Kleiderman, Dr. M. Krishkotzki, | |
engineer Y. Bender, engineer S. Feldman, | |
educator Israel Gleizer | |
"Hadorech" S. Ben Zion | 167-175 |
A photo of the "Jewish" manuscript of S. Ben Zion | 176 |
The last Troubador (a profile of Z. Rosental of blessed memory) | 177-179 |
The great windfall (Homarska) Zalman Rosental | 180-182 |
The broken roof (A song) Zalman Rosental | 183-184 |
There is a frost, what a mechaye Zalman Rosental | 185-186 |
In a Shtetl there is a Shtibel (a song) Zalman Rosental | 187-188 |
The lamenting song of Telenesht Moshe Pinchevski | 189-190 |
Porniale (a folk song in Bessarabia) Moshe Pinchevski | 191-192 |
Florinda (a song) Moshe Pinchevski | 193-195 |
Thus was I (a song) Moshe Pinchevski | 196 |
Figures, Personalities and Events A. H. | 198-209 |
Dr. David Dorfman / Reb Leib Petrushka / | |
Levy Petrushka / David Wechselman / Dr. Avraham | |
Kleiderman / David Karimski / Reb Avraham Napadanski | |
Moshe Berlin and his family / Reb Israel Hochman | |
The Berger family A. Kuperov | 210-211 |
Photographs of people from the town | 212 |
A profile of Moshe Soroker Olga Soroker | 213 |
Avraham Shinder of blessed memory | |
(a yahrzeit article) Ethel Shinder | 214 |
Aaron Plosk of blessed memory Y. Peles | 215-216 |
The family of Tzvi and Milka Rabin of blessed | |
memory Yosef Rabin | 217 |
Profiles of: the Rabinovitch family, Shamai the | |
son of David Fisher, V. Gorodenker, Chaim- | |
Mendel Beider, Malka and Yosef Lioberski | |
printed by A. Feldman | 218-221 |
Photos of personalities of the shtetl | 222-223 |
PROFILES H. Alter | 224-228 |
Pini Fuchs, Moshe Fuchs, Chana Weinstock, | |
Paul Weinstock, two wives | |
Zalmine Tevels El. G. | 229-231 |
Yona, the people are going El. G. | 232-234 |
Yankel the red cow El. G. | 235-236 |
Katigienikes: El. G. | 237-240 |
Chaim Bitshak B. Alger | 241 |
Chaya-Etis "Marazsheni" B. Alger | 242 |
SPIRITUAL LIFE H. Alter | 243 |
The Besht and the wine from Teleneshty H. Alter | 244-246 |
Profiles of Torah teachers in the town H. Alter | 247-248 |
Reb Shlomole Dayan | 249 |
Reb Yisrael David Velvels | 250 |
Rabbi Baruch Zukerman | 251-252 |
Reb Yekutiel Sofer, Reb Mordechai Simcha | 253 |
Reb Moishele Melamed, Reb Baruch Diament | 254 |
Reb Hershele Pliman from the book of Teleneshty | 255 |
And these are the names of the teachers --- | 256-257 |
Synagogues--- | 258-260 |
Cantors in Teleneshty Alter Hertzovski | 261-263 |
Reb Levi Presman, Reb Avramel Chazan (Presman) | 264 |
Pesach in the Shtetl, Lag Baomer Aryeh Kuperov | 265-268 |
Shavuot | |
Wedding preparations in the Shtetl Aryeh Kuperov | 269-270 |
Water carriers, How does one bake bread? Yaakov Plosk | 271-274 |
Cooking, Tisha Beov, The world of animals, | |
The cow and the mirror, A wedding in the town, | |
Teleneshty gastronomes | 275-276 |
277 |
Yizkor | 278 |
Here I am, poor in worthy deeds David Kisilov | 279 |
A picture (memories from Ukraine) R. A. Adler | 280 |
Chapters on the Holocaust Alter Hertzovski | 281-285 |
Yizkor pages | 286-292 |
The names of those who are no longer alive --- | |
In the Holocaust Y. Peles | 301-302 |
Witnesses of the Survivors | 304-307 |
The witness of Mrs. Zukerman | 308 |
From eyewitnesses | 309 |
Moshe Hochman relates | 310 |
Bracha Prakafitch writes from Telenesht | 311-313 |
The tragic day in the shtetl Yankel Kleiman | 314-315 |
The Martyr's march Avraham Gelberg | 316-320 |
Goodhearted people Alie Soroker | 321-322 |
The mother Rachel Y. Prakafitch | 323-324 |
The fate of a family Y. Landman | 325 |
A year of Yiddish in Telenesht A. Kuperov | 326-327 |
The happenings of a family A. Kuperov | 328-329 |
Photos | 330-338 |
Monuments of the martyrs of the town | 339-342 |
A list of Teleneshty emigres who donated to this book | 344-346 |
Table of contents | 347-352 |
Page Outline |   |
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