Dotnuva 15th Jan 39 | |
We received your letter, you probably also received our letter, and our opinion is equal and the same, that you should put the money in your name in a government bank. We don't intend to get interest from it, only that the fund will be safe. About your question: how much money we should get, we don't remember exactly, because we sent the documents (signed by us) back to America, but we're sending you a copy, you'll know where to go to remember about it. After all, it's impossible to completely trust and believe by the way, when you receive part of the amount, you should only sign for the amount that you get. I believe that you understand how to arrange it. We haven't received a letter from Reizale [Shoshanna] for several weeks. We don't understand the reason for it. Last week we received a letter from Leah'le, she writes that they're healthy and satisfied, but she doesn't write anything about Reizale, and what she thinks. Maybe it's not pleasant for them to write explicitly that she wants to travel from Israel, but, nevertheless, we want to know what they think about it. We don't have news. We continue to run the restaurant. We hope that it yields us all that we need to live on. May we be healthy. Moshe was home for Hanukkah. He's healthy, and he lives not bad. Thank God all of us are healthy.
Be well. Greetings to Avraham's parents and to his family My Dear! Today we received from Shoshanna the letter that we've been waiting for a long time. Leah came to stay with her, and it seems that at that time they decided that Shoshanna will not leave Eretz-Yisrael and she doesn't want, under any circumstances, to travel to another country. She asks if the documents would be good for one of us.
We wrote you that Sara Goldin is traveling to America, and indeed, she already left Lita, but we weren't able to say goodbye to her. Miriam isn't home, she traveled to Yev'ye [Vievis], and there's no happy news there. Our uncle [Avraham, Shlomo's brother] is gone, and it has been two weeks since he died. Father still doesn't know about it, we want wait at least until after the Sheloshim to tell him. It will be a great pain for him, even though he knows that our uncle, may he rest in peace, was very ill, and under other circumstances, what happened now could've happened long ago. Chaya asked that one of us will come to them, and Miriam traveled. We told father that Miriam traveled to Raseiniai to visit Moshe. There's no new at home. I stayed in Kroki [Krakes] last week. This Sunday, there's going to be a chuppah in Kroki. Mina Rabinovich is getting married. Fried's children will also come. Pessie Mother planned to write, but she missed the mail. At the beginning of the second page, on top, is the beginning of a letter from mother: My beloved dear children, And a note from Pessie; Mother will write another letter because I don't want father to see my letter. P. |
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