Edited by Yocheved Klausner
Dotnuva | 21 June, 1936 |
Hello dear Freidale,
Quite a long time has passed since I wrote you. So it seems to me. Though it was no more than two weeks. Over the time we received three letters from you. I understand that you are angry because of our long silence. The lack of writing material is to blame. Today we had the annual fair. You must remember that. We prepare for each holiday, make a lot of noise, and later, thank God, it passes in peace. We took pictures today and I'm sending you a photo. Don't write to Shoshanna about it because we didn't send her one (we simply don't have any more), it could cause a quarrel. Don't think that we love you more than we love her you might be conceited about that but so it is. . I'm sending you a note that Lea sent you. Greeting to uncle and aunt. Many kisses to you, Pessie. My beloved daughter Freida, how are you? Thank God all of us are healthy, may we only have satisfaction from you children, this is our only wish. How do you cope with the American heat since you can't tolerate it? It should be very hot where you live. Write us about it and how you manage. We don't have any news. Moshe already finished the school year. It is possible that he will remain in Falonja over the summer, and maybe give lessons there. He has no desire to come home since he has no one to spend the time with here in Dotnuva. In regard to Yitzchak Kagan, they wrote you that he was discharged from military service, that's how it was, but unfortunately he didn't have luck at that, someone informed the doctor who had discharged him and he was forced to enlist. He is already serving in Keiden for a month without any problems. Today he arrived for a visit and they don't need anyone to replace him. Be well, your father. Warm greetings to aunt and uncle, may you all be healthy. |
My beloved sister, brother-in-law and my dear daughter Freida,
In a short period of time we received three letters from you, and after all, we did not answer. We wanted to write last week but the children told us to wait, there will be a letter on Sunday. We received it on 14 June and father brought it from the post office, it didn't take more than 10 days. I thank you very much for writing often, may we only hear good news. Freidale, don't worry if you won't get an immediate answer, there is really nothing to write about, and we are also a little busy. I really love to be in the garden, see how the plants grow, and everything is fine. We already have very beautiful berries and we give everyone a taste. My beloved girl, don't worry that you don't work. I hope that when you know better English you will be able to find something, you need patience. Thank God that you have a good home, let's hope that good things will come. I'm happy that your aunt sent a little money to Bat-Sheva, she needs it urgently. We are looking forward to your loving letters, write us how you spend the summer and about life in America. You already have a few friends. Write a long letter. Be healthy. Your sister, sister-in-law, and your mother, who is wishing you well, Nechama Regards to our friends. Shalom dear Freida, A small space was left for me to write in. I have that kind of luck that they always write before me. Peske reminds me not to forget to put our photos. She wants to show how good she looks. She looks the way she is, really sweet. After all, she is a beautiful girl and when she recovers she will really look good. The most important thing is that she gets stronger. I watch over her a little, but it is very difficult to recover in our home. I'm also not as full as I look in the photo, your dress is to blame, and in addition to that I'm also bent. Mother and father really look the way they are. You see, we're already sending you the second photo. Send us a photo, our aunt has a camera. Be well and strong. Yours Miriam. Warm greetings to aunt and uncle. |
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