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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)


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Translated by Yocheved Klausner

  19 January, 1936
My dear sister, brother-in-law and daughter Freida, may you live in happiness.

We received your letter at five in the evening when Pessele went to the post office to get the newspaper, as always it brought us a lot of joy. Thank God that you are healthy and satisfied.

My dear sister Mary, I thank you very much for writing and informing us about Freida, how is she feeling? Usually during the first period, when you don't know the language, it is necessary to suffer a little, but she has such a good home and you are doing only good things for her and want to make her happy. I hope that it won't be difficult for her to learn the language. Usually it is necessary to make an effort to study, and then it is possible to hope that everything will go well.

My loving sister, today the 19th we received the 100 Dollars that you sent us, the central bank sent it immediately to Dotnuva. We thank you very much, it will come to good use and we will pay our debts. This is how we manage our lives, with difficulties, and nothing can be done. My only wish is that we will be healthy and will get good news from you.

Ete is grateful that you visited her aunt and Zundel's brother. This was a long trip. What is your opinion Freida, is he also a man like Zundel? Ete will write you soon, she doesn't feel good this week, she has a cold. We, thank God, are healthy.

My beloved daughter, I am vey happy that you, together with your aunt, fulfilled the request that was asked of you. I am waiting for an update about their situation. Be healthy and strong, we are looking forward to your letters since they're our only pleasure. I'm finishing. Your sister, your sister-in-law and your mother, who thanks you,


Greetings from father, he went to sleep, tomorrow morning he is traveling to Keidan*, it is very difficult to travel by car, it is very cold, they said that it is 26 degrees today. There is no snow.

* Kėidaniai – Keidan in Yiddish. One of the oldest cities in Lithuania


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