Zuromin Memorial Book
The Holocaust Remembered


53°04' / 19°55'

Editor: Elimelech Szklar [Shklar]

Published: 2002, Teaneck, NJ



Project Coordinator

Sandra Krisch


This book was originally published in Tel Aviv in 1992, under the leadership
of Elimelech Szklar [Shklar] and Mendel Braun, with the assistance of Zurominers in Israel and the United States.
In 2002, the book was reprinted by the Puffin Foundation, Teaneck, NJ.

Our sincere appreciation to Perry Rosenstein of the Puffin Foundation and Solomon Plotka
of Chevra Bikur Cholim Anshei Zuromin for permission to include this material
on the JewishGen web site and for their enthusiastic support of the project.

This is a translation from Zhuromin—Polin, sipurah shel kehila she-nichrata;
Zuromin memorial book: the Holocaust remembered
Editor: Elimelech Shklar, Published: 2002; Puffin Foundation, Teaneck, NJ
[originally published in Tel Aviv, 1992], Hebrew - 99 pages, English - 46 pages, Yiddish - 14 pages

This material is made available by JewishGen, Inc. and the Yizkor Book Project for the purpose of
fulfilling our mission of disseminating information about the Holocaust and destroyed Jewish communities.
This material may not be copied, sold or bartered without JewishGen, Inc.'s permission. Rights may be reserved by the copyright holder.

JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.


Editor's Note: The Zuromin Memorial Book is written in three languages: Hebrew, Yiddish, and English. The pages in each language are numbered sequentially, beginning with Page 1. The book itself does not include a Table of Contents. For ease of reference, a list of contents, shown below, has been prepared for the material appearing in each language. Some articles appear in more than one language.

English Contents*
Prologue Elimelech Szklar [Shklar] 1
A Man's Fate Elimelech Szklar [Shklar] 2
My Birth Town Zuromin Abraham Dragon 14
An Account Shlomo Dragon 16
My Town Zuromin Mendel Braun 24
Din Torah with God Mendel Braun 28
To the Memory of … Uziel Lichtenberg 29
Additional Note Leah Adinny (Lichtenberg) 32
Memories of Youth Tirza Listopad 32
Memories of the Past Yankev Hersh Listopad 33
Yiddish Contents
Forward Elimelekh Szklar 1
Zuromin My Birthplace Avraham Dragon 2
The Fate of the Candlesticks The Dragon Brothers 3
My Town Zuromin Mendel Braun 4
My Grandfather's Well Mendel Braun 8
Din Torah with God Mendel Braun 9
Childhood Memories Tirtzah Listopad 10
Memories Nikhtshe Kirszenboum Szwarcwart 11
Yizkor Words Yaakov Braf 13
Hebrew Contents
Notes from Jerrold Landau, the Hebrew translator  
Foreword Elimelech Szklar 1
A Man's Fate Elimelech Szklar 3
My Hebrew Teacher (poem) Elchanan Indelman 14
A letter about Yitzchak Skorupa Elimelech Szklar 15
Song of Auschwitz (poem) Margit Bachner 17
A Mother Sacrifices her Infant (poem) Simon Spektor 18
My Native Town of Zuromin Avraham Dragon 23
Testimony Shlomo Dragon 25
My Town Zuromin Mendel Braun 32
Din Torah with God Mendel Braun 36
The Krull and Lichtenberg Families Uziel Lichtenberg 37
Memories of Family and Home Dov Eilat (Elsztajn) 45
Memories Gedalia Frajdenberg 50
May the Memory… Tova Hindel nee Frajdenberg 52
Memories Yaakov (Hirsch) Listopad 54
My Hometown Tirza Listopad 63
Memories of Zuromin Nichcza Kirszenbaum Szwarcbart 65
Greetings that were sent to the Assistance Committee
and Bikur Cholim for the Needy of Zuromin in the United States
Yocheved the daughter of Malka Listopad 66
Memories of Zuromin from a 1933 Visit Yosef Mondlak 68
A Song of Longing, Pain and Tribulation Yosef Mondlak 69
Words Delivered at the Memorial to the Martyrs of the
Town of Zuromin that Took Place in New York in 1990
Yaakov Braf 70
At the Memorial Monument During
a Gathering in Memory of the Martyrs of Zuromin
Leah Adini 73
Letter to Overseas Volunteers Gedalia Michaelson 75
How the Women's Committee for
the Assistance of Zuromin was Established
Pauline Michaelson 76
Various Letters and Correspondence between the
Zuromin Community and the Overseas Organizations
   a. You Cheated Us, Oh Messiah
   b. Father Sings Kol Nidre
   c. Picture
   d. The Messiah Has Still Not Come
   e. I Take a Stone for Myself
   f. Pumbedita
Elchanan Indelman 82
Map of Zuromin   86
Necrology (To the memory of…)   89

Notes from Jerrold Landau, the Hebrew translator

I was contracted by Sandra Krisch in 2007 to translate the Hebrew portions of the Zuromin Yizkor book. The Yiddish portions were translated by Gloria Freund Berkenstadt. Subsequently, in early 2008, Sandra asked me to compile and edit all of the translations, as well as the transcriptions of the English portion of the book, in preparation for publication on the JewishGen website. Here are a few notes relevant to the editing effort.

  1. My translation and Gloria's translation differ somewhat in style. The spelling of names and places are not entirely consistent. Gloria placed her translator's footnotes within the text in square brackets, where I placed mine as footnotes at the bottom of each section. Gloria uses a Yiddish transliteration style for Hebraic words, whereas I use a Hebrew transliteration style. Gloria (as well as the transcription of the English section) has italicized words of non-English origin, whereas I have not done so in the Hebrew translation.

  2. I performed some very light editing on Gloria's very fine translation, in order to correct a few obvious inconsistencies.

  3. The original translation of the English portion of the book had a great deal of awkward phraseology, as well as grammatical and spelling errors. I suspect that it was produced by someone who was familiar with the original Hebrew or Yiddish, but was not a native English speaker. Sandra edited it before passing it on to me, and I edited it further. In a few places, I added in a translator's note in square brackets. I did not edit it heavily, though, as I preferred to leave the style more or less intact. I corrected Polish place name spelling where I was able to resolve the place name definitively – but I was not able to resolve all. I corrected some of the obvious discrepancies in surname spelling, but left most of the others intact. Thus, there will be discrepancies in name spelling between the Hebrew, Yiddish and English sections.

  4. Many of the name spelling discrepancies between the Hebrew / Yiddish / English sections relate to the fact that I tended to use a Polish form of surname spelling in the Hebrew section. The English section often uses an Anglicized form of the names – probably reflecting the reality that surname spellings changed once Zuromin natives became rooted in America. The fact that different name spelling conventions are used may work to the benefit of those people using Yizkor books to research information based on family names, since in reality, multiple versions of the same surname do exist as times and eras change.

  5. There is a great deal of overlap between the English, Yiddish and Hebrew sections. When translating the Hebrew, I omitted any sections that appeared in the English. In the JewishGen version, these will be linked into the English section. I also omitted some sections that were repeated in the Yiddish section only. The Yiddish translation is complete, and it duplicates those sections that are repeated in the English. In fact, the Yiddish section only contains one article that is not duplicated either in the Hebrew or the English section. At the beginning of each article in the Yiddish section, I made a note about the overlap with the English or the Hebrew section.

  6. On reviewing the English, I noticed that in some cases, the level of detail may differ from the Hebrew and/or the Yiddish. These differences are minor, and in most cases, the English or Yiddish actually provides more detail than the Hebrew. However, it is possible that there are a few tangential facts that were included in the Hebrew but were not included in the English, and are therefore missed in the online JewishGen version. The reader will benefit from reading the duplicated translations in the Hebrew and English sections – as the differences in style and nuance between the two versions of the same article will become evident.

  7. Taking everything into account, I can attest that the collection of material that is being submitted for publication at JewishGen provides a very complete and detailed view of Jewish life in Zuromin, as well as important Holocaust testimonies.

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Sandra Krisch
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 29 Jan 2007 by LA