Vitebsk in the Past;
History, Memoirs, Destruction

(Vitsyebsk, Belarus)

55°12' / 30°12'

Translation of
Vitebsk amol; geshikhte, zikhroynes, khurbn

Edited by G. Aronson, J. Lestschinsky, A. Kihn

Published in New York, 1956




Project Coordinator

Theodore Steinberg


This is a translation of: Vitebsk amol; geshikhte, zikhroynes, khurbn
(Vitebsk in the past; history, memoirs, destruction),
Edited by G. Aronson, J. Lestschinsky, A. Kihn,
Published: New York 1956 (Y 664 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Vitebsk (1956)

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner

Vitebsk of Old (A Page of History) H. A. Abramson VII
From the Editors XI
The history of the Jews in Vitebsk Yeshaya Trunk 1
Jews in Vitebsk and in the Vitebsk Gubernia Yakov Leshthcinski 57
Jewish institutions and the Zionist Movement Israel-Zev Wolfson 93
Jewish social life in Vitebsk Gregory Aronson 178
R'Menachem-Mendel and R'Shneur-Zalman m'Lady Zvi Cohen 210
Dr. Chaim Zhitlovski Hirsch Klein 224
In a Jewish State: an argument with my grandfather about Diaspora and socialism Chaim Zhitlovski 235
S. An-ski - Rapaport Victor Tchernov 247
S. An-ski the folklorist Yakov Schatzki 263
Memories from the Socialist and Labor Movement L. Bleck (Avraham the father) 275
The history of the Socialist and Labor Movement Gregory Aronson 294
From Po'alei Zion to the Sejmists Yehuda Beiner 333
The socialist revolutionaries in Vitebsk Hirsch Klein 352
Memories of an artist Yehuda Penn 363
My own Mark Chagall 391
Vitebsk artists Yitzhak Lichtenstein 447
Leon Kobrin during he pioneer years in America Yitzhak Charlash 456
Jewish Schools in Vitebsk before World War I E. Golomb 468
The Famous Vitebsk Rabbi, Rav Shemaryahu Medalia Mendel Elkin 478
Dr. Grigory Bruk A. Berner 489
My Encounter with Dr. G. Y. Bruk Grigory Aronson 494
Pages of Memories Alexander Rapaport 501
Our Vitebsk (Memories) Shmuel Abramson (Abramis) 507
My home Yocheved Greenfeld (Neche-Yoche) 517
Long Ago in Vitebsk Morris Slavin 523
The 1905 October days Sam Agellof 528
The Building Association in Vitebsk Barnett Miringof 534
The 1917 revolution in Vitebsk Gregory Aronson 542
In the time of the Bolsheviks Meir Mushkatin 593
The Holocaust of the Vitebsk Jews Phillip Friedman 603
The Vitebsk Benevolent Association 627
Vitebsk BUND Branch 224 Workers Circle 634


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