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Translation of
Yanove oyf di breges fun Vilye;
tsum ondenk fun di khorev-gevorene yidishe kehile in Yanove
Edited by: Shimon Noy
Tel Aviv, Jonava Society, 1972 (Y,E)
Project Coordinator
Jerrold Landau
This is a translation from: Yanove oyf di breges fun Vilye; tsum ondenk fun di khorev-gevorene yidishe kehile in Yanove
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/collections/yizkor-book-collection#/?tab= 2236
Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/ybip/YBIP_Jonava.html
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Translated by Jerrold Landau
{First pages} | ||
A Word from the Editor | ||
[Pages IX-XII] | ||
Know From Whence You Came | ||
Our Vibrant Town | Yisrael Yaakov Pogir [USA] | 3 |
These are the Generations | * * * | 5 |
Foster mother | Shimon Noy (Gorfein) [Kibbutz Amir][2] | 6 |
Snatched Glimpses from Afar {E: 5} | Miriam Zachary (Lomiansky-Wulf) [USA] | 8 |
A Town of Working People Common Folk | Yitzchak Ben-David [Burstein] | 12 |
My Jonava | Shmuel Goldshmid [London] | 15 |
Beginning, Growth and Destruction {E: 8} | Yitzchak Yudelevich [Jerusalem] | 19 |
During the First World War | Aharon Gazit (Zisla) [Ramat Gan] | 21 |
Exile (A poem) | Noach Stern [Israel] | 22 |
Tours of our Town in Reality and Imagination | Yitzchak Burstein | 24 |
Sabbath Eve on the Vylia (poem) | Noach Stern [Israel] | 31 |
Before and After the War | Meir Tzoref (Goldshmid) [Tel Aviv] | 38 |
Our Parents Home | 53-90 | |
My Parental Home | Moshe Shamir | 54 |
The House on the Street of the Road (Rechov Hakvish) | Rachel Soloveitchik (nee Janosevich) [Tel Aviv] | 55 |
He Preferred the Interpersonal Commandments | Shimon Noy (Gorfein) | 56 |
The Story and Annals of One Family | Sara Burstein [Tel Aviv] | 58 |
Friday in my Town (poem) | Dov Blumberg [Cape Town] | 68 |
They are all Dear to me | Ala Daltitsky (nee Abramovich) [Tel Aviv] | 70 |
Years that I Will Never Forget | Aryeh Solsky | 73 |
I am not Owed Payment for that which G-d Granted me | Shoshana and Mordechai Rashkes | 74 |
Father was also Like a Mother to us | Freda Khasid | 77 |
Your Wife is Like a Fruitful Vine, Your Children are Like Olive Shoots | David Rubin [Bnai Brak] | 78 |
With Torah, Service and Good Deeds | T.[oybe] B.[en Paz] (Goldshteyn) [Jerusalem] | 80 |
The Abridged Code of Jewish Law [The Shulchan Arukh] on the Work Table | Menachem Levin | 81 |
Links in the Chain of Generations (a poem) | AAvshalom Tzoref (Goldschmidt) of [Kibbuz Ginosar] | 82 |
In my Parents Home | Dr. Shimon Zak | 84 |
Grandfather is Also Remembered for the Good | Tikva Katz [Givataim] | 86 |
I Loved to go to Grandmother | Chaya Grabersky [Tel Aviv] | 87 |
My Grandfather Reb Mashel | Baruch Lin (Jalinovich or Ilinevits) [Ramat Gan] | 88 |
But | Dina Rikless (nee Perlstein) | 90 |
Journeys to the Land | 91-114 | |
In the Achva Group with the First Chalutzim of Lithuania | Aharon Gazit (Zisla) | 93 |
Something About My Parent's Home | Aharon Gazit (Zisla) | 97 |
His Entire Essence Was Firmly Rooted | Friends tell about Chaim Chermoni (Munits) | 98 |
...And the Straw Pierced our Flesh | Dvora Garber (nee Zlonker) [Petach Tikva] | 99 |
Four Who Were Among the First Pioneers | Dov Blumberg [Capetown] | 100 |
I Snuck Out the Window | Batya Tauba Opnitzky [Tel Aviv] | 102 |
About an Orange | Tzvi Khasid [Tel Aviv] | 104 |
A Pioneering Family | Rachel Ben-Yehuda (Mintz) | 106 |
Fortunate With a Dual Meaning | Zelig Even (Stein) [Kibbutz Gavat] | 107 |
From the Cheder to Hechalutz | Eliezer Kokhavi (Stern) [Kibbutz Netzer Sereni] | 108 |
A Carpenters Journey to the Land | Daniel Rikless [Tel Aviv] | 109 |
On the Heels of the First Ones | Baruch Lin (Ilinevits) | 112 |
A Town of Chalutzim (Pioneers) | Shimon Shapira | 114 |
Personalities and Events | 115-140 | |
Some Jewish Lithuanian Scholars | From The Book of Lithuanian Jewry | 117 |
Rabbi Chaim Yitzchak Silman | The sisters Sara Pinta and Mina Markusevich (nee Silman) [Tel Aviv] | 121 |
His Entire Life Was Dedicated to His Art | Yeshayahu Kulviansky | 122 |
One of the Dear ones of Jonava (M.[oshe] Ivensky) | Yitzchak Ben-David Burstein | 125 |
I Learned a Great Deal from Him: More on Ivensky | Sara Burstein | 127 |
Shmuel Goldshmid | (Autobiographical article) | 129 |
Noach Stern | 130 | |
A Portrait of the Young Poet (poem) | Noach Stern [Israel] | 131 |
About Two Brothers who Dedicated their Lives to Those in Need | Tovia Ben-Pazi (Bronznik) [Jerusalem] | 132 |
Rabbi Yisrael Yaakov and his Son the Artist | Golda Sirek (Saker) [Givataim] | 133 |
Inside and Outside | Golda Sirek (Saker)[3] | 134 |
With Mixed Feelings | Chaya-Rivka Feinberg (nee Aharonson) | 136 |
A Little of This and a Little of That | Shmuel Ben-Menachem (Deitz) [Khadera] | 136 |
Between Water and Fire | Esther Tilmun (nee Novikhovich) | 137 |
Dvor'ka the Divorcée {Y: 341} | Israel Yaacov Pagir [USA] | 138 |
Mosheke the Moldy | Yitzchak Ben David | 139 |
Tales and Exaggerations | Sara Burstein | 139 |
Activist Youth and Social Awareness | 141-161 | |
Maccabee | Yitzchak Ben-David Burstein | 143 |
Halpoel and the Youth | Eliahu Kagan [Tel Aviv] | 144 |
The First National Youth Organization | Y[itzchak]. B[urstein]. | 147 |
The Hashomer Hatzair Chapter | Shimon Noy (Gorfein) | 150 |
The First Hebrew Kindergarten | Golda Sirek (Saker) [Givataim] | 151 |
The Tarbut Hebrew Elementary School | Chana Zimrani (Granevich) | 152 |
The Or Noga Yeshiva | Shmuel Ben-Menachem | 157 |
Institutions and Social Activities | Y[itzchak. Ben David. (Burstein) | 157 |
A Note on the Communal Council | Baruch Kursik | 160 |
The Firefighters | Baruch Lin (Ilinevits) | 160 |
To Hell and Back | 163-258 | |
Menachem Levin | 166 | |
The Beginning of the Destruction {Y: 376} | Reizl David (Rashkes) | 167 |
The Last Day {Y:382} | Yerachmiel Garber | 171 |
Days of Torment | Nachum Blumberg [Tel Aviv] | 173 |
My Town (a poem) | Dov Blumberg [Capetown] | 181 |
We Were Saved From the Talons of the Murderers {Y: 387} | Tovia Garber | 184 |
How I Survived {Y: 384} | Leah Druker (Manusevich) | 185 |
My Paths of Suffering {Y: 389} | Leah Hellerman (Kronik) | 186 |
Thus Was I Saved {Y: 395} | Lipa Berzin | 188 |
We Fled From Our House {Y: 392} | Chana Leah Gutler (Kravchok) | 189 |
In the Talons of the Enemy | Meir Tzoref (Goldshmid) [Tel Aviv] | 191 |
A Hymn of Jewish Faith (poem) | Noach Stern [Israel] | 204 |
What I Endured A Little of the Large Amount… | Ala AbromovichDalitsisky | 206 |
The Shaulists Were Worse than the Germans | Shmuel Tepper [Ramat Hasharon] | 218 |
In the Ghetto and the Camp | Nachum Blumberg [Tel Aviv] | 219 |
From the Vale of Tears and the Valley of Murder | Sinai Persky [Tel Aviv] | 227 |
In the Path of Suffering {E: 19} | [Sidney Iwens] Yeshaya Ivensky [USA] | 229 |
With the Townspeople of Jonava on the Front and the Hospital {Y: 400} | David Friedman | 241 |
My Activities in the Kovno Ghetto {Y: 402} | Tzvi Levin | 243 |
The Straight Path that We had to Follow | -- More on the Work of Tzvi Levin | 244 |
With a Clear Conscience | In memory of Yehuda Zopovich | 245 |
People of Jonava in the Fight Against the Nazis | David Rubin | 246 |
Miriam Lan | In Memory of Shmerke Valonas (Namiot) | 247 |
A Veteran Partisan and Commander | About the Actions of the Partisan Shmuel Deitz | 247 |
A Pistol and Tefillin | Shmuel Ben-Menachem | 248 |
The Stubborn People of Starovir | 251 | |
Illegal Mail in the Kovno Ghetto {Y: 404} | Efraim Zilberman | 252 |
I Was a Partisan for Three Years | Zalman Rochman | 254 |
Marching Song | Noach Stern | 258 |
Townspeople of Jonava in Siberia | Y[itzchak]. [Ben-David] (Burstein) | 259 |
I Fought and Succeeded | Batya Goldshmid, (nee Perevoznik) [Israel] | 276 |
One Day in the Siberian Taiga | Batya Goldshmid, (nee Perevoznik) [Israel] | 278 |
To Those who are Making the Effort - Be Strong and of Good Courage! | 280 | |
A Small Room that Contains So Much | Riva Shalovich | 281 |
Impressions | At the Memorial Ceremony | 281 |
In Memory of the Fallen | 283 | |
Yitzchak Pogirsky | Dr. Shimon Zak from the book Banim (Sons) | 283 |
Yerubaal and Hillel Lavie, Rachel Zisla | Published by Ein Harod | 284 |
Mordechai Herman | Shoshana and Gershon Vilan | 285 |
Eliahu Hagalili (Galanreichik) | 286 | |
Jonava[4] | ||
A Backward Glance | 289-295 | |
Our BigCity Shtetl | Yisrael Yaakov Pagir (United States) | 291 |
Productivity, Cultural, and Peculiarities | Efraim Zilberman | 294 |
Our Parental Home | 297-311 | |
My Incarnations | Yisrael Yaakov Pagir [USA] | 299 |
My Life Stopovers | Mari Winton (Moshe Vinitzky) | 307 |
Through America to Israel | Tzipora Winton (nee Shaham) | 309 |
Characters and Personalities | 313-368 | |
The Excommunication Declared by Rabbi Silman | Frank Sirek (America) | 315 |
Rabbi Silman the Stringent | Frank Sirek (America) | 316 |
A Series of Personalities | David Friedman [Vilna] | 317 |
Areh Yankel | Yisrael Yaakov Pogir | 325 |
With his own Traits | Yitzchak | 328 |
A Gallery of Personalities | Meir Tzoref (Goldschmid) | 331 |
Episodes and Events | Ella Daltitsky (Abramovitch) of Tel Aviv | 335 |
Two Poems | Avraham Yitzchak Abramovitch | 337 |
Meita the Baker | Frank Sirek | 339 |
One Relates | Sara Burstein | 340 |
Dvorake the Divorcee {H: 138} | Yisrael Yaakov Pogir | 341 |
Labas the Lithuanian Policeman | Yerachmiel Garber | 343 |
Noach the Roof Layer | Yerachmiel Garber (Tel Aviv) | 345 |
Where is Father | Rachel Dushnitzky | 346 |
My First Year of Working at Filvinskys | Yisrael Yaakov Pogir | 347 |
From the Series of Folk Songs | 348 | |
Nicknames | 351 | |
Our Talmud Torah | Yisrael Yaakov Pogir | 352 |
On Separate Paths | Y. Y. Pogir | 361 |
My Native Village of Siesikai | Shmuel Balnik | 362 |
To Hell and Back | 369-409 | |
*** (Poem) | Batya Perlstein | 372 |
At the Large Mass Grave | Efraim Zilberman | 373 |
The Beginning of the Destruction {H: 167} | Reizl David (Rashkes) [USA] | 376 |
The Last Day {H: 171} | Yerachmiel Garber | 382 |
Fortunate to Remain Alive {H: 185} | Leah Drucker (Monosevich) [Tel Aviv] | 384 |
We Were Saved from the Talons of the Murderers {H: 187} | Tuvia Garber [Tel Aviv] | 387 |
My Way of Suffering {H: 186} | Leah Helerman (Kronik) [Melbourne, Australia] | 389 |
We Fled from the Home {H: 189} | ChanaLeah Gutler (Kravchok) [Tel Aviv] | 392 |
Thus Was I Saved {H: 188} | Lipa Berzin [Tel Aviv] | 395 |
I Was With Them At Night | R. Spigler (Mankovski), Melbourne | 397 |
Songs from the Ghetto | 398 | |
With the People of Jonava on the Front and in the Hospital {H: 241} | Dovid Friedman of Vilna | 400 |
My Activities in the Kovno Ghetto {H: 243} | Tzvi Levin | 402 |
Illegal Mail in the Kovno Ghetto {H: 252} | Efraim Zilberman | 404 |
Two Good Friends | Yitzchak [BenDavid (Burstein)] | 408 |
List of those Killed | 411 | |
List of Those Who Fell on the Battlefield | 425 | |
Jonaver (Yanover) Organization in New York | 427 | |
Contents of the English Part | 1-35 | |
Glimpses at Janova {H: 8} | Miriam Zakhary (Lomiansky-Wulf) | 5 |
Beginning, Growth and Destruction {H: 19} | I. Judelevitch | 11 |
My Years of Agony {H: 229} | [Sidney Iwens] Jesaiah Ivensky [USA] | 15 |
List of Pictures and Drawings | ||
List of Pages of Pictures and Drawings |
Translator's Footnotes
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Updated 11 Jun 2023 by LA