Dubno; a Memorial to the
Jewish community of Dubno, Wolyn
(Dubno, Ukraine)

50°25' / 25°45'

Translation of
Dubno; sefer zikaron

Editor: Y. Adini

Published in Tel Aviv, 1966

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.



Project Coordinator

Anna Jacobsson


This is a translation of: Dubno; sefer zikaron (Dubno; a memorial to the Jewish community of Dubno, Wolyn),
Editor: Y. Adini, Tel Aviv, Dubno Organization in Israel, 1966 (H,Y 752 columns)

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Hebrew translated by Sara Mages

Yiddish translated by Yocheved Klausner


Foreword Editorial Board  
A Jewish Metropolis A. Avtichi-Hadari 17
The City and its History Yakov Netaneli-Roitman 21
  A. The outline of the city   25
  B. The Jews of Dubno   35
  C. The Wise Men (Scholars) of Dubno Ya'acov Netaneli-Rothman 61
  D. The Chassidut of the Baal Shem Tov Ya'acov Netaneli-Rothman 65
  E. The Haskalah Era and Its Personalities Ya'acov Netaneli-Rothman 67
  F. Ḥovevey Tzion and the Beginnings of Zionism Ya'acov Netaneli-Rothman 83
  G. Dubno Rabbis Ya'acov Netaneli-Rothman 87
  H. The Government-Appointed Rabbis of Dubno[1]   97
  I. Dubno Mirrored in the Press   99
  J. From the Pinkas [Record Book] of the Dubno community Ya'acov Netaneli–Rothman 111
The Dubner Maggid   129
The Sage and His Town Eliezer Shteinman 134
The Fables and Parables of the Maggid of Dubno Eliezer Steinman 135
The Maggid of Dubno and His Fables Y. P. Ben–Ḥaya 145
The Dubner Maggid, the Expert in Parables and Messenger of Realism Rafael Mahler 149
The City and its Residents   169
Dubno in the year 5640 [1879/80] Yitzchak Ajzik Feffer 173
Greater Dubno Ya'acov Nathaniel-Roitman 181
Dubno on the Eve of the First World War
        Public and Party Activism
        Self–Defense in Dubno in 1919
        Jewish Life in Dubno
        The Struggle for the Rabbinate
        Under Austrian Rule
Yisrael Feffer 191
The Purim Pogrom 5674 [1914] Shaul Viderman 209
The Rabbi's Daughter [poem] Shaul Tchernichovsky 211
Sources of Livelihood of Dubno's Jews Moshe Cohen 213
Two Years under Soviet Domination Moshe Cohen 229
A. Youth Movements. B. Synagogues and Batei-Midrash. C. The community's welfare institutions 245
The “Hakhshara D. Koren 249
Youth Movements in Dubno A. Cohen 253
Hashomer Hatzair" on trial Nisan Doron 261
"HeHalutz" in Dubno Zelig Freiman 263
Histadrut Hanoar HahalutziGordonia” in Dubno Zipora Ampel 269
The youth that is gone Shimon Oz (Guz) 273
Houses of Worship and Batei-Midrash in Dubno Moshe Kachka 277
The Study–Houses of the Righteous of Olik (Olyka) Z. Friedman 281
The Study House of Dr. Avraham–Mordecai Moshe Cohen 281
Cantors of the Great Synagogue Moshe Katchke 283
Peretz Markish in Dubno Yisrael Feffer 287
Rabbi Zeidel Hazan Netaneli–Roitman 289
The Jewish Hospital in Dubno Ze'ev Ziskind 291
Welfare Institutions of the Dubno Community Shmaryaho Roitman 292
The Orphanage G. Steible 297
A Passover Seder for Jewish Soldiers Moshe Cohen 301
TOZ” in Dubno[2] Mania Deibog 303
Culture and Way of Life 309
The History of the Family Name of the Historian Simon Dubonow and its Meaning Amnon Horowitz 313
The history of printing in Dubno   315
The History of the Jewish–Polish Gymnasium G. Bradiga 317
The “Tarbut” School in Dubno A. Cohen 320
Ha–Koah B. Bradiga 325
The Amateur Theater Moishe Katchke 331
Jewish Weddings and Musicians Moishe Katchke 339
Occupations of the Simple Folk Moshe Cohen 343
Matzo-Making Machines Come to Dubno Moshe Cohen 345
Matzo Baking in Dubno B. Bardigo 347
Zionism – and its Reward Aviezer Zaks 349
Or Torah B. Elimelech 353
The Mourners of Dubno Moshe Berger 355
Personalities, Nicknames and Associated Names of the Townspeople Asher Reichman 361
Personalities and Figures 365
A Portrait of the Head of the Rabbinical Court, the Gaon, Our Teacher and Rabbi, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Ya.N.A.Y. 369
Our Master, Our Teacher, Our Rabbi [Admor], R. Baruch HaLevi Yozefob R. Shmuel HaLevi Yozefob 372
The Crown Rabbi – Rabbi Chaim Zev Margolios   374
A Portrait of the Teacher Chaim–Nissan Zaks Naftali Toran 375
The Lot of the Hebrew Teacher Nissan Machruk (Drori) 379
Rabbi Elimelech Blei, Teacher Ya.N.A.Y. 383
The Life of Hebrew Teacher Shlomo Balaban Asher Balaban 385
Eliyahu Machrook P.Y. 389
Shlomo Reichman, Teacher Asher Reichman 390
R. Mott'l Loitziker Avraham Shritnik 392
The Brothers David and Tzvi Perl Nisan 394
The Brothers Tzvi and Eliyahu Meizler Nisan 396
David Horowitz Nisan 397
Asher–Zelig Bernstein Nisan 398
Shimon–David Feffer M.C. 399
A Portrait of R. Avraham–Moshe Kolton S.K. 400
Toward a Portrait of R. Yisrael–Moshe Leshchever Nisan 401
Chana Kagan (Cohen) A.C. 402
R. Shmuel Kaufman–Motziver C. Kaufman–Melamed 403
Avraham Karaulnik B. Bradiga 406
Leib Luchnik Nisan 408
Dr. Isidore Margulies Nisan 409
A Portrait of Yosef Pinchasowicz Nisan 411
Sarah'ke Dubtzis Nisan 411
R. Avraham Lichter C.L. 413
Yankel Sanis Malka Freeman 415
Ester Feffer (née Deibog) Y.P. 415
Eliezer Zharne Nisan 418
Dr. Misha Lichtenstein–Zohar Nisan 418
Shmuelik the Watchmaker B. Elimelech (of blessed memory) 419
Herschel the Shamash (Synagogue Administrator) of the Great Synagogue Yannai 421
Benedict Nisan 421
Volodia (Frenkel) B. Barigada 423
About One Family Shmuel Kolton 424
Berele Gulzriker Nisan 425
The Activist – Eliyahu–David (Bakraing) Akiva David 427
The Four Who Fell: David Meizler/Tzvi Sternberg/Ozer Shehami/David Sobol Asher Reichman 431
The Holocaust 437
Dubno's plan/The ghetto's boundaries   441
The Ikva Simcha Shtibel 445
The Germans Are Coming [poem] Moshe Weisberg 451
The Valley of Death (The Liquidation of the Dubno Ghetto) Yehoshua Wovek 453
The Life and Destruction of the Jews in Dubno Moshe Weisberg 459
In Hiding Places and in the Forests Yitzchak Fisher 469
The Seven Stages of Terror Frida Binshtok 473
Testimony in the Nuremberg Trials about the massacre in Dubno   517
The End of the Partisan, a Member of “Betar”, Aizia Wassermann Asher Ben–Oni 519
Historical Questionnaire   529
Historical Questionnaire   531
Passover after the Shoah Ya'acov Nathanael–Roitman 533
From the Bitter Spring [poem] Netanel Bahiri (Bilizki) 535
“The Empty Heavens” Rabbi Leibish Vinokur 537
The Days of Suffering and Pain Shoshana Somberg-Gon 537
A Necklace of Sadness for Senele and the Eight Hundred Children who Perished in One Day Ya'acov Netaneli-Roitman 541
Dubno after the Liberation Sioma 545
Yiddish Section
For the Jewish Population In Dubno and the Surroundings   549
The outline of the city Yakov Netaneli-Rothman 553
The Jews of Dubno Yakov Netaneli-Rothman 563
From the Pinkas [Record Book] of the Dubno Community Yakov Netaneli-Rothman 577
The Wise Men (Scholars) of Dubno Ya'acov Netaneli-Rothman 583
The Maggid [Preacher] of Dubno Eliezer Steinman 603
Some Fables of the Dubner Maggid   607
Dubno Eighty Years Ago Yitzkhok Aizik Feffer 613
Dubno between the World Wars   619
The History of Hashomer Hatzair and Hechalutz Binyamin Hoz and D. Karin 637
Two Years under Soviet Domination Moshe Cohen 641
Personalities, Nicknames and Associated Names of the Townspeople Asher Reichman 657
Occupations of the Simple Folk Asher Reichman 660
Names and Surnames Asher Reichman 661
Jewish Weddings and Musicians Moishe Katchke 665
Dobe Tovin-Metz / Yosef Pinchasovitch / Leib Lutchnik / Sara'ke Dobtzes / Shmulik Zeigermacher [watchmaker] / Benedik   673
Avraham Aizik Treger   683
From the Sad Days   689
The Life and Destruction of the Jews in Dubno Moshe Weisberg 693
The Liquidation of the Dubno Ghetto Yehoshua Wovek 707
In Hiding Places and in the Forests Yitzhak Fischer 711
The Days of Suffering and Pain Shoshana Somberg-Gon 717
“The Empty Heavens” Rabbi Leibish Vinokur 721
Testimony about the slaughter in Dubno Hermann Graebe 721
Dubno after the Liberation Sioma 725
List of the holy victims of the Dubno community [Necrology]   733
Translator's Footnotes

  1. Rabbi “Mitaam” – A Rabbi who served as the official liaison to the government, any official dictate or transaction, having to do with Judaism, went only through him Return
  2. TOZ - Towarzystwo Ochrony Zdrowia - Society for the Protection of the Health of the Jews, Poland, between the two World Wars Return


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