54°06' / 22°56'
Translation of
Yisker Bukh Suvalk
Editor: Berl Kagan
Published in New York, 1961
Translations by Dr. Ida Selavan Schwarcz, unless otherwise noted,
and text retyped by Genia Hollander, unless otherwise noted.
We wish to thank Larry Freund for his considerable efforts
and assistance in obtaining scans of the originally typed translation.
This is a translation of: Yisker Bukh Suvalk (Memorial book of Suvalk),
Editor: Berl Kagan, New York, The Suvalk and Vicinity Relief Committee of New York, 1961 (Y, E 825 cols)
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Suwalki (1961)
Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/ybip/YBIP_Suwalki.html
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Preface | 7-8 |
The first hundred years of Suvalk and surroundings Berl Cohen* | |
1. How old is Suwalk? | 11-19 |
2. History of the Jewish settlement | 19-29 |
3. The economic situation | 29-39 |
4. Jews in agricultural settlements | 39-45 |
5. Emigration from Suwalk | 45-60 |
6. Education and culture (haskalah) | 60-76 |
7. Hibat Tsiyon (Love of Zion) | 77-98 |
8. Jewish Labor movement | 97-102 |
9. Institutions, societies, & community leaders | 101-122 |
10. Rabbis | 123-196 |
11. Writers | 197-218 |
12. Publishers | 219-231 |
13. Pioneers of the Yiddish & Hebrew press | 231-238 |
14. Press correspondents | 239-240 |
15. Cantors | 239-243 |
16. Actors | 243-244 |
17. Folksongs of the Suvalk region | 243-250 |
18. Jews and Christians once upon a time | 249-251 |
19. Curious Episodes | 251-252 |
20. Subscribers to books | 252-266 |
21. Bibliography | 267-280 |
From an old journal Eliezer Mordehai Altschuler | 279-286 |
The last 40 years Yekhezkel Berlzon | 291-316 |
A city of active social involvement Shmuel David Bernshteyn | 315-324 |
In the days of the First World War A.M. Altshuler | 323-328 |
The progrom in Suvalk in 1914 | 327-332 |
Germans in the Talmud Torah Eliezer Oranovsky | 333-336 |
After the First World War Shlomo Stutsinski | 337-340 |
The Lithuanian Occupation M. Shlomi-Firdman | 339-342 |
The pogrom in 1936 Mordekhay Zlotnitski-Zahavi | 343-344 |
Episodes from my youth Shmuel Sinanski-Siman | 345-346 |
The shtetl of Ratsk Avraham Moshe Kliman | 347-348 |
The shtetl of Punsk Leib Shperling, Albert Kirsh | 348-350 |
My shtetl Baklerove Shlomo Borowski | 349-352 |
The shtetl Filipove Mordekhay Pivovarski, Moshe Oshinski | 351-354 |
Suwalk a nest of Torah Moshe Raziel (Rozntal) | 359-362 |
Suwalk, city of compromise Shmuel Shori (Shvarts) | 363-366 |
The Yeshiva crowd in Suwalk Rabbi Yehoash Zavoznitski | 365-372 |
The Revolution Years Hayim Zeligson | 371-380 |
Suvalk institutions Yakov Arieh Trop | 379-386 |
Schools and Hadorim (Kheyders) Caleb Khahovits | 387-388 |
Hoveve Zion in our city Hayim Zeligson | 387-390 |
Poalei Zion in Suvalk Leybl Hen | 391-400 |
Zionist activities Gedaliah Simhoni | 399-403 |
Reminiscences of Suwalk Jews Hannah Altshuler | 403-406 |
Beitar Shlomoh Riman | 405-407 |
Suwalk Toz Eliezer Sherer | 407-411 |
Makabi Shlomo Riman | 411-420 |
R'Binyamin and R'Mordekhay Magentsa | 427-430 |
Portraits of scholars, community leaders, and benefactors Rabbi Yehoash Zavoznitski | 431-474 |
Haim Mendl Fridman Rabbi Ahron Reuven Tsharni | 473-476 |
Barukh Roznberg Eliezer Perlshteyn | 477-480 |
My family Moshe ShlomiFridman | 481-485 |
Mordekhay Shpindlman Eliezer Perlshtyen | 485-488 |
Hayim Koyfman Yehudah Leyb Blekhman | 487-490 |
Avraham Shemuel Lizshevski | 489-492 |
Aharon Sinenski Hava Glatshtein | 491-492 |
Once there was… L. Shimoni | 493-504 |
Melamdim (Teachers) Moshe ShelomiFridman | 503-506 |
Sketches and Episodes Yehoshua Bakhrakh | 505-510 |
Rabbi R'Mordekhay Tsevi Ha-Levi Vaysman A. Suwalker | 510-512 |
Suwalk Figures Reuven Boyarski | 511-514 |
Bizarre happenings in Suwalk Ben-Yisrael | 513-518 |
The Hidden Saint Rabbi Abraham Magentsa | 517-518 |
Suwalk Nicknames Zalman David Roznblum | 519-524 |
Suvalk Relief Committee Haim Zeligson | 531-566 |
The first people from Suvalk in New York Haim Zeligson | 567-580 |
Suwalk Landsmanshaft in Israel Avraham Koyfman | 579-580 |
Destruction of Suwalk Yehezkel Berlzon | 595-628 |
On the bloody road Hanah Levitan-Ribald | 629-632 |
Suwalk Jews in the Slonim Ghetto Dr. Katriel Aylender | 633-636 |
In the Camps of Estonia Dr. Aharon Kreshkovski (Ker) | 635-636 |
With Jews from Suwalk in the Death Camps Yaakov Fraymark | 637-638 |
Perished in Lithuania Avraham Leyb Vays | 639-640 |
From Arkhangelsk and Back Shlomo Gutman | 639-642 |
Suvalk in 1957 Hana Altschuler | 643-649 |
Destruction of Ratzk Mordekhay Mishel | 649-650 |
Suwalk is No More Kalman Abramavits | 651-654 |
Photographs of victims from Suwalk and environs | 655-672 |
On the fresh grave of friend, Lazar Pearlstein Hayim Seligson | 673-674 |
Mourning announcements | 675-788 |
Name index | 789-814 |
Names of Cities | 815-820 |
English pages | 821-826 |
* Berl Kagan, editor of the Suwalki yizker bukh, also wrote some articles under the Hebrew name, Berl Cohen |
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