JewishGen Danzig/Gdańsk Research Division Project:
Translation of "Zur Geschichte der Juden in Danzig" (1857) and "Aus Danzig" (1808)

Volunteers Needed: Translators from German to English, Translator from Hebrew to English

All volunteer translators must sign a JewishGen Donor Agreement in order to participate, be familiar with Microsoft Word, and be able to work from .PDF images.

Translations of two articles from primarily German to English (and short sections from Hebrew to English): "Zur Geschichte der Juden in Danzig," by Dr. Abraham Stein, from Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums, year 6 (1857), Nr. 6,7,9,11, 42 pages, and "Aus Danzig," by Anonymous?, from Sulamith, year 2 (1808), Nr. 1, 16 pages. Indices of personal names appearing in each article should also be created.

Dr. Abraham Stein was the first liberal rabbi in Danzig (Altschottland), and this article of his may be the first published history of Danzig Jewry. Sulamith was the first German-language magazine directed to Jews.

These articles will be available as .PDF files to the translators. Translations will appear on this website.

Contact: Logan Kleinwaks, JewishGen Research Director for Danzig/Gdańsk