A joint project of JGSGB and JewishGen




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JCR-UK is grateful to all organisations and individuals who have donated data / material and time for the JCR-UK website and/or the JCR-UK Databases

Please click here for copyright details of all the datasets on the JCR-UK website

Rosalind Adam Julian Kemper
Prof. Geoffrey Alderman Sonny Kosky
Jeni A. Altit David Kravitz
Ron Altshul Adrienne Krushner
Naomi Sachs-Amrami Petra Laidlaw
Daniel Appleby Sandra B. Landers
Joyaa Antares Diane Langlebene
Leslie Bailey David Lawrence
Harry Balkin Marian Lebor
Neville Ballin Gordon Leigh
Helen Banks Ruth & Stuart Lesser
Dr. David Barnett Barry Levene
Susan & Banny Banyard Maureen Leveton
Diana & Gerald Barnett Elkan Levy
Linda & David Barrett Dr. Joel Levy
Richard Barton Richard Levy
David Bartram S. Levy
Mesod Belilo Arnold Lewis
Wendy Bellany David Lewis
Alan Benstock Ruth Halle Lipov
Lawrence Bentley Keira Quinn Lockyer
Adrian Berger Michael Lynch
Dr. Beverly P. Bergman Eddie Mack
John Berman Gina Marks
Anthony Blasebalk Sandra Marks
Avril Blasebalk Saul Marks
Ruth Bloom Joshua Marrache
Stephen Bolsom Linda Martin
Edna Bonkes Jack Mtthews
Bernard Bookey Jeffrey Maynard
Duncan Broady Stephen Mednick
Anne C. Brook Louise Messik
Ivor Brown Peter Mishcon
Carol Cambers Ronald Mitchell
Robert Edward Carter Anthony Morris (Judge)
Bernard Chaplin H. Sydney Morris
Sandra Cohen Martin D. Morris
Shirley Collier Phillip Morris
Dennis Conway Susan Napper
Martin Cornberg Prof. Aubrey Newman
Judy Cotsen Prof. David Newman
Naomi Cream Linda Ofstein
John Cowell Elaine Paradise
Bernard Croop Kieth Pearce
Howard Cuckle Andrew Phillips
Robert da Costa David Patchick
Harold Davies Anita Phillips
Derek Davis Kim Phillips
Simon Donoghue Harold Pollins
Ian Down Patricia & Joe Pollins
Benjamin Dunn Tony Pincott
Natalie Elgrod Elliott Porte
Stuart Elgrod Len van der Put
Steve Ellwood Ann Rabinowitz
Nicholas J. Evans Esther & Dr. Jack Rabinowitz
Rav. Chaim Fachler Dr. Ian Rabinowitz
Eli Fachler George Rigal
Yanky Fachler Martin Rispin
David Factor Michael Roodyn
Anthony Fagin Martin Rose
Lynne Fertleman Selwyn Rose
Jessica Feinstein Stan Rose
Nigel Fidlan Daniel Rosehill
Pamela Figov Fred Rosehill
Brian Fileman Jeanette R. Rosenberg
Dr. Bernard Fisher Deborah Ross
Lyn Fisher Joe Ross
Suzannah Foad Ian Rubinstein
George J. Fogelson Richard Ruthfield
Bella Fox Michael Saltman
Cyril Fox David Sandler
Howard Freeman Gary Sandler
Murray Freedman Howard Sandman
John Gallon Diane Sapiro
Peter Gatoff Philip Sapiro
Frank Gent Neville Saunders
Lisa Gerson Kate Pearlman Shaw
Anthony Gerstler Alex Schlesinger
Sir Martin Gilbert Malcolm Sender
Stephen Gillard Riva Shaw
Marcel Glaskie David Shulman
Terry Glasstone Harry Shulman
Prof. Lewis H. Glinert Jackie Shulman
Nancy Goldberg Angela Shire
Marge Goldin Angela Silman
David Gompertz Ruth Silver
David Gordon David Simon
Nigel Grizzard Richard Smith
David Green June Solntseff
John Gross Susan Soyinka
Anthony Glynne Sammy Stein
Bernard Greenberg Philip Stewart
Deborah Harnden Roy Stone
Frances Harris Victor Stone
Harvey Harris Martin Sugarman
Joanne Harris Stanley Szapira
Laurence Harris Sarah Tarzi
Oliver D. Harris Derek Taylor
Stanley Hartog Martin Taylor, City Archivist, Hull
Dr. Ariel Hessayon Hilary Thomas
Prof. Ursula Henriques Alan Tobias
Maurice Hoffman Derek Tobias
Graham Holt Michael Tobias
Kathleen Hollingsbee Brian Torode
Jill Hyams Charles Tucker
Brenda Hyman Ronald Wallace
Norma Inch Bernard Wallis
Joe Isaacs Martyn Webster
Hannah & David Jacobs Shalva Weil
Laurence Jacobs Derek Wenzural
Aubrey Jacobus Geoffrey M. Weisgard
Basil Jeuda Lee White
Steven Jaffe Constance Whippman
Michael Jolles Jill Whitehead
Harvey L. Kaplan Judith Williams
Jason Kaplan Joy Winton
Lorna Kay Dr. Yaakov Wise
Marion Kaye Martyn Woolf
Sylvia Kaye Naidia Woolf
Rosalind & Franklin Kaye Susan Woolf
Shlomo Katanka Barry Young
Mark (Yitz) Katz  

All Saints and Blakenhall Community Development
(New Deal for Communities) Heritage Project

Birmingham Heraldry & Genealogical Society
The Bookmark Society
Bristol Hebrew Congregation
Bristol Jewish Burial Society
Bristol Museum and Art Gallery
Cardiff United Synagogue
Cork Hebrew Congregation
Doncaster Jewish Community
Exeter Hebrew Congregation
Federation of Synagogues
Gibraltar Jewish Community
Greater Manchester Police Museum
Grimsby Hebrew Congregation
Guildhall Library
Havering Libraries - Local Studies
Hull City Archive
Hull Jewish Archive
The Jerusalem Post
The Jewish Chronicle
Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain
Jewish Historical Society of England
Leicester Jewish Community
Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society
London School of Jewish Studies
Manchester & Lancashire Family History Society
Manchester Register Office
The Nation Lottery, through the Heritage Lottery Fund
Norwood Old Scholars Association
S&P Sephardi Community
Sinai Synagogue, Leeds
Swansea Hebrew Congregation
Susser Archive
West London Synagogue of British Jews
See also separate List of Contributors to the 1851 Anglo Jewry Database.

Page created by John Berman: 2002
Page redesigned and formatted by Louise Messik: 12 November 2011
Ongoing revisions and updates by David Shulman
Page most recently amended: 4 August 2024



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