A joint project of JGSGB and JewishGen




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About Jewish Communities & Records - United Kingdom "JCR-UK"

This is a joint project between the Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain (JGSGB) and JewishGen Inc. JewishGen provides the infrastructure and associated technical services and JGSGB provided the initial contents and, principally through its membership, continues to provide data and contents (which is also contributed generally by members of the public).


The aim of “JCR-UK” is to record in electronic format genealogical and other community related information about UK Jewish communities (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, together with the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man), expanded to include all of Ireland as well as Gibraltar, and make this information freely available via the Internet.


A large number of Jewish communities within the British Isles no longer exist and others, in many instances, are dwindling.  As time moves on, some of these too will simply cease to survive. There are individuals and groups actively researching these communities and there are many books and web sites displaying the information gathered. “JCR-UK” aims where possible to consolidate the efforts of researchers and provide a single point of access using the Internet.


  • Bring together Jewish genealogy researchers and existing groups with a common interest in the UK;

  • Provide a forum for the dissemination of information about research methods and records in the UK;

  • Organize a group to enable agreements with archives that will benefit both the researchers and the archives;

  • Develop a searchable UK database using records from official and unofficial sources (births, deaths, marriages, immigration data, trade directories, synagogue membership list, donors to charities) subject to any data protection issues;

  • Share any information collected with related projects (e.g. JewishGen Worldwide Burial Registry, JewishGen Yizkor Book Project); and

  • Establish community web pages for the UK under one umbrella. 

Latest revision or update to this page: 4 August 2024


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