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Volozhin Natives Who Perished in the Holocaust {cont.}

[Page 15]

Children of Yisrael Lunin


Children of Yisrael Lunin
Right to left: a) Tzvi Lunin, b) Tzvia Lunin, c) Nechama Lunin


Perpetuators: Shulamit (nee Brener) and Chaim Golobnechitz

* * *


Moshe Yehuda Bunimovich
Rachel and Shlomo Avraham Liberman


Both were born in Volozhin in the year 5673 (1913). They received a traditional education, starting in the cheder, and continuing in the Tarbut School. Both believed with perfect faith in the rise of the Jewish state.

Shlomo Avraham Liberman was involved in communal life in the chapters of Hashomer Hatzair and Hechalutz. He went on hachshara in the Hashomer Hatzair kibbutz, and was certified for aliya.

Moshe Yehuda Bunimovich – after completing his studies at the Tarbut School, he turned to religious studies and learned in Yeshiva. When the stream of aliya to the Land of Israel increased, he left the Yeshiva and joined the Hapoel Hamizrachi religious kibbutz movement. He traveled to a kibbutz in Vilna and was certified for aliya. However, the gates of the Land were locked, and his aliya was postponed.

When the Second World War broke out, Shlomo Avraham Liberman was drafted to the Polish Army. As far as I know, he fell into German captivity, and he was lost track of. The fate of Moshe Yehuda Bunimovich was the same as that of all the Jews of Volozhin. He perished in the ghetto. May their memories be a blessing.

Perpetuator: Chaim Tzvi Potashnik

[Page 16]

Lipshitz Family


Yaakov Lipshitz


Chayale and Shoshanale Lipshitz


In eternal memory of my daughters.

Shoshanale was born in Volozhin on Friday, 13 Tammuz, 5693 (July 7, 1933). She was shot and burnt on Thursday, 24 Tammuz, 5702 (July 9, 1942).

How refined, intelligent and Talented were you! You excelled in your studies. Your desire to know Hebrew was so strong that you taught yourself.

When the Soviets arrived, you received a prize for the dance and song olympiada, in which the choicest powers of the school appeared.

Swarthy Chayale was born in Volozhin on Friday, 2 Iyar 5696 (April 24, 1936). She was shot and burnt on Thursday, 24 Tammuz 5702 (July 9, 1942).

When you were quite small, you already demonstrated your musical talent. You would take the guitar – twice your size – while sitting on a low sofa, and play and sing, accompanied by Shoshanale's dancing.

And suddenly you, my dear daughters, were murdered by the German, Lithuanian and Byelorussian murderers who knew no mercy. Your blood was spilled while you were still very young, without fault and without sin.

My G-d, my G-d, why have You abandoned me! Chayale and Shoshanale, would it be that I had died instead of you. How can I enjoy eating and drinking, or how can the light of day be sweet in my eyes, while I still see that you were stolen from me at the spring of your days.

Your mother Fruma Lipshitz-Gapanovich (United States) who weeps for you util the end of my days.

[Page 17]

Yitzchak Sosinski, his wife Pesia, their daughter Rivka


Shimon and Rivka Elishkovich


Yisrael and Lipsha Elishkovitz “the Rosalishkeer”


“For – He who demands blood will remember you; the outcry of the modest ones will not be forgotten.” (Psalms 9:13)

Perpetuators: Shalom Elishkovich and Chaya Eidelman (Elishkovich)

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Perski and Schwartzberg Families


Standing (right to left): a) Sonia Perski, b) Aryeh Schwartzberg
Sitting (right to left): a) Zeev Perski, b) Genesia Perski, c) Yitzchak Perski, d) Rasia Perski, e) Nisan Perski, f) Dvora Elka Schwartzberg, g) Eliahu Yitzchak Schwartzberg
Sitting on the ground (right to left): a) Chaim Perski, b) Golda Perski, c) Feivel Perski


“The righteous have perished from the earth, and the upright of people is no more.” (Micha 7:2)

Perpetuators: Simcha Perski and his family (United States), and the Schwartzberg family (Israel)

[Page 18]

Family of Dov Ber Potashnik


Nechemia Potashnik
Dov Ber Potashnik
Chana Lea Potashnik (nee Girzon)


Our lofty family that was destroyed in the Holocaust and has become pillaged and plundered,

A memory in the book is dedicated to a pure, refined man, who performed merciful deeds regularly, that is our dear father, our honor and splendor, a pillar of benevolence in our city, Rabbi Dov Ber HaKohen Potashnik.

He was a precious man, above others, pure and straightforward. He performed his good deeds without fanfare. He did not give out his money with interest. He performed benevolent deeds to wealthy people, merchants, poor, indigents, shopkeepers, and those who attended fairs. He enjoyed the fruits of his labors. He sustained others, as he did his own children.

He attended the Beis Midrash, and the doctrine of benevolence was upon his lips. He did good deeds for thousands. He was a support for the poor and a refuge for the persecuted. He knew no rest, worked diligently, and sanctified the name of Israel before the people of the land.

Our mother, the crown of our heads, modest and with internal honor, generous, wise, upright, clear, and straightforward – Mrs. Chana Lea, who guarded her mouth and tongue, and conducted the household with wisdom and raised her children in Torah and faith.

Our honored brother, very sublime, a unique person, who grasped the deeds of his ancestors and followed their paths, Mr. Nechemia and his prominent wife Chana (from the nearby city of Rakow), who built together a splendid house, a pleasant dwelling, and gave birth to sons – Chaim and Yisrael.

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Chana (wife of Nechemia Potashnik) and their son Chaim


Perpetuators: son Rabbi Menachem Mendel Potashnik (United States)
daughter Chaya Ziskind (nee Potashnik (United States)
son Chaim Tzvi Potashnik
daughter Pnina Chait (Potashnik)

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Yaakov Rogovin


“As for you, go to your end, and rest, and arise for your destiny at the end of days” (Daniel 12:13)

Perpetuator: brother Reuven Rogovin

[Page 20]

An Eternal Memorial for my Family Members
(Perski, Tzart, Golubnochich, Sklot, and Lungen families)


Eliezer Golubnochich, his wife Beila, their son Nachum, and daughters Miriam and Fruma


My wife Yehudit Perski and my daughter Beilinka; My brother-in-law Eliezer Golubnochich, my sister Beila (his wife), and their children Nachum, Miriam, and Fruma; my brother-in-law Gedalyahu Tzart, my sister Esther (his wife), and their children Ahrele and Shmuel; my brother-in-law Shlomo Sklot, my sister Shimka (his wife), and their children Pesia and Shmuel; my brother-in-law Moshe Lungen, my sister Sara (his wife), and their children Pesia, Rachela, and Shmuel; my brother Yisrael Perski, his wife Batya, and their children Avraham and Shmuel.

“For my sighing comes before my bread, and my outcries pour out like water” (Job 3:24)

Perpetuator: Genedi Perski

[Page 21]

Feigenbaum Family


Bluma Feigenbum (Mechanik)
Nachum Feigenbaum
Hinda Feigenbaum
Yosef Feigenbaum


Our father, the crown of our heads, was an intelligent man. On Sabbaths, when he rested from his toil, he studied a page of Gemara. He would serve as the prayer leader on festivals. He was a Zionist activist. He lived a life of toil all his days in order to sustain his six children. He suffered a great deal in his life.

Our mother (stepmother) had a refined soul. She loved us as if we were her own children, and dedicated herself to us with the entire warmth of her heart. He Who Dwells On High shall reward her for all the good that she bestowed upon us.

Our brother Yosef was a talented lad. He obtained broad knowledge through his own powers, and a bright future was predicted for him were he to have survived. He ascended high on the ladder of human values. Woe to us for we have been pillaged. The precious personalities of our dear ones flutter before our eyes always. We will mourn for them until the end of times

Perpetuators: daughters Dina Lechi (Feigenbaum) and Lea Baksht (Feigenbaum)


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