[Page 131, Volume 2]
1st May demonstration of youth Bund Zukunft [future] organisation, Tarnow, 1935 |
Young Poalei Zion' organisation in Tarnow, 1921 |
[Page 132, Volume 2]
Standing from left: Betzalel Shpeizer, Yosef Uber, R. Wermuth, Dolek Lewinger, Zemel, Yisrael Feldstein, Koretz (lives in Canada), Margoliot Juliosh (lives in Israel), Emile Adler (lives in Israel), Wildstein, Lewinger Monek Reclining: Dolek Eichhorn |
[Page 133, Volume 2]
Sitting from left: Rottenberg, Weisman, Shtrobing, Yosef Israelowitz, Dolek Pomerantz, Avraham Yortner, Dr. Ignatz Goldfinger In centre: Shlomo Eichhorn. Next to him, standing: Dr. Muskatenblit Sitting from right: Grinfeld, Monek Katz, Olek Brand, Eichhorn, Yaakov Haber, Dr. Herman Pomerantz, Dr. Fenichel, Dr. Adolf Katz, Dr. Leibl |
Football team of the Shimshon [Samson] sports organisation in Tarnow |
[Page 134, Volume 2]
The portrait of the well–known Tarnow philanthropist, Debora Wechsler zl (who passed away in 1887). Until the outbreak of the Second World War it was hung in the reception area of the Jewish hospital in Tarnow. In her will the noble philanthropist bequeathed her two large houses in Tarnow– on Folwarczna and Nowa Streets - to the Jewish community, on condition that the income from the houses should go towards maintaining the Jewish hospital in Tarnow. Located in one of the houses on Nowa Street were the offices of the Jewish community. The portrait was found by our young Bergman in a Christian house in Tarnow. |
[Page 135, Volume 2]
The community leadership call the Tarnow Jews to come to a special gathering in the synagogue 1.4.1924 (at 6pm) in connection with the opening of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (and that shops should be closed at 6pm). |
[Page 136, Volume 2]
Employees of the clothing factory of ‘Zowder & Weinstock’ in Tarnow before the Holocaust. Standing, third from the right is Abraham Singer today in Toronto |
Seated from the right: Me'atEzrahi (now a teacher in the Moriah school in Tel Aviv), Dr. Taube, Mrs. Shnor, Mrs. Einshpruch (director of school), Kleinhandler Anda, [], Wildstein |
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Tarnow, Poland
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