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Index of Names, Listed Alphabetically

Slutsk Yizkor Book

Transcribed into English by Paul Micheikin Pascal

Transcriber's preface:

The Index of Names in the Slutsk Yizkor Book integrated Yiddish spellings and Hebrew spellings, with no obvious criterion as to which spelling to use where. Included were names which the transcriber found frankly difficult to transcribe, because vowels, considered to be understood by the reader of Hebrew, were omitted from the index, and often from the body of the text as well. There were no other contextual clues for the names, as there are with ordinary words within sentences, except where a name spelled in Hebrew in the index was spelled in Yiddish in the body of the book (Yiddish does use vowels).

At times, the same name occurring more than once in the text was spelled differently in each case, and different again in its spelling in the index. (Ironically, this sometimes helped to decode the pronunciation.)

In this transcription, the system used was a YIVO model, modified to conform with the local Yiddish dialect. Thus Meysha = Moyshe = Moshe, and Yeysef = Yoysef =Yosef. (In these examples, the first spelling represents local pronunciation; the second, YIVO standard Yiddish pronunciation, and the third, modern Hebrew pronunciation).

The Meysha example above alludes to a second modification the transcriber made on the YIVO system, on the advice of Yiddish linguist, Prof. Dovid Katz (of Oxford, Yale, and in the Yiddish seat at the University of Vilnius), namely: words ending with a short E sound were usually rendered with the letter A. This sacrifice of absolute accuracy was a lesser of two evils, for the YIVO practice of rendering the short E sound with the letter E often creates confusion in English-speakers who are accustomed to English rules of spelling.

In English a final E usually has a much different function than YIVO has given it. (In any case, this use of A is not original with the transcriber; note, for example, these familiar Yiddish names: "Golda" instead of "Golde", "Dina" instead of "Dine", etc. The last vowel in each of these names is properly pronounced as a short E.) Other anomolies: the common name normally rendered in English as Jacob and in modern Hebrew as Yaakov, was pronounced in Jewish Eastern Europe as Yanke v, the "N" deriving originally from a nasalization. The name appears frequently in this index. Another common name known otherwise as Mordecai, Mordechai, or Mordekhai, is rendered here as Mordkha, according to its folk pronunciation. Itshe, Ayzl, and Ayzik were popular variants of Yitzhok or Isaac.

Transcription of the gutteral sounds was of necessity inconsistent, i.e., it depended on context and on popular familiarity with the name in question. Surnames, indeed all names, of Hebrew origin were rendered in their Ashkenazi, or Eastern European, pronunciation, not in modern Israeli pronunciation (e.g., Efros not Efrat), unless it was clear that the name in question was acquired after arriving in Israel.

Inasmuch as the transcriber tried to remain faithful in his spelling to how the individuals of the index would themselves have pronounced their names, he also departed from this custom if the name appeared in English somewhere in the Yizkor Book. The same is true if the individual was so well known that his/her name was commonly spelled a certain way in other authoritative texts (usually Encyclopedia Judaica).

In most cases, once this was discovered, it was applied to all instances of the same name.

Readers should be aware of other conventions in this transcription. If a comma is not present after a surname, it indicates that it is not in fact a surname. Several entries were first (given) names, often followed by a parent's first name and/or title (in the possessive), e.g., Itshe Nota's, or Rivka Reb Isserka's. Please also note that, where possible alternate spellings or pronunciations are suggested by the transcriber – in square brackets – after a name, they are usually only provided once; if the same name occurs repeatedly in that column, the spelling or pronunciation aid is not repeated.

The same is true if the transcriber is suggesting that the reader check out another entry related to the one the reader is currently studying (e.g., "Razovsky: See also Grazovsky" is stated only after the first occurrence of Razovsky.) Round parentheses ( ), incidently, are simply transcribed from the original index; square brackets [ ] always indicate an insertion by the transcriber. Where the transcriber found errors in the index, whether typographical or factual, he tried to correct them using corroborative evidence from the text or outside sources, and indicated the correction.

Hopefully, the transcriber has not made too many errors of his own. He takes full responsibility for that possibility.

Finally, please note that while the names listed here are supposedly "alphabetical", this is not a straightforward matter. To start with, as alluded to earlier the list seems to include many individuals who are placed alphabetically in the list by their first (given) names, not their surnames (sometimes there was no surname at all, in fact). This was retained in the transcription for the sake of faithfulness to the book.

Secondly, adjectives – which can at times be an integral part of the name beyond merely modifying it – usuallytake a different word order in English, Yiddish, and Hebrew.

Thirdly, the Yizkor Book's alphabetical listing follows the Hebrew/Yiddish alphabet, not the English/Roman one, and this order was retained in the transcription.

These three facts have profound consequences on potential name searche s. For example, because the letter "Alef" is itself silent, it depends for a sound on the vowel-symbol beneath it or the letter following it. This means, for example, that a name listed under "Alef" could begin with any of the following possible sounds: short or long A, short or long E, long I, long O, long U, and so on. It means also, that a Hebrew spelling of a name will place it in a different position from the Yiddish spelling of the same name. "Rabinovitsh", for example, is found in two completely different places in the index; this is "correct", ironically, given that one spelling is in Yiddish and the other in Hebrew.

Researchers who are seeking a particular name, but who are unfamiliar with the rules and pronunciation of Hebrew and/or Yiddish, would be best to look at every name under a given initial letter heading. If the name sought after begins with a vowel, the should look under "Alef" and "Ayin" as well as under the expected initial letter. In any case, readers of this transcription should be wary of using transcription spelling for other than pronunciation purposes.

The transcriber has discovered a number of names within the body of the text which did not appear in the Yizkor Book index. Where this was noticed, the missing names were inserted into the transcribed index below, inside square brackets. Unfortunately, one suspects that there may be more such omissions, and the inevitable inference is that, as thorough as the original index was, it was not 100% complete. – PP




Dalet     Hey        









Ayin    Pey          Tsadek    Kuf       Reysh      
Shin       Tav    

 Name Page
Alef       return 529
Abarsky 217
Avigdor Reb 349, 351
Avaclidus (Classical author) 138
Avrohom the Rabbi 358
Avrohom Borukh the Rabbi 133
Old Avrohom the Rabbi 237
Avrohom Yitzhok (The Nezvizher Preacher) 358
Avrohom Yankev (the Hunchback) 65
Avrom Noyekh [Noah] the Shoemaker 215
Avrohom (from Sfilovitsh) 455
Avrohom Shaya 431
Avrohom (The Shammes of the Burial Society) 80
Avrem'l the Hosid (hasid) 192, 431
Avrem'l the Lame 388
Avrem'l (The Tax Collector [on Kosher Meat]) 129
Avrem'l of Frivish (or Privish) 465
Avrem'l the Rabbi 134
Abramovits, Binyomin 23
Abramovitsh (of the Zionist Youth Orgn.) 24
Abramsky, I. D. 92, 395
Abramsky, Yekhezkl the Rabbi 12, 40, 84, 117, 272, 274, 308, 313, 314, 317, 395
Abramtsi [Avramtsi, Avromtse?] 405
Aginsky [Eginsky?] 276
Agranoff, Yokheved (Khinitsh) 181
Agranoff, Gershon 181
Adler, Dr. 151
Adler, I. N. 171, 235, 520
Adler, Yeshai 91
Adler, Nosn [Natan] 307
Adler, Rabbi R. N. 100
Adam the Kohen [i.e., Levite priest] 225
Ahron the Writer 447
Aronovitsh, Aryey Leib 140
Aronovitsh, Arke 469
Ahronzon, Reb Menahem-Mendl 140
Uzdan [Oozdan] (Uzdansky, Dveyra-Basha) 508, 522
Uzdan (Yuzdan) Dovid 260, 429, 430, 431, 508, 518, 520
Uzdan (Uzdensky) Nesoniel Tsvi 508, 522
Utshapofsky [Utshafofsky?] 3014
Ukhtomski (the Baron) 401
Ulgradovitsh [Ulagardovitsh? Ulgrodovitsh?] Vladimir 16
Osovsky, Yehuda Zev 206, 218
Osovsky, Feyga 206, 218
Ostrovsky 75
Ostrovsky, Avrohom 237
Col. 2: 529
Ostrovsky (White Russian cultural activist) 286
Ostrovsky, Dr. Binyomin 56
Ostrovsky, Gershon 97
Ostrovsky (the Wealthy One) 281
Ostrovsky, Hayim 219
Ostrovsky, Tsvi 211
Ostrovsky, Krayna 97
Ussishkin 177, 361
Oytser, Misha 146, 387
Uri Nossn, Rabbi 124, 125
Ahad Ha-Am 25, 328
Etinger 177, 256
Ivanov, Dmitri Ivanovitsh 72, 79, 284
Itshe Borker 368
Itshe "The Columnist" 469
Itshe Gita's 252, 496, 515
Itshe Dovid's 290
Itshe (The Wagon-Driver) 235, 423
Itshe (The Hosid [Hasid] ) 98
Itshe (The Preacher) 496, 497, 498, 499
Itshe (The Butcher) 422
Itshe (The Doctor) 215, 447
Itshe (The Tailor) 424
Itshe Leyb 423
Itshe Nota's (The Teacher of Religious School) 117, 293, 517
Itshe Nyek 331
Itshe Rosha's 429
Eiger, Rabbi Akiva 427
Eydlman 119
Ayzik 424
Ayzl (The Klezmer-Player) 45, 277
Ayzntson, Yankev Elya 455
Ayznshtat, Ben-Tsiyen 97, 140
Ayznshtam, Akiva 510
Ayznshtam, Feygl 510
Ayznshteyn, Isroel 395
Aynhorn, Dovid 278
Ayolo, Mota 41, 290, 295
Ayolo, Malka (Gluskin) 42, 180
Ayolo, Stisia (Goldberg) (sic) 48, 55, 56, 78-100
Ilyer, Rabbi Menashe 153, 483
Immerman, Reb Neyekh [Noah] 172
Immerman, Nehemya (Head of the Yeshiva) 58, 76, 77, 81, 105, 115, 164, 274, 283, 317,375, 503
Immerman, Mesl 282
Iskolsky , Rabbi Yankev 224, 411
Iskolsky, Grunya [in the text: Gruna] 224
Col. 3: 529
Isser (Community Leader) 247
Isser (The Crazy One) 293, 294
Isser'l, Reb 360, 361, 486
Isserlin, Rabbi 29
Isserlin, Avrohom 315
Isserlin, Rabbi Yeheyshua Isser 29, 30, 31, 32, 96, 97, 100
Isserlin, Rabbi Yeyna (Reb Yeyna [Yoyna] Slutsker) 21, 27, 35, 100, 315, 316, 317
Isserlin, Reb Mordkha [Mordekhai] 128, 139
Isserlin, Reb Shokhna 9, 100, 103
Isserlish, Reb Meysha 315
Isser'ke (The Wealthy One) 9, 58, 77, 81, 105, 111, 315, 317, 352
Isser'ke's (Synagogue) 96, 97, 100, 274, 279
Issersh [possibly Isserish], Rabbi Avrohom 22
Isserlish, Shokhna 9, 21, 27, 499
Itskovits[h], Shmula 271
Itskovits, Rukhoma 115
Itamar Ben-Avi 119
Algerdov 476
Alterman, Eliyohu 53, 60, 69, 75, 95, 120, 121, 260, 262, 300, 310, 346, 503, 504, 518, 519, 520
Alterman, Yehuda Leyb 503, 522
Alterman, Minka 121
Alterman, Reuven 77, 115, 120, 121, 408, 503
Alterman, Rivka 503, 522
Alterman, Sora (Kleynman [q. v.]) 503, 504, 519, 521
Alta (Yankl dem Blindn's [daughter of Yankl the Blind]) 458
Alter Mannes 458
Alter Salanter 492
Eily Hinda's 462
Eily Yessela's, Reb 198, 199
Eily Meysha, Reb 124, 125
Elya 404, 405
Elya Dovid's 290
Eliyohu B'Reb Hayim Leyb 283
Eliyohu, Reb (Head of the Rabbinic Court of Pruzhin) 81, 463
Eliyohu (The Klezmer-Player) 366
Eliyohu Leyb (The Butcher) 439
Eliyezer Lipa 417
Eliyashev 295
Eliyashev, Yitzhok 178
Eliyashev, Tille 178
Aleksander, Rabbi 140
Aleksander (Olelko) 16
Col. 4: 529
Alexander II 31, 100
Aleksandroni, Sh. 188
Alkabets, Shlomo 329
Elkona (The Shoemaker) 424
Olshansky, Hayim Berl 364
Andreyev 286
Antukulsky 190, 492
Osofsky, Morris 411, 412, 418
Astakhov, Artemi Andreyevitsh 29, 31
Osterman [Asterman? Esterman?] 239
Asaf, Avrohom 396
Asaf, Alta 185, 420
Asaf, Hayim 218
Asaf, Hana 446, 448, 206
Asaf, Tsvi 205, 214, 260, 261, 262, 396; 521
Asaf, Rabbi Prof. Simkha (Asavsky [Osovsky?] ) 11, 77, 107, 185, 205, 207, 208, 218, 260, 274, 394, 420, 447, 448
Ester (The Milkmaid) 118
Oppenheym [Oppenhaym? Ofinheym? Oppenheim], Rabbi Tsvi Yankev 81, 139
Affelman, Rabbi 185, 420
Affelsin, Hayim Meysha 60, 62, 280, 300
Efrayim, Rabbi 198
Efros, Bera 42, 57, 295
Efros, Mirela 274
Efros, Misha 26, 65, 181
Efros, Tsvi Hirsh 30
Efros, Rivka 57
Efros, Rokhl 57
Epshteyn, Dr. (Eye Doctor) 59
Epshteyn, Rabbi 85, 1887
Epshteyn, Avrohom (Abba Arikha) 9, 12, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 55, 56, 75, 77, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 107, 108, 119, 134, 136, 154, 162, 171, 274, 283, 299, 310, 389, 402
Epshteyn, Avrohom (son of Meysha [Moishe] Yekhiyel) 47, 53, 56, 299
Epshteyn, Avrohom Borukh 185
Epshteyn, Alter 470
Epshteyn, Dr. Eliyohu 510
Epshteyn, Efroyim 219
Epshteyn, Dveyra 59
Epshteyn, Dunia 59, 282, 300
Epshteyn, Zalmen 11, 204, 219, 221, 222, 224, 274, 393, 389
Epshteyn, Hayim 455
Epshteyn, Hayim Fishl 191
Epshteyn, Yitzhok 11, 219, 221, 222, 224, 274, 389, 393
Epshteyn, Lila 510
Epshteyn, Mikhl 190
Epshteyn, Menahem-Mendl (Reb Mendele) 81
Epshteyn, Reb Meysha 213
Epshteyn, Reb Meysha Mordkha 113
Epshteyn, Nokhum 201, 220, 223, 224
Epshteyn, Nosn Nota 524
Epshteyn, Sasha 59
Epshteyn, Feyga Beyla 220, 223
Epshteyn, Tsvi Yankev 206
Epshteyn, Rivka 514
Epshteyn, Reb Shmuel 190
Akko [Oka, Oko, Akka], Reb Nakhmen 28
Oksenfeld, 308
Aronovitsh, Avrohom 269
Aronzon, Yeysef [Ahonzon/Aronzon: See also Column 1 of this page] 120
Aronzon, Keyla 372
Artshik (the Wagon Driver) 438, 465, 467
Artshik (the Saloon Keeper) 298
Aryey 231
Aryey Leyb, Rabbi 34, 272
Aryey Leyb (Head of the Rabbinical Court) 19
Aryey Leyb (from Kovno) 39
Aryey's 190, 429, 430
Ornboym [Arnboym, Arnbaum], Fanya 60, 115, 300
Ornshteyn [Arnshteyn], Rabbi Tsvi Hirsh 315
Ora (the Saloon Keeper) 4308
Ora (the Ritual Slaughterer) 45
Ora Khrinover [Ora from Khrinov] 190
Artsibashev 48, 300
Artse (The Teacher of Religious School) 467
Arkovitsh 190, 430
Asch, Sholem 242
Eshkol, Levi 521
Eshkol, Elisheva (Elka Kaplan) 71
Eshman, Avinoam  
Beyz (Bet)       return
Bakacycz [Bakatsitsh], Jan 270
Baron, Dveyra 11
Badkhn, Meir 519
Badkhn, Elka Dveyra 522
Badkhn, Simkha Leyb 522
Bogoslavski, Jan [monastery] 429
Bodnits, Eliyohu 440
Buzhanka [Major] 250, 249
Botnitsky 169
Boyarsky 285
Bukhbinder (Bonen) 414
Bukharin 69
Bulhak [General Bulak-Balachowicz] 242, 338, 339, 437
Bunim, Rabbi Simkha 35, 272
Bunin 280
Col. 2: 530
Bunin, Dr. Avrohom L. 260, 379, 412, 413, 414
Bunin, Haya 522
Bunin, Lyata 304
Bunin, Lipman 522
Bunin, Marusha 414
Bunin, Sora 522
Bussel [Boosl], Yitzhok 522
Bussel [Boosl], Rokhl 522
Buslavsky, Leyba 42
Bokshitsky 45
Borovsky, Shmuel 431
Borodeyev [Red Army] 454
Borokhov, Ber 48
Borukhovitsh, Mayzl 375
Borukhovitsh, Malka 37, 59
Boris 302
Burshteyn (the Teacher of Religious School) 508
Bezborodko, Dovid 504, 505, 506
Bezborodko, Yeysef 504, 505
Bezborodko, Yeysef-Ahron 505
Bezborodko, Masha Leya 504
Bezborodko, Perl 504
Bezborodko, Tsvi Hillel 30, 504
Bezborodko (Tsuker), Sora 504, 505
Betnshteyn (the Market-stall Keeper) 19
Bialik, Hayim Nahman 14, 75, 108, 119, 136, 173, 218, 327, 390, 392, 418, 448, 458
Beylin, Shmaryohu 47, 257, 299
Beylis 70, 90
Beynshteyn, Rabbi Yekhiyel Mikhl 217
Bildzhikevitsh, Dr. 293
Biller, Ilan 174
Biller, Nekhama (Shpilkin) 174, 375, 414
Biller, Pitkhiya 174
Binshtok, Leyb 388
Bistritsky (Agmon) 60
Birg, Nakhmen [corrected from "Yoyl", as per "Errata" page 531, 53, 75
Beit-Tsvi (Baskin) 396
Bloch, Yeysef Leyb [prominent yeshiva head and lecturer] 199
Blumenfeld, L. 392
Blumshteyn, Alta 48
Blumshteyn 56
Belzer, Rabbi Shleyma 84
Balachowicz [See also Bulak] 141, 437, 448
Blake, William 187
Balashov [Red Army] 343, 344
Ben-Eliyahu 414
Binyomin (the Lunatic) 130, 132, 156, 311
Binyomin (Luletsnik) 209
Binyomin Volf, Rabbi 33
Binyomin B'Reb Hayim Leyb 283
Ben-Ami 91, 136
Ben-Porat, Moshe 483
Ben Peysakh, Yitzhok Yankev 27
Ben Tsvi, Sh. (Rotgun [Retgon, Ratgun]) 245
Col. 3: 530
Bassin, Louie 411
Baskin (Tsvi family) Tsvi 64, 119, 174
Baskin, Krayna (Maharshak [q.v.] ) 17410
Baskin, Shabse [Shabtai] (Tsvi family) 62, 63, 64, 174
Baal Ha-Tanya [Chabad Rebbe], 127
Belco Rihar 471
Baal Shem Tov, Isroel 11, 98, 101, 124, 125, 349, 350, 351
Bentsha (the Blacksmith) 424
Ber 483
Berl (the Wagon Driver) 488
Berl (the Miller) 423
Berl Khasha's 228, 318
Berl (from Kutshin) 423
Berl Faytl [or Paytl, Peytl] 215
Berka Hazn [Hazan, the Cantor] 477
Betsalel B'Reb Shleyma (the Preacher) 19, 33, 272
Bacalyar (the Lawyer) 295
Becker, Ahron Borukh 180, 361
Becker, Berl 362
Becker, Hayela 361
Becker, Nokhum 362
Becker, Shaya Leyzer 361, 362
Becker, Sora'le 361
Berg, Sylvia 411, 412
Bargin [Bregin, Bergin] 74
Bergman [Bregman], Rokha'le  
Berger 119, 240, 242
Berger (the Teacher) 77, 92, 300
Berger (the Teacher's Son) 287
Berger, Yitzhok (from Minsk) 48
Berger, Yitzhok (from Kopulya) 246
Berger, Leyb 91, 240, 468
Berditshevsky, Mikha Yeysef 77
Barhon, Itsik Mikhoel [Mikhl] 281
Barhon, Alter 287
Barhon, Yeysef 278, 280
Barhon, Isroel 44, 276, 280, 281, 288
Barhon, Meysha 59, 287
Barhon, Nokhum Dan (The Head of the Yeshiva)  
Barhon, Riva 280
Barhon, Shaya Yova 280
Barhon, Shmaryohu 59, 60, 78, 282, 300, 396
Brodotsky, Yitzhok Tsvi 139
Brodesky 132, 500
Brodetsky, Berl 239
Brodetsky, Dov Ber 233
Broyda, Reb Nokhum Hayim 134
Broyda, Dr. 10411
Broyda, Reb Hayim Meysha 388
Broyds 157, 158
Borukh, Rabbi 22
Borukh Ber, Reb 106, 112, 317
Borukh Ha-Cohen 21
Col. 4: 530
Borukh Rosha's [See also Rosha, Rosha's] 498
Borukh's [See also Sholem Borukh's, under Shin, page 540] 429
Bronshteyn (the Druggist) 42
Bronshteyn, H. 23
Bronshteyn (Appointed Rabbi) 281, 301
Brooks, Reb Nokhum 443
Bryant, William Cullen 187
Brayna 485
Brayna Reyzl 96
Brokhes 295
Berlin, Rabbi Meir 84, 501
Berlin, Naftoli Tsvi 500
Brandstaedter [Mordecai David Brandstaedter, Galician Hebrew writer, social critic, and Zionist] 158
Barenfeld, Shimon 153
Barents [Brents? Brenetz?], H. 235
Barents, Mordkha 239
Brener 14
Berenshteyn 256
Berenshteyn, Yankev Naftoli Hertz 103
Berenshteyn, Isroel 152
Berenshteyn, Leyzer 243
Berenshteyn, Shoel [Shaul] 241, 244
Berenshteyn (Shapiro), Shimon 233
Barsky, Akiva 14
Brevde 375
Berkovitsh, Avrohom-Itshe 417
Berkovitsh, Itshe 487
Berkovitsh, Isser 417, 418
Berkovitsh, Elkhonon 417
Berkovitsh, Borukh 417, 418
Berkovitsh, Basya 417, 418
Berkovitsh, Berl (Tshipeleyer) [from the village of Tshipeley] 417
Berkovitsh, Dvossi 417, 418
Berkovitsh, Yankl 45812
Berkovitsh, I. D. [son-in-law of writer Sholem Aleichem, and author in his own right] 12, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 59, 77, 91, 92, 93, 94, 107, 136, 157, 162, 165, 168, 260, 266, 274, 289, 292, 298, 299, 301, 328, 329, 392, 404, 406, 417, 418, 521
Berkovitsh, Yitzhok 436
Berkovitsh, Lipa 136
Berkovitsh, Ezriel Zelig 136
Berkovitsh, Feygl 417, 418
Berkovitsh, R. 330
Berkovitsh, Reuven Leyb 417, 418
Bershadsky 15
Bashevkin 75
Bas-Sheva 90

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