Dedicated to the Memory of Ostrovtse, Apt...
(Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, Poland)

50°56' / 21°24'

Translation of
Ostrovtse; geheylikt dem ondenk...fun Ostrovtse, Apt...

Publisher: Former Residents of Ostrovtse and vicinity in Argentina

Buenos Aires 1949



Project Coordinator

Avi Borenstein


This is a translation of: Ostrovtse; geheylikt dem ondenk...fun Ostrovtse, Apt...
(Ostrovtse; dedicated to the memory of Ostrovtse, Apt...),
Published by the Former Residents of Ostrovtse and vicinity in Argentina, Buenos Aires 1949 (Y 220 pages)

Link to the other Ostrowiec Yizkor Book printed in 1971 in Tel Aviv can be seen here.

Note: The two original Ostrowiec books can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Ostrowiec

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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.


Translated by Yocheved Klausner

Our monument (Foreword) 7
Ostrowiec 13
The history of Ostrowiec 19
Praise to the old Ostrowiec Tzadik z”l 33
Ostrowiec in 1900 36
Memories from Ostrowiec 41
Ostrowiec my home, my cradle 48
Social aspirations in Ostrowiec 53
Ostrowiec after the First World War 69
The Apt (Opatow) religious lineage 77
Memories from Tarlow 89
Ozarow 94
Lipa Baumstein 98
The Ostrowiecer 105
A great merit 111
A mute prayer 116
Nothing is being lost 121
May the nobleman die (a story) 125
Diamonds 129
Zalme'le 134
Tchmeliev 139
Ostrowiec 141
Ruins 143
Before Kol Nidrei 144
My hymn (in memory of Yitzhak Berger) (poem) 145
A call to the Reading of the Torah Portion [Aliya] (poem) 146
Echoes (a poem) 148
With the book (a poem) 149
Thousands of years (a poem) 151
The destruction of Ostrowiec 152
When the Nazi beasts attacked Poland 159
Ostrowiec under the German Nazis 165
The Judenrat and the Jewish Police 192
Those who warmed themselves by the fire of destruction 205
Names that must be remembered 214


List of Pictures

The metallurgical plant in Ostrowiec and the market place 20
The old Ostrowiec synagogue 22
Reb Ele Yankel Fleischman 37
An ambulance for Eretz Israel 42
Activity of the Ostrowiec relief society in New-York 44
The Council members in Chicago 49
Active Ostrowiecer in Israel 52
Nathan Stockbaum 52
Members of the Drama-Group in Ostrowiec 53
Poalei Zion group 1918 54
Poalei Zion group 1919 55
The Tarbut elementary school 56
Poalei Zion “Youth” group 57
The Management of the Ostrowiec Landsleit Society and Editorial Board in Buenos Aires 1949 60


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field
Contact person for this translation Avi Borenstein
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 19 Jul 2023 by JH