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A Report of Nazi Crimes in Ostrowiec (Poland)
Evidence Obtained by Police Supervisor Eitan (Otto) Leaf
Translated by Rina Zana
Interim Report #1:
The following eye witnesses presented in our office:
- H. Shaya Vishlitzky (Isaiah Vishlitzky) of #10 Bezalel St., Tel Aviv.
- H. Eliezer Langer, of #21 Dizengoff St., Tel Aviv.
General Background:
The city of Ostrowiec Kiltzki is located in the Kielce District in Poland, and before WW2 numbered at 33,000 residents, of them some 12,000 Jews. During the war years, the number of Jewish residents grew, since the German Occupation Authority transferred Jews to Ostrowiec from other places, including even Vienna.
In 1942 the Jewish population in Ostrowiec numbered at an estimated 15,000.
In April of 1942, 23 Jews were shot, and more than 30 were transported to an unknown destination, never to be seen again.
In October of 1942, the first extermination act of the city's Jews was carried out. An estimated 13,000 Jews were sent to Treblinka extermination camp. After this operation, the ghetto was established.
In January or February of 1943, the second extermination act was carried out and in March of 1943 the ghetto was destroyed.
In their testimonies, the stated witnesses accuse the following position holders:
- Peter a Gestapo officer in Ostrowiec, whose description is as follows: Approximately 45 years old, tall, thin, dark blond hair, long face, originally from Vienna. Prior to the war he owned a carriage.
On 28/4/42, 23 Jews were taken out of their houses by the Gestapo, and were killed in the street. Mr. Vishlitzky was an eye witness to Peter's active participation in this act.
According to Mrs. Chana Rachel Shtem, soon after the act described in the previous paragraph, two Gestapo officers, one of them being said Peter, escorted her husband, Chaim Shtem, and 3 other Jews who lived in the same building outside, then killed them. Mrs. Shtem is the witness's cousin, she is no longer alive.
In June of 1942 an exact date could not be established Peter shot dead an unknown man and woman in the Jewish cemetery. Mr. Langer was an eye witness to this incident.
In the summer of 1941 an exact date could not be established Peter executed a Ms. Steinbook by gunshot at her parents' house. The witness saw Peter leave the Steinbook household, and the murdered girl's father informed him that Peter had shot her dead, after having raped her. The witness saw the murdered girl's body.
On October 10th, 1942, the first extermination act on Ostrowiec's Jews was carried out. In this act some 13,000 Jews were transported to Treblinka. During this time, witness Langer was hiding in a warehouse at the train station. From his hiding place Mr. Langer saw Peter loading the Buchner family of 3 onto a cattle car.
In January of 1943, the second extermination act was carried out by the Gestapo and the gendarmerie. Approximately 1000 Jews were sent to German labor camps and the remaining ghetto residents (app. 9000) were loaded onto cattle cars and sent to an unknown destination.
After this act the Gestapo and gendarmerie hunted down Jews hiding in the ghetto, killing approximately 50. H. Vishlitzky was an eye witness to Peter's participation in this act. The Jewish militia informed him that 50 Jews were murdered and the witness personally took part in their burial.
Peter actively participated in the destruction of the Ostrowiec ghetto in March of 1943. Witnesses Langer and Vishlitzky were eye witnesses to these events.
- Bruner A Gestapo officer in Ostrowiec the director of the Jewish department. About 45 years old, short, strong build, brown hair other details missing.
On 28/4/42 participated in the killing of 23 Jews in Ostrowiec. This was reported to witness Vishlitzky by residents of the ghetto. He cannot recall the names of the other participants.
In January of 1943 an exact date cannot be established Bruner participated in the extermination of Ostrowiec's Jews. Witness Vishlitzky was an eye witness to this.
In March of 1943 an exact date is difficult to establish Bruner participated in the destruction on Ostrowiec's ghetto. Vishlitzky and Langer were eye witnesses to this.
In the summer of 1944 exact dates cannot be established 3 Gestapo activists whose names could not be determined, participated in the killing of 4 people in the yard of the Gestapo headquarters.
- Langer a Gestapo officer in Ostrowiec. Description: Approximately 45years old, tall, standard build, dark hair.
On 10/10/42, Langer participated in the extermination of Ostrowiec's Jews Vishlitzky was an eye witness to these events.
In January of 1943, Langer participated in the killing of the Jews.
In March of 1943 an exact date cannot be established Langer participated in the destruction of Ostrowiec's ghetto. Witnesses Vishlitzky and Langer were eye witnesses to this.
- Michaelsky Gestapo member in Ostrowiec. Personal details: Approximately 50yearsold; medium height; dark hair; strong build.
In January of 1943, Michaelsky participated in the extermination of Ostrowiec's Jews. Vishlitzky was an eye witness to this.
- Wagner Gestapo member in Ostrowiec. Description: Approximately 30 years old, tall, thin, brown hair.
In March of 1943 participated in the destruction of the Ostrowiec ghetto. Eliezer Langer was an eye witness to this.
- Schwartz Deputy commander of gendarmerie in Ostrowiec. Description: Approximately 45 years old, tall, thin.
In March of 1943, Schwartz participated in the destruction of the Ostrowiec Ghetto. Mr. Langer was an eye witness to this.
- Wieland Gendarmerie officer in Ostrowiec. Description: Approximately 40yearsold, medium height.
In March of 1943, Wieland participated in the destruction of the Ostrowiec Ghetto.
- Rhodo Camp deputy in Ostrowiec. Description: Approximately 50yearsold, tall, dark hair, thin. Witness Vishlitzky was informed after the war that in accordance with Rhodo's command, the camp orderly, a Mr. Gutholtz, was shot. He cannot recall who Rhodo's brother in arms was. The witnesses mention the other Gestapo members, without accusing them:
- Holtzer Gendarmerie officer in Ostrowiec. Was sentenced to death in Poland after the war.
- Kresten Gestapo officer in Ostrowiec. Description Approximately 50yearsold, medium height, brown hair.
- Nagler Ostrowiec Gestapo deputy. Description: Approximately 40 year old, tall, normal build, dark blond.
- Tomms Gestapo member in Ostrowiec. Description: Approximately 40yearsold, tall, brown hair.
- Weiler Gestapo member in Ostrowiec. Description: Approximately 45 years old, wide build, short, dark hair.
- Senko Gestapo member in Ostrowiec. Description: Approximately 50yearsold; medium height; wide build; dark blond.
- Holweig Gestapo member. Description: Approximately 40yearsold, medium height, blond.
- Winkler Gestapo member. Description: Approximately 55yearsold, tall, blond.
- Haier Gestapo member. Description: Approximately 45 years old, medium, height, normal build, dark hair, was of the upper class, originally from Lodz.
- Austman Gestapo member. Description: Approximately 37 years old, medium height; normal build; brown hair.
- Zbizhina camp officer in Ostrowiec. Was sentenced to death in Poland after the war.
Kresten Gestapo officer; Nagler deputy officer; Rhodo camp deputy, are responsible for their commanders' actions.
Tel Aviv, 30/9/63
Interim Report #2:
Edited by Eitan (Otto) Leaf, Major in the Israeli Police Forces.
Testified: Moshe Lipchitz Tel Aviv. Tzeitlin St. #27. Meir Fox, #1 Yirmiyahu St., Tel Aviv. Pinhas Vider (Vigdorowits) #15 Hirchenberg St., Tel Aviv. In their testimonies, these witnesses accuse the following position holders:
- Peter mentioned in interim report #1.
In October of 1942 an exact date cannot be established raped a Jewish girl of about 23 years. Afterward, he shot her on Broarna Street, causing her fatal injuries. The girl herself testified to this before she died,
On 10/10/42, Peter actively participated, along with Gestapo members Bruner, Austman, Weiler & Wagner in the extermination of Ostrowiec's Jews. Peter and the above mentioned Gestapo members shot at Jews. During this act 300 Jews were shot and some 15,000 were sent to an extermination camp. Mr. Lipchitz was an eye witness to this.
In October of 1942 an exact date cannot be established Peter murdered the Jewish Goldwasser family in Ostrowiec a father, mother & child. Mr. Lipchitz was an eye witness to this.
Mr. Lipchitz states that he frequently witnessed Peter, Bruner & Wagner escort Jews to the police station yard and kill them on the spot. The victims were unknown to the witness, who personally took part in their burial.
- Wagner mentioned in interim report #1.
In February of 1943 an exact date cannot be established Wagner participated, along with Bruner, Austman, Langer & Weiler in the extermination of the Jews. A few hundred people were sent to an unknown destination and many were shot on the spot. Mr. Lipchitz was an eye witness to this.
On 28/4/42, Mr. Vider witnessed Wagner kill his brother, Mr. Shlomo Vigdorowits, on Sinkivitza Street in Ostrowiec. The victim was 18 years old. Witness Vider was an eye witness to this incident. At this time approximately 30 Jews were murdered. The witness saw the bodies in the Jewish cemetery, although he did not witness the killings. When Wagner & Bruner broke into the witness's house in order to kill his brother, the witness's father was captured and sent to Auschwitz along with a group of Jews. Three weeks later the witness's mother received an official notice that the witness's father was declared dead.
- Bruner Was mentioned in interim report #1
- Weiler was mentioned in interim report #1
- Austman was mentioned in report #1
- Langer was mentioned in previous report.
- Schwartz was mentioned in #1 report, mentioned by Lipchitz as commander of the Schopp.
In February of 1943 an exact date cannot be established Schwartz participated in the deportation of Ostrowiec's Jews. During this act, he personally executed a few Jews by the ghetto gate. Lipchitz was an eye witness to this.
In early 1943 one day after the destruction of the ghetto Schwartz ordered the execution of 11 Jews at the Jewish cemetery. The witness and 2 other Jewish girls named Kravitz, were removed from this group and sent to a labor camp in Ostrowiec. This occurred at the cemetery. The witness heard the gunshots but was not allowed to look back and so could not see who else participated in the act. Testimony by Meir Fox.
- Schieler Gestapo officer in Radom.
On 10/10/42 Schieler ordered the deportation of Ostrowiec's Jews.
Interim Report #3:
Explanation of Nazi crimes in Ostrowiec.
In connection with the above said, the following witnesses were questioned
- Pinhas Langer, #13 Bialik St. , Ramat Gan
- Moshe Lipchitz, #27 Tzeitlin St., Tel Aviv
- Arie Leon Kuliner, #1 Ehud St., Ahuza, Haifa
In their testimonies, the mentioned witnesses accuse the Nazis as follows:
- Peter served in Ostrowiec Gestapo. In May or June of 1941, he shot dead the Jew Schtechlberg on Sandomirska Street. Mr. Langer, the victim's brother in law, was an eye witness to this.
In late 1942, Peter murdered the Goldwasser family (parents & child) at the police station courtyard. Mr. Langer was an eye witness to this incident. He confirmed the details given in report #1, paragraph 1D.
In October of 1942, Peter shot dead a Mrs. Rachimora in the police station courtyard. He set his German shepherd at Mrs. Rachimora's 2 year old son, and the dog devoured the child.
In 1942, following the first deportation (an exact date could not be established), Peter shot dead a Mrs. Gutterman. Mr. Kuliner was an eye witness to this incident.
In 1941 or 1942 an exact date could not be established Peter, along with Bruner, killed witness Tzuker's father, Shmaya Tzuker. The victim was at his home in #18 Guzhitza St., along with witness Tzuker. The victim was severely beaten by Peter, and then left to be finished off by Peter's hound.
Witness Putzuz saw Peter actively participate in the deportation on 10/10/42, and in January of 1943.
- Bruner Gestapo member in Ostrowiec. Mentioned in previous reports.
In February of 1943, Bruner murdered an unknown Jew in a yard on Ilzitzka St. Mr. Langer was an eye witness to this act.
In November of 1943, Bruner shot dead a Polish man in the Gestapo headquarters. Witness Langer was present at the time of the shooting.
Polish citizens announced that Bruner had killed the commander of the Jewish police, Mr. Blumenfeld. He was escorted by Bruner out of camp in Ostrowiec, and never returned.
Jewish police officer testified that Bruner and other Gestapo officers killed 8 patients in a clinic on Ilzhitzka St.
In March or April of 1944, the witness saw Bruner escort 6 chained Jews into camp/ Bruner asked the Jewish police officers if they recognized these people, and upon receiving a negative answer, led them in an unknown direction. Two hours later the Ukrainian police aid officer Boris ordered the witness to send Jewish workers to the Jewish cemetery in order to bury the victims. The witness took the workers to the cemetery and saw the bodies of the Jews earlier brought to camp.
Bruner actively participated in the deportations of Ostrowiec's Jews on 10/9/42, in January of 1943 and in March of 1943 (page 9).c
- Langa Gestapo member in Ostrowiec. Actively participated in the killing of 30 Jews in Ostrowiec and in the deportation of 30 Jews to Auschwitz.
- Rhoda platoon commander of Ostrowiec camp. In July of 1944, he murdered the Jewish camp orderly, Guttholtz.
- Austman Gestapo member in Ostrowiec. Actively participated in the 28.4.42 act. Actively participated in all of the deportations of Ostrowiec's Jews.
- Senko Gestapo member in Ostrowiec. Participated in the 28/4/42. Actively participated in all of the deportations of Ostrowiec's Jews.
- Wieler Gestapo officer. Actively participated in the deportations of Jews in Ostrowiec.
- Schwartzdeputy. Some witnesses name him the commander of the gendarmerie, others as the Schopp commander. Originally from Vienna.
Schwartz was the commander of the second deportation in January of 1943. In this act approximately 1000 people were sent to an extermination camp
In March of 1943, Schwartz murdered, along with the Schopp members, a group of 10 Jews (men, women and children). This occurred near the Jewish police office on Ilizetzka St. Mr. Langer was an eye witness to this.
Interim Report #4:
The witnesses questioned: Arye Gelerman, #40 Hasar Moshe st., Ramat Gan (page 1); Mrs. Leah Shartzki #13 Dessler st., Bnei Brak (pages 27); Shlomo Ruenstein #21 Usha st., Kiryat Motzkin (pages 814).
In their testimonies, the witnesses accuse Gestapo members as follows:
- Deputy Schwartz Schopp officer in Ostrowiec. In April of 1943 actively participated in the shooting of 7 Jews in the Ostrowiec Jewish cemetery. Witness Shartzky was a member of this group.
- Holtser Schopp member I Ostrowiec. Actively participated in the shooting of 97 Jews in April of 1943 in the Jewish cemetery. Witness Shartzky saw Holtser shoot at her.
- Peter Gestapo member in Ostrowiec. Witness Rubenstein verifies the testimonies given in section 2, ph. 1 (c) of the testimony given on 30/9/63, regarding the killing of the Goldwasser family.
Peter actively participated in the deportation of Ostrowiec's Jews in January of 1943. Approximately 1000 Jews were sent to an extermination camp. Witnesses Heller & Grubner saw Peter during this act.
- Wieland Gendarmerie or Schopp member in Ostrowiec. In late October of 1942, Wieland killed 20 Jews returning home from Yeger factory.
- Bruner Gestapo member in Ostrowiec. During the operation on 28/4/42 in Ostrowiec, Bruner killed Dr. Vachudler.
Bruner actively participated in the deportation in 1943, an operation in which Jews were sent off to extermination camps.
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Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, Poland
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