[Page 327]
By Duvid Rapaport (North America)
English translation by Theodore Steinberg
The days are gray, the days are long the wings of night cover me with peace. My heart weeps for my Kremenets, for my Jews. I mourn their lives, their deaths, their awaited hour!
Often they visit me in dreams
In their eyes no joy,
They are all young
I say to them: Itsik, Leybish, Gitel, Yakhed,
My town of Kremenets is like one washed out by a flood,
My millenniumold town of righteous Jewish faith: |
[Page 330]
Spring on Sheroka Street, going out on Sabbath night With young men and women at a cherry blossom festival. My town in the valley, surrounded by hills and farms, as if in conference, where they put on Goldfaden's The Witch at the student ball.
Ah, the Hotel Bona is where I left it. I see: In the Great Synagogue the multicolored windows play with sunbeams.
The high fence surrounds the cemetery.
Now the molasses runs like an overflowing wine cup
On R' Yitschak Levinson's cottage hang yet the banners
Lanovtsy and Katerburg Leverant
Shabbos. The homes are washed with white lime.
Now eternal winter reigns.
Shadows surround me, wrap me up as if in a prayer shawl. |
By Moshe Nadir
Translated by Theodore Steinberg
The great day dawned with ruckus and despair. Kremenets, our little town, prepared for the yearly fair.
The town had prepared feverishly
The fair in Kremenets
And kosher Jewish clothing
It's the yearly fair in Kremenets
There stands an eager Jew
Look here, dear little father,
Nu, Milo, what… Have we a deal?
It's fair time in Kremenets, |
By Hadasa Rubin
Translated by Theodore Steinberg
Tell, tell, you see, I don't cry.
I will, I will in your words
A fence a prayer house…interrupt me
the heaven escapes, interrupt me
Tell, tell, you see, I don't cry.
And from the pit, and from the bones
Tell, tell, through your words
I return here, here, from where
Tell, tell, you see, I don't cry.
And perhaps…They beg pardon
Tell, tell, you see, I don't cry,
The full light of the whole expanse
As in eyes, in yours |
[Page 333]
[Be consoled, from Isaiah 40:1]
In the hot nights,
I rub my hands,
Awake at night
Awake at night, |
A visit to the Kremenets mass grave in 1961 The photo was contributed by Munye Gindes of Israel (the last one in the photo). |
By Mordekhay Katz (Buenos Aires)
Translated by Theodore Steinberg
Among the green hills of Volhynia That was my shtetl's site. Of those there born, the best we mourn their memory will always shine bright.
Oh, Kremenets,
The green hills crown you,
The souls and trade halls
I remember a night |
By Mordekhay Katz (Buenos Aires)
Translated by Theodore Steinberg
I remember a night: So young, so very young. The room is hidden in sleep, the sky: a radiant sea with little boats floating away, away to the dawn… a beautiful layer of moonlight diffuses showers down From its mistress.
I remember the night
I remember the night: |
By Chayim Nudel (Buenos Aires)
Translated by Theodore Steinberg
Between mountains and valleys studded with woods and rocks, little Avrahams and Moshes lived, Brayndils and Feygeles, with Jewish grace. Now that was a town, more beautiful than beautiful!
Then came the foe
Still hovers their tune,
Honor to you, our heroes! |
By A. Kripitser (Buenos Aires)
Translated by Theodore Steinberg
There were times, good times, you remember them, when a sevenpage letter would come from our old home.
Impatiently we waited
Every hour seemed like a year,
But suddenly the sun would shine
The ringing of the bell is like a song
The letter brightens up the room,
Mama wrote the letter,
Our father took the letter
Through hills and valleys would we go
But that is not our fate
The beasts of the Third Reich
The fires spread so quickly
And the twofooted beast strides
Now the sun no longer shines for us,
Nothing more will we receive. |
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Kremenets', Ukraine
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Updated 01 Sep 2019 by JH