Grayewo Memorial Book
(Grajewo, Poland)

53°39' / 22°27'

Translation of
Grayeve yisker-bukh

Edited by: Dr. Gorge Gorin, New York 1950



Project Coordinators

Shelly Levin and Evelyn Fine


This is a translation from: Grayeve yisker-bukh (Grayewo memorial book), Editor: Dr. Gorge Gorin, New York,
United Grayever Relief Committee, 1950 (Y, E 311 pages).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Grajewo

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Translated by Tina Lunson


Foreword 7
First Part: Once, once…
Nakhman Rapp: Midnight (poem) 9
Sh. Y. Fishbeyn: Grayeve from the Past 11
Mayer Vaser: Our Hometown, Grayeve 19
Prof. Shimen Rabidovitsh: Grayeve, the Aspiring and Dreaming 35
Dr. G. Gorin: Images and Figures of Grayeve 47
Second Part: Community and Life-Style
Itsik Gartshitski: The Zionist Movement in Grayeve 71
Sh. Y. Fishbeyn: Workers' Organizations in Grayeve 105
Abutsh Kolko: An Encounter Between Grayevers in Siberia 119
Ari Ibn-Zahav: Grayeve Dzshegtshares [tar sellers] 123
Heyman Blum: Hasidism in Grayeve 147
Haymie and Sol Shiller: Hepner's Suspender Factory 155
Dr. Tsvi Vislevski: Grajewo [In Hebrew] 159
Third Part: The Holocaust
Nakhman Rapp: History of the Grayeve Ghetto 174
Mendel Kayman: A Grayeve Partisan Recounts 215
Khaye Golding-Kayman: Shtutzin – Grayeve to the Last Breath 218
The Violent Death of the Jews of Shtutzin [Szczuczyn] (Document) 223
The Violent Death of the Jews of Kolna [Kolno] (Document) 226
The Pogroms in Radzshilov [Radzilow] (Document) 228
Fourth Part: Grayeve Jews in America
Our Students: A Word from the Chairman of the United Grayeve Aid Committee 238
H. Blum: The Grayever Relief Committee in New York 242
Irving Sapirstein: The United Grayever Relief Committee 250
Heyman Blum: Grayeve Branch 35 of the Workers' Circle 261
Irving Kleynman: The Grayever Branch 56 of The Jewish People's Fraternal Order 268
H. B–M: The Shtutziner and Grayever Shul in New York 270
A. Blushteyn: The Grayever Landsleit in Chicago 274
Letters and Documents from Grayeve 276
From American Joint Distribution Committee, Warsaw 290
Fifth Part: Grayeve Writers and Scholars
Kh. Antshkovski: Grayeve Jews in Erets Yisroel 293
Gershen Svet: The Three Grayevans in Jerusalem 298
Dr. G. Gorin: Avrom Mordkhe Piurko 302
Dr. Emanuel Olshvanger: Memoirs of Avrom Mordkhe Piurko 306
Dr. G. Gorin: Prof. Shimen Rabidovitsh 308
About the illustrations of A. D. Fishbeyn 312
In Holy Remembrance (Necrology) 315
English Section
Dr & Mrs. George Gorin: The Story of Grayevo III
Nachman Rapp : History of the Grayevo Ghetto XIX


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