Book of the Jewish Community
of Dabrowa Gornicza and its Destruction

(Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland)

50°20' / 19°12'

Translation of
Sefer Kehilat Yehudei Dabrowa Gornicza ve-hurbana

Edited by staff members
with the participation of Mr. N. Gelbart

Published by the “Organization of Dabrowa Gornicza emigres in Israel”.
Tel Aviv 5731 – 1971




Project Coordinator

Lance Ackerfeld


Our sincere appreciation to Abram Green, Chairman,
World Zaglembie Organization for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Sefer Kehilat Yehudei Dabrowa Gornicza ve-hurbana:
(Book of the Jewish Community of Dabrowa Gornicza and its Destruction),
Edited by staff members with the participation of Mr. N. Gelbart,
Published by the “Organization of Dabrowa Gornicza emigres in Israel”. Tel Aviv  5731 – 1971.
(H,Y, 696 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Dabrowa Gornicza

This material is made available by JewishGen, Inc. and the Yizkor Book Project for the purpose of
fulfilling our mission of disseminating information about the Holocaust and destroyed Jewish communities.
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JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material for verification.
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This translation is an overview of the Dabrowa Gornicza Yizkor Book, including the introductory sections, expanded table of contents and list of victims. Some of the Hebrew translations were prepared by Lance Ackerfeld and the all the Yiddish transaltions by Hannah Berliner Fischthal. Both of their fathers, Marcus (Motek) Ackerfeld z”l and Murray (Mordkhe) Berliner z”l, were from the town.

The preface and “Memorial to a tortured community” appear in the book in English and are presented here in their original form.

Transliterations from the Yiddish are made in accordance to rules established by YIVO, the Yiddish Institute for Jewish Research, unless we know the exact English spellings. The spelling of the town is taken from atlases and Where Once We Walked: A Guide to the Jewish Communities Destroyed in The Holocaust, by Gary Mokotoff and Sallyann Amdur Sack. The name, however, is pronounced “Dombrove“ in Yiddish.

In the “List of Victims” the English spellings are approximated and, for convenience, it has been rearranged in English alphabetic order.

Lance Ackerfeld

Table of contents translated by
Dr. Hannah Berliner Fischthal and Lance Ackerfeld

([H] indicates that the article appears in Hebrew, [Y] indicates that it is in Yiddish, [E] indicates that it is in English and [P] indicates that it is in Polish)

  Preliminary page with two photographs    
[H] A word of thanks Organization of former Dąbrowa Górnicza residents in Israel 1
[Y] A word of thanks Organization of former Dąbrowa Górnicza residents in Israel 2
[Y] Preface Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 4
[H] Preface Mosze Szywek 5
[H] The book before us Juda Londner 8
A voice calls to the Jews of Dąbrowa Górnicza, wherever they may be!
[H] Dear friends, sons of Dąbrowa Górnicza, wherever you may be! Juda Londner, Kalman Barkai 10
[Y] Friends of Dąbrowa Górnicza throughout the world Juda Londner, Kalman Barkai 12
[H] A history of the Organization of Dąbrowa Górnicza emigrants in Israel and its activities Kalman Barkai (Swicerczyk) 13
Our Town – from the history of the town
  “Destruction” – A sketch Icchak Belfer 21
[H] Dąbrowa Górnicza – The eternally gloomy town M. S. Geshury (Brukner) 23
[H] Dąbrowa Górnicza's Jewry up until 1939 Jan Zomba 33
[H] Dąbrowa Górnicza in the years 1815 to 1939 Juda Londner 38
[Y] The history of the Dąbrowa community Mosze Fajnkind 54
[H] Chapters of Reality Mordechai (Motek) Hampel 57
[H] The place of Dąbrowa Górnicza's Jewry in the coal mines Jakob Rechnic 68
[H] The development of Dąbrowa Górnicza Abram Bajtner 71
[Y] A note about the history of Dąbrowa-Górnicza   74
[Y] Details about Dąbrowa-Górnicza Cwi Simchoni 76
[Y] Ripped out pages… (from the history of the Jewish community in Dąbrowa Górnicza) Cwi Simchoni 77
[H] A collection of articles from the “Hatzfira” and “Mizrachi” newspapers   78
Religious Life
  A photo of the Great Synagogue that is today used as a junk warehouse   83
[Y] The Rabbis of Dąbrowa Górnicza M. S. Geshury 84
[Y] The religious life – in a warm, poor house Efraim Lenczner 90
[H] The Krimilow Hasidism in our Town Cwi Rechnic 92
[H] Remember and recollect Szmuel Ari Sapir 93
[H] The woodcutter Berel Recht, z”l 94
[H] Rabbi Josef Blumenfeld, z”l Rabbi Szlomo Blumenfeld (his brother) 95
[H] Rabbi Elijahu Nisan Wajsler Mosze Wajsler (his son) 97
[H] Rabbi Mosze Chaim Ajzenman, May the Lord avenge his blood Abram Shachori 99
[H] I was a student of “Motel-Melamed” Pinchas Lustiger 100
[H] In the “cheder”; in the “mikve” Kalman Barkai 105
[Y] Memories of Dąbrowa Mordechai Gotlib 107
[H] How the Dąbrowa community attained a cemetery of its own Kalman Barkai 108
[H] From the Stories of a Believing Jew Avraham-Abba Moszenberg 110
Social and Political Life
[Y] Overview of the Zionist organizations in Poland Efraim Lenczner 113
[H] The Zionist Histadrut in Dąbrowa Efraim Lenczner 128
[H] The “Hashomer Hatzair” movement in Dąbrowa Górnicza Juda Londner 138
[H] About the “Hashomer Hadati” movement Dwora Rajchert (of the Oks family) 149
[H] Activities in Dąbrowa Górnicza for the “Keren Kayemet Leyisrael” fund Efraim Londner 152
[H] “Poale Zion ”, Zionists Socialists, in Dąbrowa Abram Josef Tenenbaum 155
[H] The Zionist movement in Dąbrowa, 1928-1933 Mordechai Gotlib 159
[H] “Histadrut Hashomer Hatzair” in Dąbrowa Isser Lavi 162
[H] The “Gordonian” center Cwi Magen 168
[H] Esperanto groups in Dąbrowa Josef Izraeli 171
[H] “Poale Zion” [right wing] in Dąbrowa Cwi Simchoni (Frajlich) 173
[Y] “Poale Zion” [right wing] and “Freiheit” [a youth party] in Dąbrowa Cwi Kożuch 178
[H] The “Gordonian” movement Chava Kariti (Gurst) 180
[H] The “Kibbutz Borochov” training farm in our town Isser Lavi 182
[Y] Jewish communists in Dąbrowa Górnicza Israel Kornfeld 185
[H] Jewish trade and banking Rywka Barkai 189
[H] Jewish trade as reflected in the telephone book Juda Londner 191
[Y] Jewish theater troupes in Dąbrowa Górnicza Mosze Jungster 194
[Y] Jewish sports Wolf-Majer Rozencwajg 198
Ways of life and memories
[H] My father who was known as “Mendel from Dąbrowa” S. Ben-Menachem 203
[H] A Description of the Jewish Settlement Mosze Szywek 208
[H] In the depths of the earth Yitzchak Ben-Tzvi (2nd President of the State of Israel) 213
[H] Memories Lajbl Perkal 215
[H] Dąbrowa, town of my birth Isser Lavi (Lemkowicz) 226
[H] My family Gita Narcyz (Jerusalem) 230
[H] Memories of home Rywka Barkai (of the Janowski family) 232
[H] Memoirs Mosze Judkewicz 236
[H] My town, Dąbrowa Górnicza Jakob Rudoler 240
[H] Our parents' home Ajzyk, Kalman, and Eliezer Nusinowicz 244
[H] Chapters of Life Yosef Yizraeli 245
[H] Fragments of memories Kalman Barkai 248
[H] An opinion on the identity of six chairs from the dining room of Theodor Herzl z”l Dr. G. Herlitz 252
[H] Shreds of memories Naftali Lenczner 254
[H] Dąbrowa, our town Nesia Narkiss [nee Sturchajn] 258
[H] The Study Hall in Reden Colony Efraim Lenczner 266
[H] My childhood in the coal town Dvora Reichert-Ochs 270
[H] In the coal mining town Chava Kariti 273
[Y] Dąbrowa – as I remember it Josel Charif 275
[H] The troubles of youth Yosef Yizraeli 277
[H] Memories Judyt Malach-Feder 280
[H] Memories Hilel Bart 281
[Y] Youth “Culture-Group” Zanwel Fisz 282
[H] The Lemkowicz home Rywka Barkai 285
[H] The town Baruch Simchoni 286
[Y] In my birth town Dąbrowa Górnicza Juda Parasol 289
[H] The children in Olman Road Pinchas Lustiger 296
[H] The mines of poverty Avraham Bajtner 309
[H] Dąbrowa without Jews Juda Parasol 310
[H] Three incidents Josef Lenczner 313
[H] Milestones in the cultural life of the Reden colony   315
[H] A Collection of newspaper articles about Mizrachi in Dąbrowa   316
  “On the last journey” – A sketch Icchak Belfer 319
[H] On the Holocaust that we underwent Mordechai Gotlib 321
[H] I vowed – I will never forget Ita Hajda 322
[H] In the ghetto Mendel Dombrowicz 330
[H] “Extermination camp” – A sketch S. Balicki 331
[H] Menachem Szpigelman's story   332
[H] The story of a rescued one Rachel Szpigelman (Rapaport) 335
[Y] “My survival under the Nazi regime” Mendl Dombrowicz 338
[H] The destruction of Dąbrowa Górnicza's Jewry Eliezer Nusynowicz 342
[H] Introduction to the article by Fela Szeps z”l Mosze Szeps (her brother) 346
[Y] Concerning the work camp of Grünberg/Schlesien and the one who died there, Fela Szeps Szewa Szeps 348
[H] Testimonies Szewa Szeps 350
[H] Notes on the testimony of Mrs. Szewa Szeps   352
[Y] Fela Szeps, may the Lord avenge her blood (Diary in the labor-camp)   353
[H] Sections from the diary of Fela Szeps, z”l   356
[H] The struggle for life in the Nazi Inferno Chaim Krystal 358
[H] I knew to where I returned (a poem) Tehela Lipszyc 364
[Y] The first slaughter in Stanisławów Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 365
[Y] The decline of the community from the beginning of 1941 Makusia Golombek 368
[Y] Figures of creativity, and their murders   370
[H] First of September, 1949, the worst day in my life Isser Slomnicki 376
[Y] The fate of my home L. Rachel Ajbeszyc 378
[Y] In the Camps: Oświęcim, Maslowicz, Dachau Arie Weksler 385
[H] My tortured path in the Holocaust Lea Szlenger (Tenenbaum) 386
[H] The “Judenrat” in Dąbrowa Lea Szlenger (Tenenbaum) 389
[H] The kindergarten and the children's quarters in the Dąbrowa Ghetto Lea Szlenger 390
[Y] Dąbrowa Górnicza – From the Jewish Historical Archives in Warsaw Evidence given by Genia Lewkowicz 391
[H] A twelve year old girl in the claws of the Nazis Esther Kaminski (of the Wajngarten family) 393
[Y] The deportation of Jews from Dąbrowa Evidence given by Dr. Szmuel Mitlman 397
[Y] Mass murder Cwi Kożuch 399
[Y] Murdered friends Cwi Kożuch 401
[Y] Dąbrowa in the struggle against the Nazis Szymon Balicki 402
[Y] The martyrdom of Jews in death and concentration camps Israel Kornfeld 407
[Y] Memories in remembrance of my nearest ones Israel Kornfeld 410
[H] Holocaust survivors relate Dawid Ajzenberg 411
[H] The Jewish home at the end of Narutowicza Street Hadasa Goldrajch 415
[H] A memorial candle for my blessed family (a poem) Mosze Judkewicz 417
[Y] From war to war Rywka Bajtner 418
[Y] The beginning of the Holocaust Szymon Rozenblum 421
[Y] Experiences in concentration camps during the Holocaust Regina Lis (Cygler) 423
[Y] An echo from the abyss – letters from Dąbrowa mothers Josef Piwniczni 427
[Y] In the hell of Auschwitz Israel Rozen 428
[Y] Survivors of the Holocaust relate Mosze Sztylman 433
[Y] In Dąbrowa after the war Stanisław Wygodzki 439
[Y] Dąbrowa without Jews Lea Zaks 441
Poems about Concentration Camps
[Y] Thinking… Fela Szeps 442
[Y] The day of the Shoah 5729 (1969) Tehela Lipszyc 443
[Y] Yom Kippur in the Concentration Camp Dr. J. Nower (New York) 444
[Y] I would be glad to believe in man Dr. J. Nower (New York) 445
[Y] To God Dr. J. Nower (New York) 446
[P] There is no forgiveness… Dr. Nower (New York) 447
[Y] One is worth thirteen… Henia Gotlib 448
[H] A visit to Dąbrowa – October 1945 Mosze Ajzenberg 450
[H] In Dąbrowa after the destruction Miriam Cohen 451
[H] Dąbrowa in 1946 Josef Izraeli 452
[Y] Central historical commission – At the central committee of liberated Jews in the American zone   454
[Y] War experiences Mordechai Szenker 456
[H] A Profile of Rabbi Chanoch Gershon Szpilberg Mosze Szywek 461
[H] Reb Chanoch Gershon, the light of our community Mordechai Gotlib 463
[H] In memory of a teacher Isser Lavi 464
[H] Reb Chanoch Gershon Szpilberg, z”l Mosze Judkewicz 467
[H] The active and the activator Kalman Barkai 467
[H] Ruwen Lichtcyjer (Glozerman), z”l Szlomo Hajda 468
[Y] The visitor (a poem) A. W. Werthajm 470
[H] Reb Reuven Lichtcyjer, z”l Efraim Lenczer 471
[Y] Yizkor Israel Kornfeld 472
[H] Szlomo Josef Manela, may the Lord revenge his blood Szlomo Shonmi 473
[H] Icchak Narcyz, z”l Juda Londner 474
[H] The linguist, Menachem Wajnszel, z”l, known as “Menachem the comforter” Juda Londner 479
[H] A profile of Menachem Wajnszel, z”l Kalman Barkai 485
[H] My father, Reb Elijahu Wygodzki, z”l Juda Wygodzki 486
[H] Reb Nachman Aron Gutman, z”l Dr. Wolf Gutman (Haifa) 487
[H] Dr. Tolo (Naftali) Nusenblat Mordechai (Motek) Hampel (Tel Aviv) 489
[H] Dr. (Tolo) Naftali Nusenblat M. Sh. Geshuri 492
[Y] In memory of Reb Icchak Oks, z”l Dawid Kożuch, of blessed memory 494
[H] Icchak Oks Isser Lavi 495
[H] Ruwen Grosfeld Isser Lavi 495
[H] Majerl Magerwicza Isser Lavi 495
[H] Nachman Aron Gutman Isser Lavi 496
[H] Reb Chaim Dawid Herszfeld Isser Lavi 496
[H] Josef Szywek Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 497
[H] Szlomo Winer Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 497
[H] Itsze Unger Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 497
[H] Dawid-Ber Zygrajch Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 497
[H] The widow, Wajnryb Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 497
[H] Gecel Sztorchajn Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 498
[H] Emanuel Waltfrajnd Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 498
[H] Dr. Szmuel Mitelman Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 498
[H] Berisz Lajtner Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 498
[H] Mosze Herszkowicz Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 498
[H] Lipka Futerko Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 499
[H] Jakob Dawid Nusbaum Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 499
[H] Reb Chanoch Londner Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 499
[H] Abram Najfeld Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 500
[H] Reb Mosze Ajzenman Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 500
[H] Reb Nachman Gutman Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 500
[H] Experiences and characters – a string of memories Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 501
[H] The Blat family Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 501
[H] The Mastowski family Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 502
[H] The Szpigelman family Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 502
[H] The Zygrajch family Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 502
[H] Mosze Melamed Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 502
[H] The Gelbart family Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 503
[H] The Milchman family Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 503
[H] The Cymbalista family Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 503
[H] The Szywek family Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 503
[H] The Prentka family Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 504
[H] The Father's house Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 504
[H] Mordechai-Lajb Miodownik Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 506
[H] Aron Miodownik Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 506
[H] Jekele Gruszka Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 507
[H] Szlomo Rechnic Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 507
[H] The Szapir family Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 507
[H] Szlomke Brandys, z”l Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 507
[H] The Felzensztajn family Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 508
[H] The Lask family Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 508
[H] The Leszczyna family Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 508
[H] The Edelist family Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 508
[H] The Klajnplac family Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 509
[H] Alter Kornblum Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 509
[H] Efraim Lubling Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 509
[H] The Krimolowski family Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 510
[H] The Kalmowicz family Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 510
[H] Chaim Minc Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 510
[H] The Futerko family Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 511
[H] The Klajnplac family Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 511
[H] My grandfather's home Abram Tenenbaum 512
[H] Fathers and sons Baruch Simchoni 515
[H] Reb Gimpel Trajman Juda Londner 517
[Y] Menachem Krycer: the resettler of Jewish immigrants Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 518
[H] The engineer, Abram Jakob Klajn, z”l Mordechai Gotlib 524
[H] Jakob Szalom Fiszel, z”l Isser Lavi 525
[H] The Hinde-Rajzl Pomocnik family, z”l K. Barkai 526
[H] Ruwen Grosfeld Szabza Klugman 528
[H] Abram Grosfeld Szabza Klugman 528
[H] Rabbi Abram-Icchak Dziubas Szabza Klugman 529
[H] Szlomo Halperin Szabza Klugman 530
[H] Mordechai-Lajbisz Janowski Szabza Klugman 531
[H] Michale and Joskele Szabza Klugman 532
[H] Jakob Sternik Szabza Klugman 534
[H] Jakob Szalom Fiszel Szabza Klugman 535
[H] Jekale Rozen Szabza Klugman 536
[H] Jakob Sliwka Salwi Szabza Klugman 537
[H] Gecel Sztrochnic Szabza Klugman 538
[H] Josef Salwi (Sliwka) Baruch Prawer (Kfar Saba) 539
[H] Rabbi Elijahu-Nisan Wajsler, z”l Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 541
[H] Zew Fajner, z”l (Wowe) Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 541
[H] Eliezer Tenenbaum z”l Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 542
[H] Reb Szlomo Halperin z”l Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 542
[H] Dawid Kożuch z”l Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 542
[H] Lea Zygrajch z”l Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 543
[H] The home of Reb Lajbusz Zygrajch z”l Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 543
[H] Mindl (Mindzia) Nusbaum, z”l Mordechai Gotlib (Jerusalem) 544
[H] Josel, the water drawer Lajbl Perkal 545
[H] My parents, z”l Baszka Dafner-Nusbaum 547
[H] Mendel Grajcer, z”l Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 547
[H] Reb Mosze Micenmacher, z”l Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 548
[H] Reb Israel Mosze Levit, z”l Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 549
[H] Reb Hersz Dawid Hajda Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 549
[H] “Klayn Michale” [Little Michael], the joker of Jewish Dąbrowa Pinchas Lustiger 551
[Y] Dąbrowa types Dawid Krauze 555
[H] Three bakers Cwi Magen (Magerkiewicz) 555
[H] Cwi Juda Lenczner, z”l Kalman Barkai 557
[H] Chaim Kornfeld, z”l Kalman Barkai 558
[Y] The Klajnman family of shochets [ritual slaughterers]: 3 generations A.W.Werthajm 559
[H] A characterization of Rabbi Herszl the shochet, z”l Efraim Lenczner 562
[Y] Yizkor: a symbolic headstone Cwi Simchoni 562
[H] Portrait Cwi Magen (Magerkiewicz) [Kibbutz Ginegar] 564
[H] A string of memories of my father, Dr. Szmuel Mitelman, z”l Dr. Suta Trzebiner (Mitelman) 565
[H] Noach Krempel, z”l Abram Tenenbaum 567
[Y] Chaim Wajnrajch, z”l Zanwel Fisz (Paris) 568
[H] The Rudoler family Josef Piwniczni (Nitzani) 568
[H] Chaim Levi (Chaimel) Juda Londner 569
[H] Chana (Andzia) Szwajcer, z”l Juda Londner 570
[H] Chaja Plawes Shayke (Kibbutz Ein Hashofet) 571
[H] Pinchas Rozenblum (Puti), z”l Szlomo Bornsztajn (Kibbutz Ein Hashofet) 573
[Y] The “Mama,” Hinda-Rajzl Juda Parasol 575
[H] Mordechai Egozi (Nusbaum) Baruch Simchoni 579
[H] In the underground fighting the British Kalman Barkai 580
[H] Reb Icchak-Majer Nusbaum, z”l, and his family Tzvi Nusbaum 580
[H] In memory of Chaim Gruszka Baruch Simchoni 582
[Y] The Dąbrowa Melamed [teacher] Mosze Hercberg and his family Dawid Krauze 583
[Y] Motl the Feldsher, z”l Juda Londner 584
[H] Alter Monte, z”l Juda Londner 585
[H] Cwi Monte, z”l Rivka Barkai 586
[H] Bluma Lewkowicz, z”l Juda Londner 587
[Y] The sad tidings Rywka Barkai 588
[Y] My father Szlomo Białystok, z”l Frankie Białystok (Canada) 588
[H] The “Bund” activist, Icze Brukner, z”l M. S. Geshury 590
[H] A tale of two towns Juda Londner 593
[H] Sarale Bajtner, z”l Abram Bajtner 595
[H] Israel Simchoni (Frajlich), z”l Josef Israeli (Kibbutz Ein Carmel) 596
[H] Memorial to a tortured community Juda Londner 599
[Y] Memorial to a tortured community Juda Londner 601
[E] Memorial to a tortured community Juda Londner 603
[H] Quiet, quiet, my son (a poem in Hebrew and Yiddish translated by A. Szlonski) Sh. Katsarginski 606
Memorial Pages   607
[H] List of victims   691
  List of photographs    

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Contact person for this translation Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Moshe M. Shavit and Osnat Ramaty

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Updated 26 Jul 2019 by LA