Book in the Holy Memory of the Bielsk Podliask Jews
Whose Lives Were Taken During
the Holocaust Between 1939 and 1944

(Bielsk-Podlaski, Poland)

52°46' / 23°12'

Translation of
Bielsk-Podlaski; Sefer Zikaron

Edited by: H. Rabin, Bielsk Societies in Israel and the US.

Published in Tel Aviv, 1975

Seeman Plaque



Project Coordinator

Andrew Blumberg


Our sincere appreciation to Avraham Gvirz,
the last chairman of the former Bielsk Society in Israel,
for permission to publish thismaterial.

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem for the submission
of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.


This is a translation from: Bielsk-Podlaski; Sefer Zikaron;
(Bielsk-Podliask; Book in the Holy Memory of the Bielsk Podliask Jews
Whose Lives Were Taken During the Holocaust Between 1939 and 1944)
ed. H.Rabin, Tel Aviv, Bielsk Societies in Israel and the U.S., 1975 (H,Y,E)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Bielsk Podlaski

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English Section

Page Section Title Author
Cover Page
3 Bielsk Podliasks in the Sources and the Book of Bielsk: An Historical Survey H. Rabin
3     I.     Antiquity of the Jewish Settlement of Bielsk
4     II.    Business, Economy and Society in old Bielsk
7     III.   The Continuity of Jewish Settlement in Bielsk
9     IV.    A Case of Blood Libel in Bielsk
10     V.     Bielsk in the Book of Bielsk
11     VI.    Image of a Society
12     VII.   Kehila and Rabbinate
13     VIII.  Opinions Views and Ideological Movements
19 Encyclopedia Povshekhna (vol. III) Angelbrand (1860)
20 Slovnik Geographichny P. Solimerski, B. Halivoski,
W. Wolovski (Warsaw, 1880)
21 Bolshaia Encyclopedia (III, IV) (1901)
22 Jevreyskaia Encyclopedia Dr. Katzenelson. Dr Harkavi
23 Historia Yivreiska Naroda (Vol. I 1914) - The Blood Libel In Bielsk
24 Encyclopedia Judaica (German) Vol IV W. Schneider sed. (Berlin, 1929)
25 History of the Jewish economy Dr. Y. Shiper (1929)
26 Vielka Encyclopedia Povshekhna (Warsaw, 1965)
27 In the Bielsk ghetto & the camps Meir Peker
40 Shabbot in a small town in Russia - Before the First World War I. Semiat
Hebrew Section

TOC translated by Sara Mages

Page Section Title Author
3 A Word from the Editorial Staff and the Organization  
The City of Bielsk
11 Bielsk-Podliasks in the Sources and the Book of Bielsk: an Historical Survey H. Rabin
33 Something About My Father z”l Aharon Shtaynberg
41 Bielsk the District Town Motos Kaplansk
44 Special Bielsk Fanya Greenberg
48 Bielsk - Its Rabbis, Teachers and Jews Tzvi Ben-Daat
59 The Impressive Bielsk Bracha Zefira
64 From the Notebook of the Registrar of Pinkas Bielsk Yakov Baileys
79 Decisions in the Fate of Bielsk  
83 Bielsk in the Turmoil of the First War A. Grodnai
93 An Episode of One Underground Devora Frankel (Schitzky)
95 Centers of Interest in Bielsk B. Carmon
100 Economy and Education in Bielsk Baruch Glend
103 From a Teacher's Memoirs Sara Ginzburg
107 Bielsk in the Eyes of a Teacher L. Ginzburg
Bielskim in the Holocaust
111 In the Bielsk Ghetto and the Camps Meir Peker
123 A Sixteen Year Old to the Holocaust Naftali Grudzinski (Grodnai)
127 Hardships on the Road and Funny Episodes Shmuel Levin
140 In the Holocaust in Russia and also Bielsk Before and After its Destruction Yehiel Chrabolowski
145 A 13 Year old Bielski in the Days Holocaust and Exile Yochanan Olejnik (Bashourai)
149 Our Bielsk In 1957 Leah Rosenberg
158 The Last Jews in Bielsk-Podlaski Ready for Aliyah S. L. Shnayderman
161 The Jews of Bielsk-Podlaski  
Distinguished People in Bielsk
165 The Rabbis' Deeds haRav [the Rabbi] Bentzion ben [son of] haRav Aryeh Leib Sternfeld M. Alpert
167 Yefeh Ha 'Einayim [The Beautiful Eyes] - HaRav R Aryeh Leib Yellin
170 Rabbi Moshe Aharon Benda'at, The Last Rav of the Community of Bielsk Podlaski
172 R' Yechezkel Levintal, Dayan [Judge] of Truth
174 The Personalities of my Youth Reuven Utzyski
193 My Father, haRav Ben-Da'at Sara Simner
196 R' Isser (Alpert) Shamash z”l  
199 About Chuna Tikotzky and his background David Farber-Argaman
202 The Shochet Scholar Reb Shmuel Katz z”l A. Ginzburg
204 Efraim Melamdovitz M. S. B.
205 Bielsk – As I Saw It From My Grandfather's House Ginzburg
209 Chaim Radilevsky From the book “The pioneers of Ramat-Gan”
210 Some Words about Yoseph Levartovski B. Carmon
212 Simcha Bagan  
213 Binyamin Bushka-Braverman  
Pages to Yefeh 'Enayim
217 The Life Story of R' Aryeh Leib Yellin  
Movements and Institutions in Bielsk
235 Human Institutions in Bielsk Moshe Alpert
244 We were Orphans in Bielsk Tziril Lev
249 The Orphanage Malka Goldvitz
251 Behind One Photograph Rivka Slutsky
253 Sports and more in Bielsk Y. Chrabolowski
255 Self-defense in Bielsk B. Carmon
259 Bielsk Podlaski – My Birthplace Gedalia Shtaynberg
265 About “HeHalutz” and Pioneering in Bielsk Zev Leishkes
269 About “Betar ” in Bielsk D. Melamdovitz
272 The Game of Shadows and Lights in Bielsk Yakov Shemesh
275 “Hashomer Hatzair” Motos Kaplanski
282 Why was Kadima Founded M. Kaplanski
285 HeHalutz Hatzair as an Active and Activating Force Yakov Zahavi- Goldvitz
288 Additional Details to “HeHalutz Hatzair” Naftali Yogev
290 In the Hakhshara - in Bielsk Rosenholtz
295 My Town and My Movement Shaike Vaser
297 The Activities of Eretz Yisrael Haovedet Motos Kaplanski
302 “Tarbut” School in the Eyes of a Guest Yakov Lubliner
Passed Away in Israel
307 Aharon Grodnai S. Oron
308 “From the Community to the Individual” - Preventive Social Service Arye Nesher
311 My Father Yehezkel Edna Cohen
313 Yehezkel Weinstein Reuven Levin
314 Words about the Home and Childhood of Ben-Daat G. Shtaynberg
315 Tzvi Ben-Daat G. Hanovits
317 Tzvi Ben-Daat z”l (From the kibbutz pamphlet)
319 Mechla and Motel Klemantinovski The Scheinman family
320 Levartovski- Finkelstein Yosef  
323 The Temporary Committee for the Organization of Former Residents of Bielsk-Podlaski in Israel  
Yiddish Section
Page Section Title Author
331 My Bielsk on Shabes Itskhak Semiat
339 My Dear Bielsk Jeruchem Kleszczelski
344 Community Life in Bielsk Zvi Kadlabowski
363 Victims of the Communist Idea in Bielsk Khava Kestin
371 Once there Was… (poem) Itskhak Crystel
373 A Little Bielsk Legend Z. Kadlabovski
374 Bielsk Fifty Years Ago B. Shtern
380 My Shtetl Bielsk (poem) D. Crystel
381 A List of the First Bielsk Revolutionaries  
Death and Horror
385 “Trifles” about the Great Human-Catastrophe Eliezer Davidovitch
409 I Was Once One of Them Fayvl Shpira
416 From the Bielsk-Bialkystok Ghettoes to Auchwitz-Birkenau Mikhal Davidovitch
433 A City Destroyed (poem) A. Lev
434 Bielsk under Soviet Rule R. Litmans-Pelner
438 Write a Book/Remember Motl Levkovski
443 To Mr. Arnold Sukenik (America) Franciszka Kotaszewska
445 “We Will Not Forget the Bielsk that Was Destroyed” Chuna Tikotzky
448 In Bielsk after the Destruction Chuna Tikotzky
449 The Last Jews in Bielsk Sh. L. Schnayderman
Institutions in Bielsk
455 Aid Institutions Zvi Kadlabovski
458 The Free Loan Organization Yesterday and Today Sh. Y. Stupnitski
462 Synagogues, Sextons and Trustees Moyshe Alpert
466 Banks, Commerce, and Democracy in Bielsk Tz. Kadlubovski
469 The Jewish School in Bielsk Libe Utzyski
473 The Jewish Folk School in Bielsk – A Second Home R. Litmans
479 Disputes with Rabbis in Bielsk B. Shtern
484 Like Children to Their Mother L. Utzyski
488 A Call for Help from the Bielsk Yeshiva (article)  
491 Nachum Moyshe Syrkin, z”l A. Steinberg
493 Stupnitski, Shaul Yitzchak, z”l Aharon Steinberg
497 Yosef (Yosl) Katz From the Lerer Yizkor Book
500 Moyshe Jaungerman Libe Utzyski
504 Three Heroes and Martyrs of Bielsk Wolf Yunin
509 Yosef Levartovski Sh. Zakhariash
517 To the Memory of Bielsk and my Six Girlfriends Rivkah Littman (Felner)
Bielsker Relief in America
523 Response from America after the Holocaust Eliyahu Samuels
526 A Letter to Y. Kleszczelski Eliyahu Samuels
528 Report from the Regular Meeting of April 20, 1947 Eliyahu Samuels
529 United Bielsker Relief of New York Presents an Ambulance to Magen David Adom Eliyahu Samuels
533 Closing Remarks [H]  
535 These are the holy names of Bielsk Podlaski [H]  
552 Our People Who Died in the State [Israel] [H]  
554 Our sons who died as martyrs for our State [Israel] [H]  


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Contact person for this translation Andrew Blumberg
This web page created by Max Heffler

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Updated 24 Jun 2024 by JH