Belz Memorial Book

50°23' / 24°01'

Translation of
Belz, Sefer Zikaron

Edited by Yosef Rubin

Published by Belz Societies in Israel and America




Project Coordinator

Karen Rosenfeld Roekard


This is a translation from “Belz, Sefer Zikaron”, (Belz Memorial Book);
editor Yosef Rubin; Published by Belz Societies in Israel and America; Tel Aviv, Israel, 1974

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Belz

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Belz – Remembrance Book

A Compilation of the Irgun/Organization of those who left
Belz and the surrounding areas who now live in Israel and with
the help of the Jews from Belz in America

Title Author Lang. Page
Mein Shtetle Belz (song) Alexander Olshanetzky (music) Yiddish 9
Foreward   Hebrew 13
Foreward   Yiddish 15
The History of Belz Chaim Holtzman Hebrew 19
The History of Belz Chaim Holtzman Yiddish 29
Belzer Chassidism. (Introduction; The Master, Our Teacher R. Sholom Rokach; The Master, Our Teacher R. Yehoshua Rokach; The Master, Our Teacher R. Yissachar-Dov (Ber) Rokach; The Master, Our Teacher R. Ahron Rokach (R. Ahrelah)) Yosef Rubin Hebrew 43
Belzer Chassidism. (Introduction; The Master, Our Teacher R. Sholom Rokach; The Master, Our Teacher R. Yehoshua Rokach; The Master, Our Teacher R. Yissachar-Dov (Ber) Rokach; The Master, Our Teacher R. Ahron Rokach (R. Ahrelah)) Yosef Rubin Yiddish 99
A Visit To Belz in the Year 1903 Dr. Yosef Patai Hebrew 157
A Visit To Belz in the Year 1903 Dr. Yosef Patai Yiddish 159
Shabbat in Belz Dr. Yosef Patai Hebrew 162
Passover in the Rebbe’s Court Elazar Adler Hebrew 169
At the Belzer Rebbe’s Elazar Weinberger Yiddish 171
An Accounting Yosef Pollack Yiddish 173
The Rebbe R. Yissachar Dov Stays in Our Hotel Peretz Zeifert Hebrew 175
The Rebbe R. Yissachar Dov Stays in Our Hotel Peretz Zeifert Yiddish 176
The Structure of the Economy of the Jewish Population Meir Roter Hebrew 181
The Structure of the Economy of the Jewish Population Meir Roter Yiddish 192
Gemilut Chesed Fund David Meir Reiss Yiddish 204
Chosen to Account to the Austrian Reich Yosef Mintzer Yiddish 204
The First Zionist Organization David Meir Reiss Yiddish 206
Secular and Jewish Education Meir Roter Hebrew 208
Secular and Jewish Education Meir Roter Yiddish 212
Zionists Vs. (Against) Chassidim Eliezer Berger Yiddish 217
Toward A History of “The Unity (Party)” in Belz Chanula Meir Hebrew 219
To Gordonia (Left Wing of HaPoel Hatziyonim) in Belz Yitzchak Meir Hebrew 225
From the Letters of Aharon Reuven Meir Z”L Aharon Reuven Meir Z”L Hebrew 229
Land and Work Peretz Zeifert Hebrew 230
The Beginning of the Mizrachi Youth (religious Zionists) in Belz Isaac Lieberman Yiddish 232
My Path in the “Torah and Service” Movement Miriam Eliash Hebrew 236
In the Zionist Youth Mirel Korngut (Holtzman) Yiddish 238
Cultural Customs and Activities Meir Roter Hebrew 241
Cultural Customs and Activities Meir Roter Yiddish 254
The Left Wing Movements (Bund and Communists) Meir Roter Hebrew 268
Elections Meir Roter Hebrew 273
Between Two Rivers Bruriyah Honigman (Falk) Yiddish 281
In The First World War Chaya Rachel Stieglitz (Holtzman) Yiddish 282
Elul Yosef Falk Yiddish 287
The Enemy of the Jews and his Downfall Sima Hillman Yiddish 290
Remembrances About the Belzer Rav Chantshah Holtzman Yiddish 291
A Fire in the Beit Midrash (Study Hall) Raphael Bitterman Yiddish 294
Laboring Families Meir Roter Hebrew 296
A Tale of the Belzer Rebbe with Reb Berele Marschalikand Commissar Brandel Beila Holtzman Yiddish 303
A Tale of a Belzer Chassid Who Traveled To Eretz Yisroel (Israel) Sima Hillman Yiddish 304
The Tale of the City Elder and the Old Cemetery Beila Holtzman Yiddish 307
The Eve of Yom Kippur Yosef Falk Hebrew 308
Children’s Teachers Yonah Bringer Yiddish 312
In Cheder (young children’s schoolroom) Moshe Haderi Yiddish 314
Talmud Teachers Yosef Rubin Yiddish 317
A Story (a “Bilbul”) With Hesheles Son Avraham David Meir Reiss Yiddish 323
What Fanaticism Can Lead To Bluma Berger Yiddish 324
Belz – A Concept Meir Holtzman Hebrew 326
Yossele Bronder – “The Messiah Seeker” Isaac Lieberman Yiddish 328
Customs Meir Roter Hebrew 331
I Installed Electric Lighting In the Rebbe’s House Peretz Zeifert Hebrew 336
I Installed Electric Lighting In the Rebbe’s House Peretz Zeifert Yiddish 338
My Town, Belz Miriam Elias Hebrew 342
The Shocking Murder of Mania Tzon M-CH (initials) Hebrew 343
The Synagogue in the Beit Midrash Moshe Haderi Yiddish 345
The Game of Kings (Chess) Peretz Zeifert Hebrew 348
The Game of Kings (Chess) Peretz Zeifert Yiddish 349
Three Types (of people) Isaac Lieberman Yiddish 350
Yiddishe Mamas Old Person’s Committee Chana Basia Donner Yiddish 352
Berele and Leibele and the Rebbe’s Decision Peretz Zeifert Hebrew 354
Berele and Leibele and the Rebbe’s Decision Peretz Zeifert Yiddish 355
I Wasn’t Born In Belz Chaya Bringer Hebrew 357
Rabbi Pinchas Twerski (Rav Pini’le) Z”L written by 'Friend of Writers' Hebrew 361
My Zeide (Grandfather) Rabbi Levi Dayan Z”L Moshe Muttner Yiddish 368
My Father’s Path In Life Miriam Elias Hebrew 372
Rabbi Mordechai the Judge (Weinberger) Z”L Elazer Weinberger Yiddish 378
Rabbi Mord’cha’le the Judge (Rebhun) Z”L David Rebhun Hebrew 379
Rabbi Moshe Mintzer Z”L – The Prodigy from Zolkiew Dov Sadan Hebrew 380
Dr. Heinrich Prostig Z”L Dr. Adolf Gevandter Yiddish 382
In Memory of Aharon Reuven Meir Yerucham Tulkas Hebrew 385
Aharon Erlich Z”L Moshe Haderi Hebrew 387
Yosef Falk Z”L Yisroel Ashendorf Yiddish 390
My Father’s House Moshe Haderi Hebrew 392
Chanoch Holtzman Z”L Moshe Etzyoni Hebrew 395
Rav Elazar Weinberg Z”L Peretz Zeifert Hebrew 398
Chaim Holtzman Z”L Yosef Rubin Hebrew 400
Yizkor (a poem) A. Lieberman Yiddish 407
Dr. Leon Taube Goes of His Will to the Sacrifice (Akeidah) Aharon Moshe Kook Hebrew 408
Dr. Leon Taube Goes of His Will to the Sacrifice (Akeidah) Aharon Moshe Kook Yiddish 410
Belz – Siberia - Buchara – Belz Chaim Holtzman Hebrew 411
Belz – Siberia - Buchara – Belz Chaim Holtzman Yiddish 431
In the Ghetto, In the Town, Among Partisans * Sheva Renner (Mutner) Hebrew 457
In Premislan and the Slaughter of My Family * Sheva Renner (Mutner) Yiddish 460
Belzers in the Rawa Ruska Ghetto Aharon Moshe Kook Yiddish 464
“Shema Yisroel” On the Way to the Cemetery ** Malka Rosenbloom Hebrew 465
From Russia Back to Poland ** Malka Rosenbloom Yiddish 467
Twenty Months in the Bunker Chana Freundlich Hebrew 470
Twenty Months in the Bunker Chana Freundlich Yiddish 473
I Struggled With the Nazis For Five Years Ahouva Shamai (Grussfeld) Hebrew 477
I Struggled With the Nazis For Five Years Ahouva Shamai (Grussfeld) Yiddish 481
The Kaddish Avraham Zilberberg Hebrew 487
The Kaddish Avraham Zilberberg Yiddish 490
Among Good People Avraham Zilberberg Hebrew 493
REMEMBRANCES (photographs)     501
THE MEGILLAH OF THE DESTRUCTION – listing of those who died  517
* = seem to be the same in different languages
**= seem to be the same in different languages

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Contact person for this translation Karen Rosenfeld Roekard
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Updated 15 Dec 2017 by LA