Zwolen Memorial Book
(Zwoleń, Poland)

51°21' / 21°36'

Translation of
Zvoliner yisker-bukh

Editor: Berl Kagan

Published in New York 1982


Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

Our sincere appreciation to Helen Rosenstein Wolf
for typing up the English text to facilitate its addition to this project.


This is a translation of: Zvoliner yisker-bukh (Zwolen Memorial Book),
Edited by Berl Kagan, Published by Zwolen Society, New York 1982 (Y, E 676 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Zwolen

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner

Preface   3
A word from the Yizkor-Book Committee   5
The history of this Yizkor Book Leibush Flomenboim 9
A letter from Rav Shmuel Eliya Taub   12
Jewish shtetlech [towns] in Poland Chaim Grade 13
From the Old Times    
I. A historical overview Berl Cohen 25
II. Rabbis Berl Cohen 30
III. ADMORs Berl Cohen 41
IV. Zwolen “Prenumeranten” [subscribers to books] Berl Cohen 59
In the past years Itche Korman 60
A bundle of memories Meir-Shalom Goldstein 65
Under the regime of the Czar Israel-Ber Kuperman 67
During peaceful times Motel Kirschenblatt 69
The Beilis trial in Zwolen Itche Korman 72
My father was murdered Shlomo Aharon Scherman 73
The big fire Yankel Kroiss 74
The First World War    
In the First World War Itche Korman 77
Under the Russians and the Austrians Meir-Shalom Goldstein 84
Bits of memories Yechiel Gotowizne 89
A Zwolen spy Zvi Boimel 91
The time of war Israel-Ber Kuperman 92
Between the Two World Wars    
In Independent Poland Chaim Scharit-Schlofman 97
From my years of the past Ben-Zion Scherman 101
The economic structure Leibush Flomenboim 105
The workers begin to organize Shimon Lipsman 114
A walk through Zwolen Avraham Koifman & Israel Lokawer 116
Jews at the big market and in other streets Motel Malach 119
A tour on a Zwolen street Leibush Flomenboim 125
The Katcheneler Street Chaim Scharit-Schlofman 129
Between one war and another Motel Kirschenblatt 131
Under the Poles Israel-Ber Kuperman 136
We travel to the Kocker Rebbe Zvi Boimel 138
The mystery of a murder Zvi Boimel 140
Jewish youth in town Meir & Malka Mandelman 144
Jewish young people are looking for a livelihood Meir-Shalom Goldstein 146
Melamdim [teachers of small children in heder (Torah-School)] Chaim Scharit-Schlofman 148
The First of May and Lag Ba'omer holiday Chaim Scharit-Schlofman 150
A defeat of two Anti-Semites Chaim Scharit-Schlofman 155
A campaign for the Keren Hayesod Fund Motel Malach 156
A football (soccer) game with fear of a pogrom Avraham Markewicz 157
Hospitality Moshe Wasserman 160
A theft of Torah Scrolls Meir-Shalom Goldstein 162
We are playing theater Meir-Shalom Goldstein 163
The village Garbatke Chaim Scharit-Schlofman 164
Institutions, Organizations, Parties    
The Jewish Community Leibush Flomenboim 169
The last Jewish community Motel Malach 172
Jewish establishments Chaim Scharit-Schlofman 175
Regular schools and heders Leibush Flomenboim 177
Social organizations Meir-Shalom Goldstein 180
The first Bet-Yakov school Chana Boimel 181
The school and the Bet Midrash Meir-Shalom Goldstein 183
In the Talmud Torah Meir-Shalom Goldstein 185
The Library and the Drama Groups Shimon Lipsman 186
Parties Leibush Flomenboim 188
BEITAR Chaim Scharit-Schlofman 194
BEITAR in Zwolen Noah Lipsman 196
The “Bund” Chaim Scharit-Schlofman 198
The sports club Morgenstern Leibush Flomenboim 199
Parties and Sport Yoel-Shalom Feldberg 199
Figures and Types    
Leib Malach * * * 203
Koifman Rapaport Chaim Scharit-Schlofman 207
Silberspei Chaim Scharit-Schlofman 209
Yechiel Gotowizne B. C. 210
R'Chaim-Shalom Weissenblum Leibush Flomenboim 212
Moris Diamand Shiye Tennenbaum 214
Noah Silberreich Chaim Scharit-Schlofman 217
Chaim Goldstein Chaim Scharit-Schlofman 217
Two respectable Jews Noah Lipsman 218
A shoemaker - a doctor Meir-Shalom Goldstein 219
Shmuel-Chaim the bath-house attendant Meir-Shalom Goldstein 220
Shmuel Eichenbaum Avraham Kuperman 222
Avrume'le Yankel Kolton 223
Moshe-Yakov Goldfarb Shimon Lipsman 224
Breindl Mazik Shimon Lipsman 225
A Jewish Folkwoman Meir-Shalom Goldstein 225
A strongman is asking to be punished by whipping Meir-Shalom Goldstein 227
A story about a Talit and Tefilin [prayer shawl and phylacteries] Ozer Wasserstrom 228
A Zwolen young man with the Gypsies Leon Weissband 229
Three types Yechezkel Kirschenbaum 230
We are fleeing from death Itche Korman 235
The beginning of the disaster Chana Treiman 240
The first days Ite Kirschenboim 242
The bombs are falling Ben-Zion Scherman 243
They beat up my father Esther Bichman 245
The fright of the survivors Moshe Flomenboim 247
Saved through a miracle Shlomo-Aharon Scherman 251
Two days of murder Lea Korman Hoffman 254
We flee from the murderers Fishel Scherman 259
A grave near the window Bella Lokawer 262
The little violin was broken Bella Lokawer 262
In the ghetto and in the camp Avraham Kuperman 263
From Radom through Zwolen and the camps Chaim Scharit-Schlofman 266
From camp to camp Levi Fuchs 290
From Zwolen to Weihingen Motel Malach 294
From Deblin to Skerzysko Barry Feldman 302
Left alone Gute Reichman-Lindenbaum 304
In the ghetto and in the camps Yosel Strom 309
In hiding and in the camp Feige Scherman-Weissband 312
Escaped from Hell Perl Scherman-Markovski 317
The destruction Israel-Ber Kuperman 318
Zwolen, Skerzysko, Buchenwald Leon Weissband 320
In Politchne and Shliben labor camps Hershel Schlafman 325
Zwolen Jews in the Skerzysko camp Chaim Scharit-Schlofman 330
With the Zwolen Jews in the camp Yitzhak Millstein 341
Five Zwoliner in Buchenwald Chaim Scharit-Schlofman 344
We flee to the USSR Lea, Itche Karman 347
In a German uniform Pinchas Boimel 351
In the days of destruction Yoel-Shalom Feldberg 357
The terrible day Itche Farbman 359
With a child in the arms Dvora Boimel-Scherman 363
Partisans killed 70 Jews Fishel Scherman 366
Between life and death Bella Lokawer 368
The road of suffering Frieda Scherman-Weintraub 370
The extermination of two families Yankel Kolton 374
The end of a family Meir-Shalom Goldstein 377
The death of Avish Kaplan Motel Malach 378
Feige Kuperberg Chaim Scharit-Schlofman 379
The Skerzysko camp Mordechai Strigler 380
Running away after the liberation Ite Roitfarb 415
We are liberated - where do we go? Esther Bichman 417
Away from Zwolen - forever! Chaim Scharit-Schlofman 420
Zwoliner people over the entire world   423
Necrology   459
These are the names of the martyrs   534
Index of persons   539
Index of places   561
English Section 1-112
The Quiet Times
Jews in Zwolin Berl Kahn 3
The Jews of Zwolin During World War I Itche Korman 9
Zwolin Between the Two World Wars Chaim Sharit-Shlufman 16
The Economic Structure Leibush Flumenbaum 21
A Plain Jewish Woman Meyer-Sholem Goldstein 29
We Flee From Death Israel Itche Korman 31
The Horrors of a Survivor Moishe Flumenbaum 35
From Radom Through Zwolin Chaim Sharit–Shlwfman 39
Skarzisk - A General Survey Editor's Forward 58
In A German Uniform Pinkhas Boymel 89
From Zwolin to Weihingen Motl Malach 94
Zwolin, Skarzisk, Buchenwald Leon Weisband 101
Avrumele Jacob Koltun 105
Polish Partisans Murder 70 Jews Fishl Sherman 108
With a Child in My Arms Deborah Hershman 110


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