Title |
Author |
Lang. |
Page |
Front pages |
From The Editors |
H |
9 |
From The Editors |
Y |
11 |
The Contents |
13 |
The History of the Jews in Zborow |
The Historical Background of Zborow |
Y.G. Labiner |
H |
17 |
Zborow According to the Russian Encyclopedia in 1952 |
A. Silberman |
H |
22 |
Additional Historical Facts About Zborow |
Yehudit Katz |
H |
24 |
The Messengers of National Revival in Our Town and Its First Activist |
Mordechai Marder, zl |
H |
26 |
The Scroll of Horror |
Passing Thoughts During the Days of Shiva [Mourning] |
Y. G. Labiner |
H |
37 |
In the Zborow Ghetto and in the Bunker |
Zvi (Hersh) Fuhrman |
H |
39 |
In the Zborow Ghetto and in the Bunker |
Zvi (Hersh) Fuhrman |
Y |
50 |
The Sufferings of a Holocaust Survivor |
David Mauerstein |
H |
65 |
The Sufferings of a Holocaust Survivor |
David Mauerstein |
Y |
69 |
Letters From the Valley Of Death |
Ida Berger, zl |
H |
75 |
Letters From the Valley Of Death |
Ida Berger, zl |
Y |
84 |
Among the WolvesThe One Who Saved Jews |
Sima Zeiger (Jung) |
H |
97 |
Hiding from Death |
Tziporah Schindelheim (Stock) |
H |
103 |
In the Struggle for Life |
Michael Jung |
H |
104 |
Memories from the Period of Horror |
Chula (Helena) Brojde (née Zipora) |
H |
107 |
Memories from the Days of Horror |
Leib Kronisch, zl |
H |
111 |
Reflections of Moshe Jung, zl, and His Wife |
Moshe Jung and Regina Jung |
Y |
123 |
And the Ukrainians Slaughtered ... |
Shmuel Stark |
H |
130 |
The Zborow Labor Camp |
Benedict Friedman |
H |
131 |
Sheltered by Christian Friends |
Paye Shapira |
Y |
133 |
From the Testimony of Mr. Tzvi Ebers |
H |
145 |
From the Memoirs of a Jewish Fighter A Soldier in the Red Army |
Shmuel Jung |
H |
148 |
I Was an Aryan |
Arye Jung |
H |
149 |
An Authentic Testimony Via a Letter |
Chula (Helena) Zipora |
H |
158 |
Father Jan Pablitzki |
Gad Rotem |
H |
160 |
Segments of Sad Memories |
Shmuel Silberman |
H |
162 |
Visit to Mass Grave of Zborow's Jews |
Lipa Fisher |
H |
164 |
We Accuse (A. The Story of Aron B. The Story of Ela) |
Lena Kichler-Silberman |
H |
165 |
In Zborow Under Nazi Oppression |
Menachem Doll, zl |
Y |
175 |
Dora the Nurse |
Menachem Doll, zl |
Y |
179 |
Rescuer of the Jews, Antoshu Suchinski |
H |
181 |
Itche Zeiger, zl |
H |
181 |
The Tree Planting Ceremony in Ya'ar HaKdoshim [The Forest of the Martyrs] |
Remarks by A. Silberman |
H |
182 |
Uprising Attempt in the Zborow Ghetto |
Gershon Schneider |
H |
183 |
Levi Remer, zl, the Commander of the Zborow Ghetto Uprising |
Gershon Schneider |
H |
184 |
Binyamin Plisner, zl, One of the Rebels |
Gershon Schneider |
H |
185 |
My Wanderings with the Red Army Soldiers |
Tzvi Katz |
H |
186 |
The Righteous Among the Nations in Our Town |
H |
187 |
In the Soviets' Instruments of Torture |
Michael Fuhrman |
H |
188 |
Memories, Images and the Way of Life |
From the Memories of a Zborow Man |
Josef-Gershon Labiner |
H |
191 |
Remarks for the Article by Josef Gershon Labiner |
Y. Redler-Feldman (R' Binyamin) |
H |
211 |
From Zborow to the Kinneret Segments from the book by R’ Benjamin |
H |
213 |
Communities Leaders and Public Activists |
Binyamin Reiss |
H |
245 |
The Main Public Institutions |
Binyamin Reiss |
H |
255 |
The Kitchen |
Binyamin Reiss |
H |
262 |
The Kitchen |
Binyamin Reiss |
Y |
266 |
The Zionist Pioneer Movement |
A. Silberman |
H |
272 |
Zborow between the two world wars |
A. Rotem |
H |
282 |
The public image of Zborow |
G. Schneider |
H |
286 |
The Halutz [pioneer] Movement in Zborow |
Dov Mehlsack |
H |
293 |
When I remember my heart shrinks… |
Itka Strasberg (Linder) |
H |
297 |
A Few Memories of My Birthplace |
Natan Heiman, zl |
H |
299 |
Shredded Memories |
Yehudit Katz |
H |
301 |
Zborow of Yesterday |
Ephraim Katz |
H |
303 |
The town is no longer |
Leah Gang (of the Shechter family) |
H |
306 |
Memories from the years of my youth |
Shlomo Amitai (Warhaftig) |
H |
307 |
I Recall Those Young Years |
Meilech Diamond |
Y |
309 |
The Youth Movement of Zborow |
Moshe Shapira |
H |
311 |
Kol Nidre Night in the Town |
Zelig Yaron (Jaeger) |
H |
314 |
Several Characters in the Town |
Zelig Yaron (Jaeger) |
H |
315 |
Zborow during Weekdays and Holidays |
Yakov Weller |
H |
318 |
In the Six Working Days |
Yakov Weller |
H |
319 |
A Few Memories |
Eli Richter |
H |
322 |
The Orthodox Community in Zborow |
Michael Roth |
H |
324 |
Betar in Zborow |
Shmuel Hollander and Michal Fuhrman |
H |
328 |
The Chapters of Zborow |
Azriel Pollak |
H |
330 |
The Organization of Former Zborow Residents in the US |
Eliyahu (Adyk) Silberman |
H |
336 |
Parshat (Tale of) Balamut |
Binyamin Reiss |
H |
339 |
Ohel Moshe the title page of HaRav Alter Zweig zl |
H |
341 |
The judgment of HaRav Alter Zweig in the matter of the convert Judge Dejewski |
H |
342 |
This Is How the Ukrainian Boycott Conspiracy Was Foiled |
Binyamin Reiss |
H |
343 |
The emergency invitation of the Jewish Public Activists |
Binyamin Reiss |
H |
344 |
Personalities and Community Leaders |
R' [Rabbi] Binyamin (Yehoshua Redler-Feldman, zl) |
H |
351 |
Simcha Bunim Feldman, zl |
H |
353 |
HaRav Benzion Schalita, zl |
H |
354 |
Rabbi Shlomo Kleinhandler, zl |
H |
354 |
Rabbi Alter (Moshe Yonah Halevi) Zweig, zl |
H |
355 |
Aron Czapnik, zl |
G[ershon] Sch[neider] |
H |
355 |
In Memory of Dr. Moshe Brumer, zl |
Azriel P[ollak] |
H |
356 |
Moshe Chaim Silberman, zl |
G[ershon] Schneider |
H |
357 |
Yisrael Katz, zl |
B. R. [Binyamin Reiss] |
H |
357 |
The Social Activist Mendel Sigal, zl |
H |
358 |
Naftali Katz, zl |
H |
359 |
Hersh Shapira, zl |
H |
360 |
Yakov [Jacob] Fuchs, zl |
Adyk [Silberman] and Gershon [Labiner] |
H |
361 |
Memories of the Holy Martyrs |
Joel Buchwald |
H |
362 |
Mendel Jung, zl |
H |
362 |
Yakov Mendel, zl |
H |
362 |
Abba Waltuch, zl |
H |
363 |
Arye (Leib) Adler, zl |
H |
363 |
Pesach (Poldi) Auerbach, zl |
H |
364 |
Aisev Silberman, zl |
Adyk and Solo [Silberman] |
H |
365 |
Zeinvel (Zebulon) Liebling, zl |
H |
366 |
Yitzchok Auerbach |
Y |
367 |
Shemesh, Moshe |
Y |
372 |
In Memory of Those Who Fell Defending the Homeland |
Asher Halpern zl |
H |
375 |
With Every Fiber of His Being |
David Halpern |
H |
378 |
David, Son of Esther and Shmuel Schneider |
Gershon Schneider |
H |
379 |
Michah Heiman Mishka, zl |
H |
381 |
In Memory of Michah Heiman, zl |
Uncle Zelig Yaron (Jaeger) |
H |
382 |
Shmuel Katz, zl |
H |
383 |
Shmulik, My Dearest, My First Born |
H |
385 |
Moti Shapira, zl |
H |
386 |
In Memory of the Victims of the Shoah |
My Father/My Teacher Moshe Chaim and My Mother/My Teacher Chana Silberman |
Eliyahu (Adyk) Silberman |
H |
391 |
In Memory of the Family of Mendel Halpern-Segal, zl |
Eva Halpern Adler |
H |
395 |
Esther and Shmuel Schneider, zl |
Gershon Schneider |
H |
396 |
A Righteous Man |
Munyev [His Son-in-law] |
H |
397 |
To Remember the Family of Abraham Haber |
Clara Haber Schneider |
H |
399 |
The Family of Yankel Roth, zl |
Arye Rotem |
H |
400 |
To Remember the Family of Fischel Zipora |
Zipore Sisters |
H |
401 |
My Family |
Zelig Yaron (Jaeger) |
H |
402 |
In Memory of My Childhood Home |
Yetti Karpin (Dawidsohn) |
H |
403 |
In Memory of the Pfeffer Family
| Rozia Pfeffer Altman |
H |
404 |
Rabbi Herschel SchachterOn His Parents of Blessed Memory |
H |
407 |
My Childhood HomeThe Shlomo Linder Family |
Yechezkel Linder |
H |
408 |
In Memory of the Mehlsack and Linder Families |
Dov Mehlsack |
H |
409 |
Memories of My Childhood Home |
Yehudit Liebling Katz |
H |
410 |
Elka Mintzer (nee Katz) May God Avenge Her Blood |
Efraim Katz |
H |
411 |
These Were Our Parents [A Portrait of My Parents] |
Jacob Heller, Shifra Greenspan, Julia Heller |
H |
412 |
The Families of R' Yakov and R' Shimshon Pollak |
Azriel Pollak |
H |
413 |
In Memory of the Family of Rivka Katz, zl |
Shalom and Tzvi Katz |
H |
414 |
In Memory of the Klahr Family |
Leah Gang (Schachter) |
H |
415 |
Jacob Uscher Thaler, zl |
Maltsche Klahr Marder and David Klahr |
H |
415 |
The Schachter Family, zl |
Leah Gang (Schachter) |
H |
416 |
In Memory of the Family of Itzy and Sara Shapira (Stoltzenberg) zl |
Yehuda and Moshe Shapira (Stoltzenberg) |
H |
417 |
In Memory of the Family of Aron Bord, zl
| Yeshayahu Bord |
H |
418 |
In Memory of My Parents: Menacham and Esther Roth, My Brother, and My Sisters, zl |
Michael Roth |
H |
418 |
Death of My Mother, Genentche Dimand, Brother, Meir, and Sister, Salke, and Her Husband, Mordisch Adler, and Child |
Meilech Dimand |
Y |
419 |
In Memory of Three Village Families |
Avraham Felsteiner |
H |
420 |
In Memory of Our Parents, zl |
Hersh (Tzi) and Michael Fuhrman |
H |
422 |
In Memory of My Family |
Eliyahu Richter |
H |
423 |
In Memory of My Dear Ones Who Perished in the Shoah |
Shamai Spindel (Remer) |
H |
424 |
In Memory of the Family of Hirsh (Herman) Rapp |
A. Z. |
H |
425 |
The Family of Shmuel Adler, zl |
Avraham Adler |
H |
426 |
To All Those Who Died in Eretz Yisrael |
Joseph Auerbach, zl |
H |
429 |
Leah (Lenka) Auerbach, zl |
H |
429 |
Shoshana (Roza) Riemen, zl |
H |
430 |
Chana Schapira from the Pollak family, zl |
H |
431 |
Arye Marder (Leybush Heiman), zl |
H |
432 |
Nachum Linder, zl |
H |
433 |
Sarah Linder (née Sam), zl |
H |
433 |
Elka Wald (née Schneider), zl |
H |
434 |
Rivka Katz (née Liebling), zl |
H |
435 |
Sarah Jaeger, zl |
H |
436 |
Josef (Yoske) Khlar, zl |
H |
437 |
Moshe Jung, zl |
H |
437 |
Eliezer Spindel (Remer) zl |
H |
438 |
Emil Brumer, zl |
H |
438 |
Moshe Kronberg (son of Chaya-Eydel), zl |
H |
438 |
Tzvi Rosenbaum, zl |
H |
439 |
Rivka Wolkowicz (Pollak), zl |
H |
440 |
Binyamin Buchwald, zl |
H |
440 |
Natan Heiman, zl |
H |
441 |
Penina Leinwand-Rosenfeld, zl |
H |
444 |
Moshe ben Pinchas Pfeffer, zl |
H |
445 |
Meir Labiner-Roth, zl |
H |
445 |
Yizkor [Memorial] Pages |
List of Victims |
Memorial Ads Section |
466 |
On the Occasion of the Presentation of the Book |
476 |
Indices (not in the original book) |
Photo Captions |
Index of Names in Photo Captions |
Organizations |