52°59' / 22°15'
Translation of
Sefer Zambrow; Zambrove
Editor: Y. T. Lewinsky
Published in Tel Aviv 1963
This is a translation from Sefer Zambrow; Zambrove; The Book of Zambrov
Tel Aviv 1963, Publisher: The Zambrover Societies in USA, Argentina, and Israel, Pages: 696 Languages: H,Y,E
JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of
the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
[Page 18]
Translated by Jerrold Landau
Title | Author | Page(s) |
A. These are the Annals of Zambrow | 17-103 | |
From History | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 19-41 |
a. When did Zambrow become a City? | 19 | |
b. Rights of the City | 20 | |
c. The First Sign of Jews | 20 | |
d. The Name of the City | 21 | |
e. The Political Situation | 21 | |
f. Geography and Topography | 22 | |
g. Jews Build the City | 23 | |
h. From When were there Jews in Zambrow | 24 | |
i. T. Tyktyn Oversees the Jews of Zambrow | 25 | |
j. The Jews of Zambrow in 1716 | 26 | |
k. Cieciorki does not Belong to Zambrow | 28 | |
l. To whom does Sendzowo Belong? | 29 | |
m. The Founding of the Burial Society (Chevra Kadisha) in 1741 | 30 | |
n. There was still no Communal Organization in 1767 | 30 | |
o. The First Cemetery in 1828 | 32 | |
p. The Synagogue and Study Halls | 33 | |
q. The Bathhouse | 35 | |
r. Prszwionta | 36 | |
s. The Army Region | 36 | |
t. The Post Office | 37 | |
u. The First Fire | 38 | |
v. Gangs | 39 | |
w. The Second Fire | 41 | |
From Days Gone By | Mendel Cybelman | 48-72 |
a. Reb Moshe and Reb Yisrael the elders of the Beadles (Shamashim) in Zambrow | 48 | |
b. The Russian Army Expands the City Bounds | 49 | |
c. The Barracks | 51 | |
d. The Veteran Families of Zambrow | 52 | |
e. Prayer Houses | 53 | |
f. The Head of the Rabbinical Court and the State Appointed Rabbi | 54 | |
g. The Cholera Epidemic | 54 | |
h. Father on a Horse | 55 | |
i. The Expulsion of the Magid Reb Elyakim Getzel | 56 | |
j. The First Fire | 57 | |
k. The Coronation of Nikolay II and the Closing of the Jewish Taverns | 59 | |
l. The Russo-Japan War of 1905 | 60 | |
m. Murder in the Forest | 61 | |
n. Army Rebellion Sprouts Up in Zambrow | 62 | |
o. Fear of Pogrom | 63 | |
p. The False Accusation of the Revolution in Zambrow: The Tailor and the Strongman, Pillage of the Army Fund, Pillage of Josef Pilsudsky, The Holiday of the Constitution | 64 | |
q. Imprisonments | 70 | |
r. The Second Fire | 72 | |
Zambrow at the Head of the Suwalk-Lomza Kolel in Jerusalem | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 80 |
Blood Libel | Tovia Fenster | 82 |
Miscellaneous | Aryeh Golombek | |
a. I am the Commissar of Zambrow | 85 | |
b. Two Tables | 87 | |
c. The Power of Father of Blessed Memory | 88 | |
d. The Holiday Festivities of the Jewish Tailors in the Russian Army | 88 | |
e. A Jewish Soldier Defends the Honor of Jewry | 89 | |
How Disturbances were Prevented in Zambrow | Sender Syckowsky | 91 |
During the time of Emergency | Sender Syckowsky | |
a. Saving the City from Fire | 95 | |
b. With the Rise of Independent Poland | 97 | |
c. The Murder of Szklubyn the Pharmacist | 98 | |
Three Who Made Aliya to the Land of Israel | Yom Tov Lewinsky | |
a. The Elder Shamash Kucapa | 99 | |
b. Mendel the Partial Carpenter | 100 | |
c. Pesach the son of the Winemaker | 101 | |
Jablonka | Yosef Kruliwicky | 103 |
B. The Destruction | 106-217 | |
In Memory of Mother (a poem) | Yelin (Translated by Yom Tov Lewinsky) | 108 |
On the Threshold of the Sunset | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 109 |
Blood, Fire and Pillars of Smoke | Yitzchak Golombek (Translated by Yom Tov Lewinsky) | 119 |
a. Zambrow the Vista of My Hometown | 119 | |
b. The War Between Poland and Germany | 120 | |
c. The Beginning of the Expulsion of Ostrow-Mazowiecki | 120 | |
d. The War Between Russia and Germany | 121 | |
e. The Terrible Tuesday | 122 | |
f. Negotiations Regarding a Ghetto for the Jews | 124 | |
g. A New Aktion | 124 | |
h. Preparations for Entering the Ghetto | 125 | |
i. Life in the Ghetto | 126 | |
j. The Typhus Epidemic | 126 | |
k. Jews Give Over their Possessions to the Gentiles | 127 | |
l. Glicksman and the Truth on his Lips | 128 | |
m. In the Forest | 129 | |
n. We Left Our Mother in the Forest | 130 | |
o. Third Day in the Forest | 131 | |
p. The Way to the Barracks | 132 | |
q. The Entrance to Hell | 132 | |
r. I Escaped from the Camp and Returned | 133 | |
s. Bread for Starvation | 134 | |
t. The Exiles of Lomza Prepare a Desertion | 135 | |
u. The Tidings | 136 | |
v. Glicksman the Go-Between | 136 | |
w. Preparations for the Journey | 137 | |
x. In the Czyzewo Train Station | 137 | |
y. We are not Going to Treblinka | 138 | |
z. To the Birkenau Camp | 139 | |
aa. In the Bathhouse | 140 | |
bb. Block Number 21 | 141 | |
cc. Traveling to Buna | 142 | |
dd. Typhus Epidemic in Buna | 143 | |
ee. In the Hospital | 144 | |
ff. The Murder Apparatus at Auschwitz-Birkenau | 145 | |
Black Tuesday | Yitzchak Golda | 159 |
Collection of Testimony | Yitzchak Golda | 161 |
A Brand Plucked from Fire | Recorded by Yosef Yerushalmi from the Mouth of Yosef the son of Berl Lewinsky | 168 |
A Letter from that World (Natan Smoliar) | 178 | |
The Piercing of Death | B.Tz. Gvurin | 181 |
We Organized a Partisan Group Adventures | Yitzchak Stupnik | 183 |
A Zambrow Native at the Head of the Fighters of the Minsk Ghetto | 187 | |
The Third Fire | Izak Malinowicz | 190 |
Four Graves | Yosef Sowiecki | 194 |
The City After the Destruction | 215 | |
On the Ruins | Chaya Zukerowicz-Netzer | 216 |
A Letter of Correspondence (poem) | Moshe Wiliamowsky (translated by Y. L.) | 217 |
C. Beis Midrashes, Rabbis, Clergy | 219-302 | |
The Rabbi's Melody (relevant to page 258) | 220 | |
Houses of Worship and Communal Institutions 50 Years Ago | Yom Tov Lewinsky | |
The White Beis Midrash | 221 | |
The Red Beis Midrash | 228 | |
The Synagogue | 232 | |
Chevra Shas | 236 | |
Beit Chassidim | 238 | |
Rabbis | 241 | |
Rabbi Lipa Chaim | 241 | |
Rabbi Yisrael Salanter in Zambrow | Shalom Avner Bernstein | 242 |
The Holy Rabbi Rabbi Dov-Menachem Regensberg may G-d avenge his blood | 245-270 | |
A Small City and a Great Rabbi | Yisrael Ulsha | 246 |
From the Words of his Grandson (Written by David Pels) | 249 | |
At the End of the Century | 251 | |
Sated in Years | 253 | |
His Studies | 254 | |
His Activities | 255 | |
His Relationship to Zion | 257 | |
Written by his grandson Heshel | 258 | |
His Home is his Wife | Naomi Blomerozen | 259 |
The Spark Turned into a Flame | Yisrael Lewinsky | 261 |
At the Rabbi's Table | Pinchas Broder | 266 |
His Strength of Spirit | S. Sickowsky | 267 |
The Prophesy of the Rabbi | Yosef Krulewicky | 268 |
The Rabbi of Zambrow Spoke | Chaim Groda (translated by Y. L.) | 269 |
Rabbi Aharon Yaakov Klopfisz, the Rabbi's Son-in-law | Y. Masheoli | 271 |
Rabbinical Judges | ||
Rabbi Zalman Kaplan | 276 | |
Rabbi Shabtai Kramarsky | 277 | |
Rabbi Avraham Goronczyk of holy blessed memory | 278 | |
The Chief Rabbi of the Israel Defence Forces Colonel Shlomo Goren may he live long | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 279 |
Rabbi Yudel Shochet may G-d avenge his blood | 281 | |
Rabi Berl Nigowczer | 283 | |
Rabbi Leib Rozing | 284 | |
Cantors | ||
Reb Pinchas and his wife Shifra; Reb Shlomo Wismunsky | 285 | |
Preachers (Maggidim) | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 287 |
Reb Elyakim Getzel Lewitan | 287 | |
Reb Akiva Rabinowicz | 290 | |
Reb Alter (Moshe-Zalman Orowicz) the Maggid | 291 | |
Shamai Leizer | 292 | |
Chaim-Velvel Pow | 293 | |
Scholarly Women | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 295 |
a. Hashka the Carpenter | 295 | |
b. Beila the Fat | 295 | |
c. Heni-Itka | 296 | |
d. Bluma the Blind | 296 | |
e. Pesha Golombek | 297 | |
f. Grandmother Rivka Gittel | 297 | |
g. Chaya Zukerowicz | 297 | |
h. Women who Received a Pension from the Community | 298 | |
i. Malka Cymbel | 299 | |
j. Sheina-Mindel | 299 | |
Scribes Eliezer Pow | 302 | |
D. Education and Culture | 303-354 | |
Yeshiva | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 305 |
Cheders | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 307 |
Bercha the Melamed (Teacher) | 308 | |
Fishel | 309 | |
Yehoshua | 309 | |
Thunderstruck | Yisrael Lewinsky | 311 |
Reb Meir Feivel the Melamed | Chaim Ben-Dor | 313 |
Reb Yisrael Lewinsky of blessed memory | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 315 |
The Modern Cheder of Feivel Zukerowicz | 319 | |
A Teacher and Educator | Yaakov Tobiasz | 321 |
From the Words of Students: Naomi Blomerozen, Aryeh Kosowsky | 327 | |
The Russian People's School | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 327 |
The Yiddish People's School | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 328 |
The Borochov School | 329 | |
The Polish People's School | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 332 |
With the Approach of the Holocaust | 333 | |
The Spinoza of Zambrow | Aryeh Kosowsky | 334 |
The Polish Gymnasium in Zambrow | Tzvi Slowik-Zamir | 336 |
Alter Rotenberg | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 338 |
The Library | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 340 |
Dramatic Clubs | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 347 |
Maccabee | Sh. Gutman | 349 |
E. Folklore | 355-410 | |
a. Statements, Songs, Idioms | 357 | |
b. Agricultural Folklore According to the Annual Calendar of Zambrow | 375 | |
c. Purim in my Town | 384 | |
d. The Fifth Year (1905) | 389 | |
e. The Brogez (Anger) Dance | 393 | |
f. The Miserables | 395 | |
Alter Koti | 395 | |
Avraham Berl Klein | 396 | |
Moshel Kolike | 398 | |
Birech the Mute | 398 | |
Kachke | 400 | |
The Daughter-in-law of the City | Meir Zukerowicz | 401 |
An Act of Treason | Yisrael Lewinsky | 404 |
Kometz Aleph O | Mendel Cybelman | 407 |
F. Factions | 411-454 | |
The Zionist Movement | Y. Lewinsky | |
Prior to the first World War | 413 | |
Renewal of the Movement | 417 | |
Youth Organizations | Sh. Gutman | 419 |
Poale Zion, Young Zion, Bund, Communists | 427 | |
Worker's Movement | 429 | |
Poale Zion | Pinchas Bruder | 429 |
The Zionist Youth Movement | Tzvi Zamir | 432 |
a. Pirchei Zion | 432 | |
b. Herzliya | 432 | |
c. Tzeirei Zion Youth Movement | 434 | |
d. Hechalutz | 436 | |
e. Hachsharah | 437 | |
f. Actualization | 437 | |
The Founding of the First Hashomer Hatzair | Ch. Ben-Dor | 438 |
Seven Reasoned Responders, Productive Work (The Founding of Young Hechalutz) | Ben Zion Sandak | 438 |
The Disturbances of 5689 (1929) | Aryeh Kosowsky | 439 |
The Hashomer Hatzair Branch | Yehuda Serbrowicz | 439 |
Torah Vaavoda | Tzvi Chanit | 444 |
Zionists | Yaakov Grabes | 444 |
Zionists: The Tree that was Cut in the Midst of its Growth (Yitzchak Sucharowicz) | M. Sabidor | 447 |
Levi Poziner | A. Kosowsky | 448 |
Avraham Hershel Kagan | M. Burstyn | 448 |
Michael Jawkowsky | Tz. Zamir | 450 |
Noach Zukerowicz | 451 | |
Yechezkel Zamir | 452 | |
Noach Zamir, The Ratoswicz Brothers, Chaim Silberstein, Pesia Furmanowicz | Tz. Z. | 453 |
G. Families | 455-518 | |
The House of Mashka the Koritker And her son Binyamin Tenenbaum | Yisrael Lewinsky | 457 |
Chronicle of Three families (From An Oak in the Storm) | Professor Berl Mark | 460 |
a. Between Radzilowa and Zambrow | 460 | |
b. Grandfather and Grandmother | 461 | |
c. A Visit to Zambrow | 463 | |
d. Mother Rachel Leah | 464 | |
e. Aunt Sarake and Uncle Aharon-Leibl | 466 | |
f. My Uncle Yitzchak Blomerozen | 467 | |
g. My Uncle Alter Mark | 467 | |
h. Chezki Mark | 468 | |
i. Chezki is sent to a Desolate Place | 471 | |
j. In the Footsteps of Chezki | 472 | |
Good Jews and Exemplary Farmers | Yehoshua Golombek | 479 |
The Golombek Family | Y. Lewinsky | 480 |
Father's Home | Tzvi Zamir | 485 |
Yaakov Tzvi Zukerowicz | Yosef Srebrowicz | 487 |
The Family of Gershon Srebrowicz | Y. S. | 488 |
Reb Shmuelke Wiliamowsky | Y. Lewinsky | 489 |
The Kushar Household | Yosef Yerushalmi | 490 |
The Yerushalmi Family | Yosef Yerushalmi | 492 |
Reb Avraham Shlomo Czinciol | Yisrael Lewinsky | 494 |
The Civic Leader Reb Avraham Aba Rakowsky (Avcha) | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 497 |
Bibliographical List of the Writings of A. A. Rakowsky (not complete) | 505 | |
My Forbears the Martyrs of Hebron | A Shmuel Gutman | 506 |
Parental Home and Scenery of my Native Town | Ahuva Greenberg | 508 |
The Aliya of Reb Yehoshua Binyamin Kwimkoler | Recorded by Yisrael Lewinsky from the mouth of his son | 512 |
Binyamin Kanan, Yaakov Yeshaya Cohen | Y. Lewinsky | 513 |
The Cinowicz Family | Rachel Slocky-Rosenblum | 514 |
Lipman Slowik | Ch. Ben-Dor | 514 |
Baruch Surawicz, Avraham Rozen | Y. Lewinsky | 514 |
Elia Rodniker-Goren | Y. Lewinsky | 515 |
Dr. Yosef Feinsilber | Y. Lewinsky | 516 |
Memorial Candles | Chaya Kosowsky | 517 |
H. Work and Industry | 519-575 | |
Small Scale Manufacturing in Zambrow | Y. Lewinsky | 521 |
Three Flourmills: a. Grajansky, b. Goldin, c. Feifer | Y. Lewinsky | 522 |
Tradesman | Y. Lewinsky | 525 |
Reb Tovia Skocanadak | 528 | |
Elinka | Y. Lewinsky | 528 |
My Father Reb Moshe Aharon the Builder | Chaim Ben-Dor | 530 |
My Father Itza the Bricklayer | From his Son Sender, Recorded by Yisrael Lewinsky | 537 |
Reb Nachman Yaakov Rotenberg, Wagon Drivers | Yisrael Lewinsky | 540 |
The Shoemaker from Gosz, Y. Sh. Kukawka | Y. Lewinsky | 542 |
Binyumka the Shoemaker | Y. Lewinsky | 543 |
Moshe Yosef the Paver | Yisrael Lewinsky, from the mouth of Sender Sickowsky | 544 |
Natan (Noska) the Bricklayer | Naomi Blumerozen | 546 |
Yisrael Poiker (the Drummer) | Yaakov Grabes | 547 |
Sabbath Festivities | 548 | |
Beila the Milk Woman | A. Kosowsky | 549 |
Shmuelka Zerah and Zundel | A. Kosowsky | 549 |
These I Remember | Tzvi Chagit | 550 |
Portraits of Town Natives in the United States | Mendel Cybelman | 552 |
Social Assisance | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 555 |
Tending to Guests (Hachnasat Orchim) | 555 | |
Physicians | 557 | |
Medics | 558 | |
Poorhouse | 560 | |
Ahavat Achim Organization | Yisrael Lewinsky | 560 |
Help and Arrangements for Refugees | Y. Lewinsky | 561 |
Linat Hatzedek | Y. Lewinsky | 562 |
Shlomoke Czinciol, Women's Organization | Y. Lewinsky | 564 |
A Group of Letters about the Bad Material Situation of the Jews of the City | 566 | |
Centas | 569 | |
Gemilat Chasadim Fund | 571 | |
Father and the Gemulut Chasadim Society | Ch. Ben-Dor | 573 |
Mother, Alta Sokolicha | Chava Sokol | 575 |
Missing: Moshe Klopfisz of blessed memory | 577 | |
Chava Sokol-Almog | Tz. Zamir | 578 |
Golda Zarimowska-Rotkowicz | Tzvi Zamir | 578 |
Brands Plucked from the Fire | 579 | |
I. Zambrow Natives in the Diaspora | 581-610 | |
Our Brethren in the United States | 581 | |
The Workers' Circle Branch 149 | Mendel Cybelman | 581 |
The Aid Committee of our Natives in Chicago | Mendel Cybelman | 584 |
The History of the Zambrow Society in the United States | Yitzchak Rozen | 588 |
From the Book of Minutes | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 589 |
The United Assistance Organization | Moshe Eizer | 594 |
Natives of our City in Mexico | Yitzchak Rotberg | 598 |
Natives of our City in Argentina | Boaz Chmiel | 602 |
Chaim Yosef Rodnik of blessed memory | 605 | |
Organization of Natives of our City in Israel | Tz. Zamir | 606 |
Yisgadal Veyiskadash Shmei Rabba | 611 | |
Memorial Days in the Annals of the City | Y. Lewinsky | 612 |
Yizkor 64 monuments to 400 deceased most of whom perished in the Warsaw Ghetto | 613-624 | |
Abridged Content in English | 1-69 |
[Translator's note: Starts in the middle of NYPL scan #21. Overlaps to a large degree with the Hebrew, but there are discrepancies, and many of the page numbers are different. In some cases, the titles of the same article were worded differently in English and Yiddish. I preserved the differences in wording.]
Title | Author | Page(s) |
Index of Photos | 13 | |
Name Index | 14-16 | |
Hebrew and Yiddish Tables of Contents | 18 | |
A. These are the Annals of Zambrow | 17-105 | |
From History | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 17-47 |
a. When did Zambrow become a City? | 19 | |
b. Rights of the City | 20 | |
c. The First Sign of Jews | 21 | |
d. The Name of the City | 21 | |
e. The Political Situation | 22 | |
f. Geography and Topography | 23 | |
g. Jews Build the City | 24 | |
h. From When were there Jews in Zambrow | 27 | |
i. T. Tyktyn Oversees the Jews of Zambrow | 28 | |
j. The Jews of Zambrow in 1716 | 30 | |
k. Cieciorki does not Belong to Zambrow | 31 | |
l. To whom does Sendzowo Belong? | 31 | |
m. The Founding of the Burial Society (Chevra Kadisha) in 1741 | 35 | |
n. There was still no Communal Organization in 1767 | 36 | |
o. The First Cemetery in 1828 | 37 | |
p. The Synagogue and Study Halls | 41 | |
q. The Bathhouse | 42 | |
r. Prszwionta | 43 | |
s. The Post Office | 44 | |
t. The First Fire | 44 | |
u. Gangs | 47 | |
v. The Second Fire | 47 | |
From Days Gone By | Mendel Cybelman | 48-80 |
Introduction | 48 | |
a. Moshe Shamash and my Father Yisrael David | 49 | |
b. In the Second Half of the 19th Century | 51 | |
c. The Zambrow Barracks | 55 | |
d. The Good Times Begin | 57 | |
e. My Father Rides a Horse and Drives the Cholera Out of the City | 59 | |
f. The Expulsion of the Magid Elyakim Getzel from Zambrow (1895) | 60 | |
g. The First Fire | 62 | |
h. Nikolay II is Coronated over Zambrow (1896) | 65 | |
i. A Jewish Murder (1905) | 67 | |
j. The Revolutionary Parties | 68 | |
k. A Rebellion in the Zambrow Barracks | 70 | |
l. According to a Zambrow Businessman Exposing a Revolutionary Military Organization | 71 | |
m. A Theft from the Military Treasury | 72 | |
n. Pilsudsky Plunders the National Treasury in Wysokie Mazowieckie | 74 | |
o. Zambrow in 1905 | 75 | |
p. They Arrested Me | 77 | |
q. Fear of a Pogrom in Zambrow | 79 | |
r. The Second Fire | 80 | |
Zambrow at the Head of the Suwalk-Lomza Kolel Distribution in Jerusalem | 81 | |
Blood Libel | Tovia Fenster | 82 |
Miscellaneous | Leib Golombek | 85 |
a. I am the Commissar of Zambrow | 85 | |
b. Two Tables | 87 | |
c. Father's Intermediation | 87 | |
d. The Holiday Festivities of the Jewish Tailors in the Russian Army | 87 | |
e. A Jewish Soldier Defends the Honor of Jewry and Averts a Pogrom | Sender Syckowsky, transcribed by Yisrael Lewinsky | 93 |
At Wartime | Sender Syckowsky transcribed by Yisrael Lewinsky | 95 |
a. Saving the City | 95 | |
b. With the Rise of Independent Poland | 97 | |
c. The Murder of Szklubyn the Pharmacist | 98 | |
Three Who Made Aliya to the Land of Israel | Yom Tov Lewinsky | |
a. The Elder Shamash Kucapa and his wife | 99 | |
b. Mendel the Partial Carpenter | 101 | |
c. Pesach the son of the Winemaker | 102 | |
Jablonka | Yosef Kruliwicky (Buenos Aires) | 103 |
B. The Destruction | 106-218 | |
In Memory of Mother (a poem) | Tzalka Yelin | 108 |
On the Threshold of the Doom | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 109 |
The Last 5-6 Years | 109 | |
A City Starves, Who Will Help Us, The Help Committee in Chicago | 111 | |
From A Bundle of Letters | 112 | |
Jewish Zambrow is Empty | 112 | |
Culture Struggle Brings In Life | 113 | |
Pickets | 113 | |
The Market | 114 | |
Assistance Committee for Zambrow in Chicago | 115 | |
Linat Hatzedek | 115 | |
The Beginning of the End | Yitzchak Stupnik | 116 |
A Letter to the Land of Israel | 117 | |
Blood, Fire and Pillars of Smoke | Yitzchak Golombek | 119-157 |
a. My Native Town | 119 | |
b. The War Between Poland and Germany | 120 | |
c. The Expulsion of the Jews of Ostrow-Mazowiecki | 122 | |
d. The War Between Russia and Germany in 1941 | 123 | |
e. The Terrible Tuesday | 126 | |
f. Negotiations Regarding a Ghetto for the Jews | 128 | |
g. A New Aktion | 130 | |
h. Preparations for Entering the Ghetto | 132 | |
i. Life in the Ghetto | 132 | |
j. The Typhus Epidemic | 133 | |
k. Jews Give Over their Possessions to Gentile Hands | 135 | |
l. Glicksman and his Truth | 137 | |
m. In the Forest | 137 | |
n. We Left Our Mother in the Forest | 140 | |
o. My Third Day in the Forest | 141 | |
p. The March to the Barracks | 142 | |
q. The Entrance to Hell | 143 | |
r. I Escaped from the Camp and Returned | 145 | |
s. Bread for Starvation | 147 | |
t. The Exiles of Lomza Prepare to Flee | 147 | |
u. The Tidings | 148 | |
v. Glicksman the Go-Between | 149 | |
w. Preparations for the Journey | 149 | |
x. In the Czyzewo Train Station | 150 | |
y. We are not Going to Treblinka | 150 | |
z. March to the Birkenau Camp | 152 | |
aa. Into the Bath! | 152 | |
bb. Block Number 21 | 153 | |
cc. Traveling to Buna | 154 | |
dd. Typhus Epidemic in Buna | 155 | |
ee. In the Hospital | 156 | |
ff. The Murder Apparatus at Auschwitz-Birkenau | 157 | |
Black Tuesday | Yitzchak Golda | 159 |
Collection of Testimony from a Christian | 165 | |
Out of the Fire | Moshe Lewinsky, transcribed by Yosef Jeruzalimsky | 168 |
A Letter from that World (From Nuska Smoliar) | 178 | |
The Piercing of Death | B.Tz. Gvurin | 181 |
We Organized a Partisan Group Death Sentence | Yitzchak Stupnik | 186 |
A Zambrow Native at the Head of the Fighters of the Minsk Ghetto | 188 | |
The Third Fire | Izak Malinowicz | 190 |
The Holocaust Survivors: Heartrending Outcome Plucked From Fire, 2 Central Addresses Jerusalem and New York | Yosef Sowiecki | 197 |
The Food Packages | 199 | |
Moshe Icer and Yosef Mawecki | 201 | |
From a Bundle of Letters (36 letters from Surviving Brethren to the American Assistance Committee) | 201-210 | |
Redemmed Souls: Beinush Sarni | 211 | |
Chana Koperman | Y. Lewinsky | 211 |
After the Destruction (Excerpts from a Letter) | 215 | |
On the Ruins | Chaitsha Zukerowicz Netzer | 216 |
I Write a Letter (a Poem) | Moshe Wiliamowsky (Williams) of blessed memory | 217 |
C. Beis Midrashes, Rabbis, Clergy | 219-302 | |
The Rabbi's Melody (Text on page 256) | 220 | |
Houses of Worship and Communal Institutions 50 Years Ago | Yom Tov Lewinsky | |
The White Beis Midrash | 221 | |
The Red Beis Midrash | 228 | |
The Synagogue | 233 | |
Chevra Shas | 236 | |
The Hassidic Shtibel | 238 | |
Rabbis, the First Rabbi | 241 | |
Rabbi Lipa Chaim | 241 | |
Rabbi Yisrael Salanter in Zambrow | Shalom Avner Bernstein | 242 |
The Holy Rabbi Rabbi Dov-Menachem Regensberg may G-d avenge his blood | 245-270 | |
A Small City and a Great Rabbi | Yisrael Ulsha | 246 |
From the Words of his Grandson | 250 | |
David Writes | 250 | |
At the End of the Previous Century | 251 | |
In Old Age | 252 | |
His Studies | 253 | |
His Activities | 254 | |
His Relationship to the Land of Israel | 255 | |
Related by His Second Grandson, Hershel | 255 | |
The Rabbi's Home | Naomi Blomerozen | 259 |
The Spark Turned into a Flame | Yisrael Lewinsky | 261 |
At the Rabbi's Table | Pinchas Broder | 266 |
His Strength of Spirit | Sender Sickowsky | 267 |
The Prophesy of the Rabbi | Yosef Krulewicky | 268 |
The Rabbi of Zambrow Spoke | Chaim Groda | 269 |
Rabbi Aharon Yaakov Klopfisz, the Rabbi's Son-in-law | Y. Masheoli | 271 |
Rabbinical Judges | ||
Rabbi Zalman Kaplan | 276 | |
Shepsl the Judge | 277 | |
Rabbi Avraham Goronczyk of blessed memory | 278 | |
The Chief Rabbi of the Israel Defence Forces Rabbi Shlomo Goren | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 279 |
Rabbi Yudel Shochet | Yoef Yismach | 281 |
Rabi Berl Nigowczer | 283 | |
Rabbi Leib Rozing | 284 | |
Cantors | ||
Reb Pinchas and his wife Shifra; Reb Shlomo Wismunsky | 285 | |
Preachers (Maggidim) | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 287 |
Reb Elyakim Getzel Lewitan | 287 | |
Reb Akiva Rabinowicz | 290 | |
Reb Alter (Moshe-Zalman Orowicz) the Maggid | 291 | |
Shamai Leizer | 292 | |
Chaim-Velvel Pow | 293 | |
Scholarly Women | 295 | |
a. Hashka the Carpenter | 295 | |
b. Beila the Fat | 296 | |
c. Heni-Itka | 298 | |
d. Bluma the Blind | 298 | |
e. Pesha Golombek | 298 | |
f. Grandmother Rivka Gittel | 299 | |
g. Chaya Zukerowicz | 300 | |
h. Women who Received a Pension | 300 | |
i. Malka Cymbel | 301 | |
j. Sheina-Mindel | 301 | |
Scribes Eliezer Pow | 302 | |
D. Education and Culture | 303-349 | |
Yeshiva | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 305 |
Cheders | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 307 |
Bercha Sokol | 307 | |
Fishel | 309 | |
Yeshia the Melamed (teacher) | 309 | |
Thunderstruck | Yisrael Lewinsky | 311 |
Reb Meir Feivel the Melamed | Chaim Ben-Dor | 313 |
Reb Yisrael Lewinsky | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 315 |
From my Notebook | Yisrael Lewinsky, Feivel Zukerowicz | 319 |
A Teacher and Educator | Yaakov Tobiasz | 321 |
The Russian-Yiddish School | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 329 |
The Borochov Yiddish People's School | 329 | |
The Yiddish-Polish People's School | 332 | |
With the Approach of the Holocaust | 333 | |
The Spinoza of Zambrow | Aryeh Kosowsky | 335 |
The Polish Gymnasium in Zambrow | Hershel Slowik | 336 |
Alter Rotenberg | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 338 |
The Library | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 340 |
Dramatic Club | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 348 |
Maccabee | Sh. Gutman | 349 |
E. Folklore | 355-410 | |
From my Childhood | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 357-401 |
a. Statements, Songs, Idioms | 357 | |
b. The Green Jewish Calendar of Zambrow | 375 | |
c. Purim in my Town | 384 | |
d. The Fifth Year | 389 | |
e. The Brogez (Anger) Dance | 393 | |
f. The Miserables | 395 | |
Alter Koti | 395 | |
Avraham Berl Klein | 396 | |
Moshel Kolike | 398 | |
Birech the Mute | 400 | |
Kachke | 400 | |
The Daughter-in-law of the City | Meir Zukerowicz | 401 |
A Story with a Stranger | Yisrael Lewinsky | 405 |
Kometz Aleph O | Mendel Cybelman | 407 |
F. Factions | 411-454 | |
The Zionist Movement prior to the First World War | Y. Lewinsky | 413 |
Renewal of Zionist Activity | 416 | |
Youth Organizations | Shmuel Gutman | 419 |
Poale Zion, Young Zion | 419 | |
Bund | 420 | |
Communism | 420 | |
The Bund Workers' Party | Y. Lewinsky | 421 |
The Renewed Bund | Y. Lewinsky | 424 |
The Workers' Movement | Y. Lewinsky | 429 |
The Poale Zion Movement | Pinchas Bruder | 429 |
Zionist Youth Movements | Tzvi Zamir | 432 |
Hashomer Hatzair Chapter | Yehuda Sreberowicz | 443 |
Zionists | Yaakov Grabes | 444 |
Yitzchak Sucharewicz: The Tree that was Cut in the Midst of its Growth (Yitzchak Sucharowicz) | M. Sabidor | 447 |
Levi Poziner | A. Kosowsky | 448 |
Avraham Hershel Kagan | M. Burstyn | 448-449 |
Michael Jawkowsky | Tz. Zamir | 450 |
Noach Zukerowicz | Tz. Zamir | 452 |
Yechezkel Zamir | 452 | |
Noach Zamir | 452 | |
The Ratowowicz Brothers | 453 | |
Chaim Silberstein, Pesha Furmanowicz | Tz. Zamir | 453 |
G. Families | 455-518 | |
Mashka the Koritker and her son Binyamin Tenenbaum | Yisrael Lewinsky | 458 |
A Chronicle of Three families (From An Oak in the Storm) | Professor Berl Mark | 460 |
a. Between Radzilowa and Zambrow | 460 | |
b. My Grandfather Avraham Moshe Blumerozen and my Grandmother Breincha | 461 | |
c. A Visit to Zambrow | 464 | |
d. Mother Rachel Leah | 466 | |
e. Aunt Sarake and Uncle Aharon-Leibl | 468 | |
f. My Uncle Yitzchak Blomerozen | 467 | |
g. My Uncle Alter Mark | 467 | |
h. Chezki Mark | 468 | |
i. Chezki is Sent to the Far East | 476 | |
j. In the Footsteps of Chezki | 477 | |
Good Jews and Exemplary Farmers | Yehoshua Golombek | 479 |
The Golombek Family | Y. Lewinsky | 480 |
Father's Home | Hershel Slowik | 485 |
Reb Yankel Zukerowicz | Yosef Srebrowicz | 487 |
Gershon Srebrowicz | 489 | |
Reb Shmuelke Wiliamowsky | Y. Lewinsky | 490 |
The Kushar Household | Yosef Jeruzalimsky | 491 |
The Jeruzalimsky Family | Yosef Yerushalmi | 492 |
Reb Avraham Shlomo Czinciol (Fracht) | Yisrael Lewinsky | 494 |
The Golden Flag: Avcha Rakowsky | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 497 |
My Forbears the Martyrs of Hebron | A. Shmuel Gutman | 506 |
Parental Home | Ahuva Greenberg | 508 |
A Jew Travels to the Land of Israel | Recorded by Yisrael Lewinsky from the mouth of his son | 512 |
Binyamin Kanan, Yaakov Shaya Kahn | Y. Lewinsky | 513 |
The Cinowicz Family | Rachel Slocky-Rosenblum | 514 |
Lipman Slowik | Ch. Ben-Dor | 514 |
Baruch Surawicz | Y. Lewinsky | 514 |
Avraham Rozen | Y. Lewinsky | 514 |
Elia Rodniker | Y. Lewinsky | 515 |
Dr. Yosef Feinsilber | Y. Lewinsky | 516 |
Let us Light Candles | Chaya Kosowsky | 518 |
H. Work and Industry | 519-580 | |
Small Scale Industry in Zambrow | Y. Lewinsky | 521 |
Three Mills | Y. Lewinsky | 524 |
Tradesman | Y. Lewinsky | 525 |
The Zambrow Jewish Proletariat | Eliezer Pow | 527 |
Reb Tovia The Candle Lighter | 528 | |
Elinka | Y. Lewinsky | 529 |
My Father Reb Moshe Aharon the Builder | Chaim Ben-Dor | 530 |
My Father Itza the Bricklayer | From his Son Sender, Recorded by Yisrael Lewinsky | 539 |
Reb Nachman Yankel Rotenberg, Wagon Drivers | Yisrael Lewinsky | 540 |
The Shoemaker from Gosz | Y. Lewinsky | 542 |
Yaakov Shlomo Kukawka | Y. Lewinsky | 543 |
Binyumka the Shoemaker | Y. Lewinsky | 544 |
Moshe Yosef the Paver | Yisrael Lewinsky, from the mouth of Sender Sickowsky | 544 |
Noska the Bricklayer | Naomi Blumerozen | 547 |
Yisrael Poiker | Yaakov Grabes | 548 |
Sabbath Festivities | 548 | |
Beila the Milk Woman | Aryeh Kosowsky | 549 |
Shmuelka Zerah and Zundel | A. Kosowsky | 549 |
These I Remember | Tzvi Chagit | 551 |
My Zambrowers -- Yudek Kozak | Mendel Cybelman | 552 |
Herman Yagoda | 552 | |
Markowicz the Lawyer | 553 | |
Betzalel | 553 | |
Social Assisance | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 555 |
Tending to Guests (Hachnasat Orchim) | 555 | |
Medical Aid | 557 | |
Medics (Feldschers) | 558 | |
Physicians | 559 | |
Poorhouse | 560 | |
Ahavat Achim Organization | Yisrael Lewinsky | 560 |
Help and Arrangements for Refugees | Y. Lewinsky | 561 |
Linat Hatzedek | Y. Lewinsky | 562 |
Shlomoke Czinciol | Y. Lewinsky | 564 |
Women's Organization | 564 | |
The Assistance Fund of the Handworkers' Association | 567 | |
Dark Waves are Fast Approaching | 567 | |
Who Knows What Will Happen With Us? | 569 | |
Centas | 569 | |
Beiza Singer | 570 | |
Gemilat Chasadim Fund | 571 | |
Mother, Alta Sokolicha | Chava Sokol | |
Images: Moshe Klopfisz of blessed memory | 577 | |
Chava Sokol | 578 | |
Golda Zarimowska-Rotkowicz | 578 | |
Those Saved from the Nazi Inferno | 579-580 | |
I. Zambrow Natives in the Diaspora | 580-610 | |
Our Brethren in the United States | Mendel Cybelman | 581 |
The Workers' Circle Branch 149 (Zambrower) | Mendel Cybelman | 581 |
The Zambrower Aid Committee in Chicago | Mendel Cybelman | 584 |
The History of the Zambrow Society in the United States | Itche Rozen | 585 |
From the Book of Minutes, 1940-1943 | Yom Tov Lewinsky | 589 |
The Zambrow United Assistance Organization | Moshe Eizer | 594 |
Remarks Yom Tov Lewinsky | 596 | |
Zambrowers in Mexico | Yitzchak Rotberg | 597 |
Zambrowers in the Landsmanschaft Organization of Lomza, Zambrow and Region, Buenos Aires (Argentina) | Boaz Chmiel | 599 |
Chaim Yosef Rodnik (memorial) | 604 | |
Zambrower Organization in Israel | Tzvi Zamir | |
List of Zambrowers in America who Subscribed to the Book | 610 | |
Yisgadal Veyiskadash Shmei Rabba | 611 | |
Memorial Days in the Annals of the City | Y. Lewinsky | 612 |
Yizkor 64 memorials to 400 murdered natives of our city | 613-625 | |
Abridged Content in English | 1-69 |
Yizkor Book Project
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