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List of deceased landsleit in the United States

Translated by Judy Petersen


Surname Given name Place Memorialized by:
  Abraham United States his wife and son Simcha; Mordechai POTSHINKIS grandchildren
OLSHANTZKI Mordechai Aryeh and Yocheved United States Avraham Natan OLSHANTZKI
BERMAN Moshe United States Chaike EPSTEIN BERMAN
HELFMAN Mordechai and Alte United States Harry
YAKOBOWITSCH Chaim United States the family
TENENBAUM Berl and Chaya United States the TENENBAUM family
CHOMSKY Fradel United States Julius, Anna TSHOMSKI and family
NOVIK Tzvi and Gitel United States Gerson Michel NOVIK
SAWITZKI Tzadok United States Gitel SAWITZKI and children
SELETZKI Chaim and Maite United States G. SAWITZKI, H. STEIN, R. FEINBIR and families
SKIDELSKI Malka United States the entire family
EPSTEIN Libe and Esther Leah United States Chaike EPSTEIN–BERMAN and children
POLLAK Shlomo and Sarah Esther United States Yakov, Mordechai, Avraham, Velvel, and Simcha son of Nachum
POLLAK Avigdor United States Chaya REIZEN and the children and family
POMERANIETZ Yisrael United States Golde POMERANIETZ, children, and many friends
FORER Yehuda–Leib United States Rabbi; the family
FORER Yochanan United States the family
FORER Aharon United States the family
ROZSHANSKI Velvel United States parents, siblings and friends
SCHNEIDER Binyamin and Malka United States Itshe, Yankel and Aharon SCHNEIDER
SCHULROF Yakov Shmuel United States the family
SCHEINFOGEL Golde and Motel United States the family
FRIEDMAN Yosel Canada Hanna FRIEDMAN and children
BERESTITZKI–SIROTZKI   Mexico the family
NATANZON Nachum and Blume Israel Moshe NATANZON (United States)
POMERANIETZ Esther Israel the family
POMERANIETZ Asher Israel the family
POMERANIETZ Eliahu Israel the family


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